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[目的/意义]探究学习小组在线知识协作中的用户角色及其行为与分布特征。研究将有助于更深入地理解学习小组在线知识协作中的用户角色特征,帮助信息服务提供方为不同角色的用户提供更有价值的服务。[方法/过程]通过社会网络分析和聚类分析等方法,对某课程在线学习协作平台的1096份协作日志进行分析。[结果/结论]学习小组在线知识协作中,领导者起到带头和引导的作用,实质内容提供者专注于提供内容,存在内部微协作之外但较少与其他用户进行沟通交流,管理维护者纠正协作中其他角色的编辑漏洞和失序行为并与小组中的关键用户保持较为紧密的联系,社交连接者在协作中起到的沟通连接作用不明显。  相似文献   

李月琳  张建伟  张婳 《情报学报》2021,40(1):88-100
随着“互联网+健康医疗”的发展,越来越多的患者(或患者的代理人,本文统称为“用户”)寻求通过在线健康医疗平台与医生交互,完成问诊过程。本研究关注在缺乏面对面沟通的网络环境下,如何帮助用户-医生实现虚拟空间的有效交互,针对在线健康医疗平台中的用户-医生交互进行研究,以识别交互的模式和特征。通过爬虫技术获取了“春雨医生”网站1017组用户与医生的交互会话,本研究采用开放编码和会话分析相结合的方法,发现螺旋式和直线式是最主要的交互模式,构建了两种模式的理论模型,并揭示了两种模式的交互特征。此外,发现用户对初始问题描述的清晰和详尽程度是影响交互效率的关键因素。本研究有助于提升用户和医生借助在线健康医疗平台进行的交互效率,优化此类系统或平台的用户交互体验设计,为未来研究不同角色参与的在线智能交互健康医疗平台提供了借鉴意义。  相似文献   

[目的 /意义]在线医疗社区用户画像能够精练化提取患者需求、可视化描述患者特征,有助于平台管理者制定更精准的信息服务策略.[方法/过程]在梳理在线医疗社区用户画像研究成果的基础上,提出一种在线医疗社区用户画像构建框架,并爬取百度贴吧中糖尿病社区用户数据,综合采用档案清单、复合图形、语言描述和词云方法,实现了具有4个维度...  相似文献   

This study explores paternalism in contemporary data journalism, a hybrid form of journalism where parts of the engineering culture are blended with the culture of journalism. Technologists often question paternalistic elements in design, whereas journalists consider paternalistic decision-making to be justified as an inherent part of what journalism is. Based on a predominately qualitative content analysis of paternalistic elements in 31 data journalistic projects submitted to the Nordic Data Journalism Awards in 2013, 2015 and 2016, three characteristics of paternalism were found: controlling functionality, the illusion of interactivity and linearity. All three characteristics include several types of control over the audience control, embedded in the design, and as previous research has found that paternalism is often associated with negative effects, on the basis of journalistic choices in design and presentation involving technology, the problem is whether the audience begins to perceive data journalism as controlling, non-transparent or intrusive.  相似文献   


A research project was undertaken by a university library system to develop a sustainable user experience strategy. A task force was convened to conduct a pilot project with members from both libraries in the system to assess staffing responsibilities, guidelines, processes, and data-gathering procedures. The team tested an electronic resources list common to both libraries. In describing the methods employed by the task force in their research, this article outlines the benefits and drawbacks of staffing configurations to initiate user experience practices in an academic library setting.  相似文献   

[目的 /意义]对在线社区用户承诺影响因素的相关实证研究进行梳理和再分析,以解释影响在线社区用户承诺的一般性因素,为后续研究提供参考。[方法 /过程]运用元分析方法,选取以用户承诺为研究主题、以在线社区为研究情境的文献作为样本文献,归纳和识别在线社区的用户承诺影响因素,并进一步探索影响异质性的调节变量。[结果 /结论 ]显著影响在线社区用户承诺的因素包括系统外部、需求动机及用户感知三个类别的10个变量,与在线社区用户承诺为中度相关关系的有情感依恋、信息性动机、感知娱乐性、信息质量,而社交动机、社会互动、满意度、信任、感知收益、社区认同与用户承诺高度相关。在线社区类型会对情感依恋、社会互动、感知娱乐性等变量与用户承诺之间的关系产生调节。研究结果对未来深入研究和不同情境研究具有借鉴意义,也对在线社区运营具有实践指导作用。  相似文献   

