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<正>平均海拔超过4000米的西藏,被人称作"香格里拉"的世外桃源,但其空气中氧含量比平原少大约40%,这让不少来世界屋脊的人放慢了步伐。然而,作为中国5个少数民族自治区之一,西藏却在过去半个世纪见证了历史上最快的发展速度。1965年9月,西藏自治区第一届人民代表大会第一次会议在拉萨召开,成为西藏发展的转折点:彻底告别旧西藏政  相似文献   

The paper presents a synergic and multidisciplinary approach where laser scanner survey, radar interferometric monitoring and finite element (FE) numerical modelling are used for expeditious and no-contact dynamic identification of monumental masonry towers. The methodology is applied to a real case of great historical interest: the “Torre del Mangia” (Mangia's tower) in Siena (Italy). The tower geometry was acquired through Terrestrial Laser Scanning (TLS) techniques. The tower oscillations were detected using an interferometric radar in “Piazza del Campo”, the square facing the Mangia's Tower, along three alignments, and movement of the structure at several heights were recorded. A FE model, built on the basis of the geometry acquired through the TLS, was used to interpret and verify the physical meaning of the experimental results. Through the discussion of the case study, the paper shows that the proposed approach can be considered as an effective and expeditious method for assessing the dynamic behavior of monumental buildings (and to plan interventions) on territorial scale.  相似文献   

正北京时间9月9日凌晨,阿里巴巴集团在美国举行首次路演,现场投资者众多,一度达到电梯要排队半小时才能乘上。当地媒体称其盛况赶上两年前的Facebook路演。按照公开的定价区间,此次融资额最高可达243亿美元,有望成为美股有史以来最大的IPO。15年来,在中国已经形成了一个庞大的电商生态,诞生和推动了无数的新兴电商"物种",跟这个庞大的电商星球相比,即使市值千亿美金的阿里巴巴,也不过是其中的一个  相似文献   

民国初年,晋祠面临着从传统祭祀祠庙向现代文博机构的转型。在此背景下,其由此开始了首次博物馆化的尝试。太原县知事欧阳英设立模范村事务所,作为改造晋祠的领导机构,进行了诸多创建。这些工作涉及范围很广,涵盖文物的收藏保管、陈列展示等各环节,已经初步形成了一套博物馆工作体系。这一举措在当时引起了不小的轰动,但结果却毁誉不一。不过,总体来看,这一系列尝试建设开风气之先,开启了晋祠现代化转型历程,具有一定的历史意义。  相似文献   


This essay engages the possibilities and pitfalls of UNESCO’s Memory of the World program for fostering “global archival memory.” Archives function as rhetorical weapons for both political control and social justice within national and regional contexts. The constitution of global archival memory shifts archives’ borders beyond nation-bound contexts, creating space for contention, deliberation, and debate within a presentist transnational arena. Approaching archives as symbols capable of marshaling cross-cultural identifications furthers memory scholars’ conceptions of transnational memories and communities. It responds to rhetorical scholars’ calls to further engage archives, while drawing on archival studies, memory studies, and rhetorical theories of memory.  相似文献   


This study uses the filmic text Slumdog Millionaire to examine how the tension between the nation and the transnational was communicated within South Asian diaspora. Findings from the textual analysis of commentary in the New York Times, The Guardian and the Times of India show that identity is articulated in purist as well as hybrid ways among South Asian diasporans. A lack of comfortable fit between cultural identity and place is evident. The analysis also shows that diasporic identity, hybridity, nation-state, and transnational forces work in particular configurations to raise consciousness about subaltern oppressions and exclusions within multiscalar operations of power and representation in globalizing conditions. Implications for intercultural communication and transitions are discussed.  相似文献   


The Product (RED) campaign raises money to fight AIDS in Africa by helping to sell brand-name merchandise to affluent consumers. This paper examines the racialized representations of the (RED) website and the campaign's use of a consumer–celebrity fund-raising model. Through the analytical lens of critical cultural studies, I argue that (RED) commodifies Africans and “African-ness” under a celebratory guise, and reinscribes a narrative of Africa as a “problem child.” The campaign paradoxically trades on the very disparities of global capitalism that propel the AIDS crisis. It is central in (re)producing the human consequences of globalization, shoring up a symbolic and material marketplace marked by extreme poverty and extreme consumption.  相似文献   

