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This summer, I went on a tour in Liaoning Province.
One day, I was taking the bus on my tour to Dalian with many people, when suddenly I felt a bit hungry, so I took a banana out of the bag. After I had a banana, I threw the skin out of the window without thinking twice.  相似文献   

You are very tired. You waht to go to sleep.I require some rest and repose.I need to get some sleep.I need some shut-eye; I'm gonna head off to the land of nod; I'm gonna catch some zees; I need 40 winks, I' m gonna hit the sack,Your friends went out last night, drinking heavily.They went out partaking of alcoholic beverages.They went out drinking.They were out boozing they were on the razz; they were really knocking it back.Your friends had a party and drank a lot of alcoholLarge quantities of alcohol were consumed.They drank lots of alcohol.It was a real booze-up.  相似文献   

一 A strange thing was happened in our garden the other day. I went out to play my dog for a few minutes,and I noticed the dog is barking(犬吠) at a big tree. Then the dog started to dig at the hole on the foot of the tree. Suddenly a large rat rushed out…  相似文献   

Invisible Racial Disparities 隐形的种族差异 One aftemoon when I was going out to do some errands (差事),I sew three young men,about 15 to 17 years of age,standing in front of a house in my neighborhood,chatting and laughing.I took a notice of them because they looked different and kind of out of place:They were not white.I continued on to run my errands without thinking too much of it.When I came back about an hour later,there was a police car parked in front of the house where these young folks were.After I drove around the comer,I saw a second police car,and one of the three youths was in the back seat of the car,handcuffed (带着手铐),with two officers questioning him.A thought shot across my mind:Are these young people members of a local youth gang,or are they just in a wrong neighborhood?  相似文献   

A Lift Accident     
The clock had just struck eleven when I first became aware of a noise coming from the lift. I opened the door of our flat and listened: someone was beating against the door of the lift and calling out at the same time.“W hats wrong?”I shouted.“The door is stuck,I can t get out,”theanswer cam e back.The voice,w hich sounded like that of a girl,cam efrom several floors below.M y wife had now joined m e and she w ent off directly in search oftheooldennight porter.A fter I told the girl tha…  相似文献   

I was in a lift on rny way to my friend's flat. Suddenly the light in the lift went out, and the lift was out of order. I was very frightened because I was alone in it.I tried to force the door open, but I failed. So I felt for the alarm button and pressed it several times.  相似文献   

I found out one time that doing a favor for someone could get you into a lot of trouble. I was in the eighth grade at the time, and we were having a final test. During the test, the girl sitting next to me said some- thing in a low voice, but I didn"t understand. So I leaned over her way and found out that she was trying to ask me if  相似文献   

A young teacher learns that "experience" is woven out of haunting memoriesWhy did the memory of that dead child seek me out on this beautiful day?Till then, no intimation of sorrow had come to me through the dazzling revelations of a summer that sang.It happened many years ago. I had just arrived in a small village in Manitoba, Canada, to finish the school year as replacement for a teacher who had fallen ill or simply, for all I knew, become discouraged.  相似文献   

Megan Gambino 《考试》2013,(3):29-31
Last weekend,I went apple picking.It’s one of my favorite fall traditions,and I have been going every year since I can remember.When I was a kid,my mother made a trip to the apple orchard a magical thing.She taught me how to gently twist an apple, so that it would pop off the branch without others plunking to the ground.She would point out the sun-kissed fruits at the tippy top of the trees while I climbed to get them.  相似文献   

These days,I can’t calm myself down.I have thought alot about my younger sister dropping out of school.My younger sister,Li Juan,went to Guangdong tohunt for a job.When I heard the news,I was too surprised to believe myears.She was only 14,a little girl!Why did she drop out of school?  相似文献   

An Unusual Night     
It was a cool Tuesday night. Many people were already deep in sleep, but I was still reading an interesting novel. Suddenly I smelt something burning. I looked out of the window. Oh, my God! A fire had broken out! A house on the opposite side was on fire.…  相似文献   

Running is good to your health.Every morning I rise early,then I go out to the playground to run a800-meter round.It is a habit I have developed for several years.I like running and other kinds of  相似文献   

<正>As a child I was always very adventurous. I was usually the first person to go exploring out into the woods, jump off a 20-foot bridge into the river, or jump off a three-foot ramp while on my bicycle. The biggest dream of mine  相似文献   

A Terrifying Day     
October 1st, 1987, was a terrifying day for me.It was 7:30 in a Thursday morning in Mexico. I wasalone because my parents were out of the town. Suddenly,the room started to shake. Some dishes fall to the floor.I did not know how to do, so I got under the table.  相似文献   

My Troubles     
Though I'm a child, I have my own troubles. For example: I want to sleep in on Sunday mornings, but my mother wants me to get up early. She arranges a lot of school works for me to do I look out of the window and  相似文献   

While thecommon peoplehold that studyis the main taskfor students,but I should say it is not the topm elody of life,really not.There was a tim e when I always com -plained of the dull school life. Everythingseem ed ugly in m y eyes at that tim e.N ot un-til I went for a walk along the river did I re-alize the lively life.The willow trees have thrown out new lowbranches which stretch across m y way as wellas the slopes of lawn down towards the river.Everything has cam e to life!W alking on,I…  相似文献   

When I was nine years old there was nothing Iloved more than being chased by grownups.Nothing equaled the excitement ofit.During the long summer holidays fromschool I went out the front door of our semi-detachedtwo storey house,hoping to see some of my mates onthe road outside:What did I see only our next doorneighbour Mr Hickey high up on his ladder paintingthe frame of his bedroom window.Here,I thought,was a good chance of a chase because Mr Higgins’shot temper was known everywhere in the neigh—bourhood.Over the garden wall I climbed and stood  相似文献   

Once upon a timethere lived two friends a cat and a monkey. One day the monkey found some chestnuts in a fire. He wanted to eat the chestnuts but he was afraid of burning his hand so he took the cat to the fire and said "Look  here is a fine dinner for us. I have found these chestnuts but your claws are sharper than mine. So if you will pull them out of the fire we will have a great dinner together."The cat agreed to it,and began to pull the chestnuts out of the fire.Shebur…  相似文献   

It is very boring to be alone in the afternoon. I always think a lot when I am alone,because I won’t be disturbed.It seems as if a bee is flying in my head that I can hardly stop thinking.I think not only what I have seen,but also what I have heard.Everything surrounding me could make me think. I walked out of the McDonald,thinking the meaning of the soft drink I had just now.It was no more than spending some money senselessly,I thought.My head was empty.Suddenly,I had a plan,why not si…  相似文献   

But one night,as I sat infront of my fire after a hard day'swork,I got the letter out,lookedat the address again,and thenlooked at the fire.It was easyto throw it into the fire and let  相似文献   

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