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南非是一个拥有30万华人的国家,随着中国经济的发展和国际影响力的增强,中文教育在南非日益受到重视。据统计,目前在南非学习汉语的华人子弟以及南非当地学生累计达10万多人,中文教育呈现出多元化特点。  相似文献   

<正> 李思明,1934年8月出生于湖南省醴陵市,汉族。1955年7月考入北京大学依罗斯语言文学系,1957年7月转入该校中国语言文学系汉语专业二年级,1961年7月毕业(五年制)。毕业后一直从事教学工作。1981年评为讲师,1986年评为副教授,1991年评为教授。长期担任中文系汉语教研室主任,现任中文系主任,院学术委员会委员,院学位委员会委员,院语委副主任,汉语方言学会会员,安徽省语言学会理事。1988年被评为安徽省语言文字先进工作者,1988年被评为安徽省优秀教师。多年来一直从事《古代汉语》教学,并先后开设《现代汉语》《语言学概论》《近代汉语研究》《诗词格律》等课程。  相似文献   

托马斯·哈尼斯(Thomas·Harnisch) 背景资料: 1952年出生于德国法兰克福在慕尼黑大学学习汉语,取得博士学位,成为该校汉学专业的教授。1978年来到中国,在北京大学进修中文,后在德国马克思·普兰克(Maks·Planc)研究所工作。  相似文献   

南非是我国在"一带一路"建设中的重要合作伙伴.近年,南非中文教育迅速发展,但是受到南非语言教育政策的影响,中文教育也面临一定挑战.目前,南非主要在基础教育和高等教育阶段开展中文教育,主要受到南非种族隔离制度终结后所颁布的语言教育政策的影响,其中对课程政策、人事政策、教学方法与材料政策、社区政策、资源化政策和评估政策影响较大.在此背景下,南非孔子学院应进一步创新中文课程体系,开发孔子学院的职业教育功能;整合南非民间资源,加速培育南非本土教师队伍;关注南非社会对中文的实际使用需求,强化以中文交际为驱动的沉浸式教学.  相似文献   

1995年2月至1996年2月,笔者应邀在韩国高丽大学中文系担任外籍教授,承担本科生高级汉语、中国语会话和大学院研究生的中国小说史、中国小说选讲等课程。同时也参与了韩国中文教学及科研的部分学术交流活动。教学实践中对韩国中文教学的状况有了一定的了解,并产生了一些想法。为有利于中韩两国的交流,略加整理。 一、韩国汉语教学的现状 由于历史的原因,在1993年中韩建交以前,韩国的汉语教学是围绕着与台湾的政治、经济和文化往来而进行的。虽然规模有限,但这个阶段韩国与台湾的文化往来为后来的中韩文化往  相似文献   

2006年5月22日,暨南大学华学院宗世海教授应国立印度尼西亚大学邀请参加该校举行的关于汉语教学问题及汉语在全球经济中的作用的专题研讨会。他报告的题目是“外国学习中级汉语写作写长教学法试验”;同时他还向印大师生简要报告了中国特别是暨南大学在印尼华教育、印尼学生汉语学习和印尼语一汉语对比方面的主要成果。  相似文献   

国际中文教育与对外汉语教学、汉语国际教育最大的不同,应该是超脱“汉语教学”的局限,从汉学教学走向中国文学与文化教学,这其实是国际中文教育的题中应有之义。走向中国文学与文化的教学的国际中文教育,能给中华文化“走出去”带来新机遇,能使中国语言文学学科走向世界,能促进国家国际传播能力的提升,甚至能有激发中华文化创造性转化、创新性发展,助力中国人文社会科学话语体系和理论体系建构,意义非同寻常。  相似文献   

7月下旬至8月底,华文学院院长、海外华语研究中心主任郭熙教授在美国旧金山进行了为期5周的讲学活动。郭熙教授此次讲学是应美国加州中国语言教学研究中心的邀请,为华文学院和美国加州中国语言教学研究中心合作开办的中文教学硕士课程班讲授“汉语词汇及汉语词汇教学”、“语言学理论与方法”两门课程,同时指导该班学员开展中文教学实习。  相似文献   

