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Ⅰ.She sells Sea shells on the seashoreThe shells she sells are seashells.Notes:sell v.卖,出售shell n.壳,贝壳seashore n.海滩Ⅱ.A big black bug bit the baek of a big black bear.  相似文献   

绕口令(Tongue Twister)不仅能帮助练习发音,还能提高学习英语的兴趣。在此给同学们提供二则绕口令,请反复读读看。I see a saw.I saw a saw.A saw saws a saw.I saw a saw saw a saw.Of all the saws I ever saw,I never saw a saw saw like this saw saws.She sells sea shells by the sea shore.If she sells sea shells by the sea shore,Where are the sea shells she sells by the sea shore?绕口令二则!甘肃@张清波…  相似文献   

她在海滨卖海贝,她卖的贝壳的确是海贝。如果她在海边卖贝壳,她买的肯定是在海边收获的贝壳。  相似文献   

1.A big black bug(跳蚤)bit a big black bear.2.Around a rugged(崎岖的)rock a ragged(破烂的)rascal(恶棍)ran.3.Betty sells shells(贝壳)on the back of a red shell.  相似文献   

Shesellsseashellsontheseashore,andshellsshesellsontheseashoreareseashellsIamsure.提示:[∫]和[s]这两个音在本句中多次交替出现。她在海边卖海贝壳,她在海边卖的贝壳是海贝壳,我敢肯定。PeterPiperpickedapeckofpickledpepperpreparedbyhisparentsandputtheminabigpaperplate.  相似文献   

她在海边卖海贝壳。她在海边卖的贝壳是海贝壳,我敢肯定。  相似文献   

She sells seashells on the seashore,and shells she sells on the seashore are seashells I am sure.  相似文献   

Ple,,几己,尹u哭for appl~·A永at then欣吐孚出s玉路th山欲you侧明s·比5 fear~e】ear as dley stee耐~the Pier·Mike like、to write场the nice bright light at night.绕口令(介n即eTwister):弘e sells sea shells on the seashore,朋d shells she sellson the seasho比毗s  相似文献   

1.C at,cat,catch that fatrat.2.She sells sea shells on the seashore.3.Itis better to do ittoday than to do it tom orrow.绕口令(英文)  相似文献   

Up on the shore I found a shell,I held it to my ear.I listened gladly while it sang.A sea song sweet and clear Loo loo.A sea song sweet and clear.Up on the shore I found a shell,I held it to my ear.I listened gladly while it sang.A sea song sweet and clear Loo loo.A sea song sweet and clear.在海岸上我发现了一个贝壳,我把它拿到我的耳边。当它唱歌时,我快乐地听。一首海洋之歌甜美而清晰噜噜。一首海详之歌甜美而清晰。在海岸上我发现了一个贝壳,我把它拿到我的耳边。当它唱歌时,我快乐地听。一首海详之歌甜…  相似文献   

Phuket is Thailand's largest island. It is famous for its amazing beaches. The sea in Phuket is beautiful. The color of the sea is not only blue and green, but also yellow and white. Under the sea, you can find some interesting things like seahorses, starfish, seaweed and shells.  相似文献   

Fighting Sharks     
Doctor John Perry decided it was time to go home. It had been a perfect (完 美 的 ) day-a day alone, the first such day in many years. H e had filled his bag with all sorts of sea shells (贝 壳 ), enough to study for months. The island had been a goodplace to find shells. But now the sun was going down.H e m ust leave before it got dark. He picked up his bag of shells and walked towardthe edge of the island.H e came to the sand reef(暗 礁 ,沙 洲 )that led from the island to shore.He stopped…  相似文献   

【片断一】认识"2倍"师:同学们在海边捡到了各种各样的贝壳打算做成贝壳标本。这是同学们捡贝壳的情况,仔细观察统计表,你能找到哪些数学信息?(课件出示统计表)生1:王丁3只,李飞6只……林杰18只。师:先来看王丁和李飞捡贝壳的情况,谁来读他们的数学信息?生2:王丁3只,李飞6只。  相似文献   

1.我和李梅在同一个班级。【误】Li Mei and I are in a same class.【正】Li Mei and I are in the same class.【析】same无论作形容词或作名词,其前都要加定冠词the或 this/that/these/those等,而不能加a。2.我能看一看你的照片吗?【误】Can I have look at your photos?【正】Can I have a look at your photos?  相似文献   

1.—What does your friend looklike3你的朋友长得什么样?—She is medium build and shehas long hair.她中等身材,留着长发。【解码1】look like意为“看起来像”,后接名词或代词。例如:The girl looks like her mother.那女孩看上去像她妈妈。【提醒】What does he look like1和What’s he like1是固定句型,其中what不能用how替换。【解码2】句中build是名词,意为“体格;体形”。build作动词时,意为“建造;修建”。例如:He is a man of strong build.他是个体格健壮的人。2.She always wears...她总穿着……【解码1】always是副词,意…  相似文献   

I am a large reptile. I have two shells, one is on the back, and the other is on the belly. My neck and four legs can stretch out and hide in my shells. I can live more than 50 years. The first letter of my name is "T".  相似文献   

A rich young man decided that he would like to do some diving in the sea, so he bought a rubber suit and all the other things that he needed,and took some lessons at a diving school. Then one day he walked into the water by himself and began to explore the bottom of the sea. He saw a lot of beautiful fish and other things, and then, after half an hour, he, suddenly saw a man waving arms and legs around wildly near the bottom of the sea.  相似文献   

【电影简介】秋日温暖的傍晚,父亲带着女儿一起踏着单车去郊游。他们穿过林间小路,骑过草地,骑上高坡,来到平静的海边父亲抱抱女儿,独自登上小船,划向仿佛没有尽头的海平线。从那以后,女孩每天都要来到海边等候。她骑着单车在她与父亲走过的这条小路上来来返返,风雨无阻。多年过去,小女孩变成老妪。她再次来到已变作滩涂的海边,与父亲重逢在当年的旧梦中。  相似文献   

1.H ow long have you beencollecting shells?collect的意思是“收集”,是及物动词。例如:H e likes collecting stam ps.他喜欢集邮。【中考题】W e’d better keep(收集)w astenew spapers for recycling.(2005大连市)【解析】填collecting。因动词keep后面要接v-ing形式,所以填collecting。2.I’ve been skating since I w asseven years old.since的意思是“自……以后”,可用作连词,用来引导时间状语从句。例如:I’ve known him since we werechildren.自孩提时起,我就认识他。【中考题】—H ave you taught for a long tim e?—W…  相似文献   

一、词语例解1.produce n.what you grow on a farm.etc.农产品;产物(总数,不可数) The farmer brought his produce to the market.农民把他的农产品带到市场。My cousin sells her garden produce in the market.我表姐在市场上卖自己菜园里的蔬菜。  相似文献   

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