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』、U江11忆仔细观察下图,然后根据所提供的词汇回答问题。I口曰翔.一.尹产-一户摺目即苗;;‘一,汗一l一干魂默,{·1 .What 15 Peizhen’5 father doing? He2 .What 15 her mother doing? She3 .What 15 her br other doing?HC4 .What 15 Peizhen doing? She5 .What 15 her dog doing? It宕u落d。。155落‘g万ooq自o一su宕娜P仑舰s西’夕s左。一ql万从习u西众Ids万·£s呷01。宕饵u叩s万·zuo万s万Aolol宕叫绷,51·1.健瓢翻看图回答问题@Keane…  相似文献   

LuCy 15 1 girl.She 15 now in Beijing 2 her Parents.Lucy doesn,t 3 Chin-ese,but she 15 studyjng Chinese.She often二一Chinese to her Chinesefriends.Som以imes they don,t understand(懂)her,‘呈一she ean’t sPeak Chinese well. It,S Sunday morning.She has一二一lessons. She goes out.She 15一卫一in the street.She 15 going to the 200 to一旦-thee!ePhantS and mon比ys.But she doesn’t know how to get一卫匕.She asks a Chinesebov,but the bo丫生鱼understand he「Then she卫互a Pen and a Piece of pape…  相似文献   

同学们呢?试试看!,你们能不能在二十分钟内用下面的单词至少造出十个有关“A co玉e shoP”的句子JI︵2内j4︸、︶zb勺了n谷 ’sX。万一sdoq。。sn。山05‘01’uoods仑q一落从犯。。UJoS .6’。。落J宕ul一仑。脚。uloS‘8’sOIP0ou名u落犯。。犯。uloS’L’℃。1习u飞习upP OJ仑。tUoS’9‘。明o。宕u落叫1 PUn0)甘SJIUqoOJ习耳u万JP韶含肚。J℃勺IUOSg ‘501单4左瑰uJ OJU。甲柑容坦一15 OJ℃即。牡‘乙’doqsUO山0从PuU u0HO熟UoO甘s丁S西q工’十£’sOIqUI’s0lq甘l.国攀目造句游戏@Johnston…  相似文献   

请仔细观察下图,然后根据图意,依照次序把下列句子重写,以成一篇短文。注意:勿超过十五分钟。界黔…{I弓色:)’石.ThreeboysstoPthethief..APolieemaneomesandtakesthethieftothePolieestation..Awomaniswalkingwithl一erhandbagoverhershoulder..Itisabusystreet.It 15 ’uo落4U一s。。1 Iod Oq10一J。!q-。ql soX甘一Puu soujoou仑川。。耳IodV,J。落q李。甲do〕55天oq。。Jq上‘sunJ Pu仑分uqPuUtl oq一soq。一仑usJ。万甲v。。plnoqs JouJ。、o乳qpuoqJ叫甲万、宕u可万I。,、万u。。o、v·;。。、s‘、nq。(、万,x)睡象看图…  相似文献   

1 .j nere__Water In tne glaSS. There milk in the bottle.4.丁he陀行Sh On the tab!e. There__ehie晚n in the州dge.黔叠2 .The陀b陀日d in the kitChen. ThGFe riCe in the bowl.5 .The陀 FOOnl. The阳__boys in the elass-9 ids in the elassroom.3 .The陀 S日ndwiCh. The阳Cheese in the6 .The陀b00ks on the Shelf. There__Pens in the desk.me日t in the bFead.滁人uo4,uoJ仑‘a山05 eJ仑’9巴人u它4,uaje‘。山05创e’Ss!‘夕了人u它4,us!‘日山055!’仁亡Aue斗,us!‘。山055!’Z巴人u仑4,us!‘。山05人u仑4,us!‘a…  相似文献   

一一.一一~-—一--~~~~~一一-一~----—·脚百dsoq。中ol台u!0言s!JOq一o以。qJJ’。可u落105旦叼O一3u落o月s万J叫娜。吐‘g’Iooqos 01君u!o暴加U 左。月刀,川JoJ枣un Iooqos且u哪。从邻甘天。q工.粉’IJ万宕仑Puu天oq甘砚人。q刀’u锹Pl!qoo从1 OA℃tl 左。蚝工.£’。sjnu仑s!Joq一。山。q刀.J娜加p℃s落JOq奉叮。耳工’艺‘左[冬山PJ仑Jo韶nl。!d Oq一S生只落q上‘t:攀最作文园地(英文)@Jed…  相似文献   

