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The purpose of this study was to examine the effect of a digitized podcast to deliver read-aloud testing accommodations on mobile devices to students with disabilities and reading difficulties. The total sample for this study included 47 middle school students with reading difficulties. Of the 47 students, 16 were identified as students with disabilities who received special education services. Participants were randomly assigned to three experimental testing conditions, standard administration, teacher-controlled read-aloud in traditional group delivery format, and student-controlled read-aloud delivered as a podcast and accessed on a mobile device, and given sample end-of-year science assessments. Based on a factorial analysis of variances, with test conditions and student status as the fixed factors, both student groups demonstrated statistically significant gains based on their testing conditions. Results support the use of podcast delivery as a viable alternative to the traditional teacher-delivered read-aloud test accommodation. Conclusions are discussed in the context of universal design for learning testing accommodations for future research and practice.  相似文献   

开放教育学习与支持服务有效性的研究   总被引:19,自引:1,他引:19  
目前,广播电视大学人才培养模式改革和开放教育试点在我国高等教育改革的进程中,已经取得一些明显的成效,但是距离现代远程开放教育的目标还有很大差距,还有许多问题有待于探索和研究。正确认识开放教育学生学习观念与自主学习的特点,进一步强化开放教育中“以学生学习为中心”观念,并在此基础上明确今后的改革方向和措施,对于搞好电大“人才培养模式改革和开放教育试点”项目研究工作,并取得预期效果具有重要意义。本文通过对开放教育学生问卷调查,归纳了目前开放教育学生学习观念与自主学习的若干特点,并试图对学习支持服务有效性进行一些探讨。  相似文献   

适应性学习支持系统的学生模型研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
本文针对适应性学习支持系统(ALSS)的学生模型建模问题,在分析学生模型的国内外研究现状的基础上,提出了一种基于认知状态和学习风格的学生模型(CS-LS学生模型).CS-LS学生模型包括学生描述、认知状态、学习风格和学习历史四个维度,其中认知状态和学习风格是适应性学习支持系统的重要的适应性维度,它们分别采用知识多重覆盖模型和分组模型表示.CS-LS学生模型采用注册填表、在线问卷测试和系统预设值进行初始化,并通过计算机自适应测试来诊断学生的能力水平,从而对学生模型进行动态更新.CS-LS学生模型较好地反映了学生在认知状态和学习风格方面的个体差异,为适应性学习支持系统提供了决策依据.  相似文献   

In order to understand the task of instructional designers who produce learning support software, this paper reviews the influence of learning theory on instructional design, recent developments in computer technology, and the evolving role of the instructor as a facilitator of higher-order thinking. Constructivist principles of learning and an appreciation for the fact that the learner must become more independent and skilled in metacognitive self-assessment and self-management are fundamental to this changing role. Two cognitive tools that provide learner/user support for personal construction of knowledge systems are “MindMap” and “Learning FourMat Processor.” These tools are examined in the light of current learning theory and a recent study comparing the work of novice and expert writers using different forms of performance support. Recommendations are made for the development of a more complete set of cognitive tools that enables users to construct their own multimedia knowledge systems based on higher-order thinking and problem solving.  相似文献   

创新能力的培养是目前高等院校素质教育的核心,也是知识经济的必然要求。本文以建构主义教育理念为指导,根据建构主义课题研究模式,针对《互联网务模式与经营战略》课程展开教学实践,确定了基于互联网商务模式项目,通过对教学录像以及开放式问卷考察了该教学模式对学生创新能力的影响,利用内容分析法对收集到的言语行为进行了分析,结果表明该教学模式对学生的灵活性、凭借信息能力、意志力提高显著,学生的强动机性、独创性、操作能力提高比较显著,对好奇性、流畅性提高不显著。  相似文献   

The diverse student population at large multi-campus universities requires English language and academic skills support which is targeted to their needs and easily accessible. The Online Student Resource Centre website, developed at Monash University, provides opportunities for students, no matter where they are, to make contact with staff and to access information, but more significantly offers a suite of stand-alone tutorials and downloadable resources, using NetObjects Fusion as the platform. These derive from some 100 print booklets covering academic writing, reading, listening, speaking, grammar and study skills/exam strategies. This paper outlines the process and philosophy of development of these tutorials, based on a constructivist framework, with guided and self-directed learning paths designed to accommodate a range of learning styles. Two tutorials are analysed to highlight some of the pedagogical challenges in translating print resources for the online environment. The paper concludes by reporting on a pilot evaluation of the two tutorials. Transformation d’un support d’enseignement: un centre de ressources en ligne pour une population

variée d’étudiants. Les populations trés variées d’étudiants dans les grand campus multiples de certaines universités exigent une langue anglaise et des compétences académiques adaptés À leurs besoins et facilement accessible. Le centre de ressources en ligne pour les étudiants grÂce au site web, mis au point À Monash University fournit aux étudiants, où qu’ils soient, des occasions de contacts avec les enseignants et d’accès À l’information, mais de facon plus significative, offre une série d’actions de tuteurs alors que les étudiants sont seuls et de ressources que l’on peut télécharger utilisant la fusion d’objet du Net comme platforme. Ceux ci sont extraits d’une centaine de livrets imprimés concernant l’écriture, la lecture, l’écoute, la parole, la grammaire et les compétences

pour les études et les stratégies des examens. L’article donne les grandes lignes et la philosophie du développement de ces

exercices de tutorat, basés sur un cadre constructiviste comportant des cheminements d’apprentissage guidés et dirigés par les

