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张雷 《华章》2012,(27)
在全球化的背景下,世界上各个文化正在相互影响、相互竞争并且处在不断流动变化之中.文化差异的客观存在,需要人们展开相互间的沟通和对话.“和谐”文化对话的展开已成为国家文化形象传播的重要组成部分,参与着国家形象的构建.  相似文献   

文化全球化与中国传统文化的自我定位   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
文化全球化趋势给世界各个国家和民族带来了多方面的影响。在这种背景下,应以“和而不同”为原则,对多元文化进行整合,逐步构建现代儒学体系,加强文明间的对话,完成中国传统文化在新世纪的自我定位。  相似文献   

全球化时代时空距离的压缩和世界性风险课题的共同应对,促进了各民族文化之问的频繁接触、交流和互动,为世界各民族消除分歧,增进相互理解创造了有利条件.西方文化中心主义以及与之抗衡的多元文化主义却割裂了民族文化与世界文化之间的辩证统一关系,加剧了各民族文化间的冲突,阻碍了各民族文化的沟通和对话.为了建构和谐世界与促进人类的相互理解,当代道德教育必须引导青少年正确处理好不同民族文化之间的辩证关系,在增强对本民族文化认同感的同时,不断了解、尊重和接纳其他的异质文化.  相似文献   

在全球化趋势日益显著的时代背景下,国际理解教育作为促进不同文化间理解与对话的重要手段已倍受各国的关注。本文主要就全球化视野下国际理解教育的特征进行分析与阐释,希望能在深入把握国际理解教育方面有所裨益。  相似文献   

随着北京奥运会的成功举办,2010年上海世博会的顺利进行,学世界英语,看各国文化,成了全民运动。经济的全球化已经带来文化的全球化。世界各国在社会、文化等各方面的交流日益扩大,全球性的相互依存关系不断加深;普遍的竞争已成为各国在诸多方面对话的主要方式,从而强化了各个国家和民族的自我意识。当今教育的一个使命就是要使学生懂得人类社会的多样性,理解各个国家和地区的人们  相似文献   

在全球化趋势日益显著的时代背景下。国际理解教育作为促进不同文化间理解与对话的重要手段已倍受各国的关注。本文主要就全球化视野下国际理解教育的特征进行分析与阐释,希望能在深入把握国际理解教育方面有所裨益。  相似文献   

全球化视域下多元文化教育的时代使命   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16  
社会现代化的发展大大加速了全球化进程,全球化进一步凸现了文化的多元化.多元文化主义坚持文化的多样性和差异性,强调建构多元文化的教育环境,因而促进了教育的民主化观念和多样化发展方向,促进了多元文化教育的发展.多元文化教育理应承担起全球化时代的新使命,更加关注文化差异和机会均等,坚持多元视野和个性指向,进行结构统整,以培养所有学生进入多元文化世界的适应力与发展力,促进世界文化的多样性发展、文化间的相互尊重和世界和平.  相似文献   

全球化时代社会生活的方方面面在世界范围内互联互动,为比较教育的跨文化研究提供了便利条件。全球化时代比较教育的文化根本与文化立场应该是,要以本国的民族精神为文化根本,又要善于转换立场,进入异文化。唯有如此,才能真正促进比较教育的蓬勃发展。  相似文献   

本文以比较的角度对作者的文化体验进行反思性分析,重点探讨作者作为一名具有比较教育学习背景的学者在不同国家工作生活时,如何透过比较视角从不同文化汲取经验。文章也试图展现比较教育的学习背景是如何帮助作者挣脱其成长文化的束缚,以此能够采用外群体的角度进行研究并形成认识论议题,以及作者是如何受益于比较教育的学习,得以凭借关于不同教育体制的广博知识和对文化的敏感度快速融入异种文化。作者将分析他在澳大利亚、香港和新加坡工作、生活时是如何抓住各地不同的研究和认识论议题的。文章将从近几十年来,由全球化进程中的移民潮产生的学术迁移现象入手,探讨澳大利亚、中国香港和新加坡基于不同的社会经济、政治、文化背景如何回应全球化主题,以及在此过程中上述国家和地区如何形成不同的研究和认识论议题。作者是站在内群体与外群体的角度进行观察和分析的。  相似文献   