测试你的观察力:下列文字都不成句子,你能在十彝佩获它们重新排列成通顺的句子吗?别忘记加上适当的标点符号。live/the jungle/animals/Wild/inlike/to/iee一eream/叭尾/eatl015/oeean/The/deePwiteh/very/15/The/uglystrong/My/man/father/15/aknows/swim/how/He/to15/the/elinlbing/He/ladder15/box/the/table/on/Thegoing/Post/I/the/offiee/am/tocandle戒buming/15/The 一_’初四叫s万。IPu甘。叫Ll’’0正’。。IJJo一sod oq李o一宜u呼o分tu甘I’6’。Iq℃1 oql uo,1 xoq。月王‘8’JoPP仑I。叼一吕u万q扭飞I。s万。H一’L…  相似文献   

环吸atare比e夕lu月血叮比e丘迢owi耳gnouDs尸i了tow万te比二out侧比加沈月勿加-Ut巴.1 .Parrot2 .Pota103 .dog4 .mall5 .tiger6 .Piano7 .mouse8 .basis9 .bodyIo.monkey1 l.womall12.balnboo13.safe14.deer15.ehild16.sheeP17.eye18.foot19.PuPPy20.tooth 甲。。1’0艺s。西d一dnd’61一。可’8 15。左。’Ll由。qs’9 1 uOJP一I川。’91拍。P’十15可甘s‘乞1 s00qUu仑q‘艺Iuoujo从’1 15左。职otu’0 15。甲oq‘6sosuq’8 。。Im’L 50瑰万d‘9 sJ。宕9‘gu。山’粉一兰垫丝-互凶理吧.乙一{理恕‘去月目目复数句词的形式@Jac…  相似文献   

一15 Bill?一He’5 my sister’5 friend.A .What B.Where C.How D.Who玫t him help_do it.A .her B.she C.1 D.my一15 there any money in your purse?一址t me_.oh,there’5 twenty yuan in it..泣.丫: 气一一‘U人,.:么甲 all b A .look B.think C.find D.see7 .There 15“h,,and“u,,in the wo记“house”. A .a;a B.an;a C.an;an D.a;an8.一跳t me help you find your Pen. A .Don’t worry B .That’5 all right C .Thank you ve汀mueh舍走甲‘诀1.皿点词汇检测。A)根据句意和首字母提示,补全单词。1 .There 15 somem_i…  相似文献   

Last summer was first trip to Spain(西班牙).She was very excited(兴奋的).But when she arrived at the hotel(旅馆),she found that her Spanishmoney wasn’t in her handbag.She looked for it carefully in all her bags,butshe couldn’t find it.She had only a ten-pound note(十英镑钞票)with her.She found a place to change(兑换)her English money.On her way back to thehotel,Ann bought some cheese(乳酪),some bread and some oranges.She told  相似文献   

下列都是从事不同行业的人士小朋友,请在五分钟内试把他们填写在适当的空位一七e()bbler Policeman doctorP()st一n之一nbutel飞erl飞飞eehanie firem氛互n tai!o‘’,QO·‘ 0.、一O公1 .A2 .A3 .A4 .ArePalrsc之lrs.sews elothes.eures the sick.nlends 511()es.5 .AkecPs Iaw alld、Cl!5 nle之一t.ordc卜6 .A7 .A8 .A(le!认ers letters.Puts ot几t tlle fil·e tl”u一。J!不‘8 uutu一sod’L Joq。一11q‘9u仑u,”。,lod、g,。I月(l‘)“’十·,O一。oP‘乞Jol万”1’艺”落u,q”“Lu’I:孝导各行各业@Jim…  相似文献   

一、找对子。young粤俞old呀︸粤6‘裔习蕊蕊而习一韦丽几11仑4’g词。 P仑s’日6uno人’乙In要!In仑eq’9人dd仑目’粉po以s’C Plo‘己入I6n’L:孝易二、猜猜看,在空格里填上适当的形容to d Fink SOmeW日teF.1 .Ben 15 .He WantS toe日ta C日ke.2 .TOm 15_.Heean take the big tab}e to the neXt FOOm.3 .Sally 15_.She ean’t get the book on the toP of the bookease.4 .We日re .We Want to haVe日rest.5 .They are_.They ean‘t find their Pet.6 .BIll 15_.He ean Piek the aPPIes in the tFee.7 .It 15 .We need …  相似文献   

