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从语言的角度讲,小说主要由叙述和引语两部分组成,即叙述、描写或评论和直接或间接引语。叙述是小说的主线,引语则是叙述的主要组成部分。美国短篇小说The Use ofForce篇幅虽短,但在叙述视角和引语的使用方面具有鲜明的特色。基于此,试从叙述和引语的使用两方面对The Use ofForce进行分析,旨在总结出该小说的叙述特点。  相似文献   

严歌苓是个有责任感的著名旅美作家。她认为作家不该写当代的东西,因为未经不断思考的东西没有深度,所以她的很多小说都是以上世纪中国抗日战争到改革开放为时代背景。她的长篇力作《第九个寡妇》讲述的是从抗日战争到改革开放中国大陆半个多世纪以来发生在民间的历史事件。小说围绕第九个寡妇王葡萄救公爹的义举展开。拟从马克思主义生存论的角度探析王葡萄如何在那样一个艰难的历史时期成为当代文坛第一个快乐的寡妇。  相似文献   

凯瑟琳·安·波特是美国著名南方女作家.她以为数不多的中、短篇小说和一部长篇蜚声美国文坛.她的短篇小说"斜塔"以一次世界大战之后、纳粹主义兴起之前的德国为背景,谴责了战争的罪恶,审视了人类的弱点和趋恶性,表达了作者对人类处境与命运的关注.本文从波特精湛的写作手法入手,从小说伦理学的角度对<斜塔>的主题进行分析.  相似文献   

张硕 《宜春学院学报》2012,34(5):112-114
《死者》是詹姆斯·乔伊斯短篇小说集《都柏林人》的压轴篇。文章通过解构《死者》中虚实结合的两部分主次情节,分析小说中老中青三代的言语与行为,揭示了爱尔兰人的迷茫及爱尔兰社会的文化危机,探讨了的"死者"意象的潜在内涵——后殖民时代的爱尔兰精神流亡,文化没落。而在如今高速发展的信息时代,这篇小说在唤起现代人的精神与信仰的征途中焕发出了新的活力。  相似文献   

The main arguments of my lecture were how humans are failing themselves and devastating earth’s biosphere, at least in part, because they became uncooperative with two key ecological inheritances: raising the young within the human evolved developmental niche and, as part of this, facilitating the development of a deep attachment to, knowledge of and respect for their local landscape of other-than-human entities. Without humanity’s return to these cooperative evolutionary roots, the species will be doomed, along with many other-than-human beings. The now-widespread mental illness of ‘human supremacism’ that results from these missing pieces has spread around the planet and is destroying ecological integrity. The ‘Sacred Money and Markets’ story (SMM) that David Korten criticizes and I briefly discuss is a symptom of these missing pieces of human inheritance. We must return to a Sacred Life and Living Earth story with lifestyles to match.  相似文献   

《帕尔哈德与西琳》是世界文学上最悲惨的爱情长诗之一,帕尔哈德与西琳的爱情传说主要来源于(公元590-628年在位)萨珊王朝的国王之一霍斯罗·帕尔维兹与伊朗国王大流士一世(Darius 1)之间的矛盾。帕尔哈德与西琳的传说早已在西亚、中亚流传开来,与其是维吾尔民间广为流传,具有悠久历史。在中亚《帕尔哈德与西琳》长诗有一百多种版本,十几世纪以来,这部长诗不断重复的唯一原因就是情节的完美。本论文主要对纳瓦依与尼扎里笔下的爱情长诗《帕尔哈德与西琳》的具体情节类型按照原有典型,基本情节和派生情节,结局性情节和展示性情节,英雄的行为传统,英雄的行为符号等项目进行分析。  相似文献   

鲁迅的《铸剑》由复仇故事、行侠故事、魂化故事三个故事组成。复仇故事是屑间尺继承父亲遗志,准备向大王复仇;行侠故事是宴之敖以眉间尺的头和剑为条件接替眉问尺行侠复仇;魂化故事是大王、眉间尺、宴之敖三头相搏,烂在一起。三个故事由三为一,复仇者从幼稚到成熟,再到魂化以至一起毁灭。这一一结局消解了复仇的意义,抹杀了是与非的评判。魂化故事的结局,使悲壮的复仇变为具有喜剧色彩的闹剧。  相似文献   

"Looking for Mr.Green"is a famous short story written by the renowned Nobel Prize winner Saul Bellow.Grebe,the main character in"Looking for Mr.Green",confronts many difficulties in delivering relief checks to the residents who were in need in the South Side of Chicago.With the analysis of Mr.Grebe and his finding Mr.Green,this paper will take Grebe’s looking for hope in his life as the main reason for his chase.What Grebe does represents the predicament of Americans and their attitudes towards life during the depression time.  相似文献   

There is an influential story about learning that retains a grip on the public mind. Main elements of this story include: the best learning resides in individual minds not bodies; it centres on propositions (true, false; more certain, less certain); such learning is transparent to the mind that has acquired it; so the acquisition of the best learning alters minds not bodies. Implications of these basic ideas include: the best learning can be expressed verbally and written down in books, etc.; the process and product of learning can be sharply distinguished; and, though residing in minds and books, the best learning can be applied, via bodies, to alter the external world. The pervasive influence of this story is apparent in many writings about learning, including philosophical writings. A number of basic assumptions about learning underpin this story. The central purpose of this paper is to further delineate and then challenge each of these basic assumptions. The main implication of challenging these basic assumptions is that a somewhat different philosophical understanding of learning emerges. This different understanding of learning may offer fresh insights on current educational issues.  相似文献   