世界的全球化和经济的一体化,使得世界文化呈现出多元性.不同国家文化的融合,高等院校的教育本土化逐渐引起了人们的注意.在经济全球化时代,高等院校不仅要具备国际化视野,吸收引进外国教育的优秀成果,而且要坚持自己本土的教育特色,保护和促进本国高等学校的教育文化.  相似文献   

新冠肺炎疫情导致的国际冲突昭示着跨文化交流的重要性,历史教育对此应有所作为。历史教育的功能一直在与时俱进,内涵不断丰富,从以史为鉴到国家认同,再到国际理解。在信息时代,全球化和文化多样性并存,历史教育应再度进行调整。跨文化知识是跨文化交流的基础,历史教育应建构出整体的世界史叙事、均衡的世界史框架,形成合理、深刻的跨文化知识体系。跨文化交流与历史教育在认识论和方法论层面存在高度的一致,它们都致力研究面对和处理差异的智慧,跨文化交流与历史思维都是后天养成的,跨文化交流与历史思维均须克服自我中心主义。历史教育所着力培养的理解能力,正是跨文化交流所亟需的共情能力。历史教育要想不被时代淘汰,只能直面挑战,调整自我。  相似文献   


This paper explores the attitudes of secondary-school head teachers towards religious diversity, intercultural and interreligious dialogue and the role of education in fostering intercultural and interreligious dialogue. A sample comprising 275 head teachers in Catalan secondary schools answered an online questionnaire. The results revealed attitudes which were moderately favourable towards cultural and religious diversity, more strongly favourable towards interreligious dialogue, and less favourable towards education playing a major role in managing religious and cultural diversity and in fostering interreligious dialogue. We found significant differences in head teachers’ attitudes in line with the specific features of the schools where they worked. Amongst these differences, it was noticeable that heads of religious and private–public schools had more positive attitudes towards managing religious and cultural diversity and towards education playing a leading role in promoting dialogue. Also, we identified three groups of head teachers who showed differing degrees of positivity according to the perceived religious diversity of their schools. The more diverse the school, the less favourable the attitude, and vice-versa; the most moderate favourability was also associated with the most moderate diversity.  相似文献   

全球化背景下多元文化教育的发展走向   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
徐莉  何茜 《比较教育研究》2005,26(12):42-46
多元文化教育是当下全球化语境对教育的规约以及教育对文化的观照在教育场域中的投射,是一种跨越文化边界的教育,是一种培养与提高人们在多种文化并存的世界文化图景下的跨文化品质的教育活动.多元文化教育反映了人们对社会文化变迁与教育发展轨迹的深刻认识与把握,反映了人们对教育所寄予的促进人类朝着和平、自由和社会正义迈进的美好愿望,是国际教育变革的重要走向.在当今全球化背景下,多元文化教育不断朝着多元、理解、开放的方向发展.  相似文献   

EDUCATION, INTERCULTURAL DIALOGUE AND THE INFORMATION SOCIETY – The present study examines the contribution of education to developing the potentials of intercultural dialogue. The author reflects on educational means for distinguishing between, on one hand, universalization and, on the other, the elimination of particularity at a time of increasing cultural exchange. He presents some thoughts on the fundamentals of ethics for intercultural dialogue at school, examining difficulties in multicultural dialogue or its eventual risks. The study also addresses the conditions for producing and spreading educational messages, their quality, and the content necessary for reinforcing dialogue, as well as the interconnections between education and technology. Finally, the author identifies possible ways to avoid transforming dialogue into an ideological instrument or accepting an exclusive economic, financial or technical logic.  相似文献   

The paper examines the debate taking place in Peru, and also more generally in South and Central American countries with large indigenous populations, on the nature of interculturality and intercultural education. It investigates concepts fundamental to interculturality such as democracy and equality and asks what they mean in the context of the Peruvian state, civil society and the indigenous movement. It questions whether an interculturality based in apolitical calls for dialogue and respect for cultural and linguistic plurality can meet the needs of indigenous peoples and their daily confrontations with oppressive and unequal intercultural relations. Taking Peru as an example, it investigates the possibilities for the development of an interculturality that is characterised by equality and participation and which enables indigenous peoples to have greater control over their lives. It then briefly examines the nature of the intercultural lives of the Harakmbut of SE Peruvian Amazon and a new indigenous intercultural education programme which the Harakmbut hope will help them address the inequalities and exploitation which they face.  相似文献   

