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通过网络信息技术与英语写作教学的整合,尝试在职高英语写作教学中利用QQ网络平台的空间日志功能和QQ群空间的文件共享功能,设计有效的教学活动,探索一种新的英语写作训练模式。基于QQ网络平台的职高英语写作训练模式的操作过程包括:开通QQ空间、建立QQ群的前期准备阶段,作文布置的写作准备阶段,学生写作阶段,修改和重写阶段,作品展示阶段。其意义在于:为学生提供了开放性的英语写作环境,为学生提供了一个互动交流的英语写作平台,为学生提供了一个反思总结的英语写作平台,丰富了评价手段。  相似文献   

尚文香 《天津教育》2021,(2):148-149
作文写作练习,是小学语文教学中的一个难点。在小学作文训练中,首先要告诉学生作文的基本思路,先打好作文的腹稿,然后进行写作,最后修改加工成型,这三步非常重要。这种作文的基本思维过程,在教学中发现很多教师不去讲解,这是作文教学的一个失误。作文的写作训练,重点在于训练学生完整的作文过程,然后进行写作方法的指导,这样就能提高他们的写作水平。  相似文献   

马春燕 《天津教育》2021,(9):149-150
新课改这对小学语文教师提出了新的要求,语文教学需要与时俱进、实现自身的变革。阅读、写作作为语文学科的重要学习模块,教师必须注重阅读和写作教学两者的结合,在阅读训练中加强知识的输出训练,从而帮助学生们生成写作智慧。本文结合笔者教学过程中的具体案例,对如何在小学语文阅读教学中生成习作智慧这一问题阐述几点自己的看法,以供其他教师借鉴。  相似文献   


This study took place in a school which adopted a “paperless classroom” policy. The purpose of the study was to examine whether students who learn in a paperless classroom really prefer reading and writing on computers rather than on paper and whether their preferences differ according to contextual conditions and personal differences. The findings show that students’ reading and writing preferences depended on the context in which the reading or writing was performed. The boys preferred to read and write on the computer significantly more than girls. Conversely, the girls’ handwriting skills and preference for handwriting were higher than the boys’. Reading and writing on computer was found to be favored among strong students, while weak students tended to prefer using paper. This research also revealed a rapid decrease in favoring computer over paper in both reading and writing over time. Students who had experienced the paperless classroom policy in this school for three years were less supportive of the use of computers for reading and writing than younger students.  相似文献   

作文难写、写作难教一直是中学作文教学的两难境地。教师要想拨动中学生写作的心弦,帮助他们克服作文的为难、畏惧心理,必须从投其所好,引导学生投入生活、听读摘抄,积极加强修改训练、情感激励,点燃学生写作信心与激情等方面入手,才能让他们在曾经沉闷的作文世界中奏出一首首动听的和谐之音。  相似文献   

小学生学习写作受身心发展规律、写作知识学习、写作能力训练和生活阅历积累等因素影响呈现出阶段性特点,教师在教学时要采用分段训练模式。教学的核心就是分段训练学生阅读中的语言文字表达能力,分段安排不同类型和层次的作文训练,分段安排不同形式的作文评改训练。采用该教学模式还应注意语文教材体系、阅读与写作能力、学生生活阅历和传统写作教学思想局限等问题。  相似文献   

高职学生普遍存在不愿意写作、写作自我效能感低下、写作焦虑、拒绝写作等写作动机障碍。本文分析了造成障碍的诸多原因:写作经验、培养目标和教育层次、教师写作观念、写作任务难度等,并在此基础上,提出了解决问题的对策。  相似文献   

This study examined the effects of a behavioural correspondence training procedure on the rate of writing of four 13‐year‐old boys in a class for low achieving students in a city high school. A comprehensive range of collateral measures of writing was employed in addition to the target measure of writing rate. These collateral measures were assessed through analytic and holistic scoring procedures. Transfer of control of the correspondence training procedure to the class teacher and maintenance of writing gains were also examined. Results show that correspondence training effectively improved and maintained the rate and quality of written expression of all four boys.  相似文献   

毕业论文的写作是成人高等学校专本科各专业教育教学计划中一个极为重要的综合性实践教学环节,这个教学环节体现了专业培养目标和要求。本文从学生和指导教师的不同角度分析了毕业论文写作和指导中的常见问题,并就如何指导成人高等学校毕业论文谈了几点思考和看法,旨在提高成人高等学校毕业论文的指导和写作水平。  相似文献   

李研 《天津教育》2021,(3):165-166
小学英语教学中开展科学写作教学,是小学英语教师优化写作教学方法、增强写作教学实效的根本方式。新课改背景下,小学英语教师需立足自主学习、合作探究、精讲释疑、训练检测四个环节,优化写作教学方案,这样才能提升写作教学质量,实现小学英语写作教学在当代教育中的跃进。  相似文献   

James A.   《Assessing Writing》2003,8(3):192-215
This paper describes the experience of a measurement methodologist as he underwent the training to work as a part-time reader in a high stakes assessment of writing samples from a statewide competency-testing program for ninth graders. The paper provides fictional and stereotypical examples of writing samples for each score point, and discusses the involvement of personality in the process of writing assessment. In addition, the paper makes the case for the support of middle and high school teachers as part-time readers as part of a process to augment the professional understanding of high stakes assessment in the public schools. The paper concludes with suggestions for further research into the mechanisms by which readers engage assessment rubrics.  相似文献   

