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The purpose of the present study was to determine the degree to which performance on the McCarthy Scaies of Children's Abilities correlated with performance on the Stanford-Binet for a group of preschoolers. The sample consisted of 44 children ranging in age from 3–11 to 5–4. It was found that the General Cognitive Index scores of the McCarthy Scales correlated well with the Stanford-Binet IQ scores, rxy = .90. However, 40 of the 44 subjects scored higher on the Stanford-Binet than on the McCarthy Scales.  相似文献   

Three short forms of the McCarthy Scales of Children's Abilities (MSCA) have been developed to screen the cognitive skills of young children suspected of learning disorders and developmental delays. Based on a sample of 40 children between the ages 5–13 to 6–13, correlations of .92, .61, and .72 were obtained between the scores of the children on the full form of the MSCA and the Kaufman, Taylor, and MST short forms, respectively. The Kaufman short form also had the highest test-retest reliability at r = .87. The advantages of the Kaufman short form over the other two short forms are discussed.  相似文献   

So as to compare the results of the WISC and WISC-R, both instruments were administered to 58 children randomly selected from a school population of 583. All administration and scoring was performed by the same psychologist, with a two-month interval separating the administrations for each child. All IQs were significantly higher (p <.01) on the WISC, with the Performance difference being greater than the verbal difference. Also, 8 of the 10 required subtest scaled scores were significantly greater (p <.05) on the older instrument. Regression equations were obtained to predict WISC-R IQs from WISC scores.  相似文献   

This study examined the diagnostic value of the MSCA in discriminating between learning disabled and general education children. The data were analyzed by several methods, including mean score comparisons, profile analysis, and discriminant analysis. The results indicated that learning disabled children performed differently—1 to 1 1/2 SDs lower—than general education children on the MSCA GCI and on all five major scale indexes. Some consistent differences between the two groups also were revealed at the subtest level. However, in examining the individual MSCA scale index profiles, it was found that a similar amount of scatter was present in the profiles of learning disabled and general education children. Furthermore, no specific pattern of scale indexes could be determined as typical for learning disabled children. These results are seen as not lending the necessary support to the use of MSCA profile as a diagnostic tool in identifying learning disabled children. The present findings are discussed in detail, and several rather consistent trends of performance on the MSCA are identified for learning disabled children.  相似文献   

The degree of comparability between the WISC-R and WAIS-R over time was assessed for two samples of referred adolescents of borderline intelligence intially administered a WISC-R and retested on the WAIS-R after three years. Results indicated that the WAIS-R significantly overestimated the WISC-R IQs by 3 to 5 points. Differences were most marked at the lower ability levels; as IQs aproached average, scores were increasingly comparable.  相似文献   

Concurrent validity of the McCarthy Scales of Children's Abilities for 60 kindergartners was investigated, using the WPPSI and Columbia Mental Maturity Scale. Although correlations were of acceptable magnitude, the General Cognitive Index of the MSCA was significantly lower than major scores obtained on the other two tests. Analyses of the different scales of the MSCA are also reported.  相似文献   

The McCarthy Scales of Children's Abilities (MSCA) was used to evaluate the performance of preschool children with speech/language disorders. Preschoolers were screened first for normal intelligence using the Performance scale of the Wechsler Preschool and Primary Scale of Intelligence (WPPSI). Preschoolers with speechllanguage disorders had significantly lower scores on all scales of the MSCA (Verbal, Perceptual/Performance, Quantitative, and Memory), except the Motor scale. They also had an average 20-point lower GCI than the control children. An analysis of the scores of the speechllanguage group on subtests revealed difficulty in short- term auditory memory skills but not in short-term visual memory skills. Deficits in categorical thinking skills and verbal expression skills were also evident. Characteriza- tion of learning disabilities in preschoolers with speechllanguage disorders is discussed.  相似文献   

The present study compared two- and three-factor solutions for the 12 subtests of both the WISC and WISC-R for a sample of 164 black, white, and Latino children aged 7 to 15 referred to school psychologists because of concerns about their intellectual ability. The results indicated that the factor structures of the WISC and WISC-R for the same group of subjects are quite similar. They are almost identical in the factors of verbal comprehension and perceptual organization. However, a difference was noted in the third factor of freedom from distractibility.  相似文献   

This paper compares the 1972 Norms Edition of the Stanford-Binet Intelligence Scale, Form LM, and the Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children, Revised (1974), from a practitioner's viewpoint The strengths and weaknesses of each instrument are explored in relation to (a) standardization data given in the manuals, (b) ease of administration and interpretation, (c) age-range limitations and finally, (d) the utility of both instruments as aids in prediction of academic success.  相似文献   

This study compares the performance of learning disabled students on the WISC-R and the Tests of Cognitive Abilities from the Woodcock-Johnson Psycho-Educational Battery. This study finds that learning disabled subjects performed more poorly on the Tests of Cognitive Abilities than on the WISC-R. Data relative to a number of possible explanations for these results are reported.  相似文献   

