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Sometimes people come into your life and you come to realize that they mean to be there to serve some sort of purpose to help you figure out who you are or what you want to become. There is such a person in my life who affected me greatly.  相似文献   

I’m a novelist.My work is humannature.Real life is all I know.Don't everconfuse the two, your life and yourwork.You will walk out of here this af-ternoon with only one thing that no oneelse has.There will be hundreds of peopleout there with your same degree;therewill be thousands of people doing whatyou want to do for a living.But you willbe the only person alive who has sole  相似文献   

Soon computers and other machines will be able to remember you by looking at your eyes! The program works because everyone's eyes are different. So in the future you won't have to remember a secret code (密码 ) when you want to use a machine or take money out of a bank. You'll just have to look at the machine and it will be able to tell who you are.  相似文献   

徐鸿钧 《英语辅导》2001,(10):18-18
When people advise your children to“get an education”, if you want to raise your payment, they tell you only half the truth. What they really mean is to get just enough education to give manpower(人力)for your society, but not so much that you prove a difficulty to your society.  相似文献   

"Sam," says his father, "put on your cap and let us go for a walk."Sam is happy. He likes to go out with his father. He puts on his cap and coat and says, "Father, I am ready." Sam and his father go out into the street. Suddenly they see a big black dog. The dog begins to bark. Sam is afraid of the dog. He wants to run home. His father says, "Don't be afraid, Sam. Don't you know the proverb:'A barking dog does not biterb?"Does The Dog Know﹖…  相似文献   

Do you think it necessary to know something about people's communication ways? When you speak, write a letter, make a telephone call, your words carry a message. People communicate with words. Do you think you can communicate without words? A smile on your face shows you are happy or friendly. Tears in your eyes tell others that you are sad. When you put up your hand in class, the teacher knows you want to ask or answer a question. You shake your head, and people know you are saying "No". Wh…  相似文献   

So now you have a drink, but what about meeting the locals? Pub-goers will indicate in unspoken ways if they are interested in chatting. Concentrate on those who have bought drinks and are still loitering at the bar. Those who have moved to sit at tables are probably not seeking company. Look for people with "open" body language, facing outwards into the room. Don't ever introduce yourself with an outstretched hand and a big smile. Natives will cringe and squirm with embarrassment at such brashness. The British, quite frankly, do not want to know your name and shake your hand-or at least not until a proper degree of mutual interest has been well established.  相似文献   

What does it mean to relax? Despite hearing this term thousands of times during the course of our lives,very few people have deeply considered what it's really about. When you ask people (which I have done many times) what it means to relax,most will answer in a way that suggests that relaxing is something you plan to do later—you do it on vacation,in a hammock(吊床),when you retire,or when you get everything done.This implies,of course, that most other times (the other 95 percent of your life) should be spent nervous,agi-  相似文献   

A LOUD noise suddenly attacks your ear while you enjoy a movie in acinema.A stranger makes you jump as he shouts at his friend on the other side of the city.Mobile phones are everywhere and sometimes they can be very annoying.Although they are a necessity of modern life,it is common to hear people complain about mobile phones.Discuss with your classmates what manners people should have when using them.Most public places have cell-phone rules.So try to keep your phone ringer as low aspossi…  相似文献   

Father's Day Cards(父亲节贺卡) Cards are a great way to tell your father how much you appreciate him. They'll brighten the Fa- ther's Day whether they arrive in the mail or from the hands of a paint- stained kid.  相似文献   

You're drained, almost dead on your feet after an exhausting day. Don't let that spoil your night, or your date. Rise to the occasion within minutes. Let the expert fatigue-fighters show you how.Lie down with your head hanging off the edge of your bed. With more blood flowing to the brain, you will feel more refreshed and clear-headed.Next, recharge your flagging energy with ten minutes of exercises, particularly around the head and shoulders.A quick 5 to 10 minutes' nap does wonders if you're one of those who can catnap. If not, a hot, steamy bath is just as effective. 辛苦工作了一天后,精疲力尽的你,几乎站不住脚。别让疲劳破坏美好的夜晚或约会。让专家告诉你,如何  相似文献   

When someone says,“Well,i guess i‘ll have to go face the music”it does not mean he is planning to go to a concert .it is something far less pleasant,like being called in by your boss to explain why you did this and did that,and why you did not do to this or that sour music indeed,but it has to be faced.  相似文献   

The Importance of Education 教育的重要性When your parents advise you to“get an education”inorder to raise your income,they tell you only half thetruth.What they really mean is to get just enough educationto provide manpower for your society,but not so much thatyou prove an embarrassment to your society. Get a high school diploma.at least.Without that,you  相似文献   

Invite your audience carefully. Not everyone is healthy enough to have a front row seat in our lives. There are some people in your life that need to be lovedfrom a DISTANCE。 It's amazing what you can accomplish when you let go of,or at least minimize your time with,draining,negative,incom-  相似文献   

冯星 《海外英语》2012,(15):172-173
More often than not,people are inclined to think they have known a certain person enough by his or her everyday appearance,manners,speech and behaviors and therefore tend to draw their conclusions on what this person is like in nature.Nonetheless,this could be misguiding and a misconception if we don’t see how he or she reacts at the turning point of matters that concern not just him or her,but also others.Time reveals a person’s heart,so does the adversity as illustrated in the short story--Mr.Know All which tries to convey a key message to its readers:don’t make your judgment about a book by its cover until you have read it through.  相似文献   

Happy Birthday Taurus (Apr. 21-May 20)金牛座Tauruses[属金牛座的人] are often stubbom[固执的];so this May for a change try listening to whatother people have to say more and you willunderstand them better. Don't be so afraid toshow your feelings to the people close toyou! Be wise with your money thismonth-it's not a good time for youto be spending.  相似文献   

Face the Music     
When someone says,“Well,I guess I’ll have to go and face the music,”it does not mean he is planning to go to a concert.It is something far less pleasant,like being called in by your boss to explain why you did this and did that, and why you did not do this or that.Sour music, indeed,but it has to be faced.  相似文献   

Life is full of challenges.Many people may choose to shrink back because they don’t believe in themselves.They’re so afraid of failing that they never overcome themselves.But there are also some people who are brave enough to face difficulties.They think they are clever enough to deal with these problems.And they can overcome themselves.Believing in yourself could change your life.If you are facing challenges,you should believe that you can  相似文献   

God will never desert an injured bird,nor destroy a miserable heart. If you burn your life with enthusiasm, you will be a wonder,or a pride. If you have a dream,you must achieve it in high spirits. Don't let yourself down at an old age,don't make your reminiscences full of regrets.  相似文献   

When we speak, write a letter, or make a telephone call, our words carry a message. People communicate (交际) with words. But do you know that we can communicate without words? A smile on your face shows that you are happy. Tears (泪水) in your eyes tell others that you are sad. When you raise your hand in class, the teacher knows that you want to ask a question or say something. When you shake your head,people know that you are saying "No". When you nod (点头), people know that you are saying "Yes". Other things can also carry messages.  相似文献   

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