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The new web-based academic communication platforms do not only enable researchers to better advertise their academic outputs, making them more visible than ever before, but they also provide a wide supply of metrics to help authors better understand the impact their work is making. This study has three objectives: a) to analyse the uptake of some of the most popular platforms (Google Scholar Citations, ResearcherID, ResearchGate, Mendeley and Twitter) by a specific scientific community (bibliometrics, scientometrics, informetrics, webometrics, and altmetrics); b) to compare the metrics available from each platform; and c) to determine the meaning of all these new metrics. To do this, the data available in these platforms about a sample of 811 authors (researchers in bibliometrics for whom a public profile Google Scholar Citations was found) were extracted. A total of 31 metrics were analysed. The results show that a high number of the analysed researchers only had a profile in Google Scholar Citations (159), or only in Google Scholar Citations and ResearchGate (142). Lastly, we find two kinds of metrics of online impact. First, metrics related to connectivity (followers), and second, all metrics associated to academic impact. This second group can further be divided into usage metrics (reads, views), and citation metrics. The results suggest that Google Scholar Citations is the source that provides more comprehensive citation-related data, whereas Twitter stands out in connectivity-related metrics.  相似文献   

This study investigates and analyzes the factors affecting customer relationship management (CRM) practices in Thai academic libraries. The research conceptual framework focuses on factors affecting CRM practices was developed using Combe (2004)’s study on assessing CRM strategies. Mixed methods, qualitative, and quantitative approaches were used as a research methodology. Data was collected by using the interview and survey techniques with the administrators, staff and customers of six selected academic libraries in Thailand. Analysis of the data was done by using Pearson’s correlation coefficient, factor analysis, and multiple regression analysis. The results of the study show that factors that have statistically significant impact on CRM practices in Thai academic libraries at 0.05 level were: (1) the knowledge and understanding of CRM of library staff and leadership of library administrators (Beta = 0.762), (2) organizational culture and communication (Beta = 0.323), (3) customer management processes (Beta = 0.318), (4) technology for supporting customer management (Beta = 0.208), and (5) channels for library services and communications (Beta = 0.150). The knowledge and understanding of CRM of library staff and leadership of library administrators which include the perception and awareness of service quality focusing on customer relationship is a key to library success. Important factors also include the acceptance and support of the use of CRM in the library, the clear vision and mission about using CRM in the library strategic plan, the knowledge and understanding of library staff on CRM processes, customer characteristics, and behaviors. The organizational culture and communication factors involve the creation of the CRM cultures of working in the library, good teamwork, cooperative and clear working agreements, clear roles and responsibilities, good communication between library staff, cross library functional integration, and performance evaluation and development. The customer management processes factor includes recording and registration of customer profiles, customer analysis and classification, services to individual customers, services to expected customers, and continual customer interactions. The technology for supporting CRM factors includes communication technology, information technology, and operations support technology. The channels for library services and communications factors can be direct channels, such as a service counter and self-circulation service, and indirect channels such as telephone, call center, email, personal web, library web, and social networking technology. Suggestions for academic libraries on the development and implementation of CRM in libraries are: (1) CRM must be included in the library strategic plan; (2) CRM must be a key strategy for the improvement of library service quality; (3) library administrators must have strong leadership for achieving the effectiveness of CRM practices in the library; (4) library staff must have good knowledge and understanding of CRM and its link to the library service quality improvement; (5) the working cultures for CRM effectiveness such as teamwork, cross functional work, and good communication between staff must be encouraged and practiced in the library; and (6) technology must be fully supported for CRM in the library.  相似文献   

This study investigates and analyzes the factors affecting customer relationship management (CRM) practices in Thai academic libraries. The research conceptual framework focuses on factors affecting CRM practices was developed using Combe (2004)’s study on assessing CRM strategies. Mixed methods, qualitative, and quantitative approaches were used as a research methodology. Data was collected by using the interview and survey techniques with the administrators, staff and customers of six selected academic libraries in Thailand. Analysis of the data was done by using Pearson’s correlation coefficient, factor analysis, and multiple regression analysis. The results of the study show that factors that have statistically significant impact on CRM practices in Thai academic libraries at 0.05 level were: (1) the knowledge and understanding of CRM of library staff and leadership of library administrators (Beta = 0.762), (2) organizational culture and communication (Beta = 0.323), (3) customer management processes (Beta = 0.318), (4) technology for supporting customer management (Beta = 0.208), and (5) channels for library services and communications (Beta = 0.150). The knowledge and understanding of CRM of library staff and leadership of library administrators which include the perception and awareness of service quality focusing on customer relationship is a key to library success. Important factors also include the acceptance and support of the use of CRM in the library, the clear vision and mission about using CRM in the library strategic plan, the knowledge and understanding of library staff on CRM processes, customer characteristics, and behaviors. The organizational culture and communication factors involve the creation of the CRM cultures of working in the library, good teamwork, cooperative and clear working agreements, clear roles and responsibilities, good communication between library staff, cross library functional integration, and performance evaluation and development. The customer management processes factor includes recording and registration of customer profiles, customer analysis and classification, services to individual customers, services to expected customers, and continual customer interactions. The technology for supporting CRM factors includes communication technology, information technology, and operations support technology. The channels for library services and communications factors can be direct channels, such as a service counter and self-circulation service, and indirect channels such as telephone, call center, email, personal web, library web, and social networking technology. Suggestions for academic libraries on the development and implementation of CRM in libraries are: (1) CRM must be included in the library strategic plan; (2) CRM must be a key strategy for the improvement of library service quality; (3) library administrators must have strong leadership for achieving the effectiveness of CRM practices in the library; (4) library staff must have good knowledge and understanding of CRM and its link to the library service quality improvement; (5) the working cultures for CRM effectiveness such as teamwork, cross functional work, and good communication between staff must be encouraged and practiced in the library; and (6) technology must be fully supported for CRM in the library.  相似文献   

