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现有成绩分析管理系统中包含成绩正态分布校验功能,对教学的分析和评价具有至关重要的作用.在VBA的基础上,给出了峰度、偏度正态校验方法的实现过程,并且在校验前,借鉴经验采用均值等方法对成绩数据进行预处理,在正态校验前剔除掉不符合要求的数据,降低了计算量,提高了计算效率,得到较好的分析效果.  相似文献   

平时成绩是学生总成绩的一个组成部分,每个学期末学生平时成绩的计算是一项主要而繁重的工作,不但计算过程繁琐而且容易出错.针对这些特点,笔者根据在实际工作中使用EXCEL计算成绩的经验,在本文中介绍了如何使用EXCEL自动计算学生平时成绩,不但省时省力而且准确.由于可以借助模板,所以即使是对计算机和EXCEL不熟悉的老师同样可以使用,该方法也可以应用到机关测评的排名等领域.  相似文献   

刘云燕 《考试周刊》2014,(38):89-89
<正>如何在计算教学中处理好算法多样化和算法优化之间的关系,真正使学生能掌握多种算法,同时又能熟练运用最优化方法进行计算,是一直困扰教师的一大难题。在"20以内退位减法"的教学中我尝试把二者有机结合,取得了一定的成绩,下面谈谈教学心得。一、鼓励学生积极思考,提倡算法多样化"由于学生生活背景和思考角度不同,所使用的方法必然是多样的,教师应尊重学生的想法,鼓励学生独立思考,提倡计算方法的多样化"。  相似文献   

Excel是一个具有强大数据处理功能的电子表格软件,MATLAB是一套可以实现统计等功能的数值计算软件,二者的联合使用能高效而准确地完成对学生成绩的统计、分析和处理。文章详细介绍了利用Excel和MATLAB实现对学生成绩统计与试卷分析程序化的方法,从而极大地提高成绩处理的效率和准确率。  相似文献   

池蕾 《考试周刊》2010,(13):148-149
在日常的教学管理过程中,成绩的管理是举足轻重的环节。本文作者通过调用Excel内置函数,计算最高分、最低分、平均分,以及各分数段的人数,使用电子表格快速准确的完成学生成绩汇总和分析,提高了工作效率,减少了计算错误。  相似文献   

计算训练法综合了最常见的间歇训练、重复训练和持续训练,用一些经过微机处理的"速度表",来确定不同项目、不同水平的运动员在训练课中所要应用的速度、重复次数和间歇时间。"速度表"配合"成绩得分表"的使用,可以使教练员和运动员有更广泛的选择机会,为各种能力的运动员制定适合他们个人特点的训练课时计划。本文着重介绍"成绩得分表"和"速度表"。  相似文献   

"两课"是对大学生进行思想政治教育的主渠道主阵地,只有努力提高教师自身素质、在教学过程中实现主客体的双向互动和对学生成绩进行综合评定,才能做到优化"两课"教学,实现我们的教学目的.  相似文献   

采用有声思维实验考察英语专业八级翻译过程的策略使用情况及其与成绩的关系.结果表明:"回译"和"重组译文"策略在英汉互译过程中都未被使用;"释义原文片段"策略在汉译英时明显比在英译汉时使用频繁;优、良、合格组在策略使用量上呈递减趋势,且在"句法重组"、"进行言外判断"、"接受直觉判断"和"筛选备选译文"这四种策略的使用上存在显著差异,它们与语篇、语境和语感有关,并对成绩有显著的预测性.  相似文献   

<正>成绩没有达到预期的目标,大部分学生甚至教师都认为是计算惹的"祸",理所当然地把"计算错误"归咎给数学教学,计算能力的培养也就成了数学教学中的老大难问题.简单的机械性计算只是运算能力的一小部分,二者并不等同,运算能力涉及计算中的基础知识的运用,计算中的数据分析,计算中的优化调整等方面.在数学学习中,很多同学不明机理,不顾及运算目标,盲目推理演算,缺乏选择合理、简洁的运算途径的意识,运算过程烦琐,错误率高,不少老师和学  相似文献   

根据《国家学生体质健康标准》测试的有关要求,在Excel电子表格中建立了测试成绩统计表;介绍了测试数据的输入、核对及各测试项目得分和对应等级的输入方式;对总分的计算、总体评价等级的确定及各评价等级比例计算等方面的实现进行了详细说明.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to determine parents’ and teachers’ perceptions of standards-based and traditional report cards. Participants included 115 parents/guardians of students from a single, midsize school district that had implemented a standards-based report card. During the first two marking periods, all parents/guardians received both a traditional report card in which teachers assigned a single overall grade for each subject and a standards-based report card that included marks for individual standards within subjects. After midyear, parents were asked to complete a survey that asked which form they preferred and the reasons for their preference. Three hundred and eighty three teachers from two nearby midsize school districts considering the adoption of the same standards-based report card completed a similar survey. Parents overwhelmingly preferred the standards-based form. The teachers considering the adoption of a standards based report card were positive overall, but significantly less than the parents who had received them.  相似文献   

