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利用网络分析方法,本文将社会化标签系统中基于社会网络的知识推送网络构造方法描述为六个步骤。借鉴演化理论,将基于社会网络的知识推送网络演化动力归纳为内生动力和外生动力。移植生物进化论的相关理论,提出多重动力机制作用下基于社会网络的知识推送网络演化周期性模型:每个周期的起点就是新一轮社会网络的构建,每个周期内部的演化过程分为选择阶段、遗传阶段、变异阶段。依托原型系统搜集不同时间点的相关数据,利用网络结构计量方法对基于潜在社会网络的知识传播网络演化过程进行实证分析,印证上述理论研究成果。图8。表9。参考文献13。  相似文献   

参照人际关系网络中的亲密因子构造一个科研合作网络演化模型,分别从网络的度分布、点强度分布、平均路径长度以及聚集系数对亲密因子进行分析,发现演化后的科研合作网具有较短的平均路径长度和较大的聚集系数。最后对一个科研合作的实证网络和仿真网络进行比较,发现两者社团结构具有相同的特征。  相似文献   

文章对社会网络用户关系研究相关文献进行梳理和总结,对社会网络用户关系性质、用户关系网络形成相关理论进行阐述,然后总结关系网络测度相关指标和方法,探究网络中节点影响力的测度以及网络结构特征和演化规律,最后总结研究应用领域并展望未来研究方向。  相似文献   

Interdisciplinary teams are assembled in scientific research and are aimed at solving complex problems. Given their increasing importance, it is not surprising that considerable attention has been focused on processes of collaboration in interdisciplinary teams. Despite such efforts, we know less about the factors affecting the assembly of such teams in the first place. In this paper, we investigate the structure and the success of interdisciplinary scientific research teams. We examine the assembly factors using a sample of 1103 grant proposals submitted to two National Science Foundation interdisciplinary initiatives during a 3-year period, including both awarded and non-awarded proposals. The results indicate that individuals’ likelihood of collaboration on a proposal is higher among those with longer tenure, lower institutional tier, lower H-index, and with higher levels of prior co-authorship and citation relationships. However, successful proposals have a little bit different relational patterns: individuals’ likelihood of collaboration is higher among those with lower institutional tier, lower H-index, (female) gender, higher levels of prior co-authorship, but with lower levels of prior citation relationships.  相似文献   

This article presents a study that compares detected structural communities in a coauthorship network to the socioacademic characteristics of the scholars that compose the network. The coauthorship network was created from the bibliographic record of a multi-institution, interdisciplinary research group focused on the study of sensor networks and wireless communication. Four different community detection algorithms were employed to assign a structural community to each scholar in the network: leading eigenvector, walktrap, edge betweenness and spinglass. Socioacademic characteristics were gathered from the scholars and include such information as their academic department, academic affiliation, country of origin, and academic position. A Pearson’s χ2test, with a simulated Monte Carlo, revealed that structural communities best represent groupings of individuals working in the same academic department and at the same institution. A generalization of this result suggests that, even in interdisciplinary, multi-institutional research groups, coauthorship is primarily driven by departmental and institutional affiliation.  相似文献   

网络分析方法在引文分析中的整合研究   总被引:4,自引:3,他引:1  
随着社会网络分析在各学科领域的不断渗透,复杂网络理论的兴起和可视化技术的进步,引文分析面临着研究范式从个体主义到整体主义的转变,研究方法从统计分析到网络分析的融合。本文通过对引文网络形成过程和本质属性的探究,以及对网络分析方法理论前提和分析原理的考察,探索网络分析方法在引文分析中的整合途径。具体包括测度引文网络整体结构特性,探究网络结构的形成机制和演化过程,分析引文网络的细分结构、可视化引文分析过程与结果等方面的整合。图1。表2。参考文献28。  相似文献   

社会网络分析方法逐渐成为数字人文研究的方法与工具之一,本文以上海交通大学古徽州契约文书数字化资源为研究数据,以MATLAB为数据分析工具,进行了社会网络数据分析与可视化实验。通过数据处理,有效获取契约交易社会网络的关键网络信息,以契约交易者数进行"小世界"幂律分布拟合,并实现有效社区结构划分,揭示数字化资源数字人文分析中的社会网络特性和结构信息。  相似文献   

文章应用复杂网络的相关知识,对国内的医药学文献数据进行数据挖掘.以机构为研究对象,通过构建机构科研合作网络,对网络的静态参数、拓扑结构、动态演化进行挖掘分析,找出机构间科研合作网的静态特征,并以年为单位切分时间片,分析网络的动态演化特征.通过研究得出机构合作网络的静态参数,同时发现,机构科研合作网络有明显的局部化特征,它的主网络是一个小世界网络,具有无标度特性.机构的影响力和活跃度不仅体现在发文量上,同时也体现在与其他机构的合作程度上.  相似文献   

为探究上海市在国内激光领域研究中的科研合作情况,本文以上海激光领域研究为实验对象,从网络指标、h子网h度、具体节点、主题内容等方面对WOS核心合集中的国内合著网络和引文网络进行了深入的比较和研究。论文揭示了上海市与各省市之间的论文合著与引用现状及差异,明确了其获得的智力支持情况,发现北京市和台湾地区是其最主要的支持主体。  相似文献   