利用通识平台开展高校图书馆阅读推广   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
分析了现有阅读推广的不足,介绍了通识教育和通识平台的理念,总结了高校阅读推广通识平台所取得的一些成功经验,如注重互动交流,体验真人图书馆;运用通识理念,达到读书育人效果;针对高校师生群体,精选阅读区读物;组建专门固定的推广团队等。  相似文献   

[目的/意义]知识图谱对于重构数字人文资源、促进资源共享重用和深度开发具有重要意义。通过协作智能充分结合人类智慧和机器智能,有助于实现高效、优质的知识图谱构建。[方法/过程]提出基于协作智能构建数字人文领域知识图谱的PDC工作模式,结合数字人文领域知识图谱构建中的核心任务,分析人与AI的分工与协作,并总结在这一过程中协作智能逐渐由人类主导转向AI主导的趋势。[结果/结论]进一步展示基于协作智能的家谱知识图谱构建的可行性和有效性,重点探索家谱知识抽取中的协作智能,并通过定性和定量的评价展示协作智能的优势。协作智能不仅是未来数字人文知识图谱构建的发展趋势,对于其他领域的数字资源组织和知识图谱构建的实践亦具有一定的参考价值。  相似文献   

国内高校图书馆数字化参考咨询服务调查   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
论文通过对国内120所高校图书馆数字化参考咨询服务的调查,揭示了我国高校图书馆数字化参考咨询服务的开展情况,并提出了一些建议。  相似文献   

林清华  徐用吉 《编辑学报》2007,19(2):100-100
热分析技术广泛应用于研究物质的各种转变与反应,如玻璃化转变、结晶-熔融、脱水、热氧化裂解、胶联、环化等,是材料高温物相分析的主要手段.其中热重分析法是热分析中的一种基本方法[1-2],因此,科技论文中TG-DTG曲线图经常出现.  相似文献   

目的:构建科学、合理、规范的高校图书馆员工绩效考核指标体系,使馆员能够自我调整工作行为,提高服务质量,提升图书馆的整体绩效水平。方法:通过文献研究和实地考察,了解目前图书馆的绩效考核现状,采用德尔菲法和层次分析法确定考核指标和权重。结果:构建了一套三级指标体系,包括4个一级指标、10个二级指标和59个三级指标,同时给出了各指标的权重和分值。结论:该考核指标体系能有效提高图书馆员工在科研创新、管理或社会工作等方面的积极性。  相似文献   

高等院校图书馆工作人员应加强职业道德修养,提高自身的基本素质,摆正服务者与读者的位置,处理好服务者与读者的关系,牢固树立服务育人的思想意识,全心全意作好读者服务工作。  相似文献   

Prior research into the role of business librarians in academic program reviews has relied on surveys and interviews, revealing that librarians perceive that they are marginalized in the review process. Using a collection of program review documentation produced for the reviews of nine graduate programs offered at a Canadian business school, this study employs corpus-based techniques to obtain direct measures of librarian involvement. The findings provide objective confirmation that business librarians are not well integrated into program reviews overall, and that their contribution to the reviews of professional programs is even more limited than their contribution to the reviews of research-oriented programs. Based on best practices and missed opportunities observed as part of this study, seven strategies are suggested for integrating business librarians more fully in the program review process for the benefit of all program stakeholders.  相似文献   

Academic libraries worldwide use social media to inform and connect with users. Virginia Commonwealth University (VCU) Libraries is no different and must keep up with rapidly evolving platforms and user expectations. When our presence stretched across twenty-two channels, we needed to ensure that social media efforts were managed in the most effective and efficient manner possible. To develop a research-based, unified vision for communication for new media, we scanned the literature in the library and public relations fields and then surveyed librarians to address identified gaps. Based on results, we offer recommendations focused on best management practices and strong content strategies.  相似文献   

In this study, researchers sought to capture students’ authentic experience of finding books in the main library using a GoPro camera and the think-aloud protocol. The GoPro provided a first-person perspective and was an effective ethnographic tool for observing a student's individual experience, while also demonstrating what tools they use to find items. Using the think-aloud protocol, observers could hear students express their internal decisions, thoughts, and feelings about the process. Results confirmed trouble spots in the building and that directories are not typically used and need updating. GoPro footage revealed that there are certain qualities of the help-desk experience that can make a search more or less successful. No major sex differences were found in preference of wayfinding tools and behaviors, except that males appear to have used directories marginally more than females. In a debriefing survey, students still affirmed human help and online maps as the most useful wayfinding tools and advocated for better signage. Mapping of behaviors by floor also validated GoPro observations. At low cost to the library, the GoPro/think-aloud combination along with survey and mapping methodologies affirmed trouble spots in the building and provided suggestions for wayfinding improvements to library administration.  相似文献   

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