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The present study attempted to test the persuasive impact of the AIDS NAMES Quilt on behavioral intentions. Specifically, the Quilt, and knowing or not knowing a homosexual or Person Living with AIDS (PLWA), was predicted to be influential in determining one's intentions to behave supportively towards PLWA.

Results indicated that far individuals who know a homosexual or PLWA, viewing the quilt had no effect. For individuals who did not know a homosexual or PLWA, the quilt had a significant effect on their behavioral intentions e.g., they were more willing to engage in supportive behaviors. Additionally, females were more willing to engage in supportive behaviors than males. Implications and directions for future research are discussed.  相似文献   

Online reading platforms offer an ideal environment for the emergence of information cascades, a phenomenon where user selection is heavily driven by the information inferred from others' behavior. Prior research has mainly focused on the effect of information cascades on free e-books. The purpose of this study is to empirically test and compare the effect of informational cascades on online reading behaviors of free and paid e-books. Two 114-day panel data sets covering 1548 free e-books and 362 paid e-books were collected from Zongheng.com, a well-known online reading platform in China. Results suggest that online users' choice was significantly affected by book ranking after controlling for cumulative clicks and word-of-mouth (WOM) volume, whether they are free e-books or paid e-books, as predicted by information cascades theory. Review volume has no effect on the clicks of free and paid e-books with higher ranking, whereas it does exert a positive effect on the clicks of free and paid e-books with lower ranking. Information cascades are more salient for paid e-books than for free e-books. These findings not only offer important theoretical contributions for library and information science research, but also provide practical implications for online readers, content creators and managers.  相似文献   

Findings from an analysis of printer data in the Walter Stiern Library at California State University, Bakersfield (CSUB), revealed that government documents accounted for about 5% of the total materials printed. A comparison of these findings with circulation statistics for government documents showed that students are more likely to print web-based government documents than to check out their paper counterparts. However, neither paper nor electronic government documents were accessed at levels indicating extensive use. This study indicates that students are neglecting important materials in their research and that instructors need to further incorporate the use of government documents into their course requirements. Collaborative instruction between librarians and teaching faculty can promote access to the rapidly developing digital collections of government documents.  相似文献   

本文介绍了美国南康州大学图书馆学情报学远程教育的情况。分析了远程教育的睨势和不足.同时对中国发展图书馆学远程教育提出了建议。参考文献4。表3。图1。  相似文献   

This paper reports on a study funded by the National Archives and Records Administration and conducted by the authors to collect information on Federal employees’ views and perceptions on twenty information collection topics pertaining to records creation, maintenance, use, and disposition. Multiple data collection techniques were employed. Findings suggest that in developing records management policy and guidelines, one size will not fit all agencies. A range of situational factors appear to affect the success with which records management is accomplished in the various agencies. Additional research is needed to continue to test and refine these situational factors. Future records management policies and guidelines, however, may wish to consider such situational factors to increase the overall effectiveness of records management.  相似文献   

E-book management in academic libraries is examined, and a framework of the stages in the e-book management process is generated; the framework summarizes the key activities and associated issues and challenges for each stage. Academic libraries are one of the main markets for textbooks and other e-books. As such, the relationships that they forge with e-book vendors (publishers and aggregators), and the resolution of some of the challenges that they currently face in managing their collections of e-books, will have significant consequences for the adoption of e-books in learning. An interview-based study with a purposive sample of interviewees working as managers, subject librarians, metadata officers, and e-resources coordinators from seven academic libraries in the UK was conducted to investigate the libraries' experiences and perceptions of e-book management. The resultant e-book management framework identifies the processes associated with the management of e-books, and also offers insights into the challenges and issues associated with each stage. The stages in the framework are: collection development policy, budget, discovery, evaluation and selection, license negotiations, cataloging and delivery, marketing/promotion, user education, monitoring and reviewing, and renewals and cancellation.  相似文献   

The research goals were to obtain an understanding of who the users of e-books in the NHS are, what they are using e-books for, and when and how they use them. This article presents the methodology used and the findings from the research. It also explores the outputs and next steps from the research, both for the individual countries and collectively. The Five Nations group, (library leads in England, Northern Ireland, Ireland, Scotland and Wales) commissioned research into healthcare staff use and non-use of e-books to understand the behaviours, needs and expectations of healthcare staff and to identify shared challenges around e-books to inform policy and practice.  相似文献   

Mental health is a stigmatized issue in many parts of the world. We conducted a survey of Chinese adults (n?=?661) to examine predictors of intentions to seek information related to mental health. Attitudes and subjective norms positively influenced intentions to seek mental health information, with subjective norms being a stronger predictor. Cultural identity was negatively associated with intentions to seek mental health information, with participants who held a stronger cultural identity being less likely to seek information related to mental health. Media use was positively associated with intentions to seek information. This research highlights that cultural identity may influence mental health information seeking, and that health campaigns could focus more on influencing subjective norms, thereby changing the seeking intention of Chinese adults regarding mental health information. Additionally, practitioners may want to explore possible ways of providing health information to people with strong cultural identity, as they may be less likely to seek out information on their own.  相似文献   

