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介词to是个常用词,用法很多。现将其用法归纳如下:一、按照;随着;伴随1.The students are doing eye exercises to m usic.学生们随着音乐做眼保健操。2.Strange enough,the snake began to dance to the m usic.奇怪的是,蛇随着音乐跳起舞来。3.Y ou can add salt to the taste.你可以按照人的口味加盐。4.Y our dress isn treally to m y liking.我实在不喜欢你这条裙子。5.Its to your ow n advantage.这对你自己有利。二、到;达到(表示程度)1.W e w illdo the w ork to the best of our ability.我们要竭尽所能做好那项工作。2.The a…  相似文献   

[镜像一]毫无"信息差"1.无奈的"被"交流这是一节借班上课的公开课。上课伊始,教师显然是为了融洽师生关系,缩短师生距离,设计了这样的教学环节:T:Boys and girls,Today I’myour new English teacher.Do you want to know something about me?Look at the information on the screen then ask me questions.My information Name:Nancy Age:35 E-mail Address:Nancy12@sina.com Favorite fruit:apples and grapes Hobbies:reading and singing学生们睁大眼睛看着屏幕上的信息,这时教师大声说:"Ask questions about me."学生毫无反应  相似文献   

张格 《海外英语》2012,(16):283-284
The language is a play of signs. However, behind the signs is the culture manipulates the signs. The sign is the surface structure; while under the surface is that the thinking pattern matters, which is the only small part of the culture. The culture difference always exists. I would like to study it in terms of the problems which the essay reveals. The first part is to list examples, and the second part tries to analyze it in terms of thinking patterns. The last part is the concluding part. It intends to find solutions to avoid that problem.  相似文献   

In order to satisfy the rapid changing requirements of customers,enterprises most cooperate with each other to form supply chain.The first and the most important stage in the forming of supply chain is the selection of participants.The article proposes a two-staged decision model to select partners.The first stage is the inter company comparison in each business process to select highefficiency candidate based on inside variables.The next stage is to analyse the combination of different candidates in order to select the most perfect partners according to a goal-programming model.  相似文献   

【闪亮登场】suppose是及物动词,常用来表示说话人的看法、猜测或假设。be supposed to后接动词原形,意为"应该;被期望"。例如:The students aren't supposed to take the books out of the library.学生不应该把这些书拿出图书馆。The train was supposed to arrive ten minutes ago.火车应该在十分钟之前到达。  相似文献   

范宁 《海外英语》2016,(4):135+142
The paper aims to analyze the problems animal-protection faces and try to give advices about how to solve these problems. The first part will analyze that in the history of philosophical development, many philosophers make any excuse to place human above animals. The second part will make comments about how Costello makes the comparison about the poems of Rilke and Hughes about animals. The final part mainly talks about that the dilemma of the animal-rights movement and how to improve the situation.  相似文献   

蓝谷 《今日中学生》2015,(Z2):41-43
A On the way,they saw a shop.The thief said to the policeman,“Let me go in-to the shop to buy something we can eat in the train.”The policeman agreedand waited in front of the shop.The thief went into the shop and ran awaythrough the back door.All the policemen of the town began to look for the  相似文献   

本文意在指出学生在使用初中英语教材第三册中的某些形容词及其他结构时常犯的错误,并在更正后略做解释。 1.The more…the more… The more a film is exciting,the more I like to seeit。 More I think about it,the angrier I grow。 the more应与后面的形容词或副词构成比较级,不可分开。第一句应为: The more exciting a film is,the more I like to seeit。 比较级前的the不可省略。第二句应为:  相似文献   

一般来说,英语句子中非谓语动词及其短语用什么语态形式,是主动还是被动,主要取决于两个因素.一、非谓语动词在句子中起什么作用,即充当什么句子成分;二、非谓语动词与其它相关的句子成分之间存在何种关系:主动关系时,用现在分词、不定式和动名词的主动形式;被动关系时,用过去分词,以及现在分词、不定式和动名词的波动形式.I.当非谓语动词做状语、宾语、表语和主语补足语时,要看它与句子主语的关系.A.状语(动名词除外),例如:1.The teacher came into the Class-room,followed by a group of students.(follow和主语the teacher是被动关系)老师走进教室,身后跟着一群学生.2.The students came into the class-room,following the teacher.(follow和主语the stusdents是主动关系)学生们跟着老师进入了教室.3.Not to foil in the coming exami-nation,the students are working hard at their lessons.(fail和主语the students是主动关系)为了将来考试及格,学生们正努力学习功课.4.They talked in a low voice so asnot to be heard.(hear和主语they是被动关系)他们小声交谈,为的是不被别人听见.B.宾语(分词除外)例如:1.They want nothing but to have a rest.  相似文献   

