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本研究的对象是"体质教育论".主要分析了构成"体质教育论"的的发展几个关键词"真义体育"、"身体教育"、"增强体质".结论是:(1)通过对"真义体育"之争("三基论"与"技能论"之争)的整理,发现了"能力论"与"内容论"的课题;(2)通过对"身体"和"教育"的分析,指出为了"身体教育"理论的完善,有必要把"运动技能"也纳入"身体教育"体系,有必要关注身体的意识及感觉感知方面;(3)指出了体质课上最应该解决的问题是,教师通过适当的(运动)教材,促使学生通过自己的身体(运动)感觉感知到自己的身体状况,进而,学生才有可能意识到用运动(方法)去改善自己的体质.  相似文献   

The data for this paper were generated during a 3-year; participatory action research project, with 41 female coresearchers and activists ages 15-19 years old, within and beyond the walls of a secondary school. The two questions we sought to answer were (a) what happens when we engage with students to challenge formal physical education curricular boundaries and connect with students' physical culture; and (b) what are the benefits and the challenges associated with engaging in this sort of practical activism? The findings suggest that a boundary-crossing approach to physical education can facilitate students in finding their own meanings in physical education and physical activity. Supporting boundary-crossing practices is, however; a time- and thought-intensive pedagogical design, which will be challenging for many physical education teachers.  相似文献   

观照生活:当代学校体育不可忽视的视角   总被引:4,自引:3,他引:1  
本着体育成为人们生活方式的一个重要方面的美好愿望,提出学校体育需要“观照生活”的观点。对“观照生活”的内涵做了阐释,并认为学校体育“观照生活”的必要性在于:生活是教育的基础、价值的归位、时代发展与社会进步的需要。认为学校体育“观照生活”的可行性在于:体育脱胎于生活、体育需要直接经验、体育是塑造生活方式的教育。最后,指出观照生活的实质是对“人”和人性的彰显。  相似文献   

With the needs of experienced teachers potentially overshadowed by a focus on recruitment, the purpose of this study was to retrospectively explore the reasons why three experienced physical education teachers resigned. They were interviewed through Louis and Smith's (1990) quality of work life (QWL) model. Data suggested shared dissatisfactions related to the lack of "genuine" opportunities to participate in educational debate and decision making, and limited professional respect shown by administrators and parents. A physical education teacher's "use-by date" was proposed. Unless these issues are further explored and addressed, quality teachers will continue to abandon the service.  相似文献   

The main aim of this study was to examine whether goal orientations of male and female adolescents involved in an optional post-16 physical education (PE) programme were related in a conceptually consistent manner with their beliefs about the causes of success in PE. We also determined relationships between these achievement goal-belief dimensions and reported enjoyment and boredom within PE classes. Participants (n = 171) in a sixth-form college PE programme completed an inventory assessing their task and ego goal orientations, beliefs about the determinants of success in PE, and emotion in PE activities at college. Separate factor analyses of goal orientations and beliefs for male and female students revealed two goal-belief dimensions. The first dimension showed ego orientation was linked to the view that ability and deceptive tactics lead to success. The second dimension suggested task orientation was associated with the belief that success is the result of hard work and effort. This task goal-belief factor was found to be more strongly correlated with enjoyment in PE among female students than among males. For boys, the task goal-belief factor was correlated significantly and negatively with boredom in PE, but this was not the case for girls. No significant relationships emerged between the ego goal-belief factor and reported emotion in PE among the male and female participants. Facilitating task involvement and beliefs about causes of success that are fundamentally under personal control may, therefore, promote positive affective experiences in sixth-form PE, especially among female students.  相似文献   

从"保健"走向"调适"--高校特殊体育课程的定位   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
吴燕丹  黄汉升 《体育学刊》2006,13(3):131-134
面向病、残、弱学生的特殊体育课程是大学体育中一个重要的组成部分,体现了一个社会的文明程度和国家的整体发展水平。我国普通高校的特殊体育课程改革严重滞后于大学体育发展的进程,通过分析目前几种常用特殊体育课程的性质与定位,重新认识大学特殊体育教育,提出调适性体育课程的理念。  相似文献   

Acknowledging the performative sporting discourses which continue to dominate physical education, and the emerging focus on disease prevention within this context, this paper presents a socio-ecological framework for physical education that aims to shift the focus towards more multidimensional understandings of what it means to be ‘physically educated’. In doing so, we hope to prompt physical educators in schools and undergraduate programmes to more confidently employ intra-personal, inter-personal and environmental lenses through which to view and understand physical education, and therefore extend the gaze beyond activity-driven practice and ‘downstream’ exercise for health. The proposed framework draws upon established socio-ecological models and encompasses functional, recreational, health-related and performance-related physical activities. The multi-layered complexity associated with the field of physical education is reflected within the proposed socio-ecological framework. Through embracing complexity, particularly the interactions between layers of influence, the framework encourages exploration of the ‘physical’ beyond its subordinate components like fitness, body mass index, tactical awareness or motor skills. The framework is inclusive of games and sports but questions how these activities can be connected in the everyday lives of the learners. Importantly, the framework provided is not an approach to teaching and learning and, on its own, will do little to address the ongoing critique about the privileging of performative and health discourses within physical education. As they have in other fields, socio-ecological frames can provide a useful reference for the teaching and learning of physical education. To produce physically educated citizens in the broadest sense, teachers need to be supported, across multiple levels, to reposition their field to that of a connected specialism contributing to the whole curriculum and the communities within which they are located. It is our contention that socio-ecological frames can serve as useful tools to facilitate such a repositioning.  相似文献   

