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This article presents my rejoinder to Jrène Rahm’s response to my article “STEM learning research through a funds of knowledge lens.” I focus on four themes that emerged from my reading of her commentary: the importance of the histories of youth of immigrant origin; her comments on globality; the theoretical lens that she brings to my research; and the methodological issues she discusses. I highlight Rahm’s humanizing component and the need to understand the complexity of immigration. What are we doing in our global settings to build on the diversity of experiences and backgrounds among the youth as a resource towards STEM learning?  相似文献   

Early in 1972 my pupil Chang Chu-tung became ill and had to stay home for a while. Her mother came to me, "My daughter is so worried that she'll fall behind in her studies that she often cries." I offered to come to her house to give her special tutoring, but that night after I got home, I thought it over and realized that my own time is limited. It would be better to organize others in the class to help her. I told my idea to the class and all the children volunteered. I chose three for the task.  相似文献   

In this paper, one 19‐year‐old married mother who was sexually abused when younger discusses the painful and important role reading has played in her life. By using narrative discourse analysis, I parse the young mother’s spoken narrative and illuminate the emotions that cluster around her reading experiences. I discover that she has used reading as a way to make sense of the traumatic experiences of her childhood. I discover as well that, though she evidences immaturity, her moral thinking – refined through her roles as daughter, mother, and wife – is more nuanced than are the texts she is able to read. The questions I ask about her relationship to these books can be generalized to many non‐traditional students going to high schools, or reading in book clubs, today.  相似文献   

When I was four my mother, father, sister, and I moved to California. My mother wrote my grandmother often, partly because she missed her terribly and partly because my mother relishes writing letters. Whenever she wrote, I sat beside her at the kitchen table and composed as many pages as she did, page after page of squiggly lines.Kathy Roskos is Assistant Professor, Department of Education, John Carroll University. Carol Vukelich is Associate Professor and Director of Inservice Education, College of Education, University of Delaware, Newark, DE.  相似文献   

My mum is a pretty fancy cook, so I wasn't surprised one morning when she told us we were having "old goat" for dinner that evening. I just assumed it was probably some traditional stew-like dish. When I got home later I was shocked to see my grandmother there, as I know my mum isn't too f6nd of her. I was confused when Mum served up casserole,  相似文献   

The novel conveys important, political messages exploring the idea of feminism and women's emancipation. Alice Walker demonstrates her views on civil rights and commitment to feminism through Celie. From a womanist's point of view, this essay examines the traumatic journeys that Celie goes through, her spiritual and emotional growth, till finally she find her identity and happiness.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT Alison Jones finds in the writing of her students who take up post-structuralism, a confused humanism, an illegitimate appearance of a prediscursive self. She attributes this to some aspects of my writing and to the students' failure to understand the structuralist base of post-structuralism. Jones argues that I and her students are guilty of humanism when we use active verbs such as 'positioning' or 'forced choice', or when we try to imagine what agency might be in a post-structuralist framework. In this reply I produce a detailed reading of Jones'. In doing so, I attempt to find how she produced her reading of my writing, and at the same time to extend my understanding of what the 'post-structuralist subject' might be. I attend to this in the dual sense of human beings as subjects, and the subject of post-structuralism as we teach it to our students.  相似文献   

Mar]ka13岁入行当模特.很快就声名鹊起。她2001年被选为莫斯科小姐的第二名.2005年还被评为莫斯科最美丽的100人之一。2001年她开始从事电视工作.主持MTV在俄罗斯的一个音乐节目。目前,她不但主持着MTV俄罗斯的数个节目.担当演出和音乐会司仪,还继续从事模特工作。“我是MTV的音乐节目主持人.  相似文献   

“故事征集令”活动开始后, 老编的信箱里一下子收到n 多原创作品, 原来咱们身边都是卧虎藏龙呀! 本期经精选所刊登的两篇佳作, 欢迎大家点评并投票选出您最喜欢的原创故事哦! 如果你愿意刊登与故事相关的图片或照片, 请随同文章一起发给我们。  相似文献   

爱丽丝见到公爵夫人非常高兴,公爵夫人也很高兴。王后让他们跟着去法庭。爱丽丝感到法庭很新奇,因为她从来没有去过法庭,她太小了。  相似文献   

Natasha是一位英国歌手兼作曲家。她在2004年录制了第一张专辑《Unwritten》,全球销售超过二百五十万张。2007年,她获得格莱美最佳流行女歌手的提名。同时,她热心推进全球的人道事业,积极参与世界天使(Global Angels)慈善组织反对贩卖儿童的“Stop the Traffik”活动,“只要条件允许,我总会带上我的留声机一块旅行,留声机播放的音乐有着独特的魅力,可以把你带入一个奇特的世界。”  相似文献   

女儿出生时,我们给她取名叫迈尔斯,和我深爱的已过世的父亲同一个名字,尽管家人提醒这个名字太男性化了。 几年以后,我觉得迈尔斯已经长大,能够理解了。我对她解释说:“你的名字很特别。我给你取了一个和我爸爸一样的名字,因为我非常爱他。我相信他会为你而深感自豪的。”  相似文献   

