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How much is it?【情景对话】A:Good morning!Can I help you?B:Yes,please.I want to buy a radio.Can you give me the blue one to have a look?A:Here you are.I think this is a nice one.B:How much is it?A:It’s 200 yuan.  相似文献   

tweezers['twiz(?)z]n.夹子,镊子A:Do you have a pair of tweezers?I have a splinter in my toe. 你有夹子吗?我的脚趾里有碎片B:Here,Let me help you get it out. 来,我来帮你把它弄出来sign up['sain'(?)p]加入,签署A:Why didn't you sign up for the basketball team this year? 你怎么没加入今年的篮球队? B:I just don't have the time. 我挤不出时间  相似文献   

《A》A:May I help you?我能帮你吗? B:Well,Would you helpme carry this case?好的,你帮我提这个箱子好吗?  相似文献   

Dialogue A(A=patient;B=doctor)A:I've got a rash all over my body and it itches all the time,and I havesome lumps on my arms.Cart you give me anything for it?B:Let me have a look.How long have you had this rash?A:About three days.B:Have you noticed if anything makes it worse?  相似文献   

[一]顾客进入商店时,店主或店员的常用语:1.Can/May I help you?2.What can I do for you?3.(Is there)Anything that I can do for you?4.Are you being served/attended to?(有人招呼您吗)5.I sanybody looking after/taking care of you?6.Do you need any help?  相似文献   

一、顾客进入商店时,店主或店员说-- 1.Can(May)I help you? 2.What can I do for you? 3.(Is there)Anything that I can do for you? 4.Do you need any help?  相似文献   

Dialogue A(A=dentist;B=patient)A:Hello,I'm Dr.Johnson.Please have a seat.How can I help you?B:I think the growth of my wisdom tooth is affecting the neighbouringtooth,and I'm feeling a lot of discomfort.A:When does the pain occUr?Is it only when you are eating or practi-  相似文献   

Dialogue 1A:Is this where I have to check in for the B.O.A.C. flight to Delhi?B:Yes, that's right. May I have your tickets?And your bags. Put them on the scales. And your health certificates, please.A:Here they are.B:Are you keeping that small bag as hand-luggage,sir?  相似文献   

1.—I have to getto the airportat10:00,butits 9:20now. — !I can send you there by car. A .Thats a deal B .H urry up C.D on tworry D .Try your best 2.— —Thanks.I will. A .W ish you a happy journey. B.G ive m y bestwishes to your parents. C.Thank you for your help. D .Y ou gotthe firstprize.C ongratulations! 3.—ShallI take this chair to your room ? — .III do itm yself. A .Y es,please B .G ood idea C.N o,thanks D .N ever m ind 4.—E xcuse m e,could you help m e carry the heavy bo…  相似文献   

Dialogue A(A=patient;B=nurse)A:Good afternon,doctor.I've come for some blood tests.Is it possiblefor you to do them now?B:Let me have a look,The first test is no problem,but the second onehas to be done on an empty stomach.So I suggest that you comeback tomorrow morning,and we'll do both of the tests together.A:How long do I have to fast?B:From five o'clock this evening,you should only eat porridge.Don't  相似文献   

Partl A:Good moming.United Airline. B:Hello.I’d like to speak to Mr.Re”olds. A:I’m 50叮he’5 not in right now.Would you like to leaveamessage? PartZ A:May 1 help you?Bank of Ameriea. B:I’mt币ng to eontaet a friend Fred Ashley. A:Just a moment.I’m afraid we have no one by that name,sir. B:1 see.Thank you. Paft3 A:Alitalia Airline。,sir. B:Extension 5578,Please. A:one moment,please. Patt4 A:Tllis 15 Dr.Wood’soffiee. B:15 this 792一3021? A:No,this 15 792一3025. Pafts A:Coul…  相似文献   

(A) (W=Woman; D=Dave) W: Can I help you, please? D: Yes, I!d like something to drink. W: Would you __1__ a bag of milk? D: No, I don!t like milk. W: What about a cup __2__ coffee? D: No. I!d like a glass of water. W: Would you like something to eat, __3__…  相似文献   

赵寿春 《初中生》2005,(21):83-85
[一]顾客进入商店时,店主或店员的常用语: 1.Can/May I help you? 2.What can I do for you?  相似文献   

张翠芹 《英语辅导》2000,(12):11-11
1.[语境]当店主向顾客打招呼时。[交际用语]A.What can I do for you?B.Can I help you?C.What would you like to buy?  相似文献   

Dialogue A(A=patient;B=doctor)A:Good afternoon,doctor.I wonder if you can help me.For the lastthree or four months I've been getting really bad period pains.Theyare so much worse than I usually have,that Ifeel something is not right.B:Have you noticed anything else different?A:Yes.I've been losing weight although I still eat the same amount.  相似文献   

一、当你要买东西,走进商店时,售货员通常要问“想买点什么”她会这样说: 1、Can I help you?或May I help you? 2、What can I do for you? 3、What are you shopping for? 二、如果售货员了解到你要买的东西,她会问你想买多  相似文献   

根据对话内容,从对话后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中不两项为多余选项。(-)(N = Nurse M=Mother )N:Can I help you?M:Yes, this is my daughter Jill. She's two and a half, 1N:Some drink? When did this happen?M: 2N:Did you give her any first aid (救护)?  相似文献   

根据上句写出下句,使两句意思相同或相近。每空填一词。1.—Thank you very m uch.—Thats O K.—.—Y ou re.2.The w om an is m y m others sister.She is w earing a red sweater.The w om an is m y.3.C an I help you?can I you?4.W hat do you wantto have for supper?W hat you for supper?5.C an you help m e?Can you?6.Tom and I are classm ates.Tom is one of.7.H is father is w orking now.H is m other is working,too.H is are now.8.Its tim e for breakfast.Its tim e breakfast.9.M y bike is broken.There is…  相似文献   

正GOING FOR A WALK Roger:What did you say?Claire:I said that it’s a lovely day.Why don't we go for a walk?Roger:Can you wait for a few minutes?I have to finish this letter.Claire:Don't take too long.It would be a shame not to take advantage of  相似文献   

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