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高校图书馆竞争力正日益引起关注,为了更好地了解目前高校图书馆建设情况,选取了25所"985计划"和27所"211工程"高校作为研究对象,构建竞争力评价指标体系,并通过因子分析法对8个指标变量、52所高校进行分析,最终得出各高校图书馆竞争力综合排名。最后,采用聚类分析方法,针对不同层次的高校图书馆提出提高竞争力的对策。  相似文献   

We present a novel algorithm to rank smaller academic entities such as university departments or research groups within a research discipline. The Weighted Top Candidate (WTC) algorithm is a generalisation of an expert identification method. The axiomatic characterisation of WTC shows why it is especially suitable for scientometric purposes. The key axiom is stability – the selected institutions support each other's membership. The WTC algorithm, upon receiving an institution citation matrix, produces a list of institutions that can be deemed experts of the field. With a parameter we can adjust how exclusive our list should be. By completely relaxing the parameter, we obtain the largest stable set – academic entities that can qualify as experts under the mildest conditions. With a strict setup, we obtain a short list of the absolute elite. We demonstrate the algorithm on a citation database compiled from game theoretic literature published between 2008–2017. By plotting the size of the stable sets with respect to exclusiveness, we can obtain an overview of the competitiveness of the field. The diagram hints at how difficult it is for an institution to improve its position.  相似文献   

As the volume of scientific articles has grown rapidly over the last decades, evaluating their impact becomes critical for tracing valuable and significant research output. Many studies have proposed various ranking methods to estimate the prestige of academic papers using bibliometric methods. However, the weight of the links in bibliometric networks has been rarely considered for article ranking in existing literature. Such incomplete investigation in bibliometric methods could lead to biased ranking results. Therefore, a novel scientific article ranking algorithm, W-Rank, is introduced in this study proposing a weighting scheme. The scheme assigns weight to the links of citation network and authorship network by measuring citation relevance and author contribution. Combining the weighted bibliometric networks and a propagation algorithm, W-Rank is able to obtain article ranking results that are more reasonable than existing PageRank-based methods. Experiments are conducted on both arXiv hep-th and Microsoft Academic Graph datasets to verify the W-Rank and compare it with three renowned article ranking algorithms. Experimental results prove that the proposed weighting scheme assists the W-Rank in obtaining ranking results of higher accuracy and, in certain perspectives, outperforming the other algorithms.  相似文献   

On rank-based effectiveness measures and optimization   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Many current retrieval models and scoring functions contain free parameters which need to be set—ideally, optimized. The process of optimization normally involves some training corpus of the usual document-query-relevance judgement type, and some choice of measure that is to be optimized. The paper proposes a way to think about the process of exploring the space of parameter values, and how moving around in this space might be expected to affect different measures. One result, concerning local optima, is demonstrated for a range of rank-based evaluation measures.
Hugo ZaragozaEmail:

This paper presents five key questions that should be considered by researchers and librarians who develop or use survey-based (stated preference) journal rankings. Many of the distinctions among the various rankings—their attributes, strengths, and weaknesses—are captured in the responses to these five questions: What construct is being measured? How are differences in the construct expressed and recorded? Who are the respondents? Which journals are included in the rankings? How is respondents' familiarity with the journals taken into account? The paper also summarizes the problems that may require attention when survey-based rankings are used.  相似文献   

在阐述第三次全国公共图书馆评估工作的意义、作用以及比较分析评估标准有关项目的基础上.提出了对评估标准的补充修改意见。  相似文献   

开放存取知识库的网络计量排名和评价研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
崔宇红 《图书情报工作》2010,54(20):115-118
从评价对象、指标及权重、计算方法等方面介绍世界知识库互联网排名采用的网络计量方法,并对其2010年7月发布的开放存取知识库排名结果进行区域和类型统计,分析评价中国台湾、香港和内地的排名和建设情况,提出应从国家战略、机构认知和知识库能见度三个方面尽快提高中国开放知识库建设水平。  相似文献   

中国和印度作为世界公认的亚洲两个实力较为接近的发展中国家,有必要对其在科技、政治、军事等领域的差异作进一步的分析,以取长补短。学术期刊可以体现一个国家的科研竞争力,同时也是科学生产率的重要表现形式之一。因此,比较中国和印度学术期刊的相关情况具有一定的现实意义。本文主要选取中国和印度均被《期刊引证报告》(Journal Citation Reports,JCR)收录的期刊,通过比较各个期刊的各项指标以及这些期刊所涵盖学科的基本情况,从而得出中国相对于印度在此类科技期刊上的优势和劣势,并通过比较和分析,得出相关结论。  相似文献   