Despite its rising position as a first-class research object, scientific software remains a marginal object in studies of scholarly communication. This study aims to fill the gap by examining the co-mention network of R packages across all Public Library of Science (PLoS) journals. To that end, we developed a software entity extraction method and identified 14,310 instances of R packages across the 13,684 PLoS journal papers mentioning or citing R. A paper-level co-mention network of these packages was visualized and analyzed using three major centrality measures: degree centrality, betweenness centrality, and PageRank. We analyzed the distributive patterns of R packages in all PLoS papers, identified the top packages mentioned in these papers, and examined the clustering structure of the network. Specifically, we found that the discipline and function of the packages can partly explain the largest clusters. The present study offers the first large-scale analysis of R packages’ extensive use in scientific research. As such, it lays the foundation for future explorations of various roles played by software packages in the scientific enterprise.  相似文献   

论文选择微博为代表的社交媒介,从网络公共事件入手,以群体视角论述用户信息交互行为的社会责任取向,通过个案分析,阐明社交网络用户社会责任的实现途径。结果发现,在网络场域中,传统道德权威并未瓦解,社交网络中的个体行为并非完全以个人情感和利益为中心。网络用户的道德感和网络社会正义得以持续源于2个激励因素:个体的被认同感以及网络言论的公共化。社交网络用户的信息交互行为仍受传统道德、规则的约束,但存在群体极化的风险。  相似文献   

本文借助VBA相关软件对数字图书馆领域相关论文的关键词进行抽取,利用社会网络分析软件UCINET对学术论文中的关键词进行处理并形成关键词整体网络,进而从整体网络凝聚性、中介性以及小团体分析等角度对数字图书馆领域的研究进行了分析,从而使得目前的研究现状更加清晰化。  相似文献   

雷罗  陈先来  冯麟 《情报工程》2015,1(6):023-031
随着信息网络的蓬勃发展,网络的影响力日趋增强,成为了社会中不可忽视的一股重要力量。本文主要运用网络链接分析的方法,对医学类院校进行网络影响力分析,得出院校的网站的影响力情况。分析结果显示实际得出的网络影响力的排名与院校排名有一定的联系,但并非密切相关。  相似文献   

We present two ways (instantaneous and cumulative) to transform bibliographic networks, using the works’ publication year, into corresponding temporal networks based on temporal quantities. We also show how to use the addition of temporal quantities to define interesting temporal properties of nodes, links and their groups thus providing an insight into evolution of bibliographic networks. Using the multiplication of temporal networks we obtain different derived temporal networks providing us with new views on studied networks. The proposed approach is illustrated with examples from the collection of bibliographic networks on peer review.  相似文献   

web用户聚类对于个性化服务、网站结构优化等具有重要意义。文章从用户的访问路径、项目评分等角度总结了用户聚类方法及算法,指出当前用户聚类研究存在的不足,提出了结合Web挖掘与社会网络分析方法的用户聚类的模型,分析了两者结合的必要性及结合策略,形成较为完善的用户聚类机制。  相似文献   

搜索引擎日志挖掘领域的论文合著网络分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
基于Web of SCI和EI数据库中所收录的有关搜索引擎日志挖掘领域的研究论文,构建作者合著网络,利用社会网络分析方法研究合著网络的中心性、小世界特性、连通性等基本特征,发现该领域中最核心的科研合作团队、研究人员及其研究内容等。  相似文献   

中心度指标在期刊引文网络分析中的运用及改进   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
利用ISI的期刊引证报告(JCR)社会科学版,收集国际图书情报学56种期刊2005-2007年的引证数据,尝试研究社会网络中心度指标在期刊引文网络分析中的运用。发现原来的中心度指标忽略了期刊刊载论文的数量对于期刊总被引频次的影响,针对原有指标的不足,给出平均中心度这一改进型中心度指标,并运用探索性因子分析探究各中心度指标间的相互关系。  相似文献   

This paper aims the Benin Library and Information Science (LIS) professionals’ access to individuals on the social network through the study of the structure and use of the network. Subscribers to the library association’s listserv participated in a web-based survey to identify the colleagues they could easily reach. The analysis uses social network techniques and Pajek, a social network analysis software, and focuses on centralities, prestige and sub-groups to identify the key actors required for effective information sharing within the network.

The density of this is very low and suggests that intermediaries are important for the connectedness of subscribers (also referred to as actors); network centralisation is moderate and explains that some actors are central for communication among the subscribers. About 60% of the subscribers fall within one of two groups. In the first group, six subscribers are central to the network, because they are moderators of the listserv, members of the association board, or well-connected to other well-connected actors. The others fall within the isolates or had few connections.  相似文献   

This paper aims the Benin Library and Information Science (LIS) professionals’ access to individuals on the social network through the study of the structure and use of the network. Subscribers to the library association’s listserv participated in a web-based survey to identify the colleagues they could easily reach. The analysis uses social network techniques and Pajek, a social network analysis software, and focuses on centralities, prestige and sub-groups to identify the key actors required for effective information sharing within the network.The density of this is very low and suggests that intermediaries are important for the connectedness of subscribers (also referred to as actors); network centralisation is moderate and explains that some actors are central for communication among the subscribers. About 60% of the subscribers fall within one of two groups. In the first group, six subscribers are central to the network, because they are moderators of the listserv, members of the association board, or well-connected to other well-connected actors. The others fall within the isolates or had few connections.  相似文献   

杜二梅 《情报工程》2015,1(5):052-058
在 CNKI 中,检索到 2010 年到 2014 年的期刊论文中主题为信息组织的记录 989 条,并将每条记录中的关键词进行词频统计。利用文献题录信息统计分析工具 SATI 构建共词矩阵与相似矩阵,然后利用社会网络分析软件 Ucinet 处理共词矩阵与相似矩阵,并进行分析。研究结果表明,信息组织领域的研究热点主题是数字图书馆、Web 2.0、知识组织和本体。  相似文献   

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