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It has been argued that user participation is important when public authorities develop e-services. At the same time there is limited research on the usefulness of existing user participation approaches in public e-service development. In this paper we, therefore, analyze how the three user participation approaches – participatory design, user-centered design, and user innovation – meet the strategic e-service goals of the EU and the US. In doing so, we identify three challenges that need to be considered when choosing among these approaches: 1) unclear user target segments can impede the fulfillment of usability and relevance goals, 2) the nature of participation can impede the fulfillment of democracy goals, and 3) lack of adequate skills can impede the fulfillment of efficiency goals.  相似文献   

The main goals of e-government are to increase agency efficiency and offer benefits to citizens. These goals have often been addressed as two interplaying outcomes of public e-service development, which are possible to achieve in parallel. This article shows that the two frequently applied stakeholders of e-government (agencies and citizens) are much too extensive and heterogeneous in order to be meaningfully addressed in public e-service conceptualization and development. We conduct a stakeholder centered analysis of a public e-service development and implementation process in order to identify stakeholder groups and discuss how they differ in their perceptions and, consequently, also in their feelings of relevance and need related to the e-service. By adopting a multi-faceted perspective on stakeholders, public e-service development can be analyzed and understood in a way that takes several stakeholder groups into account. Our study contributes with deeper insights about a situation where stakeholder salience changes over time, while some stakeholder groups have low salience during the entire process. The result of conducting a stakeholder centered analysis is that we, by visualizing the stakeholder groups' differences, are better prepared to meet and combine different needs related to a planned e-service. Thus, we argue that a stakeholder centered analysis of expectations and opinions concerning the e-service help to develop e-services possible to succeed in offering both external service and internal efficiency.  相似文献   

论文阐述了江苏省苏州地区的县级市公共图书馆一切以读者为中心,将图书馆与当地市民的生活紧紧联系在一起,把公共图书馆建设融入社会,在读者服务中所做的多种有益尝试.  相似文献   

公共图书馆残疾人服务研究综述   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
本文在大量文献调查的基础上进行了统计分析,对我国公共图书馆残疾人服务的研究现状进行了概述,描述了其主要发展历程和研究内容。同时对“弱势群体”、“公共图书馆精神”等相关研究做出调查,指出公共图书馆为残疾人等弱势群体服务将是工作重点之一。  相似文献   

公共图书馆用户需求结构研究:现实需求的调查分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
公共图书馆要在持续关注社会变化的基础上把握用户需求结构状态,掌握用户核心需求的变迁情况.本研究抽取五所公共图书馆的954名现实用户进行了问卷调查和系统分析.研究发现,由于环境的变化,新时期用户对信息资源及信息服务的需求均呈现鲜明时代特征,具体表现出五方面的新需求倾向.论文最后提出了三点推论.  相似文献   

公共数据开放是深入实施国家大数据战略、推动落实创新驱动发展战略的重要支撑,用户能力在其中起到关键作用,它决定了公共数据能否被充分利用从而释放其价值。破译能力黑箱成为赋能用户、推动公共数据开放的核心问题。本研究聚焦三个问题:公共数据的用户能力是什么,用户能力如何形成,用户能力如何培育。基于成功智力理论,从知识视角对用户能力进行再认识,通过情境访谈法提取公共数据用户能力的知识构成要素,构建用户能力形成的IPO模型,并调查影响能力形成的关键问题,由此提出激发用户兴趣、拓展学习渠道、加大支持互动、营造激励协作环境的赋能思路。研究发现:(1)公共数据用户能力是一种成功智力,包括创造性、实践性、分析性三类能力,由不同知识构成;(2)公共数据用户能力形成于知识学习过程中,知识构成及知识环境决定了三种能力的不同知识输入和输出;(3)公共数据用户能力形成和发展中,内驱力、知识储备、自信心和敢为性、激励合作氛围等内容,是当前能力培育应关注的重点。图3。表3。参考文献48。  相似文献   

公共图书馆少年儿童读者用户教育   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
公共图书馆少年儿童读者用户教育具有重要作用,其内容包括:少年儿童思想道德教育,公共图书馆意识教育、使用常识、阅读指导与推广、信息素养教育等.本文探讨了当前对少年儿童读者用户教育工作的几点思考.  相似文献   