This paper describes daily report cards and the evidence relating to their use in schools for children with attention‐deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). This intervention typically involves teachers evaluating a student's behaviour at school against pre‐determined targets and parents subsequently providing reinforcement at home for positive reports. Research suggests that the daily report card has been effective in treating a range of ADHD symptoms and improving school outcomes, including academic achievement in some cases. The daily report card also encourages collaboration between teachers and parents, and evidence suggests that the intervention benefits from the inclusion of reinforcement at home. Daily report cards are easy to implement and research finds that teachers consider them an acceptable intervention for ADHD. This paper also considers challenges in using daily report cards, including barriers to their use over the long‐term and the risk of stigma for children with a report card. Ideas to address these issues are suggested.  相似文献   

根据上级通知要求,自2006年起,各地安排高职院校对口招收中等职业教育应届毕业生的规模,要适当控制,这对中等职业教育是一次巨大的考验。本课题研究报告以近五年的实际工作为依托,对没有形成规模优势的职业学校的发展,提出了如何落实“以就业为导向”办学方针的一种思路,因而在2006年3月被淄博市教育科学研究所鉴定通过为优秀课题。  相似文献   

高职院校经过十多年的建设与发展,其办学内涵与人才培养能力日益得到提高,社会服务能力显著增强。为了更好地适应教育信息化改革与规划的时代要求,高职院校数字校园建设正如火如荼的开展,"校园一卡通"建设也逐步扩展到学校教学、科研、管理和服务的各个领域。本文试图结合高职院校"校园一卡通"建设与实施的调查与分析,总结高职院校"校园一卡通"建设过程中应当注意的问题,以便更好地提高高职院校管理水平和竞争力。  相似文献   

"三明治"人才培养模式起源于英国,其主要模式为"学校(理论)——企业(实践)——学校(理论)",是全英认可的教学模式。目前在国内还未见有实践成效的报道,大多停留在理论探讨阶段。我校在06级机械设计制造及其自动化专业中试行该培养模式,介绍我校该人才培养模式的出台背景、遵循的原则、框架结构及存在的问题。  相似文献   

Student performance is related to motivation to learn. As motivation generally declines during lower secondary education, one might expect performance to decline as well during this period. Though, until now, it has been unclear whether this pattern exists. In the present study, we examined student performance during the early years of secondary education from a developmental perspective. Participants were 1544 Dutch secondary school students across three grades (grades 7 to 9). To investigate student performance trends, we analysed report card grades by using hierarchical linear modelling with two levels (level 1, time point; level 2, student). Potential moderators to be examined were (1) gender, (2) school type and (3) initial level. A linear decline in report card grades from grade 7 to 9 was found for boys and girls, in all school types, and regardless of initial level. Two variables moderated the steepness of the decline: school type and initial level. Gender and school type had a main effect on performance level. The same pattern was observed for the subset of ‘core subjects’—Dutch, English and mathematics. Motivational and cognitive factors that may explain the performance decline are discussed.  相似文献   

The study investigated how well report card grades communicate to students and parents that state educational standards are being met, standards that are objectively measured by infrequently administered mandated assessments. Data sources were report card grades and external assessment scores for 2006–09 for Ontario Canada. The information that parents and students received about student performance from report cards and external assessments were similar (r s  = .47) to the r = .40–.60 range previously reported. Teachers assigned higher grades than external assessments warranted, even after a major source of construct irrelevant variance in report card grades (teacher ratings on multiple scales measuring student effort and school commitment) was controlled. The relationship of grades to assessment scores was robust across genders, school district types (Public versus Catholic) and language (English and French). Agreement of assessments was higher for grade 6 than for grade 3 and for Writing than for Reading or Mathematics. Report cards provided information about students’ future achievement that was accurate and delivered up to 2 years prior to the administration of external assessments. Seventy to 80% of students who reached the provincial achievement standard on one or both prior report cards were successful on the subsequent external assessment, compared to 30–50% of students who failed to meet the report card standard at least once.  相似文献   

“鸳鸯蝴蝶派”的兴起不是偶然的。作为上海这个自开埠以来经济与化发展最为迅猛,半封建半殖民地特征最为明显的大都市的社会生活,既为这派学准备了客观的历史条件,也为它的发展和繁衍提供了合适的土壤.  相似文献   

Late in 1959, the Ministry of Education published a report on the situation of youth between the ages of 15 and 18. (89) The focus of the study, also known as the Crowther Report after the chairman of the committee authoring it (90), was the age group that was past the compulsory school age, a large segment of which was already gainfully employed with no further contact with formal education. The report, which contained important reform proposals on the organizational and curricular restructuring of the secondary school system, focused upon the following task, spelled out by the minister: "to consider the education of boys and girls between ages 15 and 18 in relation to the changing social and industrial needs of our society and the needs of its individual citizens, and in particular to consider the balance between these ages at various levels of general and specialized studies and to examine the interrelationship of the various stages of education." (91)  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to investigate the specific factors teachers consider when assigning students’ report card grades. Data were gathered from 943 K-12 teachers from five school districts in a southeastern state in the United States who completed the Teachers’ Grading Practices Survey. Analyses focused on how teachers weigh different factors in determining report card grades, and if these factors and weights differ among teachers who teach at different grade levels and have different amounts of classroom experience. Results revealed statistically significant differences among teachers at different grade levels but no differences associated with teachers’ years of experience and no interaction effect. Differences by grade level were evident in teachers’ consideration of both cognitive and non-cognitive factors of students’ performance. Implications are discussed for improving grading policies and practices, teacher education and teacher professional development.  相似文献   

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