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中学生中存在着学科弱势,学科弱势的成因是复杂的。有效合理的自主学习方法是弥补化学学科弱势的保障;激发兴趣对提升化学弱势来说至关重要,可以通过教师的人格魅力、实验的神奇现象、畅如流水的教学等激发学生的学习兴趣;信心是弥补化学弱势的原动力,可以通过探究性问题的设置与解决,引导学生在发现问题与解决问题的过程中,重树弥补化学弱势的信心  相似文献   

潘晓燕 《考试周刊》2011,(90):229-229
在教学工作中,如何增强职业高中化学课堂教学效果,作者总结了五点方法,以提高学生学习信心、学习兴趣。  相似文献   

李志刚 《考试周刊》2011,(46):184-185
对学生而言,学习兴趣是探求知识、培养习惯、增强信心和形成素养的动力源泉。初三化学老师应当在认真传授学科知识的同时,从开始就注重对化学学习兴趣的激发和培养,并因势利导,促使学生把兴趣逐步转化成乐趣、志趣,从而形成初步的化学科学素养,为他们今后更好地学用化学、发展化学和创造化学发挥教育启蒙作用。  相似文献   

进入初三,我们将学习一门新的学科——化学。怎样才能学好化学呢?一、树立信心——学好化学的前提信心是事业的内驱力,是成功的前提。我们知道,作为战斗员。要夺取战争的胜利,必须树立“不战则罢,战则必胜”的信心,否则,是不和能战胜敌人的。学习也是一样,每学一门新课之前,要树立“学必学好”的信心,不能认为新课难学、学不好,要相信自己的能量。二、培养兴趣——学好化学的保证“热爱是最好的老师”,只有时事物产生兴趣,才会热爱它。化学世界千变万化,各种现象合彩纷呈,它会带你进入一个神奇的王国。化学与人们生活息息相…  相似文献   

孙丽梅 《考试周刊》2010,(35):198-199
本文作者根据多年的教学实践,谈谈如何激发学生的学习兴趣、培养学生的学习信心、调整学生的学习心态与方法,做好初高中化学的衔接教学。  相似文献   

本文结合学困生的特点,深入分析了他们在化学学习中产生学习困难的原因,并根据具体情况,提出结合化学学科的特点,从基础入手,引发学生学习化学的兴趣,采用分层教学,逐步引导的策略,让学生逐步建立学习化学的兴趣和信心。  相似文献   

本文以“燃烧条件”的探究为例,通过在一定情境中扮演角色来组织开展教学,有效提高了课堂效率,增强学生学习化学的兴趣和学好化学的信心.新课程标准明确化学学科的理念是“使每一个学生以愉快的心情去学习生动有趣的化学,激励学生积极探究化学变化的奥秘,增强学生学习化学的兴趣和学好化学的信心”.化学学科最大的特点是和生活实际联系密切,如果能够将这个特点很好地利用到教学实践中,既有利于学生更好地理解课堂的知识,  相似文献   

周晓霞 《考试周刊》2012,(15):143-143
化学是推动社会发展的一门重要学科,学生学好化学非常重要。在化学学习的过程中,教师应肾密联系现实生活。激发学生的学习兴趣,开展丰富多彩的课外活动。多媒体教学有利于提高学生学习的兴趣,增强学生提问的信心,增强学生的求知欲望.从而激发学生学习化学的兴趣。  相似文献   

化学专业英语教学初探——词汇构造法   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
阐述了化学专业英语词荡的构造规律,以增加学生的学习兴趣和信心,减轻学生的学习负担。  相似文献   

“化学难学”是高中学生特别是高一新生普遍反映的问题。学生在初中学习化学时成绩普遍较好,学习化学的信心也较足。但是一些在初中化学成绩较好的学生,甚至在中考化学取得优秀成绩的学生。经过高中一段时间的学习后,化学成绩却呈下降趋势,甚至丧失了学习化学的信心和兴趣。很多老师在为学生总结时就会说:“你的初高中衔接出现了问题。”  相似文献   

This article examines and critiques the leadership capacity of department leaders in a high school and attempts to gain a deeper understanding of how department leaders perceive their role as teacher leaders, making a distinction between what an individual department leader does in his or her position and teacher leadership as a form of continuous learning and innovation through collaboration. How do department leaders practice leadership to improve student learning? The author provides an investigation and analysis of the current level of leadership capacity exhibited by department leaders in a high school. A close look at the role and function of department leaders in this high school reveals an absence of the teacher leadership necessary to promote the broad-based leadership capacity that results in improved student achievement.  相似文献   

