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Many adjectives are used in the context of transforming government including making it more open, transparent, participative, agile, responsive and so forth. Most, if not all, of these adjectives are either in themselves public values or reflect one or more underlying public values. This paper examines the relationship between information and communications technology (ICT), transformative government and such public values and proposes a framework for further research. A study of the literature on public values is used to develop a typology of public sector values likely to be affected by ICT. This impact is examined for a number of these values. For others hypotheses about the impact of ICT on other values are then posited. It is argued that ICTs can and do have transformational impacts on public values, though not always for the better, concludes that values are a potential powerful lens for considering such impacts and sets out a programme of research into these relationships.  相似文献   

The phenomenon of eParticipation is receiving increasing attention, demonstrated by recent technology implementations, experiments, government reports, and research programs. Understanding such an emerging field is a complex endeavor because there is no generally agreed upon definition of the field, no clear overview of the research disciplines or methods it draws upon, and because the boundaries of the field are undecided. Using conventional literature review techniques, we identify 131 scientific articles considered important for the field's theoretical development. This sample provides the starting point for a grounded analysis leading to the development of an overview model: the field of eParticipation seen from a researcher's perspective. The model provides structure for understanding the emerging shape of the field as well as an initial indication of its content. It also provides the basis for developing research agendas for the future.  相似文献   

It has been widely acknowledged recently that the research field of eParticipation suffers from lack of comprehensive theoretical contributions, insufficient depth, and inconsistency in definitions of central concepts. Due to the interdisciplinary nature of the field researchers find it difficult to consolidate their theoretical groundwork and further theory building in the eParticipation domain. This paper reports a literature study of conceptual publications on the subject of eParticipation/eDemocracy in the time frame of 2007–2009. Its objectives are to track recent theoretical development in the field, to reveal constraints and limitations to researching the area, and to offer some suggestions for further inquiry. The results show that most theories currently used in conceptual eParticipation research originate from the fields of Political Science and Media and Communication Studies. But together with this, contemporary eParticipation authors contribute to strengthening the field with some “in-house” models and frameworks as well. Central problems with eParticipation research concern immaturity of the field, topical gaps, and biased assumptions. The review shows that the themes of recent publications can be grouped into three major categories: stakeholders, environment, and applications and tools. It also finds some interconnections between these categories; however, in general the coupling technology–stakeholders–(participatory) environments is weak.  相似文献   

Interoperability is a top priority today as governments try to integrate services across departments so as to improve effectiveness as well as efficiency. Integration in government is complicated, as evidenced by a discouraging project failure rate. An often quoted reason is that the complex relationships among government, society, and technology which come into play when integrating multiple organizations are not fully understood. This paper addresses this gap by scrutinizing a large national integration project asking, what is the nature and causes of the conflicts that surface during implementation? Data was collected by means of participant observations and narrative interviews. Seven major conflicts were found, all general because they involve basic values which were in conflict with each other. The values were specified by legislation and strictly operationalized in various government institutions which, consequently, were in disagreement about what was legal and desirable. The findings show that in order to achieve interoperability a “re-operationalization” of these values is necessary. These changes cannot be clearly defined upfront but must be “negotiated” by means of practical achievements that are considered important enough to motivate gradual changes in the way we implement our values in legislation and practices. This means that ambitious integration projects must serve as spearheads in such value change, which is a root cause for delays and even failure.  相似文献   

移动图书馆研究回顾与展望   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
近年来移动图书馆逐渐成为学界关注的热点。国内外移动图书馆研究的文献可划分为三类:服务模式研究、对象要素研究和综述评介研究。目前该领域研究面临如下问题:概念演进多元化、模糊化;研究内容缺乏系统性和深入性;研究方法以质性为主,只有少部分文献采用了实证研究;综述性研究侧重对应用现状的总结,鲜有从研究内容进行深入评析。未来值得深入研究的方向有:定制服务、服务能力、移动联盟、服务质量以及大规模的定量实证研究,尤其是服务质量研究亟待开展。表2。参考文献90。  相似文献   

