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当前信息技术与学科课程整合的研究存在一种简单思维,其表象主要有三:一是教学设计技术化;二是教学生成预设化;三是整合实践形式化。该文从思维层面反思信息技术与学科课程整合的研究,提出“超越简单思维,用复杂性视野研究信息技术与学科课程整合”的观点:关注人的复杂性;直面技术的复杂性;基于预设,抓住生成;领悟整合内涵,建构多元的实践模式。  相似文献   

近现代大学通识教育课程设计主要基于科学课程的理论,当前大学课程存在的主要问题是缺乏知识的联结。复杂性科学关于整体性、关联性和开放性的理论观点,为通识教育课程的研究与创新提供了新的思路。基于复杂性科学的视野,大学通识教育课程理论应当从传统的精义论、均衡论和进步论转向联结论;通识教育的课程编制也应从学科中心、问题中心和方法中心转向以主题为中心的关联组合。  相似文献   

复杂性思维与我国教学理论的创新   总被引:18,自引:0,他引:18  
复杂性思维作为近20年以来兴起的研究自然现象与人文社会现象的一种新的方法论,已被不同学科的理论研究者所广泛重视。它具有自组织性、自我调整性、非线性、不可还原性等特征。用复杂性思维去审视我国当代主流教学论,不难发现其中许多理论命题的困境。教学论复杂的学科特点,内在地要求用复杂性思维去推进我国教学理论的创新,从而超越传统研究中的还原论、基础主义、学术权威、宏大的叙事话语、"意识研究"范式等局限。  相似文献   

由于高等职业教育的职业性和高等性特征,以及职业技术教育学科地位的不确定性和学术研究水平的影响,使得相应的课程论定位处于比较灰色的地带。为此,应以专业思维来研究高职课程的理论与实践问题,把专业课程论作为高职教育课程论的学科定位,并着重研究专业课程论的概念、范畴、研究定位、基本原理、体系结构、实践等方面的问题。  相似文献   

本文联系高师学科教学论教学改革 ,针对学科教学理论的苍白 ,从学科教学论教材建设的角度 ,反思学科教学理论存在的缺陷 ,指出学科教学论教材理论深度不够、内容包罗万象、缺乏教学案例分析、重知识传授而轻思维方式和学习方法研究 ,提出从课程论的角度重建高师学科教学论教材的构想 ,意在引起讨论 ,以利于学科教学论教材的更新和发展  相似文献   

课程改革:高师学科教学论教材重建的出路   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
张承明 《楚雄师专学报》2000,15(4):90-91,94
本文联系高师学科教学论教学改革,针对学科教学理论的苍白,从学科教学论教材建设的角度,反思学科教学理论存在的缺陷,指出学科教学论教材理论深度不够、内容包罗万象、缺乏教学案例分析、重知识传授而轻思维方式和学习方法研究,提出从课程论的角度重建高师学科教学论教材的构想,意在引起讨论,以利于学科教学论教材的更新和发展。  相似文献   

课程论研究三十年:成就、问题与展望   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
我国的课程论研究经历了理论储备期、独立时期与研究深化期,并在研究的思维方式、理论体系构建、学科建设、课程论研究问题和研究方法论体系构建等方面取得了巨大的成就,但也需要正确认识课程论研究中理论研究与实践研究、借鉴与批判、继承与创新、单一取向与综合取向、本土与世界、工具理性与价值理性等问题。为了使我国的课程论研究在未来取得突破性进展,我国未来的课程论研究应形成整体论的方法论理论体系、构建科学的课程理论学科体系、凸显课程研究的本土化、促进课程理论之间的对话、唤醒研究者的反思意识以及注重对课程论的未来研究等。  相似文献   

关于高师院校“学科教学论”发展的若干思考   总被引:21,自引:0,他引:21  
“学科教学论”是高等师范院校非教育专业本科生的一门必修课,是研究学科教学理论及其应用的一门教育学科。“学科教学论”与课程论、教学论并列,同属于教育学的三级学科。“学科教学论”课程的建设,要从自身学科内容的优化和拓展性课程的开发两方面入手。“学科教学论”师资队伍的建设,要注重制定规划,分层培养;加强与其他相关学科的联系,加强与中小学的联系,形成集体优势;对“学科教学论”教师给予一定的政策倾斜等。  相似文献   