This article examines historical developments and current trends in Ukrainian library education. It gives a synthetic overview and comparison with US library education, based on a review of the Ukrainian literature, a survey of Library and Information Service (LIS) curricula and interviews with senior figures in Ukrainian LIS education. Ukraine became an independent state only in 1991 after the collapse of the Soviet Union. Previous to independence, Ukraine's LIS education was integrated within the Soviet system. After independence the system evolved slowly, but with the recent Orange Revolution, reform efforts have increased pace. Ukrainian LIS education remains more vocational than in the US, with a two-year non-degree certificate as the most common training, and a four-year bachelor's degree offered by elite institutions. One emerging trend in LIS education stresses the new opportunities for librarians and information professionals opened by Internet technologies. Another is part of a more general shift, inspired by a new Ukrainian higher education law, stressing the country's independent culture and formalizing standards for different degrees. LIS education has now reached a turning point, as reformers grapple with the limited resources, power of inertia, and remnants of Soviet culture in their efforts to meet current challenges and prepare a new generation of information professionals.  相似文献   

公众参与档案资源建设既是新时代社会治理赋予的必然权利,也是公众参与社会治理的实践表征.界定社会治理视域下公众参与档案资源建设的概念内涵,厘清三者之间的互动关系,归纳总结国内外公众参与档案资源建设的既有模式,对于明确当下公众参与现状和面临的困境并针对性地提出对策具有先导意义,进而有效凸显社会治理中的公众角色和档案力量.  相似文献   

县级公共图书馆的生存现状及发展前景——以达州市为例   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文阐述了达州市所属5县1市公共图书馆现状,分析了存在的问题并提出了今后的发展思路。  相似文献   

面向“十四五”规划和2035年远景目标,以“创新、协调、绿色、开放、共享”为核心的新发展理念正在重塑公共图书馆发展的格局。本文遵循守正与开新辩证统一的思路,总结并阐释公共图书馆高质量发展的理念内涵、典型模式和实践进路。公共图书馆高质量发展理念以新发展理念为指引,在创新、协调、绿色、开放、共享五个方面相互统一,具备赋能行业实践的价值和作用;在新发展理念驱动下,我国公共图书馆探索出创新型、均衡性、可持续、内涵式和民生化的发展模式。新时代贯彻落实公共图书馆高质量发展理念的行动起点是要能回应数智赋能、深度均等化、可持续发展、社会数字化转型和全民阅读等时代要求,并有针对性地展开具体行动。未来应以新发展理念为基本遵循,促进理念与实践互动共生,不断创新实践样态与发展模式,进行核心要素提档升级,推动公共图书馆事业高质量发展。图1。表3。参考文献47。  相似文献   

开展融合模式研究有助于公共图书馆找到文旅融合切入点,对实现公共图书馆与旅游融合可持续发展具有重要的意义。首先,论文对主题服务模式与旅游融合发展的契合度进行分析,提出主题服务模式有利于公共图书馆实现文旅融合可持续发展。其次,对国内外现有主题服务模式开展文旅融合实践进行分析,结合国外公共图书馆的成功经验,对当前文旅融合背景下国内公共图书馆的主题服务进行总结,指出了其中存在的问题与不足。最后,为公共图书馆以主题服务模式实现文旅融合可持续发展提供了对策。  相似文献   

因特网公共图书馆(Internet Public Library,IPL)是第一个通过互联网为各类社区民众提供免费服务的公共图书馆。该数字图书馆提供在线咨询服务,同时供给互联网用户超过20000种书籍、期刊、报纸等数字化资源。读者可通过作者、标题和相关主题项对这些资源进行搜索。因特网公共图书馆的目标是“将最有效的图书馆员服务和管理工作在互联网上得以实现”。文章对该数字图书馆的建设、意义及现状进行了综合性述评,这其中包括项目概述、数字化收集、资源组织、界面设计、技术特点以及服务特征。文章最后给出了作者的意见和建议。  相似文献   

在信息化、网络化的发展浪潮中,上海区县公共图书馆网站建设取得了令人注目的成绩。但各馆在网站建设中还普遍存在着缺乏个性、内容单一、门前冷落、效益低下的现象。本文在实地调查的基础上,对上海各区县公共图书馆网站建设中的得失进行了分析,并对建立“上海区县公共图书馆联合网站”提出了初步设想。  相似文献   