李裕玲 《海外英语》2013,(5X):241-245
The paper intends to explore the language futures of Chinese recipes from the perspective of Systemic Functional Grammar. Different from previous research made by others, it is written to explore the relationship between the writer and the putative readers. The Mood structure, Modality, the Theme choices, cohesive devices,and transitivity are presented systematically. The embodiment of the functions of the main elements from Systemic Functional Grammar is presented. The major objectives are to discover the Systemic Functional characteristics and help enthusiasts write Chinese recipes in English explicitly. The study finds that to keep the texts concise and easy to follow, Chinese recipes are written with few mood structure. The research finds that Halliday doesn’t count conjunction word or as a way of showing possibilities in category of Modality. Yet it is supposed to be put into this category as well.  相似文献   

To overcome the default of single search tendency, the ants in the colony are divided into several sub-groups. The ants in different subgroups have different trail information and expectation coefficients. The simulated annealing method is introduced to the algorithm. Through setting the temperature changing with the iterations, after each turn of tours, the solution set obtained by the ants is taken as the candidate set. The update set is obtained by adding the solutions in the candidate set to the previous update set with the probability determined by the temperature. The solutions in the candidate set are used to update the trail information. In each turn of updating, the current best solution is also used to enhance the trail information on the current best route. The trail information is reset when the algorithm is in stagnation state. The computer experiments demonstrate that the proposed algorithm has higher stability and convergence speed.  相似文献   

Many years ago a very large rat lived in the king's palace.It was bigger than many cats and ate all the cats that tried to catch it.The king asked his people to find the best cat in the country.When they found the cat, they gave it to the king.The king then put the cat into a room with .the rat.As soon as it saw the rat, the cat ran and jumped up onto the table. The rat quickly followed the cat.This went on for a long time.The king and his friends said that the cat was not a good cat at all.But soon, the rat began to get tired and slow down.The cat then ran to the rat, picked it up with its teeth and killed it.  相似文献   

一、故事内容 Look at this unhappy family: the father,the stepmother, the son named Tom and the daughter named Rose. The stepmother doesn't like Tom and Rose. She asks the father to take the children to the forest. She wants Tom and Rose to lose their way home. The father has to listen to her bad idea.  相似文献   

The Chinese higher nursing education has developed fast. People's opinions to it have changed. In the future, it will show the developmental trends as follows. The scale of higher nursing education will be enlarged and educational levels will be improved continuously. The professional characteristics will be further focused on in nursing curriculum system. Teaching methods will be diversified to help the students to improve their abilities. The internationalization will be the developmental trend of nursing education. The development of nursing education puts forward higher demands for the faculties. How to cultivate the higher-quality nursing faculties has received increasing attention over the past few years as a common problem with serious consequences for the qualities of the students. It needs to equip the human resources of nursing teachers to be perfect, establish the academic faculty echelon and intensify the general qualities of nursing faculties. The nursing teachers should improve their theoretical and educational levels, develop the teaching capabilities, possess the capabilities of scientific research, enhance the clinical practical capabilities, improve the application abilities of the foreign language and cultivate the humanistic qualities to train the excellent students.  相似文献   

题目 The radius of the O is 2. The chord AB is equal to the chord CD. Both of the distance from the 2 chords to point O are 1. The area range of the quadrilateral ABCD is____.  相似文献   

A mother and her young son get into a bus in a small city and sit down. The bus conductor comes to them for their money. The mother says, "I want one ticket(票) to the zoo," and gives him one yuan. The conductor looks at the small boy for a few seconds and then says to him, "How old are you, young man?" The mother begins to speak, but the conductor stops her. The boy says: "I'm four at home, and two in the buses." At last the mother has to take fifty fen out of her pocket and gives it to the conductor.  相似文献   

正A boy plays with a ball in the living room."Bang"The ball knocks into the vase on the bookshelf.The vase falls down to the ground and breaks into pieces.The boy is very afraid and pretends to reading a book.After a short time,the boy goes into his mother’s study.He glues the pieces of vase together and puts it back to the bookself.The mother comes in and sees what happens to the vase.At table,she asks,"Son,did you break the vase?"  相似文献   

Cat Scan     
A man takes his motionless dog to the vet."Doc,I think my dog is dead.”The vet looks the dog over, goes into a backroom,and comes out with a cat.He places the caton the table next to the dog.The cat walks aroundand sniffs at the dog.The dog does not move.The  相似文献   

Ⅰ.词汇。A)根据句意及首字母提示补全单词。1.The t____is the king of the animals.2.The g____has a long neck.Many people want to see it.3.The animal is u____.No one wants to see it.4.Welcome to the z____.The dolphin is smart.The penguin is fun.5.Class begins  相似文献   

JUNIOR reader who enjoy crime and mystery stories will doubtless find it easy to fill the missing words in the following sentences. To jog your memory, we've included a list of 20 words for you to choose from.1. The thugs w ere arrested for w hen the police saw them dem anding m oney from a schoolboy. 2.The m aid reported the cruelem ployer to the police w hen she could nottolerate the any longer. 3. Even the seasoned policem an w as shocked to see the at the riot. 4. The crim inaltried to …  相似文献   

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