étudiants pour faire face À toute une série de styles d’apprentissages. On analyse 2 exercices de tutorat pour mettre en valeur

certaines challenges pédagogiques en traduisant des ressources imprimés pour un environnement on ligne. L’article se termine

par le rapport d’une évaluation pilote de ces 2 exercices. Veränderte Lernhilfen: Ein Online Resource Centre für unterschiedliche Studentengruppen. Unterschiedliche Studentengruppen an grossen Campus Universitäten benötigen Unterstützung in der englischen Sprache und bei der Verbesserung der akademischen Fähigkeiten, die auf ihre Bedürfnisse zugeschnitten und einfach zugänglich ist. Das Online Student Resource Centre, das auf der Webseite von der Monash Universität entwickelt wurde, bietet den

Studenten Gelegenheit, unabhängig von ihrem Wohnort, sich mit den Lehrern in Verbindung zu setzen und Informationen abzurufen, aber darüber hinaus bietet es ein Forum für Tutorials and kopierfähiges Informationsmaterial unter Anwendung von NetObjects Fusion als Plattform. Dieses Unterstützungsmaterial stammt von 100 gedruckten Büchern über die Disziplinen, wissenschaftliches Schreiben, Lesen, Hören, Sprechen, Grammatik und Lernfähigkeiten /Prüfungsstrategien. Dieser Artikel beschreibt den Prozess und die Philosophie, die der Entwicklung dieser Tutorials zugrunde liegen und auf

einem ausbaufähigen System basieren und mit vorgegebenen und selbst bestimmten Lernpfaden so angelegt sind, dass sie mehrere Lernstile berücksichtigen. Zwei Tutorials werden analysiert um an ihnen einige der pädagogischen Herausforderungen zu verdeutlichen, die bei der übertragung von gedrucktem Material in das online Lernfeld entstehen. Der Artikel endet mit einem Bericht über die Pilot Evaluierung dieser beiden Tutorials.  相似文献   

基于移动代理的远程学习支持系统模型构建   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
构建全国广播电视大学系统的远程学习支持系统,充分共享全国电大系统的教学资源和师资力量很有意义。针对现有教学系统不足,利用移动代理技术,解决了跨广域范围的学习支持,构建了全国广播电视大学系统内师资共享和学生个别化学习支持的原型系统。  相似文献   

胡总 《现代教育技术》2010,20(10):118-120
移动学习作为一种新的学习模式,改变了传统E-learning的局限性,逐步受到国内外学者的重视。文章则基于移动学习的特点,结合JXTA平台所具有的相似性,提出了基于JXTA的移动学习支撑平台,通过JXTA平台的优势来达到无处不在的学习。  相似文献   

The purpose of the study was to investigate the effectiveness of case-based learning instruction over traditionally designed chemistry instruction on eleventh grade students’ epistemological beliefs and their attitudes toward chemistry as a school subject. The subjects of this study consisted of 63 eleventh grade students from two intact classes of an urban high school instructed with same teacher. Each teaching method was randomly assigned to one class. The experimental group received case-based learning and the control group received traditional instruction. At the experimental group, life cases were presented with small group format; at the control group, lecturing and discussion was carried out. The results showed that there was a significant difference between the experimental and control group with respect to their epistemological beliefs and attitudes toward chemistry as a school subject in favor of case-based learning method group. Thus, case base learning is helpful for development of students’ epistemological beliefs and attitudes toward chemistry.  相似文献   

基于3G的移动学习支持服务平台的构建研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文从分析3G移动通信技术的特点和优势入手,探讨了基于3G技术的移动学习的模式,结合移动学习教育的需求,提出了构建基于3G技术的移动学习支持服务平台的设想。  相似文献   

普通学校对特殊儿童随班就读支持的案例研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
学校支持是随班就读支持体系的核心,与学生的学习质量密切相关.本研究表明:由教师支持、同伴支持、学校领导支持、资源教室及学习效果等五个维度构成的对随班就读儿童学校支持的系统中,各个维度表现出不一致性.同伴支持度最高,教师和领导支持度次之,教师的行动支持远远低于态度支持,资源教室和资源教师非常缺乏,学习质量堪忧.因此,转变教育理念,加强对随班就读学生的个别化辅导,促进资源教室建设、培养资源教师、提升随班就读儿童学习质量是实现随班就读教育目标紧迫而重要的任务与途径.  相似文献   

