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Learning difficulties in numeracy in Australia   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

This article advocates an approach to supporting students who experience difficulties in learning, irrespective of nosology, particularly in the key areas of literacy and numeracy. In the state of Queensland, Australia, a distinction has been made between students' experiencing learning difficulties and those who have learning disabilities (LD). However, government priorities for improved achievement in literacy and numeracy have focused schools on the performance of all low-achieving students, without regard to diagnostic category. Many are now mobilizing a schoolwide effort that combines resources into a unified plan, using a three-wave approach. The first wave is high-quality classroom teaching, the second is early intervention, and the third is ongoing support for those students who have persistent difficulties, using adapted instruction and intensive tutoring. A further theme is the promise of neuropsychological advances for giving meaning to the underlying impairments of some students--who do have LD--that justifies the provision of adaptations to sustain their learning throughout their schooling and beyond. Throughout this article, the different yet converging understandings of LD in Australia and the United States are tracked, with suggestions made for future research that avoid the problems of operationalizing the definition of LD proposed by Keogh in 1982.  相似文献   

While genetics has remained as one key topic in school science, it continues to be conceptually and linguistically difficult for students with the concomitant debates as to what should be taught in the age of biotechnology. This article documents the development and implementation of a two‐tier multiple‐choice instrument for diagnosing grades 10 and 12 students’ understanding of genetics in terms of reasoning. The pretest and posttest forms of the diagnostic instrument were used alongside other methods in evaluating students’ understanding of genetics in a case‐based qualitative study on teaching and learning with multiple representations in three Western Australian secondary schools. Previous studies have shown that a two‐tier diagnostic instrument is useful in probing students’ understanding or misunderstanding of scientific concepts and ideas. The diagnostic instrument in this study was designed and then progressively refined, improved, and implemented to evaluate student understanding of genetics in three case schools. The final version of the instrument had Cronbach’s alpha reliability of 0.75 and 0.64, respectively, for its pretest and the posttest forms when it was administered to a group of grade 12 students (n = 17). This two‐tier diagnostic instrument complemented other qualitative data collection methods in this research in generating a more holistic picture of student conceptual learning of genetics in terms of scientific reasoning. Implications of the findings of this study using the diagnostic instrument are discussed.  相似文献   


This article provides a summary of the literature review contained in Volume Two of the DETYA Report, Mapping the Territory: Primary students with learning difficulties in literacy and numeracy. It summarizes the last three sections from the review. Section Three explores effective instructional techniques and programs in literacy and numeracy for students with learning difficulties. After that effective service delivery approaches within regular settings are examined in Section Four. Finally, issues in program evaluation and measurement of outcomes are addressed in Section Five.  相似文献   

This article is the second of two feature articles in this Journal, providing a summary of the literature review contained in Volume Two of the DETYA Report, Mapping the Territory: Primary students with learning difficulties in literacy and numeracy. The first article (Volume 6, No.1, March 2001, pages 12–19) examined definitions of learning disability and explored the loci of learning difficulties and their influence on literacy and numeracy development. This second article summarises the last three sections from the review. Section Three explores effective instructional techniques and programs in literacy and numeracy for students with learning difficulties. After that, effective service delivery approaches within regular settings are examined in Section Four. Finally, issues in program evaluation and measurement of outcomes are addressed in Section Five.  相似文献   

This study recruited 428 Singaporean children at risk of math learning difficulties (MLD; Mage = 83.9 months, SDage = 4.35 months; 41% female). Using a factor mixture model that considered both quantitative and qualitative differences in math ability, two qualitatively different groups were identified: one with generalized difficulties across different math skills and the other with more focal difficulties in arithmetic fluency. Reading, working memory capacity, and numeracy (number line estimation skills and numerical discrimination) uniquely explained group membership. Children within each group differed in the extent of difficulties they exhibited, with numeracy variables differentially contributing to math ability in each group. Findings speak against a dimensional view of MLD and underscore the conceptual limitations of using basic numeracy performance to profile learning difficulties.  相似文献   

This article aims to explore what changes two Cypriot primary school teachers brought in their teaching in order to help students with learning difficulties improve in their classes. The study was qualitative and used non-participant observation in two primary classrooms in different primary schools and semi-structured interviews with the main teachers of these classes. The findings revealed that the main changes implemented by these teachers were a differentiated programme of literacy and numeracy, and opportunities to students to process information through many senses. In addition, the teachers boosted the learning of students with learning difficulties by focusing on essentials, using process-oriented praise, peer tutoring, and regular communication with parents. The article concludes with suggestions about how Cypriot primary school teachers can boost the learning of students with difficulties and how leaders can support their efforts.  相似文献   