Web search algorithms that rank Web pages by examining the link structure of the Web are attractive from both theoretical and practical aspects. Todays prevailing link-based ranking algorithms rank Web pages by using the dominant eigenvector of certain matrices—like the co-citation matrix or variations thereof. Recent analyses of ranking algorithms have focused attention on the case where the corresponding matrices are irreducible, thus avoiding singularities of reducible matrices. Consequently, rank analysis has been concentrated on authority connected graphs, which are graphs whose co-citation matrix is irreducible (after deleting zero rows and columns). Such graphs conceptually correspond to thematically related collections, in which most pages pertain to a single, dominant topic of interest.A link-based search algorithm A is rank-stable if minor changes in the link structure of the input graph, which is usually a subgraph of the Web, do not affect the ranking it produces; algorithms A,B are rank-similar if they produce similar rankings. These concepts were introduced and studied recently for various existing search algorithms.This paper studies the rank-stability and rank-similarity of three link-based ranking algorithms—PageRank, HITS and SALSA—in authority connected graphs. For this class of graphs, we show that neither HITS nor PageRank is rank stable. We then show that HITS and PageRank are not rank similar on this class, nor is any of them rank similar to SALSA.This research was supported by the Fund for the Promotion of Research at the Technion, and by the Barnard Elkin Chair in Computer Science.  相似文献   

We evaluate article-level metrics along two dimensions. Firstly, we analyse metrics’ ranking bias in terms of fields and time. Secondly, we evaluate their performance based on test data that consists of (1) papers that have won high-impact awards and (2) papers that have won prizes for outstanding quality. We consider different citation impact indicators and indirect ranking algorithms in combination with various normalisation approaches (mean-based, percentile-based, co-citation-based, and post hoc rescaling). We execute all experiments on two publication databases which use different field categorisation schemes (author-chosen concept categories and categories based on papers’ semantic information).In terms of bias, we find that citation counts are always less time biased but always more field biased compared to PageRank. Furthermore, rescaling paper scores by a constant number of similarly aged papers reduces time bias more effectively compared to normalising by calendar years. We also find that percentile citation scores are less field and time biased than mean-normalised citation counts.In terms of performance, we find that time-normalised metrics identify high-impact papers better shortly after their publication compared to their non-normalised variants. However, after 7 to 10 years, the non-normalised metrics perform better. A similar trend exists for the set of high-quality papers where these performance cross-over points occur after 5 to 10 years.Lastly, we also find that personalising PageRank with papers’ citation counts reduces time bias but increases field bias. Similarly, using papers’ associated journal impact factors to personalise PageRank increases its field bias. In terms of performance, PageRank should always be personalised with papers’ citation counts and time-rescaled for citation windows smaller than 7 to 10 years.  相似文献   

档案职业、职业竞争力与档案本科教育创新   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
目前我国档案职业发展存在诸多问题,其中原因之一在于档案职业缺少核心技能和职业资格准入制度.本文从提高档案本科毕业生职业竞争力的角度,分析了我国档案职业发展的基本现状,认为应当通过科学定位档案本科教育目标、合理规划档案本科课程、积极探索开放式的档案本科教学模式等方面的改革,从而积极推动我国档案本科教育创新的开展.  相似文献   

[目的/意义]在线评论蕴含评论者对商品的情感态度,成为潜在消费者购物决策的参考。分析用户对商品属性的情感表达与商品销售热度之间的关系,对用户和商家具有重要的实践和理论意义。[方法/过程]采用LDA主题模型抽取商品属性特征,并对这些属性进行情感极性分析,然后用多元线性回归方程探求商品属性的情感表达对在线商品销量排名之间的关联关系。[结果/结论]研究表明:反映商品"质"的特征属性更受用户的关注,其情感极性与商品的销量排名之间存在较高的正相关性。  相似文献   

乔建忠 《图书情报工作》2013,57(14):114-120
针对主题爬行技术中的单一分类算法在面对多主题Web抓取和分类需求时泛化能力不强的局限,设计一种利用多种强分类算法形成的分类器组合,主题爬行器根据当前主题任务在线评估并为分类器排名,从中选择最优分类器分类的策略,并开展在多个主题抓取任务下的分类实验,比较每种分类算法的准确率和组合后的平均分类准确率以及对分类效率等评价指标的综合分析,结果证明该策略对领域局域性有所克服,普适性较强。  相似文献   

[目的/意义]"双一流"建设使得大学排名成为社会焦点,但其能否反映高校的真实水平仍存质疑,故探析验证大学排名体系的公正性、合理性意义重大。[方法/过程]以世界大学学术排名(ARWU)为研究对象,在深入探究ARWU指标体系及其构型的基础上,对比其与QS、THES、USNWR等著名世界大学排名体系的差异,并以东南亚主要知名大学为例进行实证研究。[结果/结论] ARWU的排名位次与QS、THES、USNWR有较大差异,存在系统误差的可能性,因而有必要在辩证对待各类大学排名体系的基础上,从指标调整等方面对其进行改进和修正。  相似文献   

