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This article looks at how four British-based poets born in the Caribbean exploit the rich language repertoire available to them in their work for children and young people. Following initial consideration of questions of definition and terminology, poetry collections by James Berry, John Agard, Grace Nichols and Valerie Bloom are discussed, with a focus on the interplay and creative tension between the different varieties of Caribbean creoles (“Bad Talk”) and standard English evident in their work. Variation both between the four poets’ usage and within each individual poet’s work is considered, and a trend over time towards the inclusion of fewer creole-influenced poems is noted. These and other issues, such as the labelling of the four poets’ work as ‘performance poetry’ and the nature of the poets’ contribution to British children’s literature, are considered in the conclusion.  相似文献   

发掘古诗词的语言美、意境美、文化美,有利于打造丰富多彩的古诗词教学课堂,能让学生感受古诗词的魅力,提高学生学习兴趣。教师在古诗词教学中不仅要带领学生品味诗人遣词造句的精妙,还要创设教学情境,丰富学生想象,加深学生对古诗词的理解。文章结合教学实践,对突破古诗词教学难点提高学生学习兴趣进行论述。  相似文献   

The world of contemporary poetry can be extremely polarised, most obviously between the so‐called page poets, who are often academically trained in creative writing programmes, and the so‐called stage poets, who are performers as well as poets and, even if they were so inclined, would be hard pressed to find a college or university where they might receive instruction in their chosen art form. This essay investigates how this division is made manifest in the poetry community and how the students of a tremendously diverse, urban community college experience it and are affected by it.  相似文献   

英国浪漫主义诗歌是人类文学史上讴歌自然的典范,也是当今生态批评和生态文学史重要的研究对象。浪漫主义诗人们在工业革命后自然生态危机刚刚显露之际,就在诗歌中热情讴歌大自然的诗意之美,呼吁人与自然和谐相处、融为一体,表现出超越时代发展的远见。文章在浪漫主义创作背景与创作思想研究的基础上,运用生态批评理论对浪漫主义诗歌中蕴含的生态思想作了逐一探析,着重研究浪漫主义诗人的自然观和生态整体主义思想,并结合社会现状阐发了此论题的现实意义。  相似文献   

甘玲 《海外英语》2012,(17):262-263,269
Integrating aesthetic ingenuity and intellectual innovation into the artistic style of poetry,poets of the seventeenth century brought about Metaphysical conceits to the English literature arena.This study aims to review the origin of Metaphysical poetry,contrast Metaphysical Conceit with Petrarchan Conceit in their ways of comparison,and probe into the influence it exerted over the modern English poetry.  相似文献   

诗歌中的隐喻   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对于诗的语言来说,隐喻极为重要,而隐喻往往是诗歌理解的障碍。诗人运用隐喻并不是转移意思,使诗变得晦涩难懂,而是用隐喻在我们的脑海里产生一个可见的图像,使我们看得更清晰、更明白,从而更好地理解诗的含义。  相似文献   

童诗教学是教师带领学生对典范童诗展开的审美活动,以提升孩子的文学鉴赏能力。儿童不可能天生就是诗人。童诗教学可裨益于中文生态的改善。而被引来作童诗教学范例的,必须从严遴选,其内容和艺术两者都必须经得住慎细推敲。  相似文献   

WePerceivetheworldthIougholirsenses.Wesee,hear,touch,taSte,andsmell.Whenpetsuse1angUageinwaysthatstimulate0uxsenses0r0uriInopnahverecall0fsenseexperience,theyd0sobymeans0filnages.Animageisaconcretedetailthatappeallt0any0fthereader'ssenses.Althoughmostoftheimage-makingwordsinanylan-gUageapPealtosight(andaretheref0recalledvisualiznages),therearechoimages0ftouch(tactile),sound(audj-tory),taSte(gUstatory),andsmell(0lfact0ry).Animagemayals0apPealt0thereader'ssenseOfmoh0n.AverbllkeJ0hnDTyden'…  相似文献   

大名诗歌包括隶籍大名的诗人及仕宦、游历于此的诗人的诗作,其中以仕宦、游历诗人为主.那些来自不同地域文化背景的诗人一方面繁荣了本地诗坛,有效地参与了宋型诗的建构;另一方面在诗歌中还有对地域文化的体认与表现,他们之间的诗歌唱和,尤其是异地寄赠传播了地域文化.  相似文献   

通过解读中英诗歌主题原型与意象原型的异同,探讨同一母题或意象原型在不同民族的诗人那里是如何被赋予不同的文化含义,从而进一步明晰民族文化与诗歌创作的关系,以期从文化视野中进一步领略诗歌创作的审美情趣。  相似文献   

山水诗是指以自然山水为审美对象和表现对象,抒发诗人对山水的感受的诗歌,它是人们对自然景物的审美能力和艺术创造能力达到一定水准的反映。谢灵运开创了山水诗创作的先河,他的山水诗歌作品洋溢着清新恬静的蕴味,具有鲜明的艺术特色,对后世古典诗歌创作产生了深远的影响。  相似文献   