Within the Australian context physical education (PE) and more recently health and physical education (HPE) have long been ascribed utilitarian value for producing healthy citizens. Whilst this has not been a linear progression over time, traces from the past do inform current assumptions about this utilitarian role. Of consequence are historical contingencies and responses to societal problems around health-related conduct and capabilities of the nations’ citizens. In this paper a genealogical approach is adopted to explore discourses and power relations that have framed the contribution of PE and HPE in shaping students for healthy citizenship. Disciplinary technologies associated with military-style physical training, civilising technologies of game play and responsibilising governmental technologies of contemporary policies will be explored. I conclude in arguing that if HPE is to prepare all students for equitable, inclusive citizenship what is required is the adoption of curricula and pedagogies that counteract hegemonic notions of individual responsibility for healthy citizenship.  相似文献   

The effects of a 2-year health-related school physical education program on standardized academic achievement scores was assessed in 759 children who completed Metropolitan Achievement Tests before and after the program. Schools were randomly assigned to condition: (a) Specialists taught the Sports, Play, and Active Recreation for Kids curriculum; (b) classroom teachers were trained to implement the curriculum; and (c) controls continued their usual programs. The Trained Teacher condition was superior to Control on Language, Reading, and Basic Battery. The Specialist condition was superior to Control on Reading, but inferior on Language. Despite devoting twice as many minutes per week to physical education as Controls, the health-related physical education program did not interfere with academic achievement. Health-related physical education may have favorable effects on students' academic achievement.  相似文献   

《健身教育论》是林笑峰晚年的重要著作,其中汇集了林笑峰体育思想的精华。在该书中,林笑峰通过论述健身、健身学、健身课等内容,初步构建了“健身教育论”的理论体系。以《健身教育论》为研究重心,剖析了林笑峰“健身教育论”的理论渊源、思维框架与现实价值。研究认为:(1)“健身教育论”的提出是对“真义体育”观的继承与发展;(2)“健身教育论”的核心观点为:健身与体育互为依存、健身学应成为学校体育的主业、体育教学应以健身教育为本职工作;(3)韩丹对“健身教育论”的质疑展现了他与林笑峰不同的学术追求;(4)“健身教育论”的时代价值体现在以下3个方面:有助于唤起大众对体育功能的反思、为个人健康意识与行为的培养提供指导、为体育与健康教育的深度融合提供方案。  相似文献   

From the 1920s through the early 1940s, school-based programs in both health and physical education-mandated by government legislation and hailed by the public--increased in scope and complexity. By 1937, the assumption of the interconnectedness of the two fields was institutionalized in the merger of the American Physical Education Association with the Department of School Health and Physical Education of the National Education Association to form the American Association for Health and Physical Education. This paper focuses on the role of health education, physical education, and public health professionals in the emergence and critique of scholastic health and physical education programs in the first half of the 20th century.  相似文献   

The authors analyzed data from the School Health Policies and Programs Study 2000 to assess the associations between the presence of a district physical education coordinator and district-level physical education policies and practices recommended by federal government agencies and national organizations. The authors also examined the relationship between teacher qualifications and staff development related to physical education and self-reported implementation of recommended teachingpractices. District-level data were collected by self-administered mail questionnaires from a nationally representative sample of school districts. Classroom-level data were collected by computer-assisted personal interviews with teachers of randomly selected classes in elementary schools and randomly selected required physical education courses in middle/junior high and senior high schools. Nearly two thirds (62.2%) of districts had a physical education coordinator, and those were generally more likely than other districts to report having policies and practices that corresponded with national recommendations for high-quality physical education programs. More than two thirds of teachers (66.9%) met the criteria for teacher qualifications based on their education and certification. These teachers were more likely than others to report use of certain recommended physical education teaching practices. Teachers who participated in staff development also were more likely to use recommended teaching practices in their classrooms. Using a district physical education coordinator and teachers with appropriate qualifications as well as offering staff development opportunities on physical education may enhance school physical education programs.  相似文献   