"In the course of my social life, I try to avoid telling people that I am a teacher, but when I have to, the shutters come down like a clamp” (A head teacher). A young teacher in her first year remarked that she had stopped telling young men with whom she danced that she was a teacher. “It's much easier if I say that I work in a shop or an office.” Sociological writing and inquiry suggests that such experiences are not idiosyncratic. Like the policeman and the priest, the teacher may be perceived as the symbol of approved behaviour and values, not comfortably‐acceptable in the spontaneous, everyday concourse of other adults. The notion is built into all formulations of the teacher stereotype.  相似文献   


Interest in story in teaching has been linked to teacher research (Carter, 1993; Elbaz, 1991), to teacher education (Connelly &; Clandinin, 1994), to curriculum (Britz‐man, 1989; Gudmundsdottir, 1991c), and to school change (Giltin, 1990). I wish to argue here for a link between story and one form of teacher reflection, for portfolio construction, unlike more conventional forms of teacher development, encourages teachers to tell the story of their classrooms and to frame that story in particular ways. I wish to argue here for a view that constructing a portfolio shifts the ownership of learning to the portfolio‐maker and that in this constructing, we can trace a teacher's developing understanding of pedagogy. Specifically, my aim is to illustrate the narrative dimensions of a self‐generated portfolio questionits interpretations, the reflections upon its meaning, and its transformations of pedagogical understandingas this text becomes pedagogy and pedagogy becomes text. This interpretive process is illustrated through a case study of Ellen Nicol, a secondary English as a Second Language teacher, in her graduate teacher education year and her first 2 years of classroom teaching. Ellen's pedagogical text, her question, is reinterpreted with major changes each time she comes to understand more completely the richness and complexity of her classroom. Each new transformation and reinterpretation serve as guide for selection of materials, for selection of pedagogy, and for assessment of success. Each new collection of pedagogical information serves as impetus for possible reframing and transformation of the text.  相似文献   

其实,我本身是个比较守旧的男人,妻也是出了名的本分、老实。在我们相识相恋的那段日子,她绝对没有丁点儿挑逗我的意思,也没有妖艳地诱惑我,而我却理智决堤,情欲失控,这只能归结于妻有一种天然的“性感”。深孕于朴素之中,别人也许感受不到,却对我产生了意想不到的魔力。  相似文献   

In this autoethnographic, conceptual philosophical reflection, the author inquires: Can my students and I, in a technologically mediated virtual space, harness the work of philosophy of education scholars to engage in a shared experience of (re)considering paths to sensitivity to diversity for equity and equality? The author engages the reader in a theoretical hike through a philosophical argument for attending to philosophical theories of education. She focuses on the work of Jane Roland Martin regarding sensitivity and cultural (mis)education and draws heavily on the scholarship of Barbara Thayer-Bacon regarding relational “(e)pistemologies,” constructed thinking, and democratic community. After examining her own practices, the author contends that in the reality of the growth of online education, she is tentatively optimistic that educators can facilitate authentic examination of educational practices in the light of theoretical work and push beyond superficial engagement to lasting transformative growth for the sake of equitable student achievement.  相似文献   

Lost Diary     
<正>I learned the text To Build a Fire a week ago,the protagonisthas a husky,and that made me feel really sad.Two years ago I had a husky too.I still miss her so much,she is a little star in my life,glittering,but distant.She was a pretty girl,lively and cute,like a ball of fur.Her eyes are black,like obsidians,fascinating.That’s the most beautiful part in her body.For some reasons,I had to transfer to  相似文献   

Eleanor Metheny devoted more than four decades of her life to the profession of physical education. From an examination of her work, several major themes emerge in her speaking and writing—scientific, historical, feminist, and philosophical. Ideas are overlapping, sometimes even contradictory; yet she is recognized as one of the preeminent thinkers in the profession. Never satisfied with the status quo, she regularly challenged and cajoled her students and colleagues to examine the past, assess the present, and look to the future. She was both pragmatic and idealistic, but when she spoke, others listened—to ideas often articulated “in a different voice.” My purpose in this paper is not to evaluate those ideas but rather to describe them from my personal point of view and as I perceived them to have developed over time.  相似文献   

This is a response to Samara Foster's engaging critique of my book School Choice and Social Justice. In this response to her criticisms I clarify and try to correct some apparent misunderstandings of the book, but also take the opportunity to pose again a challenge to opponents of choice which neither she, nor other of my critics, has taken up.  相似文献   

《紫色》的叙述模式探析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
美国当代黑人女作家艾丽丝·沃克的《紫色》是一部长篇书信体小说,沃克运用了双重聚集、复调技巧和自由直接引语的独特叙述模式揭示了黑人的精神世界及白人与黑人的异同,充分体现了她强烈的黑人民族思想和对民族团结的坚定信念。  相似文献   

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