EDUCATION, INTERCULTURAL DIALOGUE AND THE INFORMATION SOCIETY – The present study examines the contribution of education to developing the potentials of intercultural dialogue. The author reflects on educational means for distinguishing between, on one hand, universalization and, on the other, the elimination of particularity at a time of increasing cultural exchange. He presents some thoughts on the fundamentals of ethics for intercultural dialogue at school, examining difficulties in multicultural dialogue or its eventual risks. The study also addresses the conditions for producing and spreading educational messages, their quality, and the content necessary for reinforcing dialogue, as well as the interconnections between education and technology. Finally, the author identifies possible ways to avoid transforming dialogue into an ideological instrument or accepting an exclusive economic, financial or technical logic.  相似文献   

As transnational education programmes continue to proliferate, a corresponding increase in intercultural competence on the part of faculty, curriculum developers, and support staff is required. Transnational programmes incorporating ''best practice'' curricula and the most advanced technology and facilities cannot fulfill their potential unless they meet the cultural needs of their clientele. Meeting these needs requires an understanding of intercultural competence and objective methods to measure and assess it. These requirements raise issues in terms of objectively measuring cross-cultural competence and designing and assessing training programmes in this vital area. The author introduces the Developmental Model of Intercultural Sensitivity (DMIS), Bennett's conceptual framework for understanding the developmental stages of intercultural competence, and the Intercultural Development Inventory (IDI), a psychometric instrument for measuring cross-cultural competence and training needs, in both individuals and groups, and assessing training outcomes.  相似文献   

Forty invited interculturalists (both academics and non-academics) from nine countries engaged in developing a coherent culture of dialogue and collective action to address the challenge of redefining intercultural education provisions with regard to the needs of refugee children. The method of cooperative inquiry to elicit theoretical and professional expertise from the participants was adopted. This inquiry was based on four dimensions of reflective practice, drawing on experiential, presentational, propositional and practical knowledge. The intercultural experts (seen as ‘co-researchers’ and/or ‘co-subjects’) who participated engaged in a rigorous intercultural and reflexive dialogue developed in four distinct phases. The first two phases took place in their own local contexts and the final ones in a forum organised in Greece. During the forum, the participants’ diverse knowledge and experience were renegotiated to ascertain the ‘collective wisdom’ of the group and to address issues of otherness and approaches to refugee education, teachers’ training and mediation. The consensus reached by the participants included the following: the need for local communities to be supported so as to avoid and mitigate any hostility towards refugees; the urgency of a common European asylum policy; the realisation of the ‘other’ as a social construct based on hierarchical connotations and defined by diverse (meta)narratives; the urgency for providing formal/mainstream education to secure a pathway to social citizenship for refugees; the adoption of culturally responsive education practices to empower intercultural learning using refugee children’s own cultural knowledge and collaborating with parents; and the need for systemic intercultural and mediation training for teachers.  相似文献   

本从,分化交际角度对非言语交际的主要方式——体态语进行了初步研究,重点讨论了体态语的化差异及在外语教学中导入体态语化的必要性和方式,目的在于帮助外语学习及对外交往人士提高跨化交际能力,适应全球化的新形势。  相似文献   

在国际化视域下,比较教育面临着诸多冲击和挑战,特别是在以西方为主导的强势话语下,非西方民族国家的比较教育学科和实践正在走入困境,偏离原来的航向。由于对普世主义信念的坚守和文化自觉意识的缺乏,比较教育学科和研究者时常面临着身份认同危机。在此背景下,走出困境的出路之一就是要认清国际交流的学术话语权利关系,提升文化自觉,努力寻求“本土生长”的教育理论和实践,倡导“和而不同”的理念,并积极参与到国际教育的对话与交流中。  相似文献   

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