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This is the first of two articles that examine the utility of higher education research to help guide campus-based interventions to enhance institutional effectiveness. This first article describes the organizational context and sequence of events, which set the stage for the interventions that were implemented at this public research university. It next delineates the interventions implemented in areas related to enrollment management. Finally, the first article describes the effects of these interventions. The second article, which follows immediately in this issue, outlines programmatic efforts undertaken to enhance the quality of the first-year experience for new students.  相似文献   

目前我国高校开展院校研究取得了一定的进展亦存在一些问题;通过分析美国高校开展院校研究的历史经验,可以得出我国高校开展院校研究的对策性建议:组织化、制度化,及其实施的有效途径。  相似文献   

This paper provides an overview of research that I have conducted during my career using data sets collected by offices of institutional research. Many of the examples discussed in the paper deal with graduate education. The paper illustrates how valuable the data collection efforts by these offices are to academic researchers interested in helping to formulate institutional, state and national higher education policies. It concludes with suggestions for how the usefulness of institutional researchers to colleges and universities can be improved and stresses that institutional researchers and administrators would be wise to involve more faculty members in research that aids in institutional decision making and the formulation of public policy towards higher education.  相似文献   

院校研究是在一定的理论观照下,应用科学的方法和程式(特别是定量分析的方法和程式),对单个高等院校运行中的实际问题进行分析评估论证,从而直接服务于该校管理决策的一种研究范式。分析院校研究的实质和我国高校中高教研究所的功能,可从理论和实践两个层面论证有效开展院校研究的必要前提条件,即以科学发展观实现高等教育的制度创新。  相似文献   

文章将对院校研究理论构建的诸多前提性问题进行初步探讨,结合高等教育理论体系构建、中国特色院校研究实践,论述了院校研究理论构建的必要性,将院校研究实践与理论构建结合起来,有助于在中国文化传统和高校治理环境下,进一步推动院校研究的开展,为高校管理科学化提供决策支持。  相似文献   

美国高等教育发展进程中的院校研究   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
“院校研究”是流行于美国高等教育领域的一个重要术语。美国高等教育发展进程中的每一次重大变化都对院校研究实践产生了直接或间接的影响。院校研究在美国的产生和发展源于来自高等学校内部和外部两个方面的驱动力。高等学校基于改进院校管理的需要是院校研究得以产生的内在动力,而政府和社会公众对于高等教育质量和效益的关注所施加于高等学校的压力,则是推进美国院校研究大规模、制度化开展的根本原因。几十年来,院校研究的功能和领域不断扩展,为美国高等学校改进管理决策、提高办学效益、履行说明责任、赢得外部支持发挥了应有的作用。  相似文献   

通过对中美两国高等教育体制、大众化阶段、数据收集等方面的比较,认为院校研究应坚持中国本位,借鉴美国经验,构建中国自己的院校研究系统,为中国高校的发展和决策提供信息和咨询服务。  相似文献   

高校合并前后科研生产率动态变化的Malmquist指数分析   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
高校合并的高潮已渐渐平息,合并的成效成为研究者关注的焦点。本文Malmquist指数刻画我国高校合并前后整体科研生产率的动态变化,并进行“追赶效应”、“规模效应”和“增长效应”分解。基于实证分析结果指出,技术进步与创新是提高我国高校科研生产率、推动科技能力进步的重要因素。  相似文献   

开展院校研究是民办高校进行个性化定位、管理科学化、实现内涵式发展的必然要求,也是民办高校实现可持续发展的重要保障。民办高校充分的办学自主权、灵活的办学机制,以及管理者强烈的优患意识,是其开展院校研究的有利条件。民办高校开展院校研究可以从成立机构、培养队伍、建立院校信息数据库、创设环境、学习创新等五个方面着手。  相似文献   

Based on a survey of 243 New England colleges and universities, this article is designed to contribute to an understanding of the current and projected roles of institutional research and to discuss the implications of these roles for the education and training of future institutional researchers. Results from this study reveal the strongest relationships between the institution's size and the scope of the institutional research function, the reporting relationship, and the size and the qualifications of the institutional research staff. Multivariate analysis identifies the size of the institutional staff and the qualifications of the institutional director as significant predictors of involvement in planning and policy studies. These data indicate the need to enhance the presence, qualifications, and level of activity of institutional researchers in order to enhance the contribution to institutional decision making particularly among small institutions. Recommendations are offered to achieve these goals and prepare the institutional research profession for the challenges confronting higher education now and in the 21st century.  相似文献   