关勰 《档案与建设》2011,(10):19-20
后现代主义整体主义的思想、以人为本的思想、创造性的思想等,为我国公共档案馆建设提供了重要的启示,为我国公共档案馆的建设创造了宝贵的时代契机。  相似文献   

People still use documents in many everyday government processes. From tax payments to passport requests, citizens have to interact with low-interactivity information artifacts such as reports, maps and datasets, among many others. Despite efforts to improve information delivery in the public sector, effective information usage remains a critical topic of action and research. The user experience of government documents has rarely been assessed, despite them being regularly published and frequently used. Considering this, the two following research questions arise: 1) How can government documents be classified (or grouped) in terms of user experience? 2) How can the user experience of government documents be monitored over time in order to inform design decisions? Working with a public agency in Chile, we develop and test a classification and monitoring framework based on two online surveys (N?=?338 and N?=?298). We then propose a framework for understanding user experience of government documents in these three dimensions: interaction goal, volume of information and ease of understanding. Using a graphical representation to classify user experience provides greater visibility of the current status of information produced by a public organization. Furthermore, by monitoring the user experience of a government document at different times, organizations can understand the effect of their design decisions and improve their service quality by implementing user-centered processes.  相似文献   

Theoretically and practically E-Government and the digital divide are intertwined social phenomena. Using sophisticated information technologies (IT) in government has little social value if citizens are not able to use services or interact in political processes in meaningful ways. Similarly, understanding the development and use of IT in government without incorporating a demand perspective would potentially lead to partial explanations of a complex social reality. This article argues that studies about E-Government and the digital divide, which have been relatively disconnected research areas, have important parallels and potential intersections. These parallels may be useful in understanding E-Government projects and policies in a more comprehensive way and, consequently, for developing effective digital strategies. The paper reviews trajectories in E-Government and digital divide research and suggests potential implications drawn from the digital divide literature for E-Government research and practice, including model and theory development, understanding users, and some determinants of demand.  相似文献   

档案文献遗产开发与公众教育具有内在关联,且相互促进。当前面向公众教育的档案文献遗产开发实践呈现的特点包括:多主题探索,打造地方特色文化名片;多形式呈现,丰富公众体验感与获得感;多主体参与,营造活跃的社会文化氛围。在档案信息化建设、用户需求日益多元化等现实背景下,面向公众教育的档案文献遗产开发工作应当以"大协作观"为新理念引导,基于用户需求开展更精细化的服务,嵌入和应用新型数字技术。  相似文献   

《全国公共图书馆事业发展十二五规划(》以下简称《规划)》是1949年以来首次由政府主管部门牵头制定的全国公共图书馆事业中长期发展规划。《规划》由发展基础、总体思路、重点任务和保障措施四部分组成,坚持政府主导的原则,基于全面的现实基础分析,提出了包括设施网络建设、文献信息资源保障体系建设、服务能力建设、新技术研发与应用、法制化与标准化建设、人才队伍建设在内的十个战略重点,并提出了一系列具体量化的指标,对于明晰十二五乃至今后更长一个时期我国公共图书馆事业的发展思路具有重要意义。参议文献25。  相似文献   

Citizen participation in E-governance is, essentially, a social exchange between individuals and their government through which the citizen creates public value as well as acquires private value. The direct effects of participation antecedents on participation outcomes have been fully examined, but few researchers have investigated the internal mechanism of citizen participation at the level of psychological value perception. The roles of perceived public and private value between the participation antecedents and outcomes remain unclear. Private value merits careful research in particular as the E-governance environment is being shaped by increasing privatization and continuous IT innovation. Based on the cognitive integration theory and the civic voluntarism model, this paper proposes a theoretical framework to examine the mediating roles of two values. We built a complete research model encompassing ten hypotheses centered on citizen e-participation in the context of green commuting governance. By analyzing survey data on a green commuting platform, we demonstrate the significant mediating effects of these two values and greater effect of private value acquisition on continuous e-participation intentions than public value creation. Our results have important research implications in regards to the roles of perceived values in participation, especially perceived private value.  相似文献   

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