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In this paper, we show that an information source composed with n random variables may be split into 2n or 2n  1 “states”; therefore, one could compute the maximum entropy of the source. We derive the efficiency and the unused capacity of an information source. We demonstrate that in more than two dimensions, the transmission's variability depends on the system configuration; thus, we determine the upper and the lower bounds to the mutual information and propose the transmission power as an indicator of the Triple Helix of university–industry–government relationships. The transmission power is defined as the fraction of the total ‘configurational information’ produced in a system; it appears like the efficiency of the transmission and may be interpreted as the strength of the variables dependency, the strength of the synergy between the system's variable or the strength of information flow within the system.  相似文献   

This study analyzes the Triple Helix (TH) structure of an online national food cluster. Although the university–industry–government (UIG) approach provides useful insights into innovation and its diffusion, few studies have examined how such systems are organized and operate in cyberspace. Foodpolis is an export-oriented national food cluster targeting markets in Northeast Asia, including China and Japan. Foodpolis encompasses national food industry complexes and government-led agricultural and food R&D institutes whose goal is to advance food-processing technologies. This study employs the webometric analysis method to reveal the communication pattern of interactions between participating actors. The study evaluates web mentions and hyperlink networks to investigate links to and from the website of Foodpolis (Foodpolis.kr) by using the NodeXL software package. The results for links to and from Foodpolis do not indicate sufficient interactions between UIG websites and Twitter accounts. Instead, the website and Twitter account of Foodpolis were linked to its own online café, websites of individuals, and government websites. The results suggest that UIG actors should employ online communication channels in a more proactive manner for diffusing innovative initiatives such as Foodpolis.  相似文献   

This article examines how South Korean and Japanese public diplomacy organizations employ digital media to embrace the principle of ‘networked public diplomacy’ through analyses of the web and social media practices. A network analysis was used to map interorganizational information networks among core public diplomacy organizations in each country. To reveal the key organizations' communication strategies on Facebook, a content analysis was also conducted. The findings indicate that Japan had a strong internal network infrastructure achieved through dispersed connections and partnerships; however, Korea had a centralized network, including a limited number of dominant actors. The results of content analysis suggest that both South Korea and Japanese public diplomats focused on promoting their cultural products and national values through their use of texts and visual images. In addition, user profile analysis gaged the degree of users' engagement in the organizations' profiles and identified the demographic features of users. Comparative data suggest the Korean public diplomacy organization was more successful at attracting and engaging with foreign public than the Japanese public diplomacy organization. These results imply that although these two countries had similar sociopolitical backgrounds and perspectives of public diplomacy, they had distinct forms of internal information networks, communication strategies, and social networking performances with public.  相似文献   

This article describes the shifts and contradictions in British approaches to the control of print media in colonial West Africa between the 1920s and 1940s. Well before the Colonial Office's post-war interventions to create an ‘enlightened and educated’ West African citizenry through mass education, decades of independent newspaper production in the region helped to shape independent and critical readerships. For the British, however, an upsurge in African nationalist journalism in the mid-1930s coincided with a perceived Communist infiltration of ‘British West Africa’ to make censorship and surveillance more palatable than before to colonial officials in London, in spite of the new emphasis on public relations.  相似文献   

试论专业图书馆核心竞争力的构建   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
通过对专业图书馆核心竞争力的描述,分析了其特征和构成要素,提出了如何构建专业图书馆核心竞争力的措施,从而保持专业图书馆文献信息贮存中心和服务中心的地位。专业图书馆核心竞争力的创建应该是利用比较优势的独特性,建立特色图书馆,并将其作为基础,通过进行专业图书馆的技术创新、管理创新、服务创新和文化创新,把大力发展竞争优势作为主导方向,实现比较优势和竞争优势的有机结合。  相似文献   

刘忠波  李贞玉 《出版科学》2016,24(6):98-101
韩国出版业的显著特点是本土出版产品单一,主要依靠引进国外图书补充国内市场,因此中国图书一直受到广泛的关注。目前,中国图书所占韩国引进图书比例不高,有一定增长空间,缺乏市场判断是影响韩国出版业引进中国图书的重要原因。另一方面,专业翻译和中文编辑的紧缺也制约中国图书在韩国的发展。中国图书所贯彻的中国文化软实力“走出去”战略,要政策推行和市场自觉结合,把握韩国读者需求,才能建立产业国际化模式,进而释放中国图书的内在价值力量。  相似文献   

