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The authors conducted a phenomenological investigation of creative teaching with 10 counselor educators. The resulting 4 themes suggest creative teaching (a) is shaped by past experiences, (b) promotes student engagement, (c) is not formulary, and (d) requires risk taking. Implications for creative teaching strategies and training are provided. Limitations and implications for future research on creative pedagogy are discussed.  相似文献   

In this phenomenological investigation, the authors explored doctoral‐level counselor trainees’ (N = 12) perceptions of wellness promotion in programs accredited by the Council for Accreditation of Counseling and Related Educational Programs. Using semistructured interviews, the research team identified 3 structural themes (components of wellness, program culture, and recommendations) and 13 textural themes. Findings highlight the need for training regarding boundaries and self‐awareness.  相似文献   

This study explored 11 African American doctoral students’ perceptions of challenging experiences in counselor education programs. The authors identified the following themes using critical race theory: feelings of isolation, peer disconnection, and faculty misunderstandings and disrespect. Implications for counselor education programs and policies are discussed.  相似文献   

姜勇  刘鑫鑫 《教育研究》2021,42(7):118-126
教育现象学的建立不仅标志着教育研究立场的转向,而且深刻影响比较教育研究的方法论选择.运用现象学方法开展比较研究,为比较教育学科的建设开辟了一条独特的道路.比较教育研究应借鉴现象学发生立场的转向,摆脱唯科学实证主义方法论范式的局限,注重面向比较教育的"实事"本身.比较教育研究要有新视界.要尽可能做到进入他国教育的"真实现场",从"文本"的他者转变为"生活"的他者,开展深描、体验与理解的研究.比较教育研究要有新立场.应转变观念,从"异乡"的好奇者转变为"家乡"的眷恋者,关心自身教育在融入世界教育改革的潮流过程中的优势与不足、专长与缺点、魅力与窘迫,又可以从哪些别样的文化与教育中有所获益,得到启迪,获得滋养.比较教育研究要有新格局.以往我们注重的是"国别"的教育比较,将国家视作比较的单元进行探究;注重"比较"之格局的比较教育研究则不仅重视国别教育比较,而且关心关切基于不同文化背景、不同"空间"和不同时期的教育之比较.  相似文献   

凯特·肖邦的《觉醒》中的女主角埃德娜·蒙特利尔本是一个传统的贤妻良母 ,后来在多种因素的影响下 ,自我意识逐渐觉醒 ,走上一条违背传统妇道的离经叛道之路。其实 ,她的觉醒过程只不过是寻找自我的过程。作者试图通过埃德娜的例子揭示出处于传统的男权社会的女性的困苦与挣扎。  相似文献   

现象学教育学理论以"回归实事本身"为基本研究精神,以回归生活世界为宗旨,以具体情境中的生活体验为研究起点,以"本质直观"为认识事物的基本理路,关注人的生命体验和意义。现象学教育学理论的新颖性为幼儿园教学提供了新的视角。  相似文献   

"教育就是教育"并非一个无意义的命题,它所表达的现象学意义在于:我们考察教育时应"悬置"一切已有的经验与理论,直接面对教育实事本身,在教育生活中体验教育的本源,以"本质直观"的方式探究教育问题。  相似文献   

Women often face challenges when balancing academic and familial responsibilities (Gilbert, 2008 ; Trepal & Stinchfield, 2012 ). This phenomenological study explored women's (N = 10) experiences of becoming mothers during a doctoral program in counseling. The results highlight the importance of mentorship and other protective factors associated with a successful transition from student to mother.  相似文献   

Early Childhood Education Journal - This study investigated the repercussions of the Covid-19 pandemic on preschool education and sought answers to how preschool education is implemented, what kind...  相似文献   

Using phenomenological inquiry, this study explored the lived experiences and intersecting identities of 8 African American counselor educators who are mothers. Six themes were identified: race, professional strain, work–life balance, support, internalized success, and mothering pedagogy.  相似文献   

教育研究缺乏对"具体的人"的关注与行动,个中原因是长期以来科学思维的误导.现象学开启了一条切近人之具体性的崭新路向.教育现象学通过其独特的运思路径、言说方式与行动策略,敞亮了人之"诗意栖居"的返乡之旅.  相似文献   