In evaluating some of Heaney’s prose writings about the art of poetry – what I have called his ‘Poetics’ – the paper explores how those ideas could enhance the teaching of poetry in the upper post-primary schools. The paper is divided into four closely interconnected sections. The first section evaluates Heaney’s thoughts about the potential centrality of poetry in the English curriculum. In the second section, Heaney’s thoughts about the conflict between ‘poetry’s self-delighting inventiveness’ and ‘the pressures of reality’ are considered, with some complementary attention to a few of Heaney’s own Troubles poems. The third section, in evaluating Heaney’s critiques of some individual poets, registers some of his valuable specific, as well as more general, pedagogical insights. Finally, his prose thoughts about the wellsprings of poetic creativity are examined, together with a brief critique of his poem ‘The Play Way’, which is focused on teaching creative writing in a post-primary classroom.  相似文献   

Starting with the writer’s own experience as a reader, this article discusses poetry by Eric Roach, Derek Walcott, Linton Kwesi Johnson, John Agard, Edward Baugh, Michael Smith and Velma Pollard. It explores the sense of place felt by writer and reader, going on to analyse the poets’ use of Nation Language, poetic metre and intertextuality in order to create distinctive and authoritative poetic voices. The relationship with the oral tradition and performance is also considered, as is the effect these voices have on a non-Caribbean reader encountering the poems for the first time. The article goes on to present the responses of a class of Year 8 students (12–13-year-olds) who were also reading the poems for the first time, evaluating the extent to which they had moved beyond a tourist’s engagement with the poetry through their study of language, context and performance. Lastly, the article argues for an approach to poetry teaching that recognises the fundamental importance of performance and voice in appreciating Caribbean poetry and considers whether this is possible within the new National Curriculum.  相似文献   

史诗在英国文学史上有悠久的历史。浪漫主义时期的英国史诗创作极大地丰富了除抒情诗以外的诗歌类型。这一时期英国的史诗创作在浪漫主义运动高涨的背景下,融合了革命、宗教等因素而兴起;题材方面着重体现爱国主义、革命激情、异域情调及宗教色彩;诗人在创作中,对诗体的选择不拘一格,抒情成为重要的表现手法。  相似文献   

随着英语教学对英语文化渗透和文化交际能力的强调,英语诗歌已成为高校大学英语选修课程和专业必修课程,行之有效的英语诗歌教学法也成了诸多教者探讨的热门话题。英语诗歌文学意境和音乐意境丰富性的特点决定了诗歌教学要借助诸多手段引导学生品味诗歌的意境,产生共鸣。"意境-移情型"教学法的实施给学生提供了一个较为有效的学习方法。  相似文献   

清词选本作为词总集中一个独特的类别,对清词的传播和中兴具有重要的作用。在清词选本的编选过程中,通过序、跋以及词作数量多少的安排,编选者得以表达自己的词学主张和创作实绩。词选往往成为开宗立派的一个标志,同时词选的编纂也为编纂者赢得了名声,所以在词的选本中编者的词作通常明显多于其他的词人。更为重要的是,词选的刊刻折射出了词学发展的演变史,通过对词选的梳理我们可以了解当时人们对词学名家的接受程度,以及词学风气的演变过程。  相似文献   

中国古典山水田园诗和英国浪漫主义诗歌都主张融于大自然、回归大自然、赞美自然的“天人合一”思想。但由于中西文化的差异,这一思想的文学展示又存在差异。中国古典山水田园诗人主张“物我同一”,诗歌蕴含“古代朴素生态思想”,诗人把回归自然作为避祸或步入仕途的捷径。而英国浪漫主义诗人主张“自然神论”,诗歌蕴含“近代浪漫主义生态意识”,诗人回归自然是为了寻找失落的人性人情。  相似文献   

谈英国诗歌对朗费罗创作的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
享利.沃兹沃斯.朗费罗在19世纪的美国诗坛上占有重要的地位。朗费罗的诗歌总体特征是对英国诗歌传统的模拟。在诗歌体裁、题材、句法上,朗费罗都受到英国诗歌的影响。  相似文献   

英语文学是现代印度文学之大观 ,也是世界英语文学不可忽视的组成部分。而其发达最早的是诗歌。本文介绍印度独立前除泰戈尔以外的 4个主要英语诗人 :朵露·达特、曼莫汉·戈斯、阿罗频多·戈斯、萨罗吉丽·奈都。这对我们认识独立后的印度英语诗歌无疑会有帮助  相似文献   

西昆体体现了中国诗歌从“唐音”到“宋调”的转变。北宋欧阳修、王安石、苏轼、黄庭坚等大诗人都和西昆体关系密切。欧阳修早年是西昆诗人,他和钱惟演、晏殊交往较多,今集中尚存有不少“昆体”诗;王安石虽反对西昆体,早年亦学西昆,晚年“半山体”小诗更与西昆体渊源颇深;苏轼不但写西昆体,还对杨亿表示仰慕,更把钱惟演的轶事作为典故用进诗中;黄庭坚早年已学李商隐,其诗虽与西昆体不同,但在用典使事等方面化用了“昆体工夫”。  相似文献   

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