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[目的/意义]研究学术社交网络中图情领域用户的真实利用水平与特征,有助于指导图情学科合理利用学术社交网络开展学术交流并提升学科影响力。[研究设计/方法]以ResearchGate(RG)为例,在核实用户身份信息的基础上筛选出iSchools全职教学研究人员为真实样本用户,通过对机构真实用户参与度、高质量用户比及其它RG交互利用指标数据的挖掘,分析揭示iSchools成员真实利用学术社交网络的现状,并基于机构和个体视角比较分析不同群体的真实利用特征。[结论/发现]图情领域用户对RG的真实基础利用程度有限,尽管全职教学研究人员已经成为iSchools在RG上的高质量用户,但其对平台的利用效果依然不足;男性和北美iSchools全职教学研究人员等较低真实用户参与度的用户群体可能表现出更为充分的交互利用行为,而交互利用指标能够较好的映射诸如用户职称级别、机构层级所反映的学术影响力差异。[创新/价值]基于iSchools全职教学人员用户身份的核实,揭示机构整体真实利用状况和个体真实利用差异,指导iSchools合理利用学术社交网络,以期为其他高校图情院系提供标杆,并为平台相关评价指标优化与平台建设提供参考。  相似文献   

While ResearchGate has become the most popular academic social networking site in terms of regular users, not all institutions have joined and the scores it assigns to academics and institutions are controversial. This paper assesses the presence in ResearchGate of higher education institutions in Europe and the US in 2017, and the extent to which institutional ResearchGate Scores reflect institutional academic impact. Most of the 2258 European and 4355 US higher educational institutions included in the sample had an institutional ResearchGate profile, with near universal coverage for PhD-awarding institutions found in the Web of Science (WoS). For non-PhD awarding institutions that did not publish, size (number of staff members) was most associated with presence in ResearchGate. For PhD-awarding institutions in WoS, presence in RG was strongly related to the number of WoS publications. In conclusion, a) institutional RG scores reflect research volume more than visibility and b) this indicator is highly correlated to the number of WoS publications. Hence, the value of RG Scores for institutional comparisons is limited.  相似文献   

[目的/意义]探究学术社交网络中科研成果浏览行为规律及其影响因素,有助于用户基于学术社交网络提升科研成果的传播效果和影响力。[方法/过程]文章选取ResearchGate中32501篇科研成果,揭示其浏览量整体分布和以周为单位的时序变化规律。从第一作者、合作者数量、展现形式以及质量水平四个维度利用相关分析,并结合主成分分析改进和逻辑回归分析对科研成果浏览量总量影响因素进行探究。[结果/结论]研究发现学术社交网络中科研成果总浏览量呈现幂律分布特征;以周为观察周期,多数科研成果的传播效果仍较小;科研成果的浏览量时序变化可细分为骤升骤降型、持续升降型、平稳变化型、低浏览量型四种类型;反映科研成果在RG上呈现内容完整度的全文信息和图片信息、第一作者的篇均浏览量、反映科研成果质量的科研成果兴趣值和引用量均显著正向影响科研成果的浏览量水平,且影响程度依次降低;丰富科研成果展现形式与内容,提升完整成果能见度是学术社交网络平台及其用户提升科研成果浏览量水平的关键。  相似文献   

[目的/意义]探析用户在学术社交网站中社交不足的影响机理,为用户优化学术社交行为提供理论指引,同时也为学术社交网站探索和开发社交功能提供一定借鉴与参考。[方法/过程]借助NVivo 11质性分析软件,对获取的41篇研究文献进行内容分析,梳理出学术社交网站用户社交不足的9个关键影响因素并聚焦为3个主要影响因素,在此基础上构建学术社交网站用户社交不足影响因素理论模型。[结果/结论]通过文献梳理表明,个体意向因素是学术社交网站用户社交不足的直接影响因素和内部驱动因素,平台客观条件与信息因素是间接影响因素和外部情境因素。其中,个体意向因素包括学术资本、主观规范、分享意识以及时间精力;平台客观条件包括学术声誉机制和后发劣势;信息因素包括信息效益、隐私信息和专业知识。  相似文献   

