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刘家超,自1990年从事新闻工作以来,数十年如一日昼采夜写,呕心沥血,勤于笔耕,情凝笔端,激扬文字。据不完全统计,他已在市级以上新闻单位发表3000多篇新闻作品,曾多次受到商丘市委宣传部和睢县县委、县政府的表彰,连续8年被评为"市级优秀通讯员"。  相似文献   

1955年5月初,20岁刚出头的我,被调到北京中轴线上的景山公园内北京市少年宫筹备处,一直到文化大革命,我便工作在那里。1956年1月1日,北京市少年宫开幕。吴晗副市长向少年儿童说:"今天,我代表市人民政府把这座美丽的少  相似文献   

上世纪50年代中期,赫鲁晓夫上台不久,我被公派留学苏联,在莫斯科住了近4年。对当时的苏联高校以及作为学生所能接触到的当时苏联社会,印象很深。我在莫斯科拍了许多照片,每当看到这些黑白的影像。当时的留学生活情景就仿佛历历在目。  相似文献   

<正>1949年12月初,上海"宝兴里居民福利会"成立,同月27日,正式对外宣布的是"宝兴里居民福利委员会"这样一个名称;自那时起,上海黄浦区(当时叫"沪中区")有了全市第一  相似文献   

The debate about the American influence on political communication practices worldwide has raised a range of issues about how such a process might work. Much of the research in the field, however, has examined possible influences on practices in the last quarter of the twentieth century. By then, it could be argued, common global practices had become established in many Western Democracies. The aim of this paper is to explore a period before these changes had taken place, namely the 1950s and the 1960s, when television was still in its infancy in both Britain and the US, when new and different practices were being tried out and a period in which it might still be possible to look at influences at the dawn of political broadcasting. By focusing on the emergence and development of a specific form of political communication, namely, dedicated, unmediated, paid-for or free party election communication, in the US and in Britain in this early period, it might be possible to examine if, and how, American practices might have influenced British ones. Using unpublished work drawing on a range of archives and personal interviews that focus on interactions across the Atlantic, this paper argues that in this period, the two countries developed a range of different practices that cannot easily lend support to the idea of Americanisation. The paper concludes with a discussion of the need for more research into the domestic negotiations of transatlantic interactions.  相似文献   

To investigate the use by OCLC member institutions of database records for pre-1950 serial publications and to compare the value of those records with the ones in the long standard Union List of Serials and the newly completed National Union Catalog, Pre-1956 Imprints, a residue of 50 titles found in a random sample of 200 serials drawn from OCLC in 1978 were examined in the database again in 1981 and searched in the printed tools. The 2 OCLC records were compared to find bibliographical modifications, last time of use, and additional libraries reported. The 1981 record was compared against records from ULS and NUC Pre-1956 for the number of libraries with ownership reported and the inclusion of selected bibliographical data. OCLC participants had made some use of more than half the records and appeared to be updating the bibliographical content as necessary. Almost all the titles were in one of the printed tools, but a substantial number were not in both. NUC Pre-1956 carried more of the titles than ULS, but ULS appeared to be the most comprehensive of the 3 tools for those serials it listed. OCLC followed ULS as a bibliographical resource while NUC Pre-1956 came second for identifying holding libraries. OCLC was concluded to have strength and potential as a pre-1956 serial information tool by its capacity to correct and add data while ULS and NUC Pre-1956 were concluded to be valuable backup sources for the older serial publications also having an online record available.  相似文献   

取缔一贯道行动是新中国建国伊始伴随着大规模的镇压反革命运动而进行的一场广泛、剧烈、深刻的群众斗争,对于捍卫和巩固新生政权,破除封建迷信,维护人民群众的根本利益,保证国民经济的恢复和发展,有着重要的意义.半个世纪后的今天,再回头看一看并不遥远的那段历史,对于当今仍然具有现实意义.……  相似文献   

结婚登记三部曲 俗话说:男大当婚,女大当嫁,婚姻嫁娶是每个人一生当中的大事.解放初期的结婚登记手续和现在大为不同,那时主要是分三步走:先是单位出具介绍信,然后个人填具<结婚登记申请书>,最后由登记机关核发<结婚证书>,到此一桩婚姻美事才算正式得到法律的认可.  相似文献   

1949年蒋军败退到台湾后,不甘心失败,曾派遣大量特务匪徒到大陆破坏骚扰,妄图反攻大陆,东山再起. 1950年春,我在三十一军保卫部工作时,领导派我到福建省南安县莲河村搞社会调查,了解当地情况,掌握社会动向.  相似文献   

This paper traces the developments of the past 40 years that have impacted the way publishers, vendors, and libraries operate and interact among themselves. Five areas of current concern are noted.  相似文献   

巍巍太行山,绵延数千里,像一条青色的巨龙,盘踞在河南、山西、河北三省辽阔的大地上.位于河南省林县(现为林州市)西部的一段,绵亘180里,被人们称为南太行林虑山.  相似文献   

中华人民共和国成立之初,各项事业发生了翻天覆地的变化,图书馆事业同样如此.与解放前相比,图书馆事业有了质的飞跃.这种飞跃,一是表现在图书馆的性质有了变化,二是图书馆事业有了飞速的发展.这种变化和发展带来的是图书馆事业的繁荣.由于这段历史的特殊性,该时期的图书馆在中国图书馆史上留下了很重的一笔.  相似文献   

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