We analyse the difference between the averaged (average of ratios) and globalised (ratio of averages) author-level aggregation approaches based on various paper-level metrics. We evaluate the aggregation variants in terms of (1) their field bias on the author-level and (2) their ranking performance based on test data that comprises researchers that have received fellowship status or won prestigious awards for their long-lasting and high-impact research contributions to their fields. We consider various direct and indirect paper-level metrics with different normalisation approaches (mean-based, percentile-based, co-citation-based) and focus on the bias and performance differences between the two aggregation variants of each metric. We execute all experiments on two publication databases which use different field categorisation schemes. The first uses author-chosen concept categories and covers the computer science literature. The second covers all disciplines and categorises papers by keywords based on their contents. In terms of bias, we find relatively little difference between the averaged and globalised variants. For mean-normalised citation counts we find no significant difference between the two approaches. However, the percentile-based metric shows less bias with the globalised approach, except for citation windows smaller than four years. On the multi-disciplinary database, PageRank has the overall least bias but shows no significant difference between the two aggregation variants. The averaged variants of most metrics have less bias for small citation windows. For larger citation windows the differences are smaller and are mostly insignificant.In terms of ranking the well-established researchers who have received accolades for their high-impact contributions, we find that the globalised variant of the percentile-based metric performs better. Again we find no significant differences between the globalised and averaged variants based on citation counts and PageRank scores.  相似文献   

In the pursuit of new and actionable knowledge, the author conducted fieldwork in New Orleans four years following Hurricane Katrina. Since archival staff and restorers can be involved in moderate to major catastrophic disasters in archival institutions, differences in priorities between archival staff and restorers provide insight into each group's procedural preferences for ranking training topics. When 185 archival staff and 52 restorer respondents ranked training topics for importance, statistically significant differences were exhibited in five out of twenty-one training topics (α = .05). Since both groups have different job-specific skills, there exist reasons for differences in training topic rankings.  相似文献   

本研究从美国汤姆森科技信息集团出版的《基本科学指标》(ESI)数据库获取原始数据,对世界一流大学与科研机构的学科竞争力进行了科学合理、客观公正的评价研究和综合分析,最终得到了3类共30个排行榜,它们分别是:《2009年世界大学科研竞争力排行榜》、《2009年世界大学与科研机构分22个学科的科研竞争力排行榜》和《2009年世界大学科研竞争力分7个基本指标排行榜》。2009年评价结果显示,中国大陆的科研实力在世界范围内位居第12位,较2007年前进8位;有70所大学进入ESI被引总量前1%的1475所世界大学排行,约占4.7%,较2007年增加21所,增长0.6个百分点。这些都是我国在建设世界一流大学道路上取得的可喜成绩,但通过仔细比较和分析,可以看出我国大学整体排名比较靠后,说明我国大学离世界一流大学还有相当差距,建设世界一流大学的任务仍很艰巨,特别是建设世界高水平的一流大学和科研机构以及创新型成果方面差距还很大。从自身来看,与2007年相比,我国大学与科研机构不论在数量上和质量上都有明显进步,虽然离《纲要》中提出的"国际科学论文被引量进入世界前5位"目标还有很大差距,但是这些成绩的取得会给我们增加信心,相信这...  相似文献   

夏旭 《图书馆论坛》2004,24(6):90-95
以《复印报刊资料》(下称资料)研究论文定量分析和2000—2003年图书馆学情报学期刊全文转载排名为基础,通过比较其综合排名与《中文核心期刊要目总览》、《中文社会科学引文索引》、《中国人文社会科学核心期刊要览》的差异和CNKI、《中文科技期刊引文数据库》收录期刊基金论文和被引频次验证排名合理性,结果表明《资料》期刊排名有一定的合理性,基金论文和被引频次是衡量期刊排名的客观指标。  相似文献   

This paper presents an empirical analysis of two different methodologies for calculating national citation indicators: whole counts and fractionalised counts. The aim of our study is to investigate the effect on relative citation indicators when citations to documents are fractionalised among the authoring countries. We have performed two analyses: a time series analysis of one country and a cross-sectional analysis of 23 countries. The results show that all countries’ relative citation indicators are lower when fractionalised counting is used. Further, the difference between whole and fractionalised counts is generally greatest for the countries with the highest proportion of internationally co-authored articles. In our view there are strong arguments in favour of using fractionalised counts to calculate relative citation indexes at the national level, rather than using whole counts, which is the most common practice today.  相似文献   

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