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When my son was a high-school student.he got a part-time job at a supermarket.He came home happily."How was your first day?"I asked. "It was great,Dad,"he replied. "I talked to some pretty girls."  相似文献   

Jokes and humor     
PPart-time Job 兼职工作 When my son was a high-school sophomore he got a part-time job-sacking groceries at a supermarket. He came home all smiles. "How was your first day﹖" I asked. "It was great Dad" he replied "I got to talk to some good-looking girls." Since Stephen is not very talkative I asked "What did you say to them﹖" "Do you prefer paper or plastic﹖" A Real Watch Dog 真正的导盲犬 A blind man walked into a bank with his seeingeye dog导盲犬 that guided him ev…  相似文献   

Ram received a car from his brother as birthday present. One day,when Ram came out of his office,he saw a poor dirty child walking around the 1)shiny car. "Is this your car?" he asked. Ram nodded,"My brother gave it to me on my birthday." The boy was surprised."You mean your brother gave it to you and asked for nothing? Boy,I wish..." Of course Ram knew what he was going to wish for.  相似文献   

While my young son Doug was looking at a full moon,he asked, "Mom, is God in the moon?"I explained that God is everywhere ."Is Good in my bellly?"Doug asked.  相似文献   

Marty Mckay was already five years old,but he was still the baby of the family. "Can I have some tea,too?" Marty asked his mother. "No,Marty.You're too young to drink tea." "But,why?" Marty asked. "Because your fingers are too tiny to hold the cup.And the tea is too hot for you,baby."  相似文献   

One afternoon,a wealthy lawyer was riding in the back of his limousine(大型的豪华轿车)when he saw two men eating grass by the road side.He ordered his driver to stop and he got out to investigate(调查)."Why are you eating grass?"he asked one man."We don't have any money for food,"the poor man  相似文献   

A David was a young man who worked in an office in a big city.He liked fishing very much,but did not often get a chance to go fishing. Then one summer he decided to have a holiday in a beautiful place in the mountains where there were a lot of streams."I will be able to have some good fishing there," he said to himself. The first morning after he arrived,he carried his fishing rod and walked to the nearest stream.He saw an old man standing beside the water,so he asked him whether it was a private (私人的) stream.The old man answered that it was not.Then he asked,"Well,then it won't be a crime (犯罪) if I catch some fish here,will it?"  相似文献   

<正> JokeOn a visit to Chicago, a woman was eager to visita posh department store a few blocks from her hotel.Her husband agreeably hailed a cab."The lady wantsto go to Neiman Marcus," he told the driver.The cabby looked over his shoulder at them. "Andthe gentleman?" he asked. "Does he want to go tothe bank?"  相似文献   

赵可 《海外英语》2005,(3):20-20
A little boy asked his mother "Whyare you crying? "Because I'm a woman," she toldhim," I don' t understand," he said, His mum Just hugged him and sald, " And you never will."Later the little boy asked his father, "Why does mother seem to cry for no reason?"All women cry for no reason," was all his dad could say.The little boy grew up and became a man, still wondering why women cry.Rinally he put in a call to God;and when  相似文献   

My son Jonathan just got his first US passport.I went to the US Consulate General (总领事馆) to pick it up for him.A staff person behind the heavy bullet-proof (防弹的) window asked me to sign the passport for my son and put "by father" after the signature.As I was signing the new passport,a thought went through my mind,"What if Jonathan should not like my handwriting when he grows up?"  相似文献   

Jokes and humor     
PPart-time Job 兼职工作 When my son was a high-school sophomore he got a part-time job-sacking groceries at a supermarket. He came home all smiles. “How was your first day﹖“ I asked. “It was great Dad“ he replied “I got to talk to some good-looking girls.“ Since Stephen is not very talkative I asked “What did you say to them﹖“ “Do you prefer paper or plastic﹖“ A Real Watch Dog 真正的导盲犬 A blind man walked into a bank with his seeingeye dog导盲犬 that guided him everywhere. He walked into the center of the ba...  相似文献   

A Tasty Meal A tourist in Africa sent his mother an exotic bird for her birthday. When he got back to the States, he called her. "Hi Mom," he said. "How'd you like the bird I gave you?" "It was delicious."  相似文献   

A One day in1965,when I was a librarian at View Bidge School in Seattle a four-grade teacher came up to me.She had a student who finished his work before all the other students and needed a challenge."Could he help in the library?"she asked.I said,  相似文献   

A Special Crab     
A male crab met a female crab and asked her to marry him. She noticed that he was walking straight instead of sideways. "Wow," she thought, "this crab is really special. I can't let him get away." So they married immediately.The next day she noticed her new husband walking sideways like all the other crabs,and got upset.“What happened?”she asked.“You used to walk straight before we were married.” “Oh,honey,”he replied,“I can't drink that much every day.”A Special Crab!山东@刘晓丹…  相似文献   

One day,my little cousin came to my home. "Sister,can you play with me?"he asked."No. I must do my homework.Why not draw some pictures?"I said."OK."he said.Then he went out of my room. After I finished my homework,I went to him. "Oh!"I yelled.He didn't draw pictures on  相似文献   

Fast Food Question: Sally, George, and Frank were picking up their fast,food orders-a burger, a plate of fries, and a slice of pizza."Who ordered what?"asked the man at the counter. George said,"I didn't order the pizza."The boy who ordered the fries said, "Oh, I thought you did."That was all the man at the counter needed to know. Who got each order?  相似文献   

阅读短文,掌握其大意,并从各题所给的四个选项中选出一个最佳答案。 It was a quarter to six.Mrs Black_her husband stop the car outside the house and_went out to speak tohim. "what's the matter,dear?"he asked."You look_." "I'm afraid I made a terrible_today,John,"said the woman."Mr Smith called me about half an hour ago.Wegot talking and then_thinking.I asked her and her husband to come and have dinner with us this evening." "Well,dear,"said Mr Black."That's_!We'll soon get ready for it.On the other hand(另一方面),we_them two months ago."  相似文献   

Recently, I was visited by a man who said he was an "assessor", a word which I did not then understand very well. I said I had never heard of his line before, but I was pleased to see him. I asked him to sit down, and he did.I could think of nothing particular to say. So I asked him if he was opening his shop in the neighbourhood.  相似文献   

(A) A man was buying a Rolls-Royce(劳斯莱斯汽车)and wanted to Pay cash,but he found he was2 pence(便士)short of the 1500 needed.Outside the car showroomshe saw a man selling newspapers,and he went out and asked him: "Could you lend me 2 pence?I want to buy a Rolls-Rovce." "Sure,"replied the man."But look--here'S 4 pence.Buy one forme as well."  相似文献   

Mrs Green was cooking dinner. She called her daughter. "I want you to set the table Catherine," she said. Catherine liked to help her mother. "Do you want me to use thegood tablecloth ?" she asked. "No. " her mother said. "Use the blue doth." Catherine put the blue tablecloth on the table. Then she got  相似文献   

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