杨柳  赵媛 《图书情报工作》2013,57(11):43-48,42
分析网上用户指导服务的重要作用,并根据一定标准选取中美20所名牌高校的图书馆,采用典型调查方法,对所选择图书馆的网上用户指导服务从服务对象、服务模式、服务提供方式、服务可获取性、服务内容和服务层次6个维度进行全面对比分析,从而找出我国高校图书馆与美国高校图书馆相比存在的差距、问题,并针对这些问题展开讨论,提出相关的对策建议。  相似文献   


The primary purpose of an academic library Web site is to serve as a portal to library-acquired content. Navigational design of a library Web site affects the user's ability to find and access content. At Albertsons Library, the goal of the navigational design of the Web site is to mimic user behavior on the Web site to help them access information and articles from over 300 different library vendors. Coordinating with different vendors makes tracking the navigational flow of user behavior difficult with the tool Google Analytics. Using the events feature in Google Analytics, the team responsible for Web design was able to track user flow, and was able to quantify how many users were actual “drop-offs” versus those that were clicks into library resources. Decisions made after acquiring these data resulted in a Web site with a 10 percent or less bounce rate, and decreased the number of clicks required for users accessing the library's content.  相似文献   


Many of those now accessing archives through online finding aids are encountering primary materials (albeit virtually) for the first time. These users are often unfamiliar with finding aid structure, terminology, and principles. This article reports on a qualitative, exploratory study of a subset of these novice users. The study concentrated on four key components of online finding aids: terminology, navigation, display, and structure. The goal was to discover by what route users accomplished a given task, to determine what elements on the site helped or hindered them in completing the task, and to gain insight into their overall experience with a range of styles of online finding aids. Findings suggest that site structure often presupposed users' knowledge of archival principles. Therefore, what may seem to archivists and their web designers to be elegant solutions to resolute issues in online finding aids, in fact, confused or eluded novice users. However, findings suggest, as well, that participants went through a rapid self-education process while completing the study, leading them to more efficient searching and to a higher level of ease and confidence as they explored a variety of online finding aids.  相似文献   

在线社交网络成为人们网络生活的最主要平台,人们基于兴趣偏好等原因集聚形成各个网络社区,共同参与感兴趣话题的讨论,表达自己的观点和看法,寻找感兴趣的内容,因此识别在线社交网络中用户的兴趣偏好,具有重要意义.本文首先分析用户在社交网络中的行为,提出从用户发布信息、基于共同参与话题的社交关系中寻找相似兴趣最近邻,和再考虑用户在社交网络中影响力的相似兴趣最近邻,三种获取用户兴趣偏好的方法.最后利用百度贴吧数据集实验,比较三种方法的使用效果.实验表明考虑用户影响力的最近邻方法获取用户兴趣偏好的方法效果最好,而且这种方法不需要利用用户本身信息,仅仅只需要通过其最近邻用户就可以获得更加准确的用户兴趣偏好.  相似文献   


To celebrate the 20th anniversary of LITA/ALCTS CCS Authority Control in the Online Environment Interest Group (ACIG), a survey was sent out to its past chairs to identify the major issues concerning authority control during their tenure as chair, ACIG's major accomplishments during the year, and comments the past ACIG chairs had on the current focus and challenges for authority control in the future. The author discovered that since ACIG's creation in 1984 by Barbara Tillett, ACIG has contributed greatly to the field of authority control by addressing timely authority control topics with programs, discussions, and publications for the library community. ACIG meetings have always been well attended. All ACIG chairs were very proud to be part of having contributed to authority control, and quite a few of them have been working very hard to promote authority control issues ever since.  相似文献   

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