During the last decade, various types of eGovernment evaluations have been proposed. These evaluations have primarily focused on international benchmarking using supply side metrics. Demand for eGovernment has been largely ignored. Recently, this oversight has been recognised, but research in this area is still in its infancy. This paper proposes the use of an already established usability literature from computer science. Advantages of applying usability methods to eGovernment include recognising barriers to use, identifying future development priorities and using already existing methods to assess and compare online offerings. Importantly, the inclusion of and focus on real users also fits with the wider government ideals of greater public participation and strengthening democracy.  相似文献   

More than ten years ago, Peterson (1999, p. 3) warned that “[g]lobal aging, like a massive iceberg, looms ahead.” Government budgets have already been hit hard by a simultaneous increase in governmental spending and a decline in tax revenue related to a growing share of the elderly to the total population. While almost all industrialized countries can expect an aging population and resulting budget stress, the implications of the graying of society for a “graying of e-Government initiatives and budgets” are not readily apparent and therefore constitutes a subject worthy of investigation. Despite the increasing importance of this issue for e-Government in practice, there remains a clear need to assess our understanding and reflection of the phenomenon. Therefore, we examine (a) whether e-Government research presently provides adequate theory, vocabulary, and methods and (b) the extent to which future e-Government research is potentially able to contribute to tackling the substantial theoretical and practical challenges related to societal aging. Accordingly, we pursue a multi-method approach in terms of sequentially applying a retrospective literature review (12 journals, vol. 2000–2009) and a prospective Delphi study (involving 24 e-Government experts). The results suggest that there is currently a significant gap between actual and potential e-Government research on societal aging. We discuss the implications for future e-Government research and describe potentially fruitful ways of bridging the prevailing gap between theory and practice.  相似文献   

农村信息需求与服务研究:国内外相关文献综述   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
本文总结了20世纪80年代以来国内外有关农村信息需求与服务的研究成果,比较了国内和国外相关研究在研究视野、方法和主要发现方面的异同。比较结果显示,世界不同地区有关农村信息需求的研究存在很多相似,这表明农村这一地域特性可能超越了文化因素,成为塑造农村信息需求的主要因素;它同时表明各国在设计农村信息服务时存在相互借鉴的可能。研究还发现,截止目前,我国在该领域的研究以决策支持研究和探索性研究(exploratory study)为主,较少提出理论创新成果,我国在这一领域对世界的理论贡献与我们拥有的庞大农村人口很不相称。  相似文献   

信息技术的蓬勃发展带来了全球信息的爆炸式增长,同时也使人们在面对海量信息时必须充分考虑可信度问题。国际iSchools运动衍生出的iField学科以图书馆学、情报学为代表,也与传播学、计算机科学等其他信息相关学科有一定交叉。iField视域下的可信度研究涉及人、信息、技术与社会的交互,本文梳理过去二十余年间国内外在这一领域的研究和探索。首先,从概念内涵、理论基础、研究方法三个层面对可信度研究进行溯源;其次,基于技术环境与社会环境变迁的双重视角解析可信度研究的主题演化逻辑,总结可信度研究在Web 1.0、Web2.0、社交媒体、人工智能四个标志性阶段的研究重点与难点,并提炼出可信度研究的主题演化框架;最后,从概念内涵拓展、研究方法革新、可信度话题延展等角度对未来研究进行了前沿展望。本文希望厘清可信度研究的发展脉络,推动可信度研究的进一步拓新,为未来网络信息资源治理实践提供参考。  相似文献   

中国古代文献分类思想的价值取向是功能主义而非认知主义。中国古代文献分类活动一直贯穿一根红线,就是以尊经重教为表现手段,以成为为治之具为旨归。文献分类活动中尊经重教的表现包括:以经为首,明道为要;经史子集的差序格局化;以义归类而非学科分类;会通理解,不求精准。研究中国古代文献分类思想,对进一步挖掘古代图书馆和目录学思想资源具有重要意义,对建立中国的图书馆学理论也有现实意义。  相似文献   

