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In a context where the role of the teacher and teacher education are undergoing considerable change, the role of educational psychology in teacher preparation is discussed within a new framework. Educational psychology is now perceived as an inherent component within teacher training and professional development, having previously been an additional course and often considered irrelevant to teaching practice. The current paper discusses the relationship between educational psychology and teacher preparation. Educational psychology's contribution to teachers' professional development is delineated through the constructs of teachers' prior beliefs about teaching, reflective practice and self‐efficacy, while its contribution to the improvement of teacher–pupil interaction is viewed through the lenses of instruction theories, social and emotional learning, special educational needs and classroom management. It is argued that through a productive dialectic dialogue between educational psychology and education, educational psychology provides the knowledge defined by its field to be utilized by teachers, whereas at the same time, teachers gain a wider reconceptualization of their practice.  相似文献   

胡宜平 《宜春学院学报》2007,29(5):138-141,149
EFL教师专业化是英语教师教育改革的核心,专业化的基础理论必须在职前的学习中得到整合,它包含语言学、教育学、心理学、社会学等相关学科理论。通过在反思性教学、课堂观摩教学、微观教学和教育实习中对整合理论的综合应用,使得相关性理论与系统性理论、理论知识与实践知识在外语教学法教学中得到整合,构建扎实的理论基础,加速专业化发展进程。  相似文献   

Researchers worldwide have emphasized the critical role of teacher education in preparing teachers to respond in a professional manner to the prevailing discourse of accountability. We aimed to investigate the influence of initial teacher training programmes on agency, as part of the professional autonomy of early childhood teachers, vis-à-vis their impacts on teachers’ specific professional expertise. Drawing on qualitative data, we elucidate the vital role of early childhood teachers’ expertise in fostering their agency and the importance of teacher education for the development of this expertise. A quantitative follow-up study supports the qualitative findings. Implications for practice are discussed.  相似文献   

The relationship between psychology and education may be expressed in terms of two general models: the traditional hierarchical model, according to which psychology is the “parent” discipline; and a parallel model, in which the relationship between “pure” theory and its application is metaphoric rather than paradigmatic. The hierarchical model, however, does not hold even for such a “tight” area as behavior modification, let alone for educational practice in general.Educational practice, as a professional enterprise, should be guided by a consistent set of constructs taken from the practitioner's universe of discourse. The professionalization of education has been delayed because of attempts, mostly vain, to guide practice by applying constructs derived from other disciplines. Other disciplines, notably psychology, can be useful for education but in a metaphoric sense only. “Educology” is suggested as a convenient term for the set of constructs that should give coherence to educational decision-making.  相似文献   

教育心理学是教师教育的必修课程,是提升职前教师和教师教育者专业素质的关键所在,教育心理学教材更是其课程内容组成和实施的重要载体。本文选取中美两国各五本教育心理学教材,比较了其在知识结构、编排体例、呈现方式三方面的异同,总结出三条结论:宏观知识体系趋向一致,知识单元各具特色;编排体例随教学理念革新,形式灵活适学;插图案例活动种类丰富,种类背后仍存差异。在此基础上提出教材编写的三条建议:立足本土,夯实内容;网络为翼,丰富形式;以生为本,加强实践。  相似文献   

小学教育本科专业综合性培养模式,脱胎于各教育科学学院原教育学本科专业培养模式,偏重于教育学相关专业课程的学习,与小学所开设的各学科相关的学科课程比例则很低。这在客观上是由各教育科学学院历史形成的师资结构决定的,但也与其在主观上将历史局限加以合理化,片面强调小学教育本科专业的综合性,轻视学科课程教育有关。  相似文献   

The question whether the study of education and teacher education belong at a liberal arts college deserves careful consideration. In this essay Bruce Kimball analyzes and finds unpersuasive the three principled rationales that are most often advanced on behalf of excluding educational studies, teacher education, or both from a liberal arts college. Specifically, Kimball argues that no principled definition of the conventional liberal arts disciplines excludes the study of education without barring other fields now regarded as legitimate, and consistency demands that all such fields be excluded if any are. In addition, teacher education, even if considered as merely “craft know‐how” or as professional training, cannot be excluded from liberal arts colleges without arbitrarily classifying it as suspect and subjecting it to strict scrutiny. But the question of whether educational studies or teacher education fit any asserted definition of liberal education does not finally resolve the question of whether they belong in a liberal arts college. Kimball concludes by suggesting that there are moral and prudential reasons for liberal arts colleges to offer teacher education and, concomitantly, the study of education, even apart from the unpersuasive objections that they do not fit a definition of liberal education.  相似文献   