刘洪梅 《海外英语》2012,(17):180-181,184
The Unicorn in the Garden,written by James Thurber,is an ironic short story.It is believed that this short story can be considered as a representative of the war between men and women.The purpose of this thesis is to analyze the use of symbolism in this short novel and therefore reveal the indifferent relationship and marital conflict between the husband and the wife.By the interpretation of the symbolic meanings of several images,this thesis will explore the humor,theme,as well as the characters of the husband and the wife.  相似文献   

本主要介绍和分析当代美国华裔作家任碧莲在短篇小说“谁是爱尔兰人?”中的体构建特征,通过对该小说中叙述声音及其变化的分析,意在阐明作借助不同叙事方式来表达作品主题的写作意图,并试图解释作家通过该作品所传达的对美国社会化中现实问题的关注及其意义。  相似文献   

研究者论及《热爱生命》时,多认为小说塑造了一个具有顽强意志和勇敢精神的超人形象。但是如果我们结合故事的背景。深入分析文中所塑造的淘金者和病狼形象,则不难看出小说的主旨是赞颂生命在未知境况下表现出的可塑性和坚韧性,表现了对一切生命体拼搏精神的礼赞。  相似文献   

在短篇小说《他》中,凯瑟琳·安·波特成功地塑造了一个家境贫困、生育了一个智障儿子的母亲形象。而关于这一人物形象有不同的评论。通过分析这篇小说中智障儿子“他”的蕴意以及家庭中父亲角色的缺失来探讨母亲在生活中所面临的困境,从而得出结论,在这个小说中波特以现实生活为主题,展示了一个经济条件困窘的母亲由于生活所迫不能更好地照顾好智障的孩子时经历的内心的不安和挣扎,那种认为她既是善良仁爱又是自私冷酷的虐待智障儿子的母亲的评论,有失偏颇。  相似文献   

This paper applies transitivity system in the SFG to analyze The Little Match Seller.It investigates the distribution of process verbs in the text,and makes case analysis of the main processes' function,which will help us understand the theme of the story better.  相似文献   

Oral language provides a foundation for reading comprehension. Story comprehension is a fundamental oral language skill; it covers making inferences, identifying main ideas, monitoring, perspective-taking, and applying working memory capacity. Complex reasoning and perspective-taking are key factors in deep reading comprehension. Preliterate children’s deeper story comprehension skills can be initial indicators of their later reading comprehension. Thus, the purpose of this research is to investigate preliterate preschool children’s story comprehension skills in detail. This study focuses on the additional multimedia features of digital storybooks and whether they hinder or promote young children’s explicit and implicit comprehension in a small group reading activity. The findings revealed that (a) children in the multimedia-enhanced storybook group outperformed the print storybook group in terms of both explicit and implicit story comprehension, (b) explicit story comprehension was higher than implicit story comprehension for both groups, and (c) the children recalled significantly more story elements and the length of the story retellings was greater with the aid of animated illustrations. The findings indicate that a digital storybook provides close temporal contiguity of text and visuals and may enhance story understanding by concretizing the narration. The study provides evidence that multimedia stories can foster children’s implicit story comprehension and inferential thinking about the content of the story.  相似文献   

It has been shown that pictures greatly facilitate children’s recall of story information, But will they have the same positive effect when the passages to be recalled are more directly educational? In these experiments, both single pictures illustrating the passage’s main idea and a group of pictures, one illustrating each sentence, helped fourth graders recall the illustrated content of newspaper articles.  相似文献   

This article illustrates, through the story of one mainstream primary school, the tensions between the inclusion agenda and the standards agenda. The school is situated in an area of social deprivation and nearly half of the school population have been identified as having special educational needs. The story presented in this article illustrates powerfully the inherent injustice of the performative culture which pervades education and the effects of this discourse for children with special educational needs and their teachers. I argue that a policy change is needed to create a more equitable education system and that, in the absence of such a change, schools such as the one presented here will risk being categorised as failing schools. This will have disastrous consequences for the teachers' careers, children's self‐concepts and the inclusion agenda itself.  相似文献   

在唐志怪小说中,有很多以银变为母题建构的故事,银变几乎是故事的核心情节,这种母题在故事中相对稳定而凸显,本文对银变的模式和观念做一文化解析,认为金银变形母题的模式是受到了汉译佛经的影响,而金银变化的观念则来自"物老成精"信仰。  相似文献   

Narrator, a creature in novels, is the speaker who tells the story instead of the author himself. Different narrators will lead to different effects. It is the author who creates the whole story, while it is the narrator who makes the whole story vivid to readers.  相似文献   

故事形态学是鉴于故事类型学理论的缺陷而构建起来的分析民间文学的一种结构主义叙事理论。故事形态学与故事类型学的区别主要体现在研究中是侧重叙事语法的分析,还是倾向于完整表意片段的探求。用故事形态学的研究方法,可以从六朝志怪小说中归纳出婚姻、复仇和报恩等三类按时间中轴排列的行为功能序列。虽然某些故事可能出现成分的残缺或者成为单一行为功能的叙事片段,但在时序上,它们不会与类型故事发生矛盾和悖反。不同类型的故事通过“嵌套法”结合成为新的结构,这种“嵌套”同样不会扰乱行为功能在时序上的安排。我们通过对六朝志怪小说结构形态以及构型方法的探讨,可以形成对中国传统叙事模式更为清晰直观的认识。  相似文献   

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