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现在不少机关、单位在招聘人才时,高学历往往是一个首要条件,高学历的人也往往被人另眼相看,当成宝贝。曾有这样一个例子:一位学生在进哈佛商学院以前,曾经到一家公司面试,也许是面试时给对方留下了一个好印象吧,他马上被录用了。不巧,同时他也接到了哈佛商学院的录取通知书,经过反复权衡,他婉言谢绝了该公司的聘用,选择了去哈佛深造。而当他从哈佛拿到学位,又去这家公司应聘时,却被拒绝了。公司负责招聘的人事部长,竟在他的履历表上写下这么一句话“来自哈佛的硬石头”,然后就将之束之高阁了。同是他本人,同样对专业抱着非凡的热情,竟然被…  相似文献   

在美国NBA休斯敦火箭队续约五年的姚明,身价高达7600万美元,对他来说,一场重要比赛,可能为他赢得数百万元的收入。不久前,姚明加入了中华骨髓库捐献造血干细胞志愿者行列,记者为此采访了他:  相似文献   

沈湘 《教师博览》2009,(7):30-31
罗伯特和他6岁的儿子迈克,被司机威尔逊带到了一条破旧的街道,并在一幢老式民房前停了下来。威尔逊指着站在门口的老人说,这就是著名的泥瓦匠史蒂文师傅。罗伯特客气地向史蒂文鞠躬,并恳请他收下自己的儿子迈克。  相似文献   

沈湘 《今日教育》2010,(7):82-82
罗伯特和他6岁的儿子迈克,被司机威尔逊带到了一条破旧的街道,并在一幢老式民房前停了下来。威尔逊指着站在门口的老人说:“这就是著名的泥瓦匠史蒂文师傅。。罗伯特客气地向史蒂文鞠躬,并恳请他收下自己的儿子迈克。  相似文献   

与美国火箭队续约五年的姚明,身价高达7600万美元,对他来说,一场重要比赛,可能为他赢得数百万元的收入。不久前,姚明加入了中华骨髓库捐献造血干细胞志愿者行列,记者为此采访了他:“现在你是中华骨髓库的志愿者,是真的捐还是作为一个形象代言人?”  相似文献   

黄小平 《小学生》2007,(10):35-35
与美国火箭队续约五年的姚明,身价高达7600万美元,对他来说,一场重要比赛,可能为他赢得数百万元的收入。不久前,姚明加入了中华骨髓库捐献造血干细胞志愿者  相似文献   

传统学科教育的目标诉求是"会",把结果看得很重,而对产生这个结果的思维过程却并不太看重,从而导致学生学习的生吞活剥、死记硬背,严重制约着学生的发展.……  相似文献   

拜读了严丽荣老师的文章<多希望校长为教师"走后门">(<校长参考>2007年第12期),深有感触.这篇文章的主要意思是:当教师在工作和生活中遇到困难时,希望校长能去安慰一下教师,去帮助教师解决一点问题,甚至在不违反原则的前提下给教师开点"后门".  相似文献   

招生制度改革比考试制度改革更重要   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
招生制度是选拔制度,考试制度是测量人力资本含量制度.招生制度有以考代招制、综合招生制和"非考试制"等类型.考试制度与招生制度的关系是测量工具与被测量体的关系,出现在"高考"中的问题大多是招生制度设计不合理,而不是考试制度不合理.因此,当前我国招生制度改革比考试制度改革更为重要.  相似文献   

素质教育是中等职业教育的基本内容。素质教育面宽量大。现有的公共基础课不堪重负。在现有的课程课时之外必须系统考虑素质教育问题,要从管理、服务、教学等方方面面落实素质教育。专业能力是谋求职业岗位的重要手段,是中等职业教育的核心,但专业能力远没有基本素质重要。前者影响一时,后者影响一生。  相似文献   

主语和随后的谓语动词在"数"的方面的一致关系常为三种不同的原则所支配。而有些特殊情况,依靠这三个原则是难以解决的。尤其对高职高专学生来说,掌握其规律,为语言运用服务往往有一定的困难。本文结合自身的学习、教学经验和学生技能测试中发现的问题,比较、分析特殊情况下的主谓一致,深入探讨主谓一致的正确使用问题。  相似文献   

Special education is specially designed instruction designed to meet the unusual, specific needs of individual exceptional students. In designing such instruction, group characteristics can be important, but special education demands a focus on individuals, not groups. The only grouping of students with shared characteristics that is important for special education is what the students have learned and need to learn next about what is being taught, whether that be academic or social skills. A focus on group characteristics other than learning is misguided and weakens special education.  相似文献   

ICT in the Classroom: Is Doing More Important than Knowing?   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The introduction of ICT in Swedish compulsory schooling and related changes in the curriculum include a greater focus on pupil activity and responsibility. At the same time the role of the teacher is expected to change. What changes are occurring under these ICT-related initiatives? This paper is based on an empirical study of the work with ICT in nine different schools. It points to at least two on-going trends. Firstly, a shifting of focus in education from content to form. Secondly, a dissolution of boundaries in terms of room, time and activity. This makes it even more difficult for teachers to exercise control over the learning process. This has created a situation where “to do” something with the computer seems to be more important than to understand the content in different subjects.  相似文献   

本文论述了大学教学的本质、目标在于“创造”,并且提出了培养大学生“学少悟多”创造素质的教学改革的几点看法。一是确立“以人为本”、培养“创造素质”为导向的教学评价观 ;二是激发和培养与创造素质有重大关系的非智力心理品质 ;三是进行坚持“少就是多”的课程内容建构的改革 ;四是进行有利于开发学生创造力的教学方法改革。这对我国大学由知识质量型到创造型的教学改革有一定的指导意义  相似文献   

Song  Jinwoong  Chun  Jieun  Na  Jiyeon 《Science & Education》2021,30(6):1387-1419

In modern society, people are expected to make scientific decisions and rational actions over a range of personal and social problems. There have been a number of studies on students’ and adults’ decision-making over socio-scientific issues under the name of scientific literacy. In this study, we investigated the social and cultural backgrounds of Korean people’s actions and trust over their personal problems (e.g. health, career choice), by conducting in-depth interviews with ten Korean adults on their experience related to acupuncture and Four Pillars of Destiny (FPD), two representative examples of unorthodox sciences. The analysis of the data reveals that their actions concerning acupuncture and FPD are influenced by socio-cultural factors (esp. family culture, social system) and by their understandings of the nature of science. In addition, we found that there are a different set of reasons and varying degrees of people’s trust between acupuncture and FPD. Based on the results, we discussed the needs to introduce wider concepts of the nature of science and of the scopes of science education.


文章认为《质疑新记< 大公报> 的“小骂大帮忙”》一文试图完全推翻“小骂大帮忙”之说是站不  相似文献   

现在许多园林绿地,绿化效果差,绿量严重不足。本文认为其中的主要原因是绿化施工过程中对栽植的重要性认识不足,通过对栽植与养护在绿化过程的关系分析,提出应加强对栽植工作在绿化、美化中重要性的认识。栽植与养护同等重要。  相似文献   

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