要提高学生的写作能力,需要长时间的练习,这也是一个循序渐进的过程。小学低年级主要进行的是写话训练,到了三年级,才开始尝试写作。写话训练是写作的基础,两者之间有着必然的联系,需要有效进行衔接。教师要思考如何更好地进行写话训练,以有效对接写作教学。文章结合教学实践,对写话训练与写作教学有效衔接进行论述。  相似文献   

在高职应用写作教学中实践研究性教学理念,有助于教师钻研教材、教法,切实提高教学水平;有助于激发学生学习兴趣、发掘学生内在潜力,使学生应用写作学习由被动接受转为主动探究。研究性教学理念可以借助案例教学法、合作学习法、情境教学法等教学方式得以实践。  相似文献   

The idea that formal grammar teaching leads to improvements in school pupils' writing has been a popular one. However, the robust and extensive evidence base shows that this is not the case. Despite this, policy initiatives have continued to suggest that grammar teaching does improve pupils' writing: the Grammar for Writing resource is the most recent example in England. Educational analysis on the subject of grammar has moved from a focus on whether grammar teaching improves pupils' writing to reflection on the rational for teaching knowledge about language, and subsequently a focus on a wide range of language topics. The study reported in this paper analysed the way that eight children made word choices during the writing process. Theory is presented to support the idea that contextualized learning of grammar is significant. Five significant influences on word choices are reported. Strong links between text‐level influences on word‐choices and the use of unconventional language at sentence and word level were found. It is concluded that writing pedagogy should be re‐evaluated in order to consider the balance between individualized support and support for groups during the writing process.  相似文献   

辽宁少数民族地区由于地域的限制,经济发展的滞后,加之汉语,英语,少数民族语言三语教学的影响,少数民族中小学生英语的水平偏低,英语学习效率不高。如果教师能在教学过程中教会学生运用学习策略,学习效果就会大大提高,能起到事半功倍的作用。本文通过介绍英语常用学习策略包括在听说读写等英语技能方面的微策略,为辽宁少数民族地区的中小学老师提供一些策略培训的参考,并借鉴一些国外语言学习策略专家科恩,奥克斯福德等人的策略培训模式,设计出适合辽宁少数民族地区的中小学生策略培训模式,从而帮助少数民族中小学生培养策略意识,从而更有效地学好英语。  相似文献   

钟品妍 《辽宁高职学报》2012,14(4):29-30,33
应用文写作思维有着思维逻辑性和思维规定性特点。在高职学生应用文写作教学中必须加强他们写作思维的训练。可以通过案例分析、文体写作训练、口语训练三种方式培养学生的应用写作思维,进而提高他们应用文写作水平,提高学生综合素质,促进他们全面发展。  相似文献   

Internationally, school readiness is increasingly the rationale for early childhood education and care (ECEC). This is the case in England, yet the statutory English Early Years Foundation Stage framework for children 0–5 years also requires practitioners to listen to children’s voices: discourse indicates dissonance between school readiness and listening to children’s voices so this paper discusses an intrinsic case study that investigated beliefs and practices of 25 practitioners in the English midlands regarding school readiness and listening to children’s voices. In survey responses and semi-structured interviews, practitioners indicated they listen to – and act on – children’s voices but are confused about school readiness; their beliefs and practices align more strongly with social pedagogy than pre-primary schoolification. Findings carry messages for policy-makers regarding the need for coherent policy concerning the purpose of ECEC, with practitioner training and a framework aligned fully with that policy. A larger study is indicated.  相似文献   

Grammar for Writing? A Critical Review of Empirical Evidence   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Governmental concerns about primary children's performance in writing in the Standard Assessment Tasks (SATs) have resulted in the 'Grammar for Writing' Initiative. This resource and the associated in-service training is intended to raise standards in the teaching of writing. The article reviews SATs reports, inspection reports and research evidence in order to address the question: to what extent can this development be justified by empirical evidence on the teaching of grammar? It is concluded that the initiative is not supported by research evidence and that changes will need to be made to English curriculum policy and pedagogy if children's writing is to further improve.  相似文献   

鹿红林 《天津教育》2021,(7):141-142,145
本文围绕小学年级段的语文写作教学展开谈论,分析探讨此方面学生想象力和创新力培养的相关策略问题。语文写作需要想象,更需要创新,小学阶段是培养学生这一能力的重要时期。本文对培养学生想象力和创新力的意义进行简单分析,并围绕开放式环境氛围、观察和阅读能力、情境教学法以及交流合作等多个方面阐述具体的培养策略,促进学生全面综合地成长和发展。  相似文献   

写作的“格”乃写文章的共同规律、技法、技巧。作文微格训练就是帮助学生弄清作文的“格” ,有路可寻地一步一步地入格。入格才能达到合格 ,合格了才可能有破格的成就和出格的成长。作文教学中 ,对学生进行微格训练 ,可以消除他们对作文的恐惧心理 ,按照一定的“格”来写文章。这不仅体现了作文教学的科学性 ,而且较好地解决了学生作文的实际问题。本文从中小学作文常见的“格”、作文微格训练操作等方面作了分析  相似文献   

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