Every person in the physical education disciplines must become an advocate for social justice. This entails realistic self-examination, awareness of unearned privilege, and an open-hearted willingness to grasp the myriad cultural influences upon human communication, construction of knowledge, identity, and valuing. Rejection of a system in which a few can impose their wills upon all others, knowingly or not, is a radical act that can facilitate comprehension of the strengths that lie in people's differences, as well as in their similarities. Commitment to social justice should permeate scholarly, cumcular, and professional activities. This will enrich the disciplines, place physical education professionals in the mainstream of an increasingly diverse society, and support the dignity and rights of each colleague and student.  相似文献   

This paper develops the thesis that the educational semiotic described by Cunningham offers an interesting perspective from which to view educational issues, but it offers little in the way of practical approaches to educational problems. After agreeing with Cunningham's argument that knowledge is constructed rather than received, the paper goes on to state three concerns about an educational semiotic: (a) The theory has the wrong architecture, (b) the theory is too powerful, and (c) the theory has no practical use. The paper closes with the observation that an educational semiotic must become more specific and it must provide empirical demonstrations of practical utility if it is to pose a challenge to currently prevailing theories.  相似文献   


This paper uses the experience of urban life as both a documentary and an impressionist source in the writing of a biography. Drawing on a biography of Margaret Haley, the turn-of-the-century leader of the Chicago Teachers' Federation, and the author's autobiographical reflections, the city is used not only as a resource that provides historical data, but also as an influence on the lives of urban women. The subject's relationship with the city in which she lived is used as an interpretative device.  相似文献   

高校后勤工作的本质是对高等教育起服务、保障、支持作用的高校组织活动,具有后勤工作的服务性、后勤服务的价值性、后勤劳动的社会性、后勤系统的可分离性、后勤实体的企业性、后勤体系的教育性等特征。高校后勤工作还起着服务、管理、经营、育人作用。因此,高校后勤工作在高等教育中占有基础地位、支持地位和窗口反映的重要位置。  相似文献   

In this paper, I explore the insights suggested by Michele Borrelli's ‘The Utopianisation of Critique’ in the context of a real‐life educational encounter that involves an attempt at being ‘critical’. Borrelli's observation that all positive utopian critique implies an inevitable degree of dogmatism takes on a new—and less depressing—significance when examined in the light of such an encounter. Acknowledging the tensions suggested by Borelli's analysis is, I argue, what makes a particular educational stance ‘critical’. Rather than leading to conceptual confusion, this should be seen as integral to the transformative and motivational potential of the educational process.  相似文献   

The aims and values of Olympism are briefly examined. Sport is then described as an inherently worthwhile practice, concemed with its own goals, standards, and traditions. The place of sport in relation to education and the curriculum is discussed, and the role of the teacher of sport as “educator” is clarified by reference to four points: (a) the teacher as an initiator into and as a guardian of the practice view of sport; (b) the teacher as an enlightened leader of discussion; (c) the teacher as a provider of individual pastoral care; and (d) the teacher as exemplar of the values to which a commitment has been made. The final section is concemed with the relationship between Olympism and sport as a form of education.  相似文献   

She has published articles on children's literature in relationship to critical theory, and is an officer in the Children's Literature Association.  相似文献   


Despite the widespread promotion of the global school, it remains unclear as to how citizenship education (global citizenship education, GCE) is developed. Educational bodies such as UNESCO, Oxfam, and the International Baccalaureate are in the full throws of developing models for GCE yet questions remain as to how such a sweeping notion might take effect. Educational frameworks replete with theoretical, political, pedagogical, and methodological conundrums permeate much global education discourse. Modes of GCE thinking range from post-colonial perspective, critical perspectives, postmodernism as well as an oratory utopianism. This article presents an alternate model of GCE promoting both technology and art as complicit in the exacting of a multifaceted GCE. The balancing of art and technology, as demonstrated, presents an ontological stance that acts as a foundation for the Proto-Global Citizen or ‘Weltburger’. This article aims to support educators seeking a further means of conceptualising GCE embodying diversification while embracing a GCE consciousness. Furthermore, the development of GCE through art and technology creates an opportunity for educators to realign disciplinary focus in light of the increasing incentive for schools to ‘go global’.  相似文献   

Mercy Otis Warren's dramatic sketch, “The Defeat,” portrays some of the heroes and villians in the movement for colonial independence. “The Defeat” capitalized on widely held values, beliefs, and attitudes in the Massachusetts colony and established Warren as an effective propagandist early in the 1770's.  相似文献   

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