Thirty learning disabled and 30 nonlearning disabled students were individually administered the WISC-R, McCarthy Scales of Children's Abilities, and the Wide Range Achievement Test. Regression analyses were conducted to determine the combination of scores from the WISC-R and McCarthy Scales that best predicted the achievement level of the subjects. In addition, the scores that best predicted group status (LD or nonLD) were determined. In general, the WISC-R Comprehension, Arithmetic, and Object Assembly, and the McCarthy Quantitative and Memory Indices were most sensitive to the LD students' achievement. Conversely, the WISC-R Similarities and Arithmetic and the McCarthy Verbal Index were most sensitive to the achievement of nonLD students. Finally, the McCarthy Perceptual-Performance Index and the WISC-R Vocabulary subtest best discriminated group status. The diagnostic implications of these results were discussed.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to determine the degree of comparability between the WISC and the WISC-R over time. Hypotheses were tested using a sample of 276 mildly mentally handicapped children enrolled in special education classes who had received a WISC (Trial 1) and a WISC or WISC-R (Trial 2) after an interval of approximately three years. The sample was grouped on the basis of test administered in Trial 2. Group I contained those children who received the WISC on Trial 2 and included 183 children, of whom 121 were males and 62 were females. Mean age at time of initial testing was 8–10; mean age at second testing was 11–8. Group II was composed of 93 children who had been posttested on the WISC-R and included 72 males and 21 females. Mean age at initial testing was 9–5; mean age at posttest was 13–0. The study was conducted in five school districts and one county department of education. Verbal IQ, Performance IQ, and Full Scale IQ for both instruments administered were transcribed from the special education folders of the children. The design used to test hypotheses was repeated measures analysis of variance. Data analysis resulted in rejection of the hypotheses that the WISC-R yields mean Verbal, Performance, and Full Scale IQ scores greater than or equal to the corresponding mean IQ scores of the WISC. It was concluded that the WISC-R may unfairly penalize special education children who are reevaluated with this instrument. Fluctuations in IQ scores due to the instrument of measurement must be recognized, and appropriate action should be taken to insure that children are evaluated for special class placement on comparable bases.  相似文献   

Scaled scores of the 10 mandatory WISC-R subtests were factor analyzed for separate groups of black (N = 430) and white (N = 274) public school students. Two-, three- and four-factor solutions were examined using the iterated principal factor method. The factorial solutions were compared using coefficients of congruence, and each solution was compared to the standardization sample. Coefficients of congruence between the black and white first factor were .96, second factor .99, and third factor .74. Congruency between Kaufman's results and each racial group was also quite high, suggesting that the WISC-R measures the same theoretical abilities.  相似文献   

幼儿自我保护能力的培养   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
当前幼儿的自我保护能力普遍不足,如对人体器官知识的了解缺乏,没有形成良好的生活和饮食习惯,情绪稳定性欠佳,意志薄弱,以及对防止意外事故的知识了解甚少;而家长的幼儿自我保护教育能力也普遍欠缺,如对自我保护方面的知识了解不足,教育方法不科学,对自身言行重视不够等。为此,幼儿园应加强幼儿自我保护能力的培养,如可以通过多种形式在幼儿日常生活中渗透安全教育,为儿童创设安全的教育和成长环境以及加强家园沟通等方式,有效促进幼儿自我保护能力的提高。  相似文献   

The study compared differences and similarities between WISC and WISC-R scores for 48 ten- and thirteen-year-old EMR students, who were matched according to sex and race. The WISC-R yielded significantly lower VS, PS, and FS IQ scores than the WISC for this predominantly rural Georgia population. The FS IQ scores from the WISC-R averaged 7.5 points lower than the WISC FS IQs, with similar differences noted for VS and PS scores. There was no significant difference in FS IQs between the two age groups. Results suggest that many children classified as “Borderline” or slightly above by the WISC will be classified as “Mentally Deficient” by the WISC-R.  相似文献   

This study compared the three scales of the WISC and the WISC-R for degree of intercorrelation. The differences among scores and among variances were also computed for the two tests. Fifty-eight subjects from a clinical referred population were studied, including children classified as EMR, Learning Disabled, Emotionally Disturbed, and children in regular classrooms. Results included significant correlations in all cases, no systematic changes in variance, and significantly lower IQs on the WISC-R for all children in this sample, except the EMRs.  相似文献   

Eighty public school children referred for psychological assessment for potential special education placement were given the Slosson Intelligence Test, Peabody Picture Vocabulary Test, Developmental Test of Visual-Motor Integration, and Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children—Revised. Correlational and regression techniques were used to determine the effectiveness of the three former measures in predicting WISC-R IQ scores. SIT IQs were found to be the best predictors of WISC-R Verbal, Performance, and Full Scale IQs; however, these statistical relationships reveal little about the clinical utility of the screening measures. Problems with use of the current findings and those of other studies are discussed.  相似文献   

The present study investigated the relationship between the Revised Peabody Picture Vocabulary Test (PPVT-R) and the WISC-R for a naturally occurring sample of rural children referred for assessment (N = 53). The results indicated that the PPVT-R was highly correlated with WISC-R scale and subtest scores. Examination of a sub-sample of developmentally handicapped students revealed substantial reduction in correlational relationships as a function of reduced sample size and restricted range of general ability. While the PPVT-R was found to underestimate all three WISC-R scale scores, the discrepancy between the PPVT-R standard scores and the WISC-R Performance Scale score was the only statistically significant underestimation. Results are discussed in terms of prior research findings and implications for interpretation.  相似文献   

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