Based largely on McCracken's ‘cultural meaning transfer’ model (1989), which stresses the cultural meanings of celebrity endorsers, this study explores the characteristics that differentiate celebrity-endorser strategies in South Korean newspaper ads from those in US newspaper ads. With Hofstede's cultural typology—uncertainty avoidance and power distance—as a theoretical framework, this study finds that ads in South Korea with a high uncertainty avoidance and a high power distance culture present a higher proportion of celebrity endorsers than those in the US with a low uncertainty avoidance and a low power distance culture. However, US ads have a greater proportion of product-related celebrity endorsers in both high- and low-involvement product ads. The study also provides detailed information on foreign celebrity endorsers presented in international product ads.  相似文献   

The increasingly systemic nature of innovation activities requires the development of appropriate and reliable indicators that accurately reflect interactions between actors in the innovation scenery. While patent data offers potential to identify such interactions, previous research has tended to focus on inventors rather than applicants, due to the discretionary nature of filing decisions on the level of applicants. As such, the phenomenon of co-patents – patent applications filed by two or more independent entities – has received only limited attention. We address this gap by first, developing and validating an applicant name disambiguation approach to identify seemingly ‘false’ co-patents, implying multiple applicants that are likely part of the same organizational entity. Second, we assess co-patent trends across technology fields, countries and types of actors in Europe. Results suggest that a considerable number (30%) of European co-patents filed with the EPO are likely to be ‘false’ co-patents. The resulting, deflated figures suggest that co-patenting coincides with developing dynamics, both at the level of national innovation systems as well as in (emergent) science-intensive fields. The observed growth of co-patenting over time is primarily driven by co-patenting activities involving public actors; co-patenting trends involving companies and entrepreneurs remain stable over time.  相似文献   

三网融合为图书馆进一步延伸服务方式奠定了现实基础。如何抓住三网融合机遇,创新服务方式,成为图书馆服务领域的新课题。文章为了探索三网融合环境下延伸服务的现实基础和面临的挑战,从网络平台资源融合、跨媒体流通服务、融合平台下的参考咨询服务、个性化服务拓展和开展其他公共文化服务等方面提出了新环境下图书馆服务延伸的设想。  相似文献   

The Influence of James C. McCroskey’s Research in South Korea   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
In honor and remembrance of Dr. James C. McCroskey, this article looks at McCroskey’s influence in Korean academic fields. We find that McCroskey’s scholarly articles and books were increasingly cited from 2001 to 2016 and that his work has been cited in Korean journals across diverse fields. In addition to the communication and education fields, McCroskey was cited also in the fields of science and medicine in South Korea. The findings document the international and interdisciplinary impact of McCroskey’s scholarship.  相似文献   

Trends from both within and without public librarianship create new opportunities for libraries to serve the public’s interest in heritage information. Based on a workshop series in Illinois, this article presents exploratory findings on existing public library heritage services and how cyberorganizing can enhance these services. Public libraries offer heterogeneous heritage services in local contexts composed of multiple actors and institutions. Improving this service area involves organizing within libraries, across local institutions, and among individuals with diverse interests. Part of this organizational work involves digital technologies, but people are the core element in organizing everyday heritage services.  相似文献   

韩国三星公司利用波士顿矩阵对15个技术群进行定量分析,并遴选出韩国政府应优先扶持的六大未来技术,该技术选择方法为我国科学技术的创新决策提供了可借鉴的新思路与新视角。文章主要对该技术选择方法进行详细介绍和述评。  相似文献   

Racial tensions continue in 21st-century United States through the communication of racial microaggressions. We are interested in the communication of racial microaggressions directed towards West African immigrants by people with whom they expected to be allied, African Americans. Sixteen people who identified as West African immigrants were interviewed about communication struggles with African Americans in this qualitative, interpretive analysis. Owen’s thematic analysis was employed to analyze interview data. Results suggest the communicative impact of racial microaggressions on recipients is far-reaching and consequential. Narratives illustrate microaggressive communication occurs daily through invalidating, dismissive lines of questioning as well as targeted name calling and pejorative dialogue.  相似文献   

The purpose of the study was to investigate and compare the social media (SM) impact of 273 South Africa Post-Secondary Education accredited journals, which are recognised by the Department of Higher Education and Training of South Africa for purposes of financial support. We used multiple sources to extract data for the study, namely, Altmetric.com, Google Scholar (GS), Scopus (through SCImago) and the Thomson Reuters (TR) Journal Citation Reports (JCR). Data was analysed to determine South African journals’ presence in and impact on SM as well as to contrast SM visibility and impact with the citation impact in GS, JCR and Scopus. The Spearman correlation test was performed to compare the impact of the journals on SM and other sources. The results reveal that 2923 articles published in 122 of the 273 South African (SA) journals have received at least one mention in SM; the most commonly used SM platforms were Twitter and Facebook; the journals indexed in the TR’s citation indexes and Scopus performed much better, in terms of their average altmetrics, than non-TR and non-Scopus indexed journals; and there were weak to moderate relationships among different types of altmetrics and citation-based measures, thereby implying different kinds of journal impacts on SM when compared to the scholarly impact reflected in citation databases. In conclusion, South African journals’ impact on SM, just as is the case with countries with similar economies, is minimal but has shown signs of growth.  相似文献   

