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随着电大远程开放教育的深入发展,加强学生自主学习能力的培养,使学生学会自主学习,提高学生参与学习的主动性和积极性,对保障教学过程顺利进行,提高教学质量具有重要意义。  相似文献   

This article summarises research into the effectiveness of a distance learning doctorate in education (EdD). Drawing on an emerging literature which attempts to conceptualise professional doctorates as distinctive from the PhD, we developed a case‐study approach to investigate the EdD student experience. Four themes emerge which are developed into a model of professional outcomes: professionalisation; professional change; bridging the academic/professional divide; and professional self‐esteem. We argue none of these outcomes would have been achieved so effectively for these distance students without a highly structured but flexible support system.  相似文献   

远程网络教育学习评价初探   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
随着远程教育规模的不断扩大,教育质量越来越受到人们关注,文章通过对远程教育教学质量的分析,从实行全过程多元评价、建立科学评价体系和完善评价实施系统三个方面,探讨远程网络教育学习质量评价方法的改进,并结合所承担的中央电大“人才培养模式改革和开放教育”试点项目,对现代远程教育教学评价的一些初步思考。  相似文献   


Distance education reaches out to non-traditional students in geographically dispersed locations, who are unable to attend face-to-face classes. Contact institutions have been quick to realise the many advantages of distance (online) learning, such as easy access to learning materials, interactive activities, assessment and communication tools. However, the path to anything approaching dual-mode provision has not been without obstacles. In South Africa in the early 2000s, the Council on Higher Education reinforced the mandate of distance education universities and decreed that contact institutions should not encroach on this territory. Subsequently, various frameworks and guidelines emerged which can inform current consideration of dual-mode provision. This practitioner report presents two case studies (University of Pretoria, South Africa; and University of Oxford, United Kingdom) which explore the implications for contact institutions in expanding their provision to include distance education.  相似文献   

以最新信息技术为依托的现代远程教育是我国高等教育体系中的重要组成部分。本文通过对社会和个体成员对高等教育的需求及传统高等教育所能提供服务的分析,及对高等教育内外部相关因素的分析,笔者认为发展现代远程教育正面临着最佳机遇,提出了高等教育大众化实施过程中现代远程教育的发展模式、策略。  相似文献   

人类学习方式经历了私塾求学、课堂学习及网络学习三个历史阶段,现代远程开放教育是社会发展的必然要求。移动学习(M-Learning)能够针对现代社会学习者流动分散的学习特征,利用碎片化学习方式,实现最佳学习效果,运用越来越广泛的移动学习必将成为未来学习过程中不可或缺的学习方式,是未来远程开放教育中的最佳学习模式。  相似文献   

This paper looks at a qualitative case study of distance learning at Universiti Utara Malaysia as described by a small group of distance learners as they progress through their courses at the institution. It concerns the learners – it is their story, their experience, their perspective. In particular, this thematic report looks at learning support in distance learning as it surfaced as one of the central findings of this research. This is an issue that arose from discussions with the students, rather than being predetermined by the research design. Conclusions have been drawn regarding the role of learning support to facilitate distance learning at Universiti Utara Malaysia. The concept of need and support is important as it relates to the different requirements from support into action that enables the learners to connect with their teachers, the course content and with other learners.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to synthesize the cognitive learning strategy intervention studies conducted in Korea between 1990 and 2006, using meta-analysis. By means of pre-established systematic criteria, 50 articles were selected and 97 effect sizes were calculated. Effect size was calculated using ‘the Cohen’s d’ (Cooper &; Hedges, 1994). The research questions of the present study were as follows: (a) Are cognitive learning strategies generally effective? (b) What type of cognitive learning strategy is most effective? (c) Are effect sizes of different types of cognitive learning strategies different according to the applied domains, grade levels, and achievement levels? The results of the study indicate that, first of all, the overall cognitive learning strategies (97 ESs) yielded a large effect size (ESsm=.96), which was not homogenous (Q=55.19,p <.05). Thus, in each subcategory of learners’ characteristics and applied domains, we calculated effect sizes and conducted the test of homogeneity separately. Except for grade level, the effect sizes were generally homogenous in each subcategory. The findings revealed that cognitive strategies had large effect sizes (.82–1.69). For average achieving students as well as underachieving students (Learning Disabilities), cognitive learning strategies were very effective (.82–1.42). The effect of cognitive learning strategies was very large in terms of students in all grades (1.02–1.34), except for middle school students (.70). Lastly, the implications for the application of different cognitive learning strategies were discussed.  相似文献   

This study investigates the relationship between learning approach and outcome for distance and on-campus first-year biology students. It uses a topic-specific version of the Study Process Questionnaire, recent articulations of the Structure of Observed Learning Outcome (SOLO) model and individual interviews. Deep approaches were related to better quality SOLO categories of learning outcomes, but many students appeared to adopt a mix of surface and deep approaches to learning, or used little of either, and demonstrated poor quality learning outcomes. A strong approach/outcome relationship was not evident for the younger on-campus cohort. It is argued that these results highlight the need to look beyond learning approaches towards more multidimensional and integrative perspectives of student learning.  相似文献   