Benton and Hoyt (1989) perform a service for educational psychology by obtaining empirical evidence about educational psychologists' reactions to changes in teacher education proposed by the Holmes Group and the Carnegie Commission. Their paper should serve to stimulate debate about the proper role of educational psychology in teacher education. In this paper, we challenge the empirical findings reported by Benton and Hoyt and suggest reasons why the findings may misrepresent educational psychologists' interest in teacher education. We argue that some of the Holmes and Carnegie recommendations contradict the emerging consensus among cognitive psychologists about the contextually bound nature of knowledge. Benton and Hoyt conceptualize educational psychology according to the traditional middleperson viewpoint and make recommendations with respect to educational psychology that presume this conceptualization. We counter that the middleperson viewpoint is being made obsolete by changes in psychology, and describe an alternative conception of educational psychology. This alternative conception leads to a set of alternative recommendations about the appropriate role of educational psychology in the reform of teacher education.  相似文献   

校本教师教育的认识与实践   总被引:5,自引:3,他引:2  
教师继续教育的重心下移、阵地前移,“为了学校”、“在学校中”、“基于学校”的“校本”理念在广泛的传播并逐步落实到行动之中。形成自主意识、提高专业化水平、生成教育智慧、成为专家型教师成为“校本教师教育的目的”;为了实现这一目的所制订的“校本教师教育内容、措施、制度”构成了校本教师教育的体系。  相似文献   

简单说来,开放教育就是将教育资源开放出来,供学习者自由参考和学习。开放教育包含两个方面的理念:学习资源的共享和学习者的自由选择。地方院校师范类专业构建开放教育体系,是培养服务地方教育的高水平师资和节约教育成本的客观需要,并且在科技水平日益发达的今天也具有现实可行性。哈尔滨学院在此方面进行了广泛地探讨,并在2013版培养方案中体现出来,如增加可选择性课程的分量、凝练专业方向课程、整合教师教育平台课程等。实践证明,师范类专业构建开放教育体系不仅能够实现教育资源共享,还能有效增大学生的选择空间,但在此过程中仍存在一些问题,需要在实践中继续探讨。  相似文献   

当前我国高师教育实践存在的问题及思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
教师职业是一种实践性很强的职业,教育科学所揭示的教育规律、总结出的教育教学方法只有经过师范生的教育实践,才能转变为他们从事教育工作的实际能力。因此,教育实践是高等师范教育贯彻理论联系实际、实现培养目标的不可缺少的教学环节。目前,我国高等师范教育实践在一定程度上存在着过程肤浅,流于形式的弊端。高等师范院校作为培养未来中小学教师的摇篮,只有转变教育实践观念、增加实习机会、加强实习指导教师的培养,才能培养出能适应社会需求的合格教师。  相似文献   

新时期的社会发展对教育提出了更高的要求,幼儿教育改革和新纲要实施的深入,都对幼儿教师的教育提出了新的挑战,而幼儿教师的职前培养对教师的专业化发展和教育水平的提高发挥着重要的影响作用。因此,通过对在职教师教育现状进行调查和分析,总结在职幼儿教师在职业态度、专业能力、专业观念、专业知识、专业技能和研究能力等方面的情况,可以明确不同类型幼儿教师培养机构在对幼儿园所需人才教师培养方面的优势和不足,为各层次幼儿教师的培养提供一定的参考依据,在制定新的培养方案时更加有的放矢,更加具有针对性和实效性。  相似文献   