This paper examines the way in which Taiwan is connected to on the World Wide Web in South Korea. The Web may represent a new channel for the communication among a global society's members and a reflection of international relations. Thus, it is necessary to explore the distribution of relations formed and maintained on the Web and the contents of those relations as well. This paper traced South Korean Web pages hyperlinking pages hosted in Taiwan, using a search engine. The context in which Taiwan appears in South Korean pages was also examined. Specifically, the structure of hyperlink connectivity from South Korea and Taiwan was analyzed. It was found that the hyperlink network was very sparsely connected in terms of the number of South Korean Web pages hyperlinking to the pages of the other country. The contents of hyperlink-connected information were categorized and analyzed. The most often occurring content category was ‘Computers & Internet’ in Taiwan. This suggests that South Korean Web users including organizations are more interested in computer-related products in Taiwan than any other things. The implication of this paper is to examine the state and form of international information flow from South Korea to Taiwan based on the patterns of hyperlink relations inscribed on South Korean Web pages and the type and content of information.  相似文献   

Comparative framing analysis on coverage of the North Korean nuclear test in the US Associated Press, Chinese Xinhua, and South Korean Yonhap news agencies identified four major media packages. First, a common ‘threat’ frame dominated coverage by all news agencies, represented by reconfiguration of geopolitics and an emphasis on global cooperation in both perception and resolution of the nuclear test. Second, with each nation positioning itself differently in the world power system, the issue was notably domesticated in the news, with Associated Press connecting the nuclear test to the broader ‘War on Terror’ framework found frequently in US media, Xinhua promoting a negotiation principle in handling the issue, and Yonhap framing the test with a ‘Cold War’ perspective. In all three cases, national political interests exerted important impacts on the construction of frames. The compatibility of the seemingly opposite packages (globalizing vs. domesticating) signifies both intensification of worldwide social relations and reassertion of national stands. This finding lends support to the transformationalist view of globalization, which suggests that the nation state still matters in a globalized world, but is being recontextualized in a more complex world of politics and culture.  相似文献   

基于有效专利的我国专利现状分析及对策   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
从有效专利、有效发明专利、有效专利布局、专利维持年限的角度,客观分析我国的专利现状,发现虽然中国技术创新活跃、专利数量庞大,但在技术含量、市场价值、核心技术的掌控等方面都存在很多问题。创新能力差、行政激励过度、宣传不到位和公众专利意识低下是导致专利制度没能充分发挥作用的主要原因,并针对问题给出改进建议,以利于专利真正回归到鼓励创新和技术进步、推动社会发展的本质上来。  相似文献   

金潞 《图书馆杂志》2012,(5):69-72,76
对韩国公共图书馆的评估概况进行介绍,重点分析韩国2008年图书馆评估报告中的公共图书馆评估部分,对韩国公共图书馆评估的背景和评估指标进行了详细分析,进而总结出韩国公共图书馆评估的几个特点,以期对我国的公共图书馆建设以及评估提供参考借鉴。  相似文献   

This paper investigates current trends in knowledge production and the impact that they have on the international flow of information. Three directions of information flow (North–South, South–North and South–South) are investigated from an African perspective. A moral rather than a legal view is taken of intellectual property. The authors’ concern is that the balance between the public good and private interests has been disturbed. It is premised that there are general moral principles that can serve as a basis for decisions on North–South, South–North and South–South information flows. Three ethical pillars serve as a basis for reflection on current information flows. These are: social justice, human rights, and the concept of the common good. Current developments in scholarly publishing and intellectual property rights that affect the North–South information flow are examined, and responses to the growing imbalance between rights holders and authors, such as the open access movement, are considered. These developments also affect South–North information flows, where both exploitation and neglect of Africa's knowledge resources need to be countered. Lastly, South–South information flows between African countries are considered.  相似文献   

The Sewol ferry tragedy was a major event in South Korea in 2014. This study examines the agenda-setting links between a Korean online newscast (Naver) and a Korean online community (Daum). Although each portal initially focused on different crisis attributes and stakeholders regarding the ferry tragedy, their agendas became more alike over time. Notably, the cross-lagged analysis shows significant influence of the online community (Daum) on the online newscast (Naver). This study also expands on Son and Weaver’s [2006, Another look at what moves public opinion: Media agenda setting and polls in the 2000 U.S. election. International Journal of Public Opinion Research, 18(2), 174–197] theoretical model for a stratified agenda, providing a more nuanced look at attribute agenda setting.  相似文献   

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