Information about faculty and their publications can be found in library databases such as the Library of Congress Name Authority File, VIAF, WorldCat, and institutional repositories; in identifier registries such as ORCID and ISNI; and on academic social networking sites such as Academia, Google Scholar, and ResearchGate, but the way search engines use such identifiers and profiles is unclear. Therefore, researchers at a large comprehensive university conducted several rounds of web searching before and after the creation and modification of faculty authority records. The sample consisted of 24 faculty and the 35 publications associated with their authorities. The researchers searched for the faculty and their publications on the social networking and identity websites directly, and then used Google, Bing, and Google Scholar to record which of the faculty members’ profiles and publications were found within the top 50 results. Faculty with more profiles were more visible in search engine results, and faculty with authority records ranked more highly in Google. Results related to publication discovery and ranking were more inconclusive, but revealed clear differences between search tools. The implications of this exploratory research can support educational efforts about academic identities and scholarly profiles, begin a research agenda, and inform methodological development surrounding the influence of identity records and academic social networking profiles on web visibility.  相似文献   

This study seeks to explore institutional repository, social networking, and bibliographic databases of scholarly communication in Nigeria. Six institutional repositories (IR) were selected and five leading authors had their works manually crosschecked in two citation indexes and self-archived in social networking sites. The results reveal that faculty members have embraced self-archive on academic social network platforms, while their records in the IR do not reflect this. The study recommends Universities' management to implore academics to self-archive their publications into their IR, while the libraries too could search bibliographic databases and social network sites to update their respective IR platforms.  相似文献   

[目的/意义] 信息质量是平台提高竞争优势与可持续发展的重要前提,学术社交网络所秉持的自由开放精神造成了信息质量控制的障碍,因此需要通过关键要素的分析,实现信息质量的优化和提升。[方法/过程] 在前期研究工作的基础上,构建面向管控规则、平台技术、信息内容和信息用户4个维度的学术社交网络信息质量治理决策模型,基于DEMETAL方法对各个影响策略进行识别与分析,确定影响学术社交网络信息质量的关键策略。[结果/结论] 通过数据分析,梳理出5条重要的结论,并在此基础上凝练出两条管理启示及实施步骤,克服定性研究中的主观臆断,能够为学术社交网络平台的人机交互、质量管控和服务设计提供可行的实践参考。  相似文献   

[目的/意义]在线学术社交为快速监测和深入理解学科发展态势及科学启示提供了有效途径与新颖视角。[方法/过程]提出基于学术社交的学科分析框架,在跟踪学科间关联轨迹基础上,从影响力和跨学科性二个维度开展学科比较,以从多级学科视角揭示我国学术社交模式。以科学网为对象,聚焦于好友关系,分别从学科分类的三个层级(学科领域、一级学科、二级学科)开展实证研究。[结果/结论]通过描述性统计分析,发现生命科学领域具有社交规模优势,而管理综合领域具有社交强度优势;结合统计分析与桑基图展示,发现以计算机科学为核心的相关一级学科群组(如自动化、电子学与信息系统、管理科学与工程、图书馆情报与文献学)成为社交网络的热门;通过二维象限图,发现学术社交模式在多学科粒度切换中展现出多样化、动态化特征,仅有少数模式能够保持稳定性,比如管理综合领域呈现高跨学科倾向,生命科学领域呈现出低影响力,计算机科学呈现高影响力。  相似文献   

This article explores the determinants of local governments' use of social networking sites. It does so by analysing the relative impact of institutional, political and social determinants, while controlling for the impact of mayors' traits and social characteristics of municipalities on local governments levels of activity on Facebook. Empirically, this article presents a within-case analysis of Portuguese municipalities' activity on social media, aiming to shed light on the strategic use of social media by local governments. A coherent picture associated with politically pro-active local governments emerges from the results: higher levels of social media activity appear in municipalities with more competitive local elections and higher commitment to transparency. Moreover, findings suggest that local governments tend to be concerned with the low levels of voter turnout, potentially resorting to social media as a powerful tool to increase civic engagement and (offline) political participation. Levels of Facebook activity are significantly higher in larger and wealthier municipalities. The results indicate that Facebook official pages of municipalities are part of a larger arsenal of tools to promote political engagement and activity levels signal a propensity to involve citizens pro-actively.  相似文献   