The 2002 Future of School Psychology Conference called for reform of current models of professional school psychology, including a paradigm shift toward a public health model of practice. This article explores the role of school psychologists in efforts to achieve an integrated public health and public education model for delivering comprehensive school-based mental health services. Building on expertise as psychological and educational consultants, school psychooogists can play a unique role in facilitating the necessary systemic reform and capacity building for comprehensive mental health service delivery. This revised role requires redefining school-based consultation to include consultation for capacity building, and rethinking professional preparation to ensure expertise in public health models, inter-agency and interdisciplinary collaboration, participatory action research, and comprehensive service delivery.  相似文献   

基于伙伴协作促进教师专业发展的实践尝试与省思   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
基础教育课程改革,教师专业发展要求大学与中小学以建立伙伴协作关系的方式实现。通过基于教师专业发展的校本培训实践尝试与省思,开辟教育理论联系实际的有效途径,建立充分发挥教育研究专业人员作用的有效方式,使中小学在与大学合作中获得新的发展力量,促进教育教学知识的生成与建构。  相似文献   

作为培养未来教师的主要基地,师范大学教育学院有责任也有义务认真搞好教师教育。但是,通过调查发现,目前我国师范大学教育学院存在人才培养目标定位狭窄、人才培养层次较低、专业与课程设置脱离基础教育、师资构成不合理等问题。在教师教育大学化、专业化等背景下,师范大学应该采取提高教育学院的整体地位,调整教育学院人才培养目标,提升教育学院人才培养层次,按不同任教阶段、不同学科调整专业和课程,合理调整教师教育师资队伍等策略实现转型。  相似文献   

教师教育课程设置与实施研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
根据师专院校的培养目标,师专院校应努力适应基础教育课程改革和教师专业成长的需要,正确处理好通识教育课程、专业基础课程、学科专业课程、教育专业课程、教育实践课程之间的相互关系,科学构建教师教育课程体系,创造性地进行课程实施,培养有师魂、有底蕴、有特长、能创新的基础教育新师资。  相似文献   

教师教学专长的发展与课堂信息加工能力是教师职业发展研究的重要问题,在近20—30年的时间里,国内外心理学家与教育学家在教师教学专长和课堂信息加工能力发展方面做了大量理论与实验研究,提出了教师教学专长发展与课堂信息加工特点的理论,并发现随着教师专长的发展,教师对各类课堂情境信息的组织和加工速度、准确性、选择注意加工、表征能力以及重要课堂信息的加工能力等方面逐渐提高,这些理论和实证研究对教师教育、制定教师培训方案、教师培训和提高课堂教学效率有重要的指导作用。  相似文献   

伴随人工智能、人机工程学、认知心理学等学科的探索,近年来教育学界对教师教学专长问题的研究也取到了长足的进展,但研究中存在着专长概念窄化、层次划分区分度低、忽视具体的教学情境、淡化教学实践的多样性、田野研究缺乏等问题,致使"教师教学专长"与"教师专业发展"相混淆,相关研究难以再深入下去。科学知识社会学家哈里·柯林斯和科学哲学家休伯特·德雷弗斯分别基于不同的研究样本,采用不同的理论视角与研究方法,对与专长密切相关的知识转移、意会知识、专长分层及其他相关问题均进行了深入、独到的研究,分析、比较两者的探索,对于教师教学专长研究走出目前的研究困境有着重要的理论价值和实践意义。  相似文献   

“顶岗实习,置换培训”是教师教育的一种活动,需要精心组织实施。它创新了钦州学院师范教育的实训模式、师资培训的形式和教师教育的工作机制,激活了教师教育各要素的积极性。它在实施中反映的教师培训联系农村中学不够和师范生教师职业知识和技能的某些缺失,需要钦州学院通过强化服务意识,深化教师教育改革来加强解决;还有“顶岗实习”与“置换培训”的时间选择、范围的扩大等问题,也需要探索。  相似文献   

The role and future directions of the educational psychology services are being re‐examined and there is a drive to build a more integrated system of services for children and young people that incorporates education, health and social care. This qualitative study examines teacher’s perspectives on their professional involvement with educational psychology services. The results indicate that while it was clear that educational psychologists are highly valued by teachers, there are a number of issues that teachers believe constrain service provision. We suggest that greater cross‐system consultation is needed in order to more closely examine how the roles of professionals working in education, health and social care services impact on each other.  相似文献   

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