Children who experience difficulties with learning mathematics should be taught by teachers who focus on the child’s best way of learning. Analyses of the mathematical difficulties are necessary for fine-tuning mathematics education to the needs of these children. For this reason, an instrument for Observing and Analyzing children’s Mathematical Development (OAMD), based on action theory, has been developed. The use of levels of action is a new insight in the diagnostic process. Using the OAMD makes it possible to explore and analyze a child’s knowledge, proficiency and possible difficulties on four levels of acting in the domain of Number (counting, addition, subtraction, multiplication and division). The research concerns children from kindergarten up to grade three. In this article, we will discuss the purpose and the construction of the instrument with the focus on the usability of the OAMD. The study examines the quality and the diagnostic value of the instrument by means of the internal consistency, the test–retest reliability and the construct validity. The analyses show positive results. The conclusion of the research is that the OAMD is a suitable instrument for the analysis of numerical development of young children and their possible difficulties in this domain.  相似文献   

翻转课堂、混合课堂等新型教学模式的出现,让学生可以通过在线视频提前预习知识。但是,在这种非面对面的课堂,教师无法观察到学生观看视频的状态,不易识别预期的教学难点与学生在视频学习过程中实际感知到的难点是否一致。为解决这一问题,文章通过采集学生预习视频时的交互行为数据还原学生的视频观看轨迹,采用聚类分析法来诊断学生预习视频时感知到的实际难点;同时,通过对在线测试答题正确率进行分析得到的结论、半结构化访谈中学生对视频学习难易度的反馈分别与对学生视频观看轨迹进行聚类得出的结论进行对比,发现结果趋于一致,由此验证了文章提出的难度感知诊断方法的可行性与有效性。难度感知诊断方法依靠客观行为数据更加精准地掌握学生的学习难点,为提高课堂教学效率提供了有力保障。  相似文献   

Gender effects in large-scale assessments have become an increasingly important research area within and across countries. Yet few studies have linked differences in assessment results of male and female students in higher education to construct-relevant features of the target construct. This paper examines gender effects on students’ economic content knowledge with a focus on construct-relevant explanations. Moreover, we compare gender effects cross-nationally between Germany, Japan, and the United States. To assess economic content knowledge of higher education students, we used translated, adapted, and validated versions of the Test of Understanding in College Economics (TUCE, 4th ed.), an instrument that is commonly used internationally. We found gender effects on test scores in all three countries; effects were larger in Germany and the United States than in Japan. Gender effects were generally more pronounced on the numeracy subscale than on the literacy subscale, that is, male students had a greater edge over female students when items required calculations. In our conclusion, we discuss how numeracy and literacy items may tap different abilities.  相似文献   

The Australian Curriculum identified seven General Capabilities, including numeracy, to be embedded in all learning areas. However, it has been left to individual schools to manage this. Whilst there is a growing body of literature about pedagogies that embed numeracy in various learning areas, there are few studies from the management perspective. A social constructivist perspective and a multiple case study approach were used to explore the actions of school managers and mathematics teachers in three Queensland secondary schools, in order to investigate how they meet the Australian Curriculum requirement to embed numeracy throughout the curriculum. The study found a lack of coordinated cross-curricular approaches to numeracy in any of the schools studied. It illustrates the difficulties that arise when teachers do not share the Australian Curriculum cross-curricular vision of numeracy. Schools and curriculum authorities have not acknowledged the challenges for teachers in implementing cross-curricular numeracy, which include: limited understanding of numeracy; a lack of commitment; and inadequate skills. Successful embedding of numeracy in all learning areas requires: the commitment and support of school leaders, a review of school curriculum documents and pedagogical practices, professional development of teachers, and adequate funding to support these activities.  相似文献   

课堂学习研究是一种校本行动研究,主要由同科同级的教师针对学生的学习难点,以变易理论为指导设计教学方案,并由不同教师轮流施教、检讨教学成效并提出改善方案。课堂学习研究不但有助于教师的专业发展和提升,而且还利于推动校本课程的开发,包括加深教师对学生学习情况的了解,对现有教学内容和教材进行客观验证和有效调整以及激励教师开发和尝试新的教学方法和策略。  相似文献   

张兴荣 《成才之路》2020,(2):142-143
在英语学习过程中,少数学生学习成绩落后,出现畏学心理,最终成为学困生。教师应关注这些学生的学习情况和心理变化,帮助他们分析成绩落后的原因,并采取科学有效的教学策略,对他们实施转化。文章对基于学困生转化的英语教学策略进行研究,以激发学生学习兴趣,提高学生学习成绩,为学生成长成才奠定基础。  相似文献   

