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英语中,谈论天气的交际用语很多。如:1.Beautiful day,isn't it?天气真好,不是吗?这是一个省略句,完整的句子是:It's a beautiful day,isn't it?在口语中,谈论天气时还有类似的省略:如:  相似文献   

1.你经常积极参加体育锻炼吗?4.你喜欢打篮球、排球还是乒乓球? Do you like to一沪一_,___5.你经常参加乒乓球友谊比赛吗? Do you often at悦nd the___6.百米跑在学生中是受欢迎的活动吗? 15 the___among the pupils?7.你们曾经获得过冠军称号吗? Have you ever一‘__?Doyo耳益‘一二__eve甲砍emoon?答案:1 .t欧e,active_p叭in physicaltrainingZ一held aoports meet-IngPollg3 .favourite sPort 4.Pla丫baoketball volleyball or Ping pongb心friendlymatoh6.100一me吮raee popular7·wonthe 5 .PingeliamPi-onsliips,90 in for spor…  相似文献   

Would you like to know me?Let meintroduce myself to you. My name is Li Xin.I'm fourteen.I ama middle school student.I am alway inred.I like sports very much.And I amgood at running.  相似文献   

馨蘸黝}黔粼耀纂翼薰彝肠~~ldioms about animals@章志燕$南昌二十九中~~  相似文献   

A——ACCOMPANION伙伴。需要吗?如果是走在自己都无法预知的路上,明天醒来,能否还能向身边的你,说声:“早安……”? B——BETRAYAL如果可以,不需要什么理由和解释。是的.背叛了。只是为了自己的心里小小的幸福的假设。倒下的时候,心背叛了生命。但她永恒了。C——CRICIFY双手合十的祷告。人们这样,以为灵魂升天了。十字的束缚。这个世界是本末倒置的。那么还有什么理由我要以为它是圣洁的呢?  相似文献   

中学生英语读写E—mail systems at thousands of companies offices around the world were attacked by a virus(病毒) called“Mellissa”that disguises itself as“an important message”from a friend.Even though there was a weekend warning, more than 50,000 compa-nies at about 100 places around the world have been attacked by the virus,computer experts said on Monday.The virus began to show up last Friday and spread rapidly the next first workday by making computers send off dozens of e-mail containi…  相似文献   

Whenwedosomereading,weoftencomeacrossthesenames:theBritishIsles,Britain,GreatBritain,theUnitedKingdom(UKforshort).Thesedifferentnamesareoftenusedtomeanthesamething.Butdoyouknowthedifferencebetweenthem?TheBritishIslesconsistsoftwoislands:oneiscalledIrelandandtheotherBritain.Britain,orGreatBritain,isthelargerofthesetwoislandsanditisdividedintothreeparts:Scotland,WalesandEngland.ItdoesnotincludeNorthernIreland.TheUnitedKingdomisthenameusedattheUnitedNations;infull,thisis“theUnitedKin…  相似文献   

We are all busy talking about and use the Internet 1.__which set up in the 1960s.At first.the Internet was 2.__only used by the government,but in the early 1970s, 3.__the universities,hospitals and banks were allowed to use 4.__them too.However,computers were still very expensive 5.__and the Intemet was difficulty to use.By the start of 6.__  相似文献   

More about Hainan IslandHainan Island is the second largest island in China.It lies 48 kilometers off the Leizhou Peninsula(雷州半岛)and about one and a half hours by plane from Zhanjiang.The Liu ling Mountains runs down the center of Hainan from the northeast to the southeast and covered with tropical(热带的) forests. There are 50 kinds of min-erals(矿藏). Rice,sugarcane,tobacco,cotton coffee,rubber and many other fruits are grown on the island. Fishing has always been an important means…  相似文献   

*我们生活在同一片蓝天下,让我们一起来了解我们的家园——地球!  相似文献   

Peter was ten years old.He was clever.He paid attention to the teacher in class,but he liked playing in his free time.Strangely he always made a lot of mistakes when he did his homework.One day, his mathematics teacher looked through Peter's homework and  相似文献   

<正>一、Kinds of Names:1. surname2. christian name3. midd1e name4. maiden name5. pet name6. nick name7. pen name8. generic name1n general,English names consist of three parts:Christian name……middle name……surnameA married woman often takes her husband‘s surname as her own. eg.Elizabeth Barrett her husband’s surnameIf you want to call someone’s name,you can not call his surname.In the polite way,you may call Donald Baker-Mr.Baker.There are a million surnames in English speaking world,(esp.in the U.S.A.)be-cause people there come from different countries.Smith,Jokes,Brown,William are verycommon surnames.二、Where from:1.Names suggest something:  相似文献   

If you know some basic facts about America, it must be useful to your English study.1.Foundation:It was founded in 1776, originally including 13 states;now it consists of 50 states. George Washington was elected as the first president.2.Name:The short name is the United States: we call it the US or U.S.A. for short. Its full name is the United States of America.3.Capital:Washington, District of Columbia(Washington, D.C.)4.National Flag:the Stars and Stripes, including 13 red and wh…  相似文献   

ⅠAsyouknow,MarkTwainwasafamousAmericanwriterandJamesWhistlerwasafa-mouspainter.TwainlikedWhistler’sworkverymuch,andthere’sastoryaboutthedayhevisitedWhistlerinhisstudio.Whistlerwasaratherseriousperson,butTwainen-joyedjokes.TwainwalkedroundthestudiolookingatWhistler’swonderfulpaintings.“Ilikethispictureofthesea,”Twainsaid.“Yes,Ipainteditsometimeago.It’scalled‘AngrySea’.”“Thecolorsarebeautiful,”Twainsaid.Thenhepointedatanotherpicture.“Ilikethewaythewomanisstandinginthepictur…  相似文献   

Mr.Smith was governor of New York State.He was a famous man. He was horn very poor on the East Side of New York City.He had little education.He worked very hard and won great success.One day,as governor, he was visiting the state prison at Sing Sing.Sing Sing is one of the largest prisons in the United States. The head of the prison asked Mr. Smith to say  相似文献   

下面的文字摘自某英文报的读者问题解答栏目:Dear Neville:I'm an English self-learner.I have passed all subjects of the self-taught examination for English majors(专业),but my job has nothing to do with my  相似文献   

I am twelve years old. I'm in No. 2 middle school. I have very great desire. That is I want to study in No.1 Senior Middle School, because it's a very famous school. It may be a dream for me, for I am not a top student, but I will study hard from now on and make the dream come true. When I am not a student any longer, I want to become an artist. I like drawing very much and I  相似文献   

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