学术论文同行评审:过去·现状·未来   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
徐书令  房威 《编辑学报》2016,28(6):535-538
研究同行评审制度有助于审视学术交流与出版过程,以检验对学术成果的审查和管理工作的合理性,包括评审结果的正确性和评审方法的公平性,并进而为同行评审制度的发展和完善提供参考依据.文章简要介绍同行评审的发展历程,阐述并探讨学术论文同行评审的作用以及存在和面临的问题,并分析同行评审的发展趋势.  相似文献   

中华妇产科杂志审稿现状及对策   总被引:12,自引:6,他引:12  
潘伟  游苏宁 《编辑学报》2002,14(1):29-31
为探讨科技期刊审稿中存在的关键问题及解决对策,抽取200份中华妇产科杂志2000年审稿单及60篇论著类文稿的144份专家审稿意见,分别对审稿时间和审稿质量进行分析.除去初审退稿外,外审时间最短7 d,最长206 d,平均42.7 d,一篇文稿从来稿到刊出平均最快要7个月;60篇论著类文稿的专家审稿单144份,共提出审稿意见263条,最少1条,最多7条,平均1.83条(两审意见重叠时,按1条计算).建议:1)根据来稿总量调整初审退稿比率;2)建立标准化审稿程序;3)完善和扩大审稿队伍;4)建立专业副总编评审制度;5)提高编辑自身素质.  相似文献   

读者主导式采购 ——起因、类型与影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
分析读者主导式采购在境外图书馆兴起的原因,将读者主导式采购分为由馆际互借引发和非由馆际互借引发两种类型,并探讨了读者主导式采购对图书馆的影响。  相似文献   



Traditional and complementary medicine (T&CM) is highly utilised and draws on traditional knowledge (TK) as evidence, raising a need to explore how TK is currently used.


Examine criteria used to select, evaluate and apply TK in contemporary health contexts.


Systematic search utilising academic databases (AMED , CINAHL , MEDLINE , EMBASE , SSCI , ProQuest Dissertations Theses Global ), Trip clinical database and Google search engine . Citations and reference lists of included articles were searched. Reported use of TK in contemporary settings was mapped against a modified ‘Exploration-Preparation-Implementation-Sustainment’ (EPIS) implementation framework.


From the 54 included articles, EPIS mapping found TK is primarily used in the Exploration phase of implementation (n = 54), with little reporting on Preparation (n = 16), Implementation process (n = 6) or Sustainment (n = 4) of TK implementation. Criteria used in selection, evaluation and application of TK commonly involved validation with other scientific/traditional evidence sources, or assessment of factors influencing knowledge translation.


One of the difficulties in validation of TK (as a co-opted treatment) against other evidence sources is comparing like with like as TK often takes a holistic approach. This complicates further planning and evaluation of implementation.


This review identifies important criteria for evaluating current and potential contemporary use of TK, identifying gaps in research and practice for finding, appraising and applying relevant TK studies for clinical care.  相似文献   

医学科研论文编辑初审的方法及要点   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以笔者工作中遇到的论文为实例,归纳出医学期刊编辑在对医学科研论文进行初审时的方法和要点。主要从是否抄袭和重复发表、科研设计、科研伦理、统计学方法几个方面,以实例说明医学科研论文中比较集中和常见的问题,认为这些问题应该在编辑初审阶段得到发现和解决,从而可以减少不必要的后续流程。  相似文献   


This study aims to identify, collect and critical review the research literature on Multilingual Digital Libraries in English language from 1997 to 2012.