This commentary discussed the need for a clearer definition of teaching. Silverman's RT-PE schema was reviewed, and several concerns were raised. Clark's framework for conceptualizing research methods for teaching was reviewed. And, finally, the Spectrum of Teaching Styles was suggested as a schema for organizing RT-PE content. Silverman's review has enriched our discipline, and he deserves our appreciation. In particular the breadth of his review is noteworthy. This review should be useful to teachers and should serve as a catalyst for further discussion in the research community about this interesting and important discipline.  相似文献   


It is argued that negotiation and performance of identity in contemporary society is linked with the value-laden spaces in which individuals spend time. Concepts of space, place and identity have become important when looking to understand elements of social practice, in light of the recognition that life is becoming progressively more mobile, varied and challenging. This has resulted in a shift in how subsequent generations experience space and place within digitally-mediated social landscapes. It is asserted that young people in contemporary society can be seen to occupy a hybrid virtual-real world (Jordan, B. (2009). Blurring boundaries: The ‘real’ and the ‘virtual’ in hybrid spaces. Human Organisation, 68.) where they experience the multiplication of place or duplication of space (Papacharissi, Z. (2011). A Networked Self: Identity Community and Culture on Social Network Sites. New York: Routledge). Such complex social geographies, we contend, have important implications for young people’s negotiation and performance of identity, the acquisition of socio-technical capital (Resnick, (2002). Beyond b?owling t?ogether: SocioTechnical c?apital. In J. M. Carroll (Ed.), Human-c?omputer i?nteraction in the n?ew m?illennium (pp. 647–?672). Upper Saddle River, NJ: ACM Press.) and, ultimately, digital well-being. In a time when there is a focus on developing global and connected citizens (Greene, M. (1995). Releasing the Imagination: Essay on education, the arts and social change. San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass.) we argue that pupils need to be both digitally fluent and values fluent as they negotiate spaces of reality and virtual reality. Both constructs require the learner to engage critically with information and misinformation as presented on ever-changing digital interfaces (Kahne, J., & Bowyer, B. (2017). Educating for Democracy in a Partisan Age: Confronting the Challenges of Motivated Reasoning and Misinformation. American Educational Research Journal, 54, 3–34.) and to make value choices. Given that physical education (PE) has been identified as a significant place for meaning-making (Spracklen, K. (2015). Digital Leisure, the Internet and Popular Culture: Communities and Identities in a Digital Age. London: Palgrave Macmillan.) and a core site for values-based education (Mccuaig, L., Marino, M., Gobbi, E., & Macdonald, D. (2015). Taught not Caught: Values based Education through physical education and School Sport: Literature Review. AIESEP Partners for WADA, ICSSPE, IOC, Fairplay & UNESCO.) it is identified as a key context in which to examine some of the challenges posed for students and educators with regard to values-based practices in digitally-mediated spaces. Within this conceptual paper, we propose a praxis model of values fluency to help PE teachers to support young people to recognise and successfully navigate hybrid spaces, to critically engage with sociotechnical capital and become adept at transferring and translating values across and between social contexts.  相似文献   


Many physical educators in Canadian Atlantic provinces are forced to cope with large classes, inadequate facilities and equipment, and reductions in scheduled time for physical education classes. These factors seriously inhibit teachers' attempts to encourage their students to practice physically active lifestyles. In the following article our research focuses on how seven female physical educators negotiate compromises between their restrictive pedagogical environments and their goal of helping students to establish lifelong activity habits through promotion of fun in physical education class.  相似文献   

面对着高中生体质健康状况持续下滑,学校体育工作实施不利的现状,教育部、体育总局等相关部门相继出台了一系列法令、政策、条例、通知、意见等,但效果皆不尽如人意.笔者认为将高中体育与健康课程纳入高考将成为有效遏制学生体质健康下滑的一项有利举措.研究对考试及高考的内涵、体育纳入高考的合理性、体育高考的指导思想、方向选择、考试内容、体育占高考总分与分数等级标准制定依据、以及体育纳入高考的积极作用等方面进行全面阐述、辨析,以期为体育尽快成为高考科目并顺利实施提供可借鉴的理论依据.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to describe how providing teachers with research based knowledge about developmental throwing can influence teachers' observational interpretations and their students' practice patterns. Eight kindergarten classroom teachers with high generic teaching skill competence taught a 6-week overhand throwing unit to the children in their intact classes. Prior to the unit, four of the teachers were randomly assigned to a 4-hour knowledge training program. The other four teachers served as a comparison group (underwent no knowledge training). During the unit, data from stimulated recall interviews were used to describe and compare the thoughts and knowledge concepts expressed by the two groups of teachers. The throwing practice experienced by the children in the knowledge-trained and comparison teachers' classes was videotaped and analyzed for frequency of opposite foot stepping. The knowledge acquired during training was associated with different patterns of skill observation. The knowledge concepts the teachers acquired during training formed the basis of many of their thoughts and were reflected in the instructional procedures implemented. The knowledge-trained teachers' classes demonstrated more than twice as many opposite foot throws during the unit than the comparison teachers' classes.  相似文献   

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