文章对古川裕先生的讲座进行了分析整理,得出对中文教学在日本的现状的了解,从而受到启发,通过改进中国现有的汉语教学方法和策略,使中国的汉语文化推广得到长足的发展。  相似文献   

北京语言大学是中国唯一一所以汉语国际推广和对来华留学生进行汉语、中华文化教育为主要任务的国际型大学。以该校培训对外汉语的教育模式为参照,以其培训学员为对象,以学员早期教学倾向性调查为切入点,期望为对外汉语早期教学找到更好的研究和实践方向。  相似文献   

This article reports the results of an investigation to identify the disciplinary strengths and the international standing of the higher education institutions in South Africa. Even though comparative assessments provide valuable information for research administrations, researchers and students such information is not available in South Africa currently. The Essential Science Indicators database of the Institute for Scientific Information is utilized for the investigation and six South African universities are identified to be included in the top 1% of the world’s institutions cited in the international scientific literature. The identified institutions are University of Cape Town, University of Pretoria, Orange Free State University, University of Witwatersrand, University of Natal and University of Stellenbosch. Analysis of the scientific disciplines in which the South African institutions meet the threshold requirements for inclusion in the database shows that the country has citation footprints in only nine of the 22 broad scientific disciplines. The article identifies the international standing of the South African universities in the various scientific disciplines, and elaborates on the consequences relevant to higher education and science and technology policy.  相似文献   

The term “community” holds historical connotations of political, economic, and social disadvantage in South Africa. Many South African students tend to interpret the term “community” in ways that suggest that community and community psychology describe the experiences of exclusively poor, black people. Critical pedagogies that position the teaching process as a transformative activity and that challenge student perceptions about the status quo are central in teaching community psychology. This article uses the subdiscipline of community psychology to discuss the importance of pedagogy. It uses a module that was presented at Stellenbosch University (SU) in the Western Cape, South Africa, as an illustrative example. The module was taught collaboratively with the social work department at the University of the Western Cape. Forty-five psychology students from a historically white university (SU) and 50 social work students from a historically black university (UWC) engaged in face-to-face workshops and virtual (e-learning) assignments that interrogated notions of the self, community, and identity. Final student essays were analysed qualitatively for themes illustrating aspects of the human capabilities approach to pedagogy adopted in this project.  相似文献   

The British Index for Inclusion was selected to be used in three primary schools in the Western Cape Province in South Africa in order to develop a South African model to assist in the development of inclusive schools. The Index for Inclusion process entails progression through a series of five developmental phases and this paper, written by Petra Engelbrecht, professor in educational psychology and special education and senior research director at Stellenbosch University, Marietjie Oswald, lecturer in special education at Stellenbosch University, and Chris Forlin, associate professor in special education at the Hong Kong Institute of Special Education, is a reflection of the first two phases. Qualitative data were generated from the consultative process followed in the schools during the first phase and both qualitative and quantitative data from questionnaires regarding the perceptions of all school community members on the inclusive practices or lack thereof in their schools during the second phase. The authors drew out the following five themes from the three sets of data: an inclusive school philosophy; democratic leadership, structures, processes and values; collaboration; addressing learner diversity; and resources. Petra Engelbrecht, Marietjie Oswald and Chris Forlin, all of whom were working on a UNESCO-funded project to trial the use of the Index for Inclusion in South Africa, suggest that these themes provided invaluable insights into both the common and unique complexities, the problems and the assets of the different school communities. The themes are discussed in detail in this article, raising fascinating issues for the development of inclusion in different contexts around the world, and will be used to inform the three remaining phases of the Index for Inclusion process.  相似文献   

This exploratory study examines the experiences of 20 gay and lesbian students and their involvement in a gay and lesbian Society at Stellenbosch University in South Africa. This study occurred under the theoretical framework of McCarn and Fassinger’s (1996) model of sexual minority identity formation. Participants ranged in age from 20–31 years old and included 17 men and three women. Eighteen were White, 1 was Colored, and 1 was Euro-Asian. Participants discussed positive and negative effects of belonging to the Society, counseling services available on campus, patterns of victimization, and cultural norms regarding gay men and lesbians in South Africa. Recommendations for counselors, staff, educators, and administrators are provided.  相似文献   