理解教育现象学的研究方法   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
教育现象学是受现象学运动的影响而产生的一种新的教育思想。教育现象学研究反对教育研究中的简化、经济原则,强调研究要关注教育生活中教师、学生丰富的体验世界,在教育的具体情境中整体地把握教育经验的意义,从而开创了一种新的教育研究取向,为多元化的教育研究增添了新的可能性。  相似文献   

This study explores phenomenology of religion as a potential guide for the implementation of a multifaith religious education curriculum in Zimbabwe. The study relies on document analysis, in particular the 1999 Presidential Commission of Inquiry into Education and Training report, the Curriculum Framework for Primary and Secondary Education (2015–2022), and literature on multifaith religious education and phenomenology of religion. While these documents recommend the adoption of a multifaith approach in religious education, they are silent on the methodological framework. As such, I posit that principles of phenomenology of religion are a potential guiding framework for teachers to effectively engage multifaith syllabi.  相似文献   

问题的提出需要有一种知识论基础作为内在结构支撑.不同研究范式规定了不同的致思理路,形成了对同一教育现象的多元研究视角.教育现象学提问方式从教育事实出发,为研究者提供了一种灵活地"看"教育和"问"教育的方式.教育现象学的问题意识引导研究者对教育现象的意义追问,教育现象学问题域则规定了研究范围和研究范式.教育现象学透过对问题的表述、分析与理解,实现教育意义的重构.以实践取向为基础的教育现象学,通过对教育现象"是其所是"的追问,形成一条深入"教育实事本身"的致思路径.  相似文献   

毕文静 《海外英语》2012,(13):267-268
This thesis tends to analyze the awakening and reconstruction of female being based on three representative female literary works,which are Kate Chopin’s The Storm,Charlotte Perkins Gilman’s The Yellow Wallpaper,and Adrienne Rich’s Diving into the Wreck.  相似文献   

This paper reflects on the role of phenomenological hermeneutics as part of art history and theory programmes in art education. Though initially confined to Philosophy, this branch of hermeneutics can be utilised in Art Education also, as concepts explored here such as the appropriation of knowledge, interpretation, reading and understanding offer an effective tool to investigate the strength and potential of subjectivity, metaphoricity and embodiment in art practice. This paper begins with a reflection on the most effective space where theory teaching can take place and offers the concept of the hermeneutical space, where teaching is inclusive and supportive of self determined contributions to processes of theoretical reflection on art practice. A mutual learning experience is fostered in this environment, where teacher and student respect each other's readings. Finally, I put forward suggestions as to how this can be realised in an actual teaching situation by relating my own experience.  相似文献   

现象学有两层含义:一是作为哲学理论的现象学;二是作为研究方法的现象学。作为方法的现象学表达的是一种研究的"思维态度"或"思维方式"。现象学作为方法首先被应用于教育研究领域。20世纪70年代后,现象学方法被引入比较教育研究领域,打破了比较教育研究一直以来实证论独占鳌头的局面,为比较教育研究范式走向多元融合的开放道路做出了贡献。  相似文献   

现象学视域中的教育之本   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
现象学之思试图打破传统的自然思维(包括自然科学思维)而走向一种哲学思维,在人文本体论的意义上发现人之为人的价值和尊严。无论是胡塞尔的纯粹意识还是海德格尔的存在之思,都是要打开生命原初的体验,重新开始,在去存在(tobe)的道路上阐释并守护世界的意义。在定义人的困境中,西方的历史引发了现象学运动并开启了教育的本源之思。教育的真谛不是停留在为学者日益(知识积累)而是为道者日损(原初开悟体验)。本真的教育始终是引出、站出自己,保持超越姿态的理想性追求,现实与理想的张力维持着以自身为目的的自由实践。近现代的制度化教育已退化成一种职业训练,偏离了教育之本——教化的深远意义(意识品质的养成)长久以来蔽而不彰。  相似文献   

教育现象学视域中的教师教育   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
教师教育作为教育领域的一个重要实践主题,一直备受关注.在技术理性的主宰下,教师教育违背了教育应有的人文特性.教育现象学为教师教育提供了一种可能的人文视角.教育现象学是一门成人与孩子如何相处的学问.教育现象学认为,富于教育机智是其视域下好教师的标准,引导教师保持教育现象学的生活态度,增强其对生活的敏感性并引导教师逐步形成反思力是培养好教师的优化路径.  相似文献   

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