The key questions are: is it true that persons with Down’s syndrome can study mathematics only at a very elementary level? Might it be possible that their difficulties are mainly restricted to some fields, such as numeracy and mental computation, but do not encompass the entire domain of mathematics? Is the use of a calculator recommended? Is non-elementary mathematics accessible at most for the brightest students with Down’s syndrome? Our experience with about 30 students with Down’s syndrome, attending Italian mainstream secondary schools, is that these students can solve mathematical problems, using simple algebraic equations, though they may have very poor numeracy skills and need to use the calculator even with the simplest computations. Moreover, a familiarity with more advanced topics, as algebraic computation and analytic geometry, can help to raise their self-esteem and improve their numeracy too. Surprisingly, these students can learn and apply mathematical procedures in a variety of other different contexts. For instance, Francesca, an Italian student attending a secondary mainstream school, with a mild impairment in numeracy and relatively good linguistic skills, started with algebra and then learned to solve problems in the areas of nutritional science and of business administration. In the same way, Martina, a student in a mainstream secondary school with severe linguistic and numerical impairments, learned to work with Cartesian coordinates and formulas in analytic geometry. She began connecting points on a Cartesian plane, given their coordinates, and colouring in the shapes, such as flowers and animals, that they define. Applying the two points distance formula and verifying the result, she learned to measure the distance of two points with a ruler and to understand the concept of ‘millimetres’. The role of the inclusion in mainstream Italian schools of every disabled student, regardless the severity of the disability, has been crucial for these results.  相似文献   

分学段实施小学生数学素养发展目标需要处理好双基与素养、长效与短效、内隐与外显、多与少、培优与普及5对关系。发展小学生数学素养的课堂教学可采用水涨船高、里应外合、兴趣引路等10大策略。富有综合性、关联性、挑战性、实践性的数学综合学习活动是培养小学生数学素养的重要途径。  相似文献   

Nowadays, meaningful learning takes a central role in science education and is based in mental models that allow the representation of the real world by individuals. Thus, it is essential to analyse the student’s mental models by promoting an easier reconstruction of scientific knowledge, by allowing them to become consistent with the curricular models presented in the classroom. In this context, the study aims to examine, through the application of a diagnostic instrument (Two-Tier Diagnostic Test), what students consider to be the seismic effects on soils and buildings, to analyse and to compare their mental models about some of these issues related to seismology, applying a questionnaire to 52 students from a Portuguese University attending an undergraduate degree in Geology and a master course in Biology and Geology teaching. The analysis of the data allowed concluding that undergraduate students have more inconsistent mental models than master students, mainly concerning the factors which influence the seismic risk, such as hazard and vulnerability, and the soils characteristics which influence the intensity of earthquakes. During their academic formation in the university, teachers present some curricular models to students which allow them to reconstruct their mental models and turn them scientifically consistent, enhancing the educational implications of this study that points to the need for teachers to be aware of the importance of the diagnosis of the students’ mental models and to promote meaningful learning and scientific literacy autonomously and dynamically.  相似文献   

International and national testing of numerical and language skills has become a regular part of educational systems in many countries. In Australia, the National Assessment ProgramLiteracy and Numeracy (NAPLAN) has been used since 2008 to carry out regular tests of literacy and numeracy amongst school students nationally. Since the numeracy components of this program are based on work carried out in school mathematics classes, it seems reasonable that tests represent an evaluation of mathematical ability, albeit at the simpler and introductory levels. However, there has been little investigation of students’ ideas about numeracy, and the role that their attitudes towards numeracy may have on their results on the numeracy components of NAPLAN tests. This study carries out an empirical investigation of ideas about and attitudes towards numeracy, and their relation to NAPLAN scores for a sample of 735 lower secondary students from two schools in New South Wales, Australia. Attitudes are measured using a modified form of the Students’ Attitudes Towards Statistics, (SATS-36) test (Schau in Survey of attitudes towards statistics, http://www.evaluationandstatistics.com, 2003), and conceptions of numeracy are obtained from phenomenographic analysis of an open-ended response item. The overall conclusion, that students’ understanding of the concept of numeracy and their attitudes towards numeracy are related to their performance in numeracy tests, represents a potentially important result both for students and their teachers.  相似文献   

More and more pupils with learning difficulties are being taught in mainstream settings but how inclusive is the teaching they experience? In this illustrative case study, Ruth Germain, a teacher in a mainstream primary school, looks at how Paul, a pupil with Down's syndrome, is supported during 'dedicated numeracy time'. She examines the relationships between whole-class, group and individual teaching; the nature of the support Paul receives; and his educational and behavioural responses. The article closes with a call for further research into the implications for teaching and learning of the inclusion of pupils with learning difficulties in mainstream contexts.  相似文献   

The study of how children with severe learning difficulties acquire number skills is a much neglected topic – especially when compared to other areas such as language development or social interaction. Jill Porter, lecturer, Institute of Education, London University, asks if this is because the acquisition of language is perceived as more important than the acquisition of number or if it is because we don't think children with severe learning difficulties (SLD) are capable of developing numeracy skills.  相似文献   

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