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教科书选用制度是整个教科书管理制度的重要组成部分。在各国都重视教科书制度的建设和改革的今天,应该借鉴各国,尤其是发达国家教科书选用制度的成功经验,以改进我国的教科书管理。目前,我国教科书选用制度存在着诸多不足。展望我国教科书选用制度改革的发展之路,应采取如下策略:1.使教科书选用制度法制化,保持教科书选用的稳定;2.加强配套措施的改革,为完善教科书选用制度创造条件;3.建立科学、严谨的选用过程,谨慎选用教科书;4.加强教师评价和选择教科书的能力,提高教科书的选用效果。  相似文献   

我国教科书选用问题研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
我国教科书选用问题是我国教材建设新的改革时期出现的新问题、新矛盾。要想搞好我国教科书选用工作,应该做好以下五个方面的工作:加深教科书多样化改革的宣传工作;建立健全教科书选用制度,规范教科书市场;加强教育行政部门对教科书选用和推广的领导与管理;加紧教科书的评价研究,提高对教科书的选择能力;搞好相关领域的配套改革。  相似文献   

教育部:任何单位和个人不得违规干预教科书选用 教育部目前印发《中小学教科书选用管理暂行办法》,《办法》明确,教科书选用应当坚持适宜性,符合本地中小学教学实际;坚持多样化,满足不同地区的需求;坚持公平、公正,保证选用过程规范、有序。小学、初中、高中每一学科教科书版本一经选定使用,在学段周期内,不得中途更换。出现严重违反选用程序规定的、课前没有按时到书的、与教育部审定内容不一致的等情形之一,  相似文献   

当下,教科书选用机制的现实逻辑主要由"差序格局"呈现的教科书选用主体、国家意志表征的教科书选用内容、连带制衡形式的教科书选用过程、短视思维的教科书选用评鉴等构成。利益驱动导致教科书选用的市场化、价值规约导致教科书选用的结构化、地方保护主义导致教科书选用的形式化、文凭社会下教科书选用的功利化,是教科书市场混乱的原因所在。鉴于此,教科书选用权力运作机制的改进,需建立规范有序的市场竞争制度,进一步完善事前参与同事后监督并重的体制,更新教科书选用的观念,提高教师专业素养,加强教科书的配套改革。  相似文献   

王金瑞 《江西教育》2007,(10):11-11
教科书选用的好坏直接关系到基础教育课程改革的成败,因此各设区市对选用教科书都非常重视。各设区市分别于2005年-2006年成立了市县两级义务教育课程标准实验教科书选用委员会,  相似文献   

教科书的编写与审定侧重于教科书的质量问题,而教科书的选用则涉及到人为的运作问题,是最容易滋生腐败的环节。要建立和完善我国义务教育教科书选用制度,需要在分析国内外教科书选用制度的基础上,围绕教科书选用权配置、选用组织机构设置、选用程序设计、选用法制建设等方面进行系统的思考。  相似文献   

教科书的编写与审定侧重于教科书的质量问题,而教科书的选用则涉及到人为的运作问题,是最容易滋生腐败的环节.要建立和完善我国义务教育教科书选用制度,需要在分析国内外教科书选用制度的基础上,围绕教科书选用权配置、选用组织机构设置、选用程序设计、选用法制建设等方面进行系统的思考.  相似文献   

建立由教育行政部门及专家指导下的教科书选用制度十分必要.教科书选用制度除教科书的使用问题外,还涉及诸如选用权配置、选用组织机构设置、选用程序设计、选用制度建设等。教科书选用的制度化和法制化将有利于保障义务教育公益性的实现。  相似文献   

我国中小学教材教秆书实行编审制,地方教育行政部门和部分有条件的学校被赋予一些选用教材的权利,在这种情况下,如何选用教科书的重要性便凸显出来。我国当下教科书制度仍然存在评用分离的问题。教科书选用权还主要掌控在教育行政部门手中,教科书的直接使用者——学校和教师,特别是教师在教科书的选用方面一直处于失语状态。因此,有必要对教师参与教科书选用的意义、教师对教科书的选评标准及教师参与教科书选用的保证机制等几方面展开分析,以期对发挥教师选用教科书的主体作用有所裨益。  相似文献   

新一轮基础教育课程改革强调中小学教科书的多样化,各地如何结合实际选用合适的教科书成为问题焦点,立足于选用的中小学教科书评价自然备受关注。但目前的教科书选用评价存在着评价目标不明确、评价标准欠科学、理论视角比较单一、对“学生的学”关注不够等多方面的问题。教科书评价的不完善直接影响到教科书选用的有序进行。  相似文献   

Open educational resources (OER) can make educational resources widely available to all students and educators for free; however, OER are still untried in many academic programmes in higher education. This article reports a case of adoption of an open access textbook for an introductory information systems course and discusses the process and suggestions of adoption of an OER textbook based upon the authors’ own experience. The study indicates that the process of adoption of an open access textbook demands more intellectual work on the instructors’ side in comparison with the adoption of a new commercial textbook. The study suggests that discipline-based communities of practice (CoP) can ease the workload problem in the process of adopting OER textbooks. The findings are important in encouraging the OER community to shift from project-based OER textbook development to discipline-based CoP for effective OER textbook adoption.  相似文献   

