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With a central focus on thecultural contexts of Pacific island societies,this essay examines the entanglement ofcolonial power relations in local recordkeepingpractices. These cultural contexts include theon-going exchange between oral and literatecultures, the aftermath of colonialdisempowerment and reassertion of indigenousrights and identities, the difficulty ofmaintaining full archival systems in isolated,resource-poor micro-states, and the drivinginfluence of development theory. The essayopens with a discussion of concepts ofexploration and evangelism in cross-culturalanalysis as metaphors for archival endeavour. It then explores the cultural exchanges betweenoral memory and written records, orality, andliteracy, as means of keeping evidence andremembering. After discussing the relation ofrecords to processes of political and economicdisempowerment, and the reclaiming of rightsand identities, it returns to the patterns ofarchival development in the Pacific region toconsider how archives can better integrate intotheir cultural and political contexts, with theaim of becoming more valued parts of theircommunities.  相似文献   

User perspective and user studies have received noticeably little practical attention in archives and archival science. The purpose of this article is to address the issues of communication and user participation in archival contexts. Two action research projects-based digital archives are discussed. The insights gained during the research and development work are used to formulate a new approach to a participatory archive. In spite of the historical nature of the archives discussed, the suggested ways of interacting with an archive are not specific to historical records. The fundamental characteristics of the proposed approach are decentralised curation, radical user orientation, and contextualisation of both records and the entire archival process.
Isto HuvilaEmail:

Information technology (IT) applications in local government have been mostly used to advance the technical capacity of localities in delivering public services. As decision making responsibility moves from the U.S. federal government to local governments, academic researchers should address the need for developing intuitive decision support systems (DSS) for government managers and senior decision makers. The task-specific models of Web-based information systems (IS) discussed in this study can help local government managers capture information in multimedia format and facilitate information sharing between their department and other agencies without dependency on specific platforms, time differences, or locations in a cost-effective manner. Consequently, research should be encouraged to develop methods that respond to questions of training in the new IS environment and to provide solutions to facilitate service and system integration despite the environmental and political complexity surrounding local governments.  相似文献   

This article discusses the results of a large-scale Internet survey (with 1156 respondents) that investigated the cues and factors that could positively influence Dutch Internet users' trust in government organizations in terms of their usage and processing of citizens' personal data. Confidence in online privacy statements, as indicated by the results of this study, significantly influences trust in government organizations among Dutch Internet users with and without previous e-government experience. Among those with e-government experience, the quality of their online government transaction experience and a positive government organizational reputation can also increase their trust in government organizations, specifically in terms of how they process and use citizens' personal data.  相似文献   

Prior e-Government research has paid much attention to e-Government service adoption from the supplier side - the government - while mostly overlooking the user side of e-Government, such as citizens and businesses. While there have been some initial efforts to study citizens in their adoption behavior, few have examined what influences the willingness of businesses in adopting e-Government services. This research attempts to fill this research gap by addressing the following research question: Why are some businesses more willing to adopt e-Government applications to perform transactions with the government than others? The authors argue that the willingness of a business to adopt e-Government depends on the perceived quality of government services through traditional brick and mortar service channels (offline service channels), and the level of trust businesses place in the internet technology itself. Competing hypotheses are developed with regard to the role of perceived quality of offline services on the business user's willingness to adopt e-Government services. Using data obtained from a local district government in Seoul, Korea, the analysis revealed that the willingness to adopt e-Government increased when business users perceived high quality service provision in offline service channels. However, trust in the internet technology itself did not have any significant impact on their willingness. The theoretical and practical implications of the study finding are discussed.  相似文献   


Exploring new sources on the Great War a hundred years after it ended is a unique and exciting experience for any First World War historian. The very nature of the documents that we are dealing with in the present case makes it even more thrilling: hundreds of investigation and prosecution files documenting the invasion and occupation of Belgium, produced by both military and civil jurisdictions in an effort to prosecute war criminals. These fascinating records – repatriated to Belgium from Moscow in 2002 – offer new material on issues such as the German atrocities and everyday life under the occupation, but they also provide highly valuable insights into the history of international criminal law. This exploratory article will trace the unexpected trajectory of these archives, contextualise their creation and highlight some of the treasures they contain. In doing so, this article will attempt to discuss the thorny issue of archive repatriation and the questions this raises from an archival and historical perspective. It also seeks to show that the establishment of an International Criminal Court, despite the fact that it is now being called into question more than ever before, rests on solid and far-reaching historical foundations.  相似文献   

Historians, as users of archives, often discuss the thrill and emotion of their ‘discoveries’. We can form romantic attachments or be repulsed across the decades. Archives containing the physical remains of the past can transport us, we can move beyond the here and now. Before the Museum of Melbourne digitised Alfred Howitt’s correspondence, I once opened a letter written to him on classic nineteenth-century blued paper. As I pulled the missive from its envelope, I could smell tobacco smoke. I was immediately in the room with him. Recently, after completing an article on the topic of frontier violence, my co-author and I both described a feeling of stress and trauma that came from reading colonial records of ‘skirmishes’ and ‘dispersals’. In this paper, I want to reflect on the experience of Affect in the archive.  相似文献   

视频档案的数字化要经过采样、量化、压缩和编码等过程,涉及到色彩空间、采样频率、采样精度、压缩标准等概念。视频档案数字化系统由放像设备、视频采集设备、视频编辑系统(软件)和视频存储设备组成。数字化处理步骤通常包括原像带处理、设备准备和连接、视频采集、视频编辑和格式转换、光盘刻录、后期工作等。  相似文献   

