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Zusammenfassung In der aktuellen Diskussion um Bildung und Lernen wird jetzt auch in Deutschland dem „Informellen Lernen“ verst?rkte Aufmerksamkeit gewidmet. Die Autoren halten diesen Begriff allerdings für unscharf und sprechen daher von „Lernen in informellen Kontexten“. Der Beitrag bezieht sich auf erste Ergebnisse eines empirischen Forschungsprojekts der Universit?t Dortmund und des Deutschen Jugendinstituts zu informellen Lernprozessen Jugendlicher in Settings des freiwilligen Engagements. Nach einer kurzen Darstellung des Forschungsdesigns werden, basierend auf einer ersten Analyse der in der Explorationsphase des Projektes geführten Interviews, die besonderen Strukturbedingungen der untersuchten Settings (Jugendverb?nde, Initiativen und Organisationen der politischen Interessenvertretung) sowie die Lernchancen in diesen Kontexten beschrieben. Im abschlie?enden Teil des Beitrags werden erste Ergebnisse zu den Wirkungen und Ergebnissen des Lernens durch Verantwortungsübernahme im freiwilligen Engagement vorgestellt. Bereits in der Explorationsphase konnten eine Reihe unterschiedlichster, im Engagement entwickelter Kompetenzen identifiziert werden. Neben der M?glichkeit personale, soziale, fachliche und organisatorische Kompetenzen zu erwerben oder zu erweitern, scheint eine freiwillige Verantwortungsübernahme vielf?ltige Chancen der Pers?nlichkeitsentwicklung, der biografischen Orientierung, der Sinnstiftung sowie der Teilhabe an der Erwachsenenwelt zu er?ffnen.   相似文献   

Der Begriff des informellen Lernens wird hier auf den Wissenserwerb im Rahmen der allt?glichen Nutzung von Massenmedien bezogen. Bei der genaueren Betrachtung des Mediennutzungsverhaltens von verschiedenen Altersgruppen erweisen sich sozio-kulturelle Unterschiede als wichtige Pr?diktoren für Mediennutzung und -rezeption. Das Konzept der sozialen Milieus eignet sich zur Analyse sozio-kultureller Differenzen, auch mit Blick auf die Medienbildung. Bei Kindern scheint das Herkunftsmilieu der Eltern einen zentralen Einfluss auf deren Medienbildung zu haben, w?hrend im Jugendalter auch jugendkulturelle Rahmungen bedeutsam werden. Medienrezeption wird dabei nicht als einseitiger Prozess, sondern als kommunikative Interaktion zwischen Medienproduzenten und Medienkonsumenten verstanden. Letztere bringen in der Wahl von Medien, Genres und Rezeptionskontexten auch ?sthetische Pr?ferenzen und ihren sozio-kulturellen Habitus zum Ausdruck.  相似文献   

In this article participation in job-related informal learning activities is analyzed based on data from the German ‘Berichtssystem Weiterbildung’ 2003, a national monitoring survey of continuing education and training activities in Germany. Job-related informal learning activities are expected to gain in importance; however, rather heterogeneous definitions of such informal learning activities exist. Based on factor analyses we distinguish between four different forms of informal learning activities. The probability of attendance for those distinguished forms of informal learning activities is then estimated comparatively using logistic regression analysis. Socio-demographic and company-related parameters are included as independent variables. The results show diverse influencing factors for the different informal learning activities which underlines the relevance of a distinctive differentiation of job-related informal learning activities. Further, the results indicate that different forms of job-related informal learning activities are determined by specific combinations of both company-related parameters and socio-demographic characteristics which appear to provide different opportunities for job-related informal learning activities.  相似文献   

This contribution sketches the museum landscape and investigates – from different perspectives – to what extent museums can be defined and studied as an informal learning location. We shall start with a look at the heterogeneity of museums, which is a consequence of the different collections, the characteristics of visitors and their motives for visiting, and the relatively young history of didactic methods used in museums. Does learning take place? Research on visitors, which looks at this question, typically reflects in its theories of learning the paradigm shift from behaviourism to cognitive and constructivistic concepts with a corresponding change of perspective regarding the subject of investigation: whilst first investigations looked at the characteristic of exhibits and made recommendations on this basis for improved didactics, more recent studies look at visitors’ theoretic constructs of these characteristics. This article argues for a link between both perspectives in order to achieve further theoretical and practical insights.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung In dieser Studie wird dargelegt, dass das Bildungswesen der Sowjetunion in seinen Prinzipien, seiner Organisation und seinen Lerninhalten auf lebenslanges Lernen ausgerichtet ist. Zwei Drittel aller 4–6jährigen Kinder besuchen Vorschuleinrichtungen, deren Programme mit denen der Grundschule koordiniert sind. Nach Absolvierung der achtklassigen allgemeinbildenden Schule setzen die meisten Jugendlichen (1973: 90%) ihre Ausbildung in allgemeinbildenden Mittelschulen, technischen oder Fachschulen fort. Für diejenigen, die ihre Allgemeinbildung abgebrochen haben, gibt es Abend- und Fernschulen, deren Abschluss dem der Tagesschulen gleichwertig ist. Alle Sowjetbürger erhalten eine grundlegende Berufsausbildung auf der ihrer Vorbildung entsprechenden Ebene. Die Erwachsenenbildung in der UdSSR entwickelt sich in zwei Hauptrichtungen: berufliche Weiterqualifizierung und Anhebung des ideologischen, kulturellen und sozialen Niveaus, d.h. allseitige Förderung der Persönlichkeit durch Selbstbildung. Dafür stehen zahlreiche Institutionen, z.B. Volksuniversitäten, und sonstige Einrichtungen zur Verfügung. Es bestehen noch verschiedene ungelöste Probleme, die weiterer Forschung bedürfen.
This study points out that in its principles, organisation and learning contents the educational system of the Soviet Union is directed towards lifelong education. Two-thirds of all 4–6 year olds attend nursery schools whose educational programmes are coordinated with those of the primary school. After completion of the obligatory 8 years of general schooling the vast majority of adolescents continue their education in secondary general schools, technical schools or specialized vocational establishments. For those who have not completed their secondary general education there are evening schools and distant education arrangements entitling successful leavers to enter higher level institutions. Every Soviet citizen receives a basic vocational training corresponding to his educational level. Adult education in the USSR follows two main directions: increase of vocational qualification and raising of the ideological, cultural and social level of the working population, i.e. all-round development of the personality through self-education. For this purpose a very large number of institutions, such as people's universities, and other facilities are available. Several problems still exist and require further research.