In this study 126 subjects were exposed to one of three versions of a speech on “Effective Listening.” In one version no humor was added to the speech. In the other versions examples of direct and personal self and other‐disparaging humor were included in the presentation. Subjects rated the message and the message source on a number of dependent variables. Data, in general, suggest that those speakers who use direct and personal disparaging humor of any kind are rated as having a better sense of humor than those speakers who use no humor. Further, the use of self‐disparaging humor serves to reduce ratings of expertness while the use of other‐disparaging humor produced lower ratings of character.  相似文献   

论世纪之交的我国图书馆学情报学与图书馆学情报学教育   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
从我国图书馆学情报学研究与教育现状出发,探讨世纪之交现代信息技术对图书馆学情报学的影响,图书馆学情报学学科地位及名称规范化、图书馆学情报学教育、人才培养和课程设置等问题。  相似文献   

One of the most misunderstood aspects of journal management is the effect of journal title changes on the ThomsonScientific impact factor. This study analyses journals that changed their title in 1994 and 1995 and ascertains the period of time taken to recover the impact factor. Effects of subject classification and of the size of the journal are also investigated to see if recovery time depends on them. The analysis shows that recovery times are longer than predicted. Suggestions are made on how publishers may approach communication of journal title changes to minimize the effects on the impact factor.  相似文献   

图书情报学、经济学与管理学作为有一定相关度的社会科学,学科间知识渗透愈加明显.为研究这三个学科间的关联,使用在情报学研究中广泛应用的共词分析法,构造三学科的共现关键词集.抽取高频共现关键词进行分析,利用VOSviewer构建学科交叉知识图谱,计算出学科间Pearson相关系数,指出三学科间关联的内容、强度与变化趋势.  相似文献   

作为基于网络环境的全新教学方式,e-learning在图书情报学教育中发挥着日益重要的作用.文章基于调查我国台湾地区图书情报类院系e-learning教学的应用概况,并以政治大学图书资讯学与档案学研究所为案例,就e-learning课程设置、教学平台、教学资源、课程考核与要求、师资结构等情况进行深入分析.研究发现,我国台湾地区图书情报学e-learning教学的发展水平显著高于我国大陆,其主要用于研究生教育,多来自传统课程,注重结合传统教学手段,以综合性教学平台为支撑,课程对外开放度低.据此,提出我国大陆图书情报专业开展e-learning教学的若干建议.  相似文献   


Research indicates that individuals with elevated levels of public speaking anxiety report significantly different mental representations of the public speaking context, when compared to individuals with lower levels of anxiety. To examine the effect of the differences in mental representations, narratives for three public speaking contexts were developed. Results indicated that disposition (i.e., trait apprehension) was a better predictor of state anxiety when giving an impromptu speech. Situational factors (i.e., importance, skills, impression), however, were better predictors of state anxiety when either giving a speech to a 5th grade class or giving a speech to friends.  相似文献   

以国内7大类共275个图书情报学网站为研究样本,依据"相关网页数量"、"总入链数"、"网络影响因子"等定量指标,采用布拉德福定律方法、百分比补偿法和网络影响因子方法等信息计量方法,对我国图书情报学科的核心网站进行测定,并对不同方法所得的结果进行分析和讨论。实证研究的结果表明,网络影响因子等网络信息计量指标完全可以应用到网络信息资源评价当中。  相似文献   

本文运用实证方法,调查研究了中国与美国40所拥有图书情报学专业的院校,收集并整理了其中27所拥有图书情报学博士授予权的院校博士课程设置的相关数据,分析了中国与美国图书情报学博士课程设置的特色。在比较分析了两国课程的基础上,总结了两国博士教育与培养的现状与发展趋势。  相似文献   

Nearly 25 years ago, Douglas Zweizig identified limitations in understanding the users of library services and called for improvements in research methodologies. To asses the impact of his critique, citation searches on Zweizig and keyword searches on “user-centered” identified a body of library and information science (LIS) literature that can be linked to the work of Zweizig and his colleague, Brenda Dervin. The characteristics of this literature are described and the philosophical origins of the user-centered approach is critiqued. Zweizig's initial call to incorporate social science methodologies into LIS research is evaluated. A discussion of LIS education in light of the recent Kellogg-ALISE Information Profession and Education Renewal Project study of LIS curricula is included.  相似文献   

近五年图书情报信息资源共建共享论文分析研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
统计了近五年(2000~2004年)图书情报信息资源共建共享研究论文,分析了论文的时序分布、期刊分布、作者分布、主题内容特征以及研究的过去、现状及发展趋势.  相似文献   

Although narratives are often credited with the capacity to change opinions, empirical tests of this prediction have produced mixed results. To provide a more precise test of narrative's effect on beliefs, attitudes, intentions, and behaviors, we performed meta-analyses on studies that evaluated narrative's persuasive influence on these outcomes. Results suggested positive relationships between exposure to a narrative and narrative-consistent beliefs (k?=?37; N?=?7,376; r?=?.17), attitudes (k?=?40; N?=?7,132; r?=?.19), intentions (k?=?28; N?=?5,211; r?=?.17), and behaviors (k?=?5; N?=?978; r?=?.23). Moderator analyses on the effect of fictionality yielded mixed results. Neither medium of presentation nor research design influenced the magnitude of the narrative-persuasion relationship. However, results suggested the presence of unidentified moderators.  相似文献   

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