Student experience surveys have become increasingly popular to probe various aspects of processes and outcomes in higher education, such as measuring student perceptions of the learning environment and identifying aspects that could be improved. This paper reports on a particular survey for evaluating individual experiments that has been developed over some 15 years as part of a large national Australian study pertaining to the area of undergraduate laboratories—Advancing Science by Enhancing Learning in the Laboratory. This paper reports on the development of the survey instrument and the evaluation of the survey using student responses to experiments from different institutions in Australia, New Zealand and the USA. A total of 3153 student responses have been analysed using factor analysis. Three factors, motivation, assessment and resources, have been identified as contributing to improved student attitudes to laboratory activities. A central focus of the survey is to provide feedback to practitioners to iteratively improve experiments. Implications for practitioners and researchers are also discussed.  相似文献   

学习支持服务是远程教学两大支柱工程之一,网络通识课程是网络课程与通识教育的整合,具有远程教育的基本特性。研究基于学习支持服务理论,分析了网络通识课程实施要素,构建了网络通识课程实施的结构模型和过程模型。最后,通过网络通识课程实施案例对基于学习支持服务的网络通识课程实施模式进行了检验。  相似文献   

王萍 《电大教学》2013,(6):34-41
微信是一款具有通讯、社交、平台化功能的移动性应用软件。在大学生群体中使用广泛,构建了移动互联网环境下一种新型的学习支持环境。在已有文献梳理的基础上,研究了微信的移动学习支持功能,从语音文本交互、微信群、自动回复响应、订阅推送和内容分享等角度进行了分析;对微信、QQ、微博主要社会媒体的学习支持特征进行了比较,并分析了微信与学习者个人学习环境要素间的协同关系。在移动学习通用设计准则的指导下.从定位、功能、内容、交互、学习方式、网络服务的层面,探讨了微信移动学习的设计原则。最后,从不同情境下讨论了微信移动学习的具体应用案例。通过对微信移动学习支持功能与设计原则的探索.旨在对本领域的研究与实践提供理论上的借鉴和参考。  相似文献   

《College Teaching》2013,61(3):281-284
Abstract. This study is an exploration of the "sense of community" in a college classroom. The construct was successfully developed by incorporating six variables borrowed from neighborhood community research. Sense of community scores significantly predicted students' classroom attitudes, perception of learning, and actual performance on course exams.  相似文献   

With rapid advances in biotechnology and molecular biology, instructors are challenged to not only provide undergraduate students with hands-on experiences in these disciplines but also to engage them in the “real-world” scientific process. Two common topics covered in biotechnology or molecular biology courses are gene-cloning and bioinformatics, but to provide students with a continuous laboratory-based research experience in these techniques is difficult. To meet these challenges, we have partnered with Bio-Rad Laboratories in the development of the “Cloning and Sequencing Explorer Series,” which combines wet-lab experiences (e.g., DNA extraction, polymerase chain reaction, ligation, transformation, and restriction digestion) with bioinformatics analysis (e.g., evaluation of DNA sequence quality, sequence editing, Basic Local Alignment Search Tool searches, contig construction, intron identification, and six-frame translation) to produce a sequence publishable in the National Center for Biotechnology Information GenBank. This 6- to 8-wk project-based exercise focuses on a pivotal gene of glycolysis (glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase), in which students isolate, sequence, and characterize the gene from a plant species or cultivar not yet published in GenBank. Student achievement was evaluated using pre-, mid-, and final-test assessments, as well as with a survey to assess student perceptions. Student confidence with basic laboratory techniques and knowledge of bioinformatics tools were significantly increased upon completion of this hands-on exercise.  相似文献   

Laboratory and demonstration have long been used to supplement lecture in chemistry education. Current research indicates that students are better served by laboratories which exercise the higher-order cognitive skills, such as inquiry-based laboratories. However, the time and the resources available to perform these recommended types of laboratories are continually shrinking. Due to these factors, a demonstration-laboratory was designed to allow students to make observations through demonstration rather then through hands-on laboratory. For this study, the hands-on procedures of an inquiry style laboratory were replaced by an instructor demonstration of these same procedures. A significant difference was found between student conceptual understanding before and after the experiment, indicating that students performing the laboratory experiment and students viewing the demonstration-laboratory had an increase in conceptual understanding. However, no significant difference was found between the conceptual understanding of the two groups after the experiment, indicating that students learn roughly the same from both methods and that the demonstration-laboratory at least does no harm to the students conceptually. Long-term effects on student understanding were not measured. Student opinions comparing the demonstration laboratory to a hands-on laboratory were also collected and analyzed.  相似文献   

移动学习以其方便、灵活、自主、高效、丰富的特点,满足了乡村幼儿园教师终身学习、工余学习和个性化学习的需求。充分利用教育信息化时代提供的机遇和资源,通过建设面向乡村幼儿园教师的教育信息化教学服务平台,加大对乡村幼儿园教师信息化能力的培训,引领乡村幼儿园教师以移动学习促进专业发展,从而促进乡村学前教育师资水平的不断提升。  相似文献   

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