A life-size whitish marble statue of a “Virgin with Child” has been recently rediscovered in the St. Rosario church located in Ottaviano, a small town near Naples (southern Italy). This artwork shows stylistic features of the Tuscan-Roman school of the 16th century, and is framed in an intriguing historical context. Historical documents testify that the sculpture was a property of the cadet branch of noble Tuscan family of the Medici, the Medici of Ottaviano. A multianalytical approach has been used to try to indicate the supply area of the white marble of the studied sculpture. Considering the whole mineralogical, petrographic and geochemical data, the source rock can be possibly limited to the main classical white marbles of the Mediterranean district, as the classical marble of Aphrodisias. A reuse practice of a former artwork can be also hypothesized.  相似文献   

To assess the possible effects of mechanical loading on the conservation of historical wooden musical instruments, a research project was carried out on the violin Guarneri “del Gesù” (1743), known as the “Cannone”. This paper refers to the results obtained by studying the deformations to which a violin is subjected after being tuned, with special attention to the viscous and mechano-sorptive behaviour (as in a concert environment for example). The amount of viscoelastic creep was quantified under normal tuning conditions, and the mechano-sorptive creep was quantified using a dead mass resulting in 55% of the elastic deformation obtained after tuning. The viscoelastic and mechano-sorptive deformations were clearly observed. These deformations were completely recovered once the violin was unloaded, demonstrating that this violin structure is appropriately dimensioned for the applied stresses.  相似文献   

The literature on Cultural Economics provides us with some examples for the measurement of technical efficiency. However, there are few case studies dedicated to the analysis of allocative efficiency. The aim of this paper is to fill this gap by incorporating a methodology that analyses both technical and allocative efficiency. We use the Shephard’s distance function, particularly suitable when affronted with non-profit-making firms or institutions that are not interested in cost minimization. As an empirical application, we analyse the efficiency of Fundación Princesa de Asturias (PAF), a Spanish non-governmental organization devoted to promoting the cultural, scientific and humanistic values of universal heritage, the period of study being 1988–2012. Our findings suggest that PAF could have used 7% less inputs to achieve the same level of output. On the other hand, we have found allocative inefficiency. Concretely, the input for other expenditures appears to have been over-utilized in relation to both the inputs for labour and current assets, with labour in turn being over-utilized in relation to current assets. Moreover, our results indicate that both technical and allocative efficiency have clearly improved during the period analysed. In summary, our empirical application shows how distance function methodology can be successfully implemented to measure allocative efficiency in cultural firms and institutions.  相似文献   

Maintaining the microclimatic parameters at the desired value is essential for artefacts preservation. In order to control the status of the microclimatic parameters, a continuous monitoring of the indoor environmental provides conservators, curators, restorers, and lenders with an exact knowledge of the microclimatic conditions under which the works of art are kept. Moreover, the monitoring results give important information in order to make adequate changes to the control strategy of microclimatic parameters. From this point of view, monitoring is an essential tool to develop an actual preventive control programme aimed at maintaining the optimal microclimatic conditions for preservation. As a consequence, long-term monitoring has to be applied to prevent deterioration of works of art. The widespread opinion that a correct approach to the topic of microclimate control for artefacts preservation is not only and necessarily to provide buildings with sophisticated environmental control systems, but mainly to investigate the actual environmental dynamics and, before any structural intervention, to define the compatibility between the climate control potentials and the preservation requirements, has become more and more firm among the experts. Monitoring also allows to verify the capacity of the “building and Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning (HVAC)” system to maintain the desired thermo-hygrometric values within the operating conditions. To this aim, the Italian Standard UNI 10829 (1999) defining monitoring, elaboration and analysis of the microclimatic data as supporting actions for artefacts preservation, led to the need of a long-term monitoring and of a statistical approach to the data management. The approach proposed by the Italian Standard has been recently adopted by a European Standard (EN 15251, 2007). In accordance with the Standards mentioned above, in this paper an operational procedure to assess the thermo-hygrometric quality in museums is firstly synthetically presented and than applied to a case study. In particular, the procedure is developed in order to define the thermo-hygrometric quality level of the exhibition areas in the large museum complex of “Santa Maria della Scala” in Siena (Italy) during the international temporary exhibition “Duccio. La nascita della pittura senese” (“Duccio. The birth of Sienese Painting”).  相似文献   

<正>一、引言:平衡地满足好奇心当下的中国,对外界而言像是一个巨人,体量庞大,让人赞叹,它吸引着外界向这个巨人拢近;但是,在拢近的过程中,外界逐渐发现这个巨人的脾气与秉性却并不为人所知,并且由于缺乏了解产生了恐慌与隔阂。这一比喻反映了如下矛盾:面对快速发展的中国,国际社会对真实、深刻的中国形象感知度严重不足,多是停留在对一些中华文化与人种符号的浅层认知上,或是秉持中国政治、经济、军事、资源环境等"威胁论"。1我们在塑造国家形  相似文献   

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