近些年来,我国高等教育捐赠事业尽管取得很大进步,但与美国高等教育捐赠事业发展水平相比仍然存在一定的差距。从制度环境的视角,就中美两国高校社会捐赠的社会传统文化、法律制度环境以及监管制度环境三面进行比较研究,借鉴美国相关经验,同时结合我国实际,可得出供我国高校慈善捐赠事业发展的启示,能在一定程度上提高我国高校社会捐赠事业的发展水平。  相似文献   

我国民办高教的发展过程是民办高教制度变迁的过程,但截止目前,我国民办高教的制度环境尚存在诸多问题,集中体现为制度供给问题。因此,解决由于制度供给而造成的制度环境与民办高教发展的实践脱节的问题成为推进我国民办高教健康发展的当务之急。  相似文献   

This article describes the emergence of higher education as a field of research, scholarship and study. In the first part, the meaning of higher education as a field of research is defined contrasting Europe and the US. Then, the institutional basis of higher education research in Europe is analysed (learned societies, institutes and centres, professorships, journals, study programmes). In the second part, the main areas of research and knowledge production are discussed, while the third focuses on the relationships between higher education research, policy and practice. The article ends with sections on future perspectives and conclusions.  相似文献   

思想政治教育研究需要从制度理论的视野出发,厘清制度的思想政治教育功能。制度思想政治教育源于制度的内在功能和人与社会发展的根本要求。由于现代社会转型所引发的制度变革,在一定程度上消解了思想政治教育的制度基础。所以,只有立足于思想政治教育的现代性遭遇,有意识地把社会制度建设纳入到思想政治教育体系中去,创新制度思想政治教育的方式,才能提高思想政治教育的有效性。  相似文献   

American universities receive millions of dollars worth of media exposure every year via Public Service Announcements (PSAs) broadcast during their respective school's athletic competitions. This research explores the message strategies and executional devices used by NCAA FBS (National Collegiate Athletic Association Football Bowl Subdivision) classification schools during the 2010 football season. This study is the most comprehensive content analysis of this subject matter to date. 115 PSAs were examined, representing 111 of the 120 schools which comprise this tier of American higher education institutions. 51 variables were operationalised and are detailed in this article. These variables include messaging specific to institutional communications, as well as common creative approaches used within television advertising. Findings suggest that there is indeed a ‘sea of sameness’ across these communications and that few schools are creating unique messages. This article continues the theoretical work in this field by refining extant models for communication messages employed by higher education institutions.  相似文献   

院校研究作为高等教育领域新的研究范式,已经引起人们的高度关注.新建本科院校迫切需要开展院校研究,以提升办学水平.在机构设置、研究主体、激励机制及成果展现等方面,新建本科院校还需要进一步探究,使院校研究能够助推学校发展.  相似文献   

高等教育制度变迁中的制度创立者、机遇和预见   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文利用美国和德国高等教育制度变迁的历史比较数据,试图对导致制度变迁的三类因素的普遍性和运行机制进行评价。这些因素是:机遇(或外因)、内因以及理性的人类预见。其中理性预见是引起制度变迁的因素当中最少出现的,笔者例举了制度创立者和政府对制度变迁的干预来加以说明,并讨论了这些干预的相对效果。  相似文献   

现代科学的发展要求进行跨学科的合作与研究,美国研究型大学的跨学科研究中心应运而生.作为现代大学的一种制度创新,跨学科研究中心在推动知识创新的同时,也促进了大学创新力的发展.本文从制度创新的视角,对跨学科研究中心对美国研究型大学创新力发展的推动作用进行分析.  相似文献   

“院校研究”作为一种新的研究领域在我国兴起,标志着我国高等教育研究正在悄悄转向:从总体走向局部,从宏观走向微观,从思辨走向实证,从务虚走向务实。然而如果院校研究不能合适定位,那么这种转向就不可能成功,很可能就是一种逃避,是从宏大叙事关注中退缩。目前不少高校高教研究机构的尴尬地位给我们提出了警示。  相似文献   

通过对1952年~1967年和1976年~1994年两个时期美国高等院校变化情况的考察,可以发现在大众化和普及化进程中,高等院校升格所形成的趋同给高等教育多样化带来了巨大挑战。分化和趋同是高等教育大众化以来相伴生的现象,本文从新制度理论和资源依附理论,并结合政府和市场两个因素来解释美国高等院校升格行为。  相似文献   

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