Résumé Cette étude montre que l'enseignement en Union Soviétique est de par ses principes, son organisation et ses matières, dirigé vers l'éducation permanente. Les deux-tiers de tous les enfants entre 4 et 6 ans fréquentent l'école maternelle dont les programmes sont établis en coordination avec ceux de l'école primaire. Après avoir terminé les 8 ans de scolarité obligatoire la grande majorité des adolescents continue dans des écoles secondaires, techniques ou professionnelles. Ceux qui n'ont pas terminé l'école secondaire peuvent suivre des cours du soir ou des cours d'enseignement à distance qui leur permettent, une fois reçus, de fréquenter des établissements d'enseignement supérieur. Chaque citoyen soviétique reçoit une formation professionnelle de base qui correspond à son niveau d'éducation. L'éducation des adultes en URSS se développe dans deux directions principales: le perfectionnement professionnel et l'élévation du niveau idéologique, culturel et social de tous les travailleurs, c'est-à-dire le développement complet de la personnalité grâce à l'autodidaxie. Un très grand nombre d'institutions comme les universités populaires entre autres sont là à disposition. Mais de nombreux problèmes subsistent qui nécessitent de plus amples recherches.

This contribution analyses the impact of young people’s work on political participation in adulthood on the basis of Dewey’s theory of democratic education and a theory of community service sketched by Reinders. Its primary goal is to examine whether the acquisition of specific skills and specific knowledge obtained in social and political institutions is as important for – or even more important than – future political commitment as the development of pro-social attitudes. Based on survey data (n = 2,052), these assumptions are tested using ordinal probit models. These models show that in addition to effects of changes in attitude, specific experiences in voluntary work seem to be important to promoting political participation. Political commitment is, therefore, indeed closely connected to learning and educational processes in the sense of Dewey.  相似文献   

This leading article assumes that the understanding of learning is increasingly influenced by educational science and identifies several theoretical starting points for research in adult education. In doing so, the understanding of learning will be discussed in relation to various related disciplines and non-scientific discourses. The account is based on a scheme of self-reference and external-reference founded in systems theory which captures the relational character of learning—something that is developed more or less explicitly in all theoretical portrayals of learning. Central aspects for the facilitation of adult learning, such as self-monitoring of learning, the relationship of learning to meaning expressed in the term “competency”, embedding learning in social expectations and assumptions, as well as the link between individual learning and the learning of social systems, can be captured within this theoretical framework and related to one another.  相似文献   

This contribution provides a historical-comparative perspective on three aspects of elite education. First, I outline the historical roots of formal selection and admission processes into tertiary education in France, England and Germany and highlight their far-reaching impact on the standing, structure and perception of secondary schools and universities in their respective national cultures. In the light of this, I show how the position, role and legitimacy of different modes of elite education have been transformed by the secular expansion of access to education. Finally, I discuss the challenges to the different national processes of elite selection and education posed by the observed emergence of international competition and standards.  相似文献   

Educational theories for informal learning and media educationists attempt to separate participation in life-long learning from the obligation to attend educational events. On the basis of programmatical texts, this article outlines the differences between the organisational forms for participation in informal learning and media-based education and explores the possible variants in the relationship between the two. The participation options which arise from the establishment of these organisational forms are omnipresent, and this leads to new questions for a changed empirical observation of life-long learning.  相似文献   

In the Federal Republic of Germany there have in recent years been many varied encounters between Germans and representatives of other cultures, particularly those from Third World countries. These have increasingly been organized with an awareness of global interdependence and have as a result opened the door to the influence of foreign cultures and to an unmistakeable movement in the direction of a multicultural society. An intercultural pedagogical approach and didactic theory are faced with the task of resolving the consequent problems related to education and training. The author firstly attempts to systematize as a typology the practice of learning as it occurs in intercultural encounters in so far as this relates to the Federal Republic of Germany. He suggests that ‘intercultural learning’ should be seen as the didactic principle underlying the organization of learning in such encounters. Through a detailed discussion of his central concepts of ‘culture’ and ‘learning’ and of the issue of ‘interculturalism’, and by sketching a theoretical model of the stages and goals of the learning taking place, he then makes plain the necessary enlargement of the German concept of ‘Kultur’ and the process of differentiation which the concept of learning will have to engage in if it is to be applicable to educational activity in international or intercultural contexts.  相似文献   

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