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The First Southeast Asia Expo, held in Nanjing in 1910. was the first exposition that China has ever held. The Opium War in 1840 forced China to open its door to Western powers. Since then, Western expositions have begun to be known by Chinese people. The 1876 Philadelphia Centennial Exposition marked China's first official participation in international expos.  相似文献   

Olympic Green is located on the axis line of the city of Beijing, facing the old part of the city in the south. Covering an area of 1 2 square kilometers, it spans vast extensions between the north 4th and 5th ring roads. Consisting of the north, central and south sections,  相似文献   

As the Olympic mascots "Five Friendlies" were released, the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games is approaching us. The anti-doping of the 2008 Olympics shall be undertaken by China Doping Test Center, whose performance at the 1990 Asia Games has been generally recognized and praised. However, the much larger scale of the Olympics will prove that the anti-doping task in 2008 will be much more difficult and complicated. Recently, the staff journalist interviewed fellow researcher Du Lijun from the sports medicine institute of the State Administration of Sports and his colleague Prof. Wu Moutian who just came back from the Durino Winter Olympics.  相似文献   

Suzhou Art Museum, first built nearly one century ago, celebrated its 80th anniversarv this autumn. Despite so many ups and downs, this Greek-style structure, with 14 columns in its facade, still stands chicly at the bank of Canglangting (surging wavepavilion) River, housing art exhibitions and receiving numerous visitors every year.  相似文献   

Quanzhou Marionette Theatre has just finished the production of China‘s first marionette TV series entitled “Golden Monkeys on the Snow Mountain”. The series tells a story about a young Tibetan girl fighting against foreign poachers of golden monkeys on snow mountains.  相似文献   

China has been gathering precious tomes for some 3,000 years, and now the country boasts the world's largest collection of ancient books. Throughout the long course of history, numerous book collectors and book-collection repositories have made incalculable contributions to the  相似文献   

I didn't expect that Lusheng could create so refined paintings, He seems to be busy always, traveling around the globe and working day and night. But he has never complained, Instead, he is a patient person with an orderly mind,  相似文献   

Traditional handicraft art is part of the traditional culture of China and known as living fossils to record lives of ancient Chinese. There are various forms of traditional handicraft art in China, including ceramics, jade carving, ivory carving, cloisonne, lacquer carving, wood carving, gold and silver wares, shadow play, kites, lanterns,  相似文献   

Tang Yijie was born in Tanjin on February 16, 1927. He graduated from the Department of Philosophy of Peking University, in 1951. He successively served as professor and advisor to Ph.D. candidates at Peking University's Philosophy Department, vice chairman of China Oriental Culture Society, vice chairman of China Society on the Studies of Yan and Huang Culture, and vice chairman of Chinese Confucius Society. In 1983, he worked at Harvard University as visiting scholar. In 1986, he was engaged as research jellow by New York State University. in 1990, he was conferred with honorary doctor by McMaster University of Canada. In 2006, he was conferred with honorary doctor by Kansai University of Japan. He served as guest projessor at University of Oregon, McMaster University, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, and Melbourne University respectively.  相似文献   

<正>Musical production has become a new trend in China in recent years.Many performing arts companies and cultural businesses have involved themselves in produci...  相似文献   

West Street is the oldest in Yangshuo, a small town in Guilin, with towering karst peaks and surrounded by Li River. In this lessthan-one-kilometer street, there are more than 100 cafes, bars, restaurants and hotels, all with both Chinese and English or French ads. Called "a foreigner street", West Street attracts tens of thousands of foreign tourists every year. Le De (happy), a French-styled restaurant, and Hong Fu (Big Fortune), a Chinese-styled hotel, are the most splendid restaurant & hotel in the street, which is situated in an old guild hall with the history of some 200 years and run by French twin brothers whose Chinese names are Wen Shuanefu and Wen Shuanelu.  相似文献   

2013 witnessed rapid development of China's cultural industry. Thanks to a series of preferential policies, China's cultural economy and cultural consumption index grew continuously,  相似文献   

The result of Chinese cultural indus- try's Person of theYear 2013 initiated by Guangming Daily was announced on Jan 18th and ten elites from the cultural industry received this special honor.  相似文献   

Beijing doesn't produce tea but people of old Beijing were fond of flagrant flavor of jasmine tea and developed a habit of drinking jasmine tea every day. Like salt and oil, jasmine tea is a necessity of every family. When a visitor came in old times, the family host would serve him with a lidded cup of jasmine tea. When the tea cup's cover is opened, the whole room would be permeated with fragrant aroma of jasmine flower.  相似文献   

China's Grand Canal is the world's longest and oldest manmade waterway. Its constr.ction began over 2,000 years ago and today it still plays an important role in transportation, .flood control, irrigation and water diversion, contributing to the country's economic prosperity and social stabilio.  相似文献   

Asacred mountain in China that has been witness to centuries of Buddhist history was added to UNESCO's World Heritage List during the 33rd session of the World Heritage Committee in Seville, Spain on June 6, 2009. The new addition to the heritage list is Mt. Wutai, comprised of five continuous mountains with flat peaks at altitudes of 2,500 to 3,000 meters above sea level. This new addition increased China's World Heritage entries to 38, including 27 cultural heritage sites, 7 natural heritage sits and 4 mixed heritage sites.  相似文献   

On Marcia 5, the exhibition The Forbidden City: Inside the Court of China's Emperors opened at Royal Ontario Mr, scum in Toronto, Canada Prcscnted by The Robert H.N.  相似文献   

On the evening of Nov. 5th, 2008, in the Golden Hall of Beijing Hotel, NE.TIGER raised the curtain on CHINA FASHION WEEK for the seventh successive year. As the architect of Chinese-inspired Fashion, NE.TIGER continued on last year's theme of "The national beauty in China's national dress". The 2009 collection took as its theme "the national beauty captured in Hua Fu", presenting an embodiment of the quest for renaissance and innovation of Chinese luxury expressed by the words of NE-TIGER founder Mr. Zhang Zhifeng: "infused by a single source, integrating a world of styles……  相似文献   

<正>Qiang people is the oldest ethnic group in southwest China.With a time-honored history and rich culture, Qiang people have developed unique expressions of fo...  相似文献   

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