Despite the increase in the number of institutional repositories worldwide, most of them seem underpopulated. At the same time, scientists are apparently willing to share copies of their publications on academic social networking sites. This paper compares the availability of the scholarly output in the institutional repositories of 13 top Spanish universities and in ResearchGate (RG). Results show that just 11.1% of the articles published in 2014 by researchers at these universities were available in their institutional repository in the first quarter of 2016. However, most of the articles that were not available in institutional repositories (84.5%) were published in journals that allow the deposit of the article in some form. In contrast, 54.8% of the articles were available in full text on RG. When authors who had uploaded copies of their articles to RG but not to their institutional repository were asked about their reasons, most replies focused on two issues: ignorance about the existence or operation of the institutional repository and awareness of the advantages offered by RG.  相似文献   

Scientific research is increasingly relying on collaborations to address complex real-world problems. Many researchers, policymakers, and administrators consider a multidisciplinary environment an important factor for fostering research collaborations, especially interdisciplinary ones that involve researchers from different disciplines. However, it remains unknown whether a higher level of multidisciplinarity within an academic institution is associated with internal collaborations that are more prevalent and more interdisciplinary. Analyzing 90,000 publications by 2500 faculty members in over 100 academic institutions from three multidisciplinary areas, information, public policy, and neuroscience, we investigated the connection between multidisciplinarity and research collaborations. Based on social network analysis and text mining, our analysis suggests that more multidisciplinary institutions are not necessarily more collaborative, although they do feature collaborations that are more interdisciplinary. Our findings provide implications for academic administrators and policymakers to promote research collaborations and interdisciplinarity in academic institutions.  相似文献   

[目的/意义]调研中外科研人员对社交网络的认知情况,对学术工作者使用社交网络的目的、动机和需求开展比较研究。[方法/过程]利用问卷调查法收集来自国内各大高校707位被调查者对社交网络的认知、使用动机和访问信息,并将问卷调查结果与Nature研究结果进行比较。[结果/结论]结果显示,我国科研人员对学术社交网络的使用率和使用意识并不是很高,国内科研人员比较倾向于使用以社交型为导向的网站,对以学术型为导向的网站使用较少。国外主流ASNS平台中,我国用户对ResearchGate具有一定的认知度。  相似文献   

The attractiveness of social networking sites (SNSs) has extended to almost all professionals in numerous human organizations including the library. Librarians as a result of this development are now making use of these sites to connect to other libraries and librarians both within and outside their environment. However, it is observed that the use and benefits derived from social networking sites by Nigerian librarians, generally, and those in academic libraries, particularly, has not been well documented. It is against this backdrop that this study examined the use of social networking sites to both the libraries and the librarians in selected academic libraries in six Nigerian States. A survey research design approach was adopted. The simple random study drew upon 200 academic librarians from academic libraries across six selected States in Nigeria. Five research questions were raised and answered by the study. The results demonstrate that Facebook and Twitter are mostly use by academic librarians. Academic librarians are making use of SNSs on a weekly basis and partially on a daily basis. Many potential benefits of SNSs were indicated both to the librarians and their libraries such as creating opportunity to connect with people across the globe, which includes those that have never been seen and those that one is not sure of coming in contact with. It was also found that SNSs give opportunity for academic libraries to incorporate SNSs as a means of creating more interactive user centered library and information services. Examples of the defects identified associated with SNSs include sexual harassment, cybercrime, fraud, and spreading of spam. It is expected that the outcomes of this study will serve as pioneer data upon which future related studies will be anchored.  相似文献   

In the era of Web 2.0, managing risk communication on social networking sites has increasingly become crucial and complicated issues in the field of homeland security. The response to the 2013 nuclear test in North Korea was largely based on a coordinated effort by Korea's Ministry of Defense, the United Nations, and many countries from around the globe. By analyzing risk communication networks emerged from Twitter users for the period from January 30 to February 24, 2013, this study investigates the way in which citizens' risk communication is formulated through social media and how they transmit risk information in homeland security. Analysis results show the dynamic evolution of risk communication networks based on influential actors with critical information who played pivotal roles in distributing this information to other actors.  相似文献   