Design/methodology/approach: The present literature review has followed the rules of systematic review. In particular, the identified relevant papers were categorized based on their expressed aim on two core themes, that of system-centered and user-centered studies. The assigned papers were further analyzed and six sub-themes emerged for the system-centered studies and four for the user-centered studies. Additional categorization was also provided according to type of publication.

Findings: The literature concerning Multilingual Digital Libraries is vast and mainly focuses on two aspects the “System” and the “Users”. The majority of papers tried to meet the challenges raised for enabling multilingual information retrieval in Digital Libraries. Unfortunately, these efforts undertaken by a small number of researchers or research groups apparently working in isolation and therefore resulting in the development of numerous different tools and techniques. Relatively few studies have focused on the user and aimed to explore users' behavior and expectations when interacting with Multilingual Digital Libraries. As a result, further research is needed to reach to some tangible and usable findings.

Originality/value: This literature review captures the diversity of the research conducted regarding multilingual information access and retrieval in Digital Libraries. It organizes the vast literature in comprehensive themes and sub-themes enabling easy access to specific information.

Limitations: This study reviews only papers in English due to language restrictions from 1997 to 2012.  相似文献   

Background: Academic, medical and research libraries frequently implement Web 2.0 services for users. Several reports notwithstanding, characteristics and effectiveness of services are unclear. Objectives: To find out: the Web 2.0 services implemented by medical, academic and research libraries; study designs, measures and types of data used in included articles to evaluate effectiveness; whether the identified body of literature is amenable to a systematic review of results. Methods: Scoping review mapping the literature on the topic. Searches were performed in 19 databases. Inclusion criteria: research articles in English, Italian, German, French and Spanish (publication date ≥2006) about Web 2.0 services for final users implemented by academic, medical and research libraries. Reviewers’ agreement was measured by Cohen’s kappa. From a data set of 6461 articles, 255 (4%) were coded and analysed. Results: Conferencing/chat/instant messaging, blogging, podcasts, social networking, wikis and aggregators were frequently examined. Services were mainly targeted at general academic users of English‐speaking countries. Conclusions: Data prohibit a reliable estimate of the relative frequency of implemented Web 2.0 services. Case studies were the prevalent design. Most articles evaluated different outcomes using diverse assessment methodologies. A systematic review is recommended to assess the effectiveness of such services.  相似文献   

This article presents the concept of electronic record as articulated by the first phase of the InterPARES (International research on Permanent Authentic Records in Electronic Systems) Project (1999-2001) and discusses it in light of the findings of the second phase of the Project (2002-2006). While InterPARES 1 focused on records produced and/or maintained in databases and document management systems, InterPARES 2 examined records produced and/or maintained in interactive, experiential and dynamic environments. The authors describe the characteristics of these environments and of the entities found in them in the course of case studies conducted on systems used for carrying out artistic, scientific and e-government activities, and propose the new concept of record that InterPARES 2 is eleborating, which expands on that formulated by InterPARES 1. The authors would like to thank InterPARES 2 research assistant Randy Preston for his careful editing and constructive criticisms. Some of his suggestions have been incorporated in the text of this article.  相似文献   

罗萍  曾玲 《编辑学报》2022,34(2):189-192, 197
生物医学研究涉及很多医学研究伦理内容,编辑对论文中医学研究伦理的把关至关重要。本文通过问卷调研了228名医学期刊编辑的生物医学研究伦理审核意识,发现编辑对相关的医学研究伦理问题不是很了解,并且只有53.07%的编辑会经常要求作者提供相关医学研究伦理证明材料,大多数编辑所在期刊对论文中医学研究伦理内容只是进行了形式上的检查,没有要求作者提供如伦理审批件等的原始证明材料。据此提出,医学期刊编辑应了解科研人员在生物医学研究中应当遵循的科研伦理规范,掌握期刊编辑出版中关于生物医学研究伦理要求,提高审稿时对医学研究伦理内容的审核程度,进而加强医学期刊编辑对生物医学研究伦理审核意识的建设。  相似文献   

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