Rising textbook costs have prompted the development of open-source textbooks to increase access to education. The purpose of this case report is to examine open-source textbook adoption through the COUP framework (costs, outcomes, use, and perceptions) comparing a semester with a commercial textbook to a semester with an open-source textbook. Students (N = 520) were enrolled in an undergraduate course at a mid-sized public university in the United States. Results indicated that although costs were substantially lower, student learning outcomes and perceptions of quality were similar or better with an open-source textbook. Although students were much more likely to access the open-source textbook electronically, there were no differences in how they reported using the two textbooks to support their learning. Considering the financial savings of open-source textbooks, these findings build on existing empirical support that encourage the adoption of open-source textbooks.  相似文献   

关于新形势下改进高校教材管理工作的思考   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
随着高等学校教学改革的深入与完全学分制的全面推行,高校教材建设明显滞后。加强和改进教材管理工作必须更新观念,建立良好的运行机制,完善信息系统,做到科学管理。  相似文献   

This research builds a new model by drawing upon e‐textbook adoption models developed in two recent publications, which share similarities but have different findings. Although they both achieve positive results, these two prior e‐textbook studies employ different methods and background theories. This research bridges these earlier models and develops a third, parsimonious, blended model for e‐textbook adoption. Using a survey of undergraduate students, the authors first assess each model independently. Broadening the diversity of the sample population yields results that are similar, yet slightly different from those found in the prior two studies. Next, this study develops a single blended, parsimonious model that explains a higher proportion of the variance than the prior studies with just three constructs: perceived usefulness, hedonic motivation, and habit. In addition to developing and testing a new parsimonious model, this research provides theoretical and practical guidance for e‐textbook usage.  相似文献   

开放、民主、多样化:韩国教科书制度新走向   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着韩国教育管理体制和课程改革的深入推进,教科书制度也不断变革.文章从教科书编写、检定及认定、选用、出版发行及价格规定等几个方面阐述了韩国现行教科书制度正走向开放、民主和多样化,以期为我国新课改中教科书制度改革提供有益的借鉴.  相似文献   

Students have been slow to adopt e‐textbooks even though they are often less expensive than traditional textbooks. Prior e‐textbook research has focused on adoption behavior, with little research to date on how students perceive e‐textbooks fitting their needs. This work builds upon Task‐Technology Fit (TTF) and Consumer Acceptance and Use of Technology (UTAUT2) theory to present a student‐perspective model of e‐textbook usage. By contextualizing TTF and UTAUT2 to e‐textbooks, the research fills a gap in the literature and provides guidance to researchers and practitioners. The goal of the research is to understand how students perceive their task of learning to fit with e‐textbook technology, and how that fit influences e‐textbook usage and expected performance in their classes. To achieve this goal, the research develops a model to test the relationship between perceived TTF of e‐textbooks and UTAUT2‐defined user characteristics that encourage adoption behaviors, thus facilitating student learning. The findings show that four factors impact a student's perceived TTF: substitution, habit, hedonic motivation, and facilitating conditions. Furthermore, perceived TTF positively correlates with students’ e‐textbook usage and expected performance in classes when using e‐textbooks. While price value exhibits a measurable effect on e‐textbook utilization, it is a minor factor.  相似文献   

日本教科书制度主要包括编写、检定、选用、供应等四个方面。随着政治经济体制、教育管理体制及课程改革的变迁,日本教科书制度出现了一些问题。完善其不足并逐渐走向民主、开放、多样性,是日本教科书制度改革与发展的趋势。  相似文献   

The contribution of the e‐textbooks can be enormous considering their additional supporting features, but adoption has not crystallized yet. This study examines the relevant experiences of college students in terms of how the use of e‐textbooks may enhance their learning. A survey study was conducted to measure the perceptions of each student on how helpful an e‐textbook is for facilitating learning (i.e., E‐book Helpfulness), how well it promotes his/her involvement in learning (i.e., Student Involvement), and how much improvement it makes on learning outcome (i.e., Learning Outcome). Results indicate that e‐textbooks are perceived as enhancers of student learning experiences in two complementing routes: (1) E‐textbook Helpfulness enhances students’ learning outcomes directly and (2) Student Involvement plays an important mediating role between E‐textbook Helpfulness and Learning Outcome if students use e‐textbooks in class. These findings suggest that the successful adoption of e‐textbooks requires schools to provide necessary resources (e.g., computer labs) and instructors to actively engage students in using e‐textbooks.  相似文献   

This article reports the results of a survey conducted in the fall of 1997. The purpose of this study was to survey the extant policies in civics and values education across the 50 United States. The survey addressed three areas concerning civics and values education: curriculum, textbook selection, and teacher licensure. The findings were: One, most states mandate or suggest civics education curriculum and policies while many fewer states have curriculum and policies addressing values education. Two, many states have teacher licensure requirements for civics instruction at the secondary level; however, no teacher licensure policies exist with respect to the instruction of values. Three, states are almost equally divided between the state‐adoption and local‐control methods of textbook adoption. The authors discuss six important trends and issues that emerge from this survey.  相似文献   

高等院校公共体育课的教学已把健美操列为女生教材主要内容之一,对此,本文在教师对教材的选择及教学方法的使用作了具体的阐述。  相似文献   

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