I.单项填空1.——Ⅵ‘here is Kitty? I can’t“nd her an)rwhere. 一She’s . A.in a doctors’ B.at her d()ctor’s C.in the doctors’ D.at doctor’s2.一I’m sony t0 haveA.】’m sorrv.tooC.Never mindkept you waiting so 10ngB.Y0u are rightD.That will doyour timely help and I’m not just A.Y0u’re weJcome B.Thank C.1)on’t say s0 D.You’d4. 一So it’s nothing se订ous, D0ctor? —— ~一.T11e child wiJl he all right A.5.Mr A.Yes B.No.Green suggestedit is C.N0£hat the letterVOUhetter not…  相似文献   

Julia is a musician.She is twenty-three.She often gets up at seven o’clock in the morning.She eats breakfast at seven thirty.Ju- lia usually practices singing at eight thirty with her teacher.They often practise for three hours.At twelve o’clock,Julia has a good lunch.In the afternoon,she goes on with her  相似文献   

Linda goes to school一生一in themorning·Now she 15 Waiting for互~With her伍ends. “The bus3,,’says Linda. The old sehool bus 15 4 at the busstoP.The boys and the girls are going on.They90 to sehool一互一every day.Th恻get off thebus and 6 the sehoof. After sehool工inda 7 their bus.BUttheirbus isn,t there now.She sees a new bus but not 8 Her friends are 9 to her,“How do you1水e the new bus刀nda℃~,w。彻它卫」加,” Linda gocs to the new bus.She」l一-.Allher friends are in the bus.They」…  相似文献   

The Train Time     
One day an old lady(女士) wanted to go to兵see her son. She got up early and reached the small station at nine o‘clock in the morning.Because this was her first trip to London, she didn‘t know the train time. She was very worried. Just at that time, she saw a little boy running towards her.  相似文献   

1 Want Hcr to GON认ts M rS.F}inders de一e ided to have her Por一trait Pa旧ted.She told the artist,’IPaint me with d iamond earrings,a di一amond neeklaee,e一mera}d br8Ce}ets anda ruby Pendant.‘’’‘But you’re not wearing any of those things.”’‘1 know,“said Mrs.Flinders.‘1 It’5 in ease 1 shouldd旧before my husbandtl‘m sure he‘d remarry right away,and{ want her to 90 nuts]ooking for the Jewelry.”A Boy Witll a Big Hcad A boy er}ed to his mother.”AI!the ehi!dren make fu…  相似文献   

何丹丽 《海外英语》2011,(8):295-296,303
Although Katherine Mansfield never claimed that she was a radical feminist, she showed her concerns and pondered on females through her life of pursuing freedom and independence, her creative writing skills and her short stories. She had her own feminism consciousness and viewpoints. She believed that man and woman were different and living in a different world, and it’s very hard to understand and communicate with the other sex. Man dominated the society in the economical and political areas in tradition that they had the speech right and ranked above woman. However, Mansfield saw the hope of the awakening of the feminism awareness.  相似文献   

There was a little girl.She lived with her mother ina hut near the forest.One day the mother gotsome red cloth. She took herneedle and made a red coatfor the little girl.She put the coat on thelittle girl, and said, "I shallcall you ‘Little Red Coat’.""So the little girl was called  相似文献   

Tanya got out of the bed while the sun was still asleep.She looked outthe window;even the stars were lost in the dark.Mike,her husbandwas still in bed and so were her four kids.Even their sleep couldn’telude her from doing them service.She had to orchestrate her work tothe microscopic details.From pressing clothes to polishing shoes,findingmatching socks to arranging school bags,fixing up breakfast to preparingsnack-boxes,she was unthankfully supposed to make it all happen like a magicwand.And to her own compulsory fault,she did it all;like a magic wand. Life ran like a wheel.The circle started every morning and ended up latein the night,and then morning appeared again.There was no pause,no rest,not even a slight curve to insert change.She condemned herself for not ex-periencing even a thought of ever getting out of this circle.She had committedherself to the orbit of life.  相似文献   

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