现代远程学习   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
现代远程学习是现代远程教育中教与学体系的一个重要组成部分。本先界定了现代远程学习的内涵,然后从原则、技术手段、模式特点等诸方面对现代远程学习进行了分析和探索,并预测现代远程学习在未来的发展趋势。  相似文献   

远程教育校外学习中心面临的问题及改进办法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
校外学习中心是开展现代远程教育的支持服务机构,是实现远程教育质量的重要保证。目前,校外学习中心仍面临着不少问题,如不正确的办学理念,招生及考试管理纰漏多,学习支持服务还不够完善等。因此,必须加强校外学习中心各项工作的管理以促进我国现代远程教育的健康发展。  相似文献   

现代远程教育是一种新型教育模式,能够有效突破空间和时间限制,本文将对5S学习支持模式进行分析和研究,并提出现代远程教育5S学习支持模式应用有效对策。  相似文献   

本文旨在研究中学生在英语学习中对动机调控策略的使用情况及其和英语成绩的关系。采用问卷的方式对105名高中二年级学生进行了调查,并使用SPSS11.5对数据进行了描述性统计分析、独立样本T检验和相关分析。结果表明:中学生对八种动机调控策略的使用频率均达到了中等或较高水平;女生对动机调控策略的使用频率高于男生;八种动机调控策略中,除后果设想之外的其他七种策略均与英语成绩正相关。  相似文献   

Students' motivation plays an important role in successful science learning. However, motivation is a complex construct. Theories of motivation suggests that students' motivation must be conceptualized as a motivational system with numerous components that interact in complex ways and influence metacognitive processes such as self-evaluation. This complexity is further increased because students' motivation and success in science learning influence each other as they develop over time. It is challenging to study the co-development of motivation and learning due to these complex interactions which can vary widely across individuals. Recently, person-centered approaches that capture students' motivational profiles, that is, the multiplicity of motivational factors as they co-occur in students, have been successfully used in educational psychology to better understand the complex interplay between the co-development of students' motivation and learning. We employed a person-centered approach to study how the motivational profiles, constructed from goal-orientation, self-efficacy, and engagement data of N = 401 middle school students developed over the course of a 10-week energy unit and how that development was related to students' learning. We identified four characteristic motivational profiles with varying temporal stability and found that students' learning over the course of the unit was best characterized by considering the type of students' motivational profiles and the transitions that occurred between them. We discuss implications for the design and implementation of interventions and future research into the complex interplay between motivation and learning.  相似文献   

远程教育学习可以帮助师生之间隔空对话,解决了在相对分离状态下学习者的学习需求和教师希望得到的学生反馈,是一举两得的好事。这是我国对继续教育发展的一种探索和实践,也是在为终身教育体系的构建创造基础。但是远程学习毕竟是一种新生社会产物,遇到各种问题和障碍也是正常的,尤其是远程学习者对学习效能的感知与学习动机的培养调动,本文就将通过实际来调查研究学习效能与学习动机之间的关系。  相似文献   

The demand for distance continuing engineering education (CEE) is growing. This article describes the following with regard to CEE: the purpose; its importance, trends and unique challenges. Distance education can meet some of these challenges. Benefits and challenges of distance CEE are discussed along with the different types of distance CEE providers including universities, professional and trade organisations, corporate universities, for-profit education providers and government. Some recommendations are given for distance CEE. The specific focus here is on non-degree courses that are generally highly practical and focused.  相似文献   

各级广播电视大学借助远程教育的平台为扩大人民群众接受高等教育的机会,为加快我国高等教育大众化进程,为我国终身学习体系的建设,作出了巨大贡献。今天,广播电视大学已经成为我国现代远程教育的骨干力量,成为我国推进全民学习、终身学习的重要支撑,将在我国建设人力资源强国中发挥重要作用。  相似文献   

本文对高职英语专业学生学习动机调控策略的使用情况进行了实证性研究,利用探索性因子分析得出8种学习动机调控策略,分别为:掌握目标唤起、兴趣提升、后果设想、自我激励、竞争压力、意志控制、环境调控和表现目标唤起。研究表明:高职英语专业学生在学习中经常使用动机调控策略,在具有中国大学生使用动机调控策略的共性之外,也具有一定的独特性。教师应该针对高职学生的特点帮助他们学会调控学习动机。  相似文献   

《Africa Education Review》2013,10(1):180-198

This paper describes the participatory development of a new curriculum for an Advanced Certificate in Education (ACE) (Inclusive and Special Needs Education) programme in the Faculty of Education, University of Pretoria. Several challenges in the existing programme necessitated curriculum re-design and development. These challenges included responding to policies regarding inclusive and special needs education; responding to revised higher education frameworks; revisiting the structure and content of modules in order to improve articulation; addressing an anticipated increase in student enrolment and a changing student profile; and incorporating current trends in distance education service delivery. Partners in this collaborative curriculum initiative included the Unit for Distance Education, the Department of Educational Psychology, the Department for Education Innovation and the South African Institute of Distance Education (SAIDE). Insights derived from this paper could possibly inform similar curriculum development initiatives, as well as extend knowledge on open and distance learning service delivery, in particular for in-service teacher training.  相似文献   

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