Library 2.0 literature has described many of the possibilities Web 2.0 technologies offer to libraries. Case studies have assessed local use, but no studies have measured the Library 2.0 phenomenon by searching public social networking sites. This study used library-specific terms to search public social networking sites, blog search engines, and social bookmarking sites for activity associated with librarians and library users. Blog search data about the recentness of activity or the popularity of a blog post indicate that Library 2.0 technology has many early adopters but provides less evidence of sustained use. The results follow a curve resembling the 80/20 rule and also resemble Chris Anderson's “long tail” effect, in which very few authors create the vast amount of content. These exploratory results can be used as a starting point for future studies. Librarians who use tags to describe Web-based content might use these findings to select more effective tags. Librarians implementing a blog or a social networking presence might use this study to balance the benefits with the amount of work required to maintain an up-to-date presence.  相似文献   

Despite the potential of social networking services (SNS) as a tool for communication between academic libraries and users, many academic libraries are yet to successfully optimize their SNS. As a result, their social proof and social capital of various SNS do not perform well. This research aims to evaluate the SNS effectiveness of the University of Hong Kong Libraries (HKUL) based on social capital and social proof concepts. We hope that our recommendations according to our findings will be applicable to other academic library contexts. We have found that: (i) there are no major differences between undergraduate and postgraduate students in their attitudes and behaviors regarding the SNS of HKUL on various platforms; (ii) low social proof is related to a lack of user interaction and promotion; (iii) low satisfaction with SNS contents may lead to low social capital. As such, understanding user information need, setting goals and metrics for each SNS, and formulating a formal SNS policy are the keys to further develop library SNS.  相似文献   

Libraries may stimulate social capital and social integration. They are institutions that enjoy a high level of social trust, which creates many opportunities. In 2018 and 2019, a survey on social capital, trust and social activity of librarians was conducted in 20 countries across the world. The research addresses the question of whether libraries as public institutions may prevent the alarming processes of social alienation of individuals. The findings show that librarians have an average level of individual social capital, but they have a relatively high level of trust in other people and often volunteer for their communities. Nonetheless, librarians tend to not believe in their own impact on the rest of the society/local community. Of most importance for them in their lives are emotional values, attachment and family values; they are less focused on material values, image, etc.  相似文献   

Academic libraries are flocking to online social networking sites in an effort to meet users where they are. Pinterest is the latest of these rapidly growing online social networking tools. The author of this article reports results from a survey on academic libraries’ presence on Pinterest. The survey found most academic library pinboards are in their infancy. Findings suggest that before establishing a presence on Pinterest, libraries should focus on planning institutional profiles and boards. Example institutions are highlighted, and tips are offered for setting up profiles and pinning, based on information from the survey.  相似文献   

This paper employed quantitative methods to explore the trends of audience research in Mainland China by analyzing research articles in three major journalism and communication academic journals. The author analyzed research approaches, research methods, medium of focus and theoretical frameworks in these audience research articles from 1985 to 2002. Unlike findings derived from the analyses of mass communication research articles in major international journals, most of the research articles in Mainland China used qualitative methods. Chinese scholars tend to adopt behaviorist and structural approaches towards the study of audience. The number of research articles that dealt with broadcast and print media exceeded any other media, while more and more studies on Internet users are being conducted. Chinese scholars began to develop theories in recent years. The future study will continue based on analysis of other research materials and comparison with audience research articles in leading international journals.  相似文献   

Facebook is an extremely popular social networking site with college students. Many academic libraries have created their Facebook profiles to reach more users. This article studies the Facebook presence of Association of Research Libraries (ARL) member institutions, particularly academic ones. Their Facebook pages are analyzed comprehensively in terms of content, launch time, and popularity. The majority of these libraries maintain at least one Facebook page whose content typically focuses on library events, resource updates, etc.  相似文献   

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