Harris offers a brief preliminary deconstructive reading of archives–memory nexuses. The reading is positioned in relation to what he sees as a paucity of engagement between archivy and the emerging memory industry. While, at one level, the essay is simply a reading of Jacques Derrida and Paul Ricoeur within archives–memory nexuses, at another, it is an attempt to demonstrate how troubled, and troubling, these nexuses are. Harris ranges from theoretical to anecdotal, conceptual to political, and argues that archives and memory are best understood as genres of the trace.  相似文献   

打开祖国的版图,在长江入海口有一个濒江临海的中等城市,这就是被誉为“中国近代第一城”的江苏南通;打开南通的地图,在主城区西北方有一个名不见经传的小镇,这就是中国民族纺织工业的发祥地唐家闸,中国最早的民营纺织股份制企业——大生纱厂就坐落在这个小镇上。这个纱厂经历了110多年的历史风雨,逐渐发展成为中国近代著名的大生企事业集团,而见证这一历史过程的,就是基本完好地保存在南通市档案馆里的大生档案。一、先人遗存要说大生纱厂和它形成的大生档案,还得从中国近代著名实业家、教育家,大生纱厂的创办人张謇说起。张謇(1853-1926),…  相似文献   

Public and privateorganizations depend, for their disciplinaryand surveillance power, on the creation andmaintenance of records. Entire societies maybe emprisoned in Foucauldian panopticism, asystem of surveillance and power-knowledge,based on and practised by registration, filing,and records. Archives resemble temples asinstitutions of surveillance and powerarchitecturally, but they also function assuch, because the panoptical archivedisciplines and controls throughknowledge-power. Inside the archives, therituals, surveillance, and discipline serve tomaintain the power of the archives and thearchivist. But the archives' power is (orshould be) the citizen's power too. Theviolation of human rights is documented in thearchives and the citizen who defends himselfappeals to the archives. People value storage as a means to keep account of thepresent for the future. In order to be useableas instruments of empowerment and liberation,archives have to be secured as storage memoryserving society's future functional memories.  相似文献   

公共档案馆的内涵不是基于《现代汉语词典》中公共性的解释就可以得出,也不是只要建设成为城市标志性的文化建筑就能实现,更不是传统档案馆只要服务向社会开放就可以瞬间建成。公共档案馆的建设是一个长期的过程,需要基于我国档案工作的国情及社会发展环境务实开展。论文阐述了公共档案馆建设应遵循的原则、发展路径及"三步走"发展战略,同时还对相关保障机制进行了探讨。  相似文献   

Technology advances in eHealth and mHealth are changing the way that health care consumers and providers communicate, receive and deliver care, and access health information. As electronic health records and smartphones have become ubiquitous in the United States, opportunities and applications for the integration of eHealth and mHealth have increased. In addition to technology advances, the changing health care model is simultaneously adapting to and driving initiatives in digital health care. With these digital initiatives have come challenges, including data overload, security and privacy concerns, deficits in technological and health literacy skills, and sorting through the vast number of choices of digital applications. Navigating this changing landscape can be overwhelming and time consuming for both health care providers and consumers. Librarians are uniquely positioned to assist providers and consumers to break down barriers within the digital health care landscape through data management initiatives, technology and health literacy instruction, and finding and evaluating health information and digital health technologies.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study is to investigate how archivists conduct reference services. The investigators administered two surveys to 19 participants at 15 Canadian academic archives to understand archivists’ behaviour while performing reference. There is no standard approach to reference as many archivists use institution-specific tools coupled with their own knowledge. Finding aids are the most frequently accessed tool and are most often used in conjunction with other tools. Limited resources are the primary barrier to the provision of effective reference services. The tools that are employed by archives are archivist focused, which results in reference services that are not user focused.  相似文献   

In October 2004, the archival appraisal working group of the Association of German Archivists (Verband deutscher Archivarinnen und Archivare) presented a position paper outlining the present status of the debate on appraisal within the Federal Republic of Germany. What follows is an overview of this discussion as background and context for the group’s position paper; an examination of the common ground between appraisal as practised in Germany and macroappraisal as developed in Canada; and a glimpse at the future directions of this discussion in Germany. The position paper is appended to this article.  相似文献   

王昊 《兰台世界》2020,(4):24-29
从社会记忆理论视角出发,探析数字游戏在记录与保存个人、国家乃至整个人类社会记忆的过程中所具备的档案属性。以Sid Meier’s Civilization系列游戏为切入点,总结归纳数字游戏档案在传承文明记忆、构建社会原貌和憧憬未来生活中发挥的社会记忆功能。作者建议,通过形成共识、增强关注、重视载体、完整保存、建馆设展和深度体验等途径加强数字游戏档案的保护与开发,使数字游戏档案有效实现社会记忆功能。  相似文献   

Column Editor's Notes

The “Digital Heritage: Spotlight on Europe” column examines technological advances internal and external to cultural institutions. The digital shift changed radically how cultural heritage is made, disseminated, distributed, accessed, consumed, and monetized. One of the most important revolutions is that the user's role changed dramatically, shifting from passive observers to active participants and content producers with many new and exciting opportunities for engagement, creative use, and access. The strength of the column is its broad, international focus, and contributors are encouraged to explore issues and recent advances in digital heritage theories, methodologies, standards relevant to the European region, as well as the larger, global audience.  相似文献   

Dr. Katherine Skinner is the Executive Director of the Educopia Institute. Founded in 2006, the Educopia Institute is a nonprofit educational organization that hosts inter-institutional, collaborative programs for the production, dissemination, and preservation of digital scholarship. She is the founding program director for the MetaArchive Cooperative that launched in 2004. That community-owned and community-governed digital preservation network now has more than 50 member institutions in four countries. Dr. Skinner also directs the Library Publishing Coalition project, a two-year initiative to create a new organization to support library publishing and scholarly communications activities in conjunction with more than 50 academic libraries.  相似文献   

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