The creation and implementation of strategies that could improve student development is receiving new research interest. The main objective of the research was to establish whether hypnosis-induced mental training programmes as a strategy could alter the self-concept of students which in turn could improve their overall academic functioning. Two experimental and two control groups were randomly selected from a population of undergraduate psychology students at the University of Stellenbosch in South Africa. The analysis of variance showed that the two hypnosis-induced mental training programmes had a significant positive effect on the self-concept of the participants.  相似文献   

ON THE COVER: In order to improve student learning of surface anatomy, full body digital X‐ray images of each cadaver are part of the learning materials available to medical students at Stellenbosch University in South Africa . Here Dr. Kotzé gives instruction to her students on palpating and visualizing various bony points and other non‐palpable surface anatomical landmarks on the images and a mounted skeleton. This exercise is later reinforced using a drawing activity. In this issue of ASE Dr. Kotzé and her co‐authors discuss the use of these full body digital X‐rays in anatomy education.  相似文献   

目前,教师教育已是国际教育领域的一个热点话题。自从1998年我国与非洲建交以来,南非教师教育引起了国内学者的广泛关注,主要表现在南非教师教育历史发展、制度建设、政策变革、课程改革、培养路径、信息化发展以及质量保障等方面,并取得了一定的成果。文章对20世纪90年代以来国内南非教师教育研究加以梳理和分析,以期揭示国内南非教师教育研究的核心内容及基本现状。  相似文献   

The racial and gender composition of faculty at historically White South African universities does not reflect the distribution of Blacks and women in the larger society. While historically White universities have invested some effort to diversify the racial composition of their students, they have not shown similar enthusiasm for faculty recruitment and employment programmes. This article examines policies and programmes at the University of Cape Town, an English-language university, and the University of Stellenbosch, an Afrikaans-language university, that have been implemented to diversify the racial composition of their faculty. The article specifically assesses two case studies, the Equal Opportunity Employment Policy at the University of Cape Town, and the Staff Broadening Policy at the University of Stellenbosch, to determine their underlying assumptions, their overall objectives, and their effectiveness in recruiting and retaining Black academics. The article concludes with an examination of affirmative action and its relevance in addressing the vestiges of past discrimination in the South African higher education sector. This concluding discussion draws on US literature on affirmative action and insights that may be drawn from the US experience.  相似文献   

吴承仕乃章太炎弟子,曾任北京师范大学国文系主任、中国大学国学系主任,民国时期著名的经学家。《疏证》是他经学史研究的代表作,具有独到的撰述特点和丰富的学术价值。一是广泛汇集史料,运用章句、史源、疏解、考证、论断等多种方法,在陆德明《经典释文序录》的基础上,疏通、拓展了对唐前经学史的记述,丰富了这一阶段经学史的内容。二是综合众说,断以己见,从条理诸经次序、论述源流演变、阐明经籍流传、辨析误植伪托等几个方面梳理了唐前经学史的脉络。三是钩稽索引,缜密考订,在史料来源、典籍状况、经学人物、典章制度等与经学史相关的问题上,纠正了《经典释文序录》及多家论著的谬误,为后人的经学史研究扫除了障碍。  相似文献   


The roles of distance education teaching staff are changing, necessitating role clarity and the development of appropriate competency frameworks. This article investigates the perceptions of the teaching and research staff at the University of South Africa, regarding the current and future roles of distance educators, their own competencies in each role and training that they require in order to address competencies required in these future roles. This research forms part of a larger project that focuses on capacity and continuous professional development processes that are necessary to train staff to be prepared for these changing roles. A quantitative web-based survey was sent to all academic (teaching and research) staff at the University of South Africa. Key results indicate that competencies in the roles of technology and instructional design have emerged as crucial for distance educators, and that future training programmes need to be developed to support these areas.  相似文献   

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