课程论回归生活世界,旨在唤醒课程论对课程生活世界的遗忘与失落,修复课程论的多重疏离及反思课程论自身存在的合法性危机。就课程论学科建设而言,课程论要回归的生活世界不是一个具体所指的世界,而是一种把握与研究课程的分析方法和思维方式,即主体间关系的思维方式。它将导致课程论在理论视野、研究主题、知识基础、研究方法和理论形态等方面的变革。  相似文献   

以近20年1057篇课程与教学论博士学位论文为样本,对博士学位论文关注的基本要素、学科教学论的科目、学段和研究方法进行时段间的差异检验。结果表明,课程与教学论博士学位论文的选题密切关注我国课程与教学的实践发展需要,各指标在时段间差异显著。呈现出以下现象:基本理论研究总量多于学科教学论研究;聚焦数学与科学教学论研究,人文艺术等科目教学论研究偏少;重视课程、教学要素研究,学生、学习要素研究薄弱;聚焦中小学教育学段,对学前教育和职业教育学段的课程与教学关照不足;研究方法多元化发展,理论研究较弱。建议未来的课程与教学论博士学位论文重视学科教学论研究,强化人文艺术科目、学生和学习要素的研究,提升对学前教育和职业教育课程与教学论的关注。  相似文献   

文章侧重从专业课程体系建设的角度,构建了基于创业显性课程的“产品-项目-产业”三位一体旅游创业教育模式的基本框架.以上海师范大学旅游学院为例,分析其创业显性课程贯穿整个培养方案,与通识课程、专业课程、实践活动等融为一体;产品、项目、产业分别对应单门专业课程、专业课程体系以及创业实践平台.  相似文献   


Although faculty agree that critical thinking is an important learning outcome for college courses, experts disagree on how to define and conceptualize critical thinking. Some researchers see it as a general skill, similar to reading or mathematics. Others see it as highly specific to each academic discipline, with critical thinking in one discipline being qualitatively different than critical thinking in another discipline. However, researchers to date have not yet tried to conceptualize how critical thinking might systematically vary across disciplines. The purpose of this study was to gather definitions of critical thinking from faculty in a range of disciplines and compare these domain-specific definitions to each other. Across disciplines, faculty defined critical thinking as applying knowledge to new situations, considering different viewpoints, evaluating options and evidence, and having a critical thinking disposition. The article concludes with suggestions for fostering critical thinking skills in general education courses.  相似文献   

高职院校思想政治理论课作为学科的高度来加以建设是马克思主义理论学科设置的根本目的。同时,马克思主义理论学科也肩负着为高职院校思想政治理论课建设提供学科支撑和为教学服务的重要任务。两者的结合,最终能促进我国高职院校思想政治理论课建设的发展。  相似文献   

论大学本科层次小学教育专业的课程设置   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
以系统的小学教育基础理论和实践课程为核心课程,以大学文化通识类课程为基础课程,以选修课程为支持学生自我发展的辅助课程,构建大学本科层次小学教育专业课程体系,有利于提高小学教育专业的学术水平,防止小学教育专业"双重标准"的出现,也符合当前小学教育对"研究型教师"的培养要求,使小学教师真正成为儿童教育专家.  相似文献   

Previous research on the generalizability of student ratings of instruction has raised questions about the effects of academic discipline and item types on the generalizability of these data for making relative decisions about instructors and about courses. In particular, although student evaluation data appear to provide a reasonable basis for making decisions about instructors when generalizing across courses and students, when course is the object of measurement, the data appear to be less generalizable. It was suggested in the literature that this may be due to the type of evaluation items used or it may be due to academic discipline differences in the type of courses selected for study. This study used Biglan's (1973a) model for classifying disciplines along the dimensions of paradigmatic/preparadigmatic (hard/soft) and pure/applied. A nested sampling procedure yielded two sample types: courses within teachers, in which individual instructors taught more than one course; and teachers within courses, in which individual courses were taught by more than one instructor. For each sample type, evaluation forms for twenty courses within each discipline classification were sought. The evaluation items for this study were classified as measuring six dimensions of instruction: organization, breadth of coverage, group interaction, enthusiasm, grading, and individual rapport. Generalizability and decision studies were conducted in which, for one sample, teacher was the object of measurement, and for the second sample, course was the object of measurement. Results indicated that reliable decisions about instructors could reasonably be made from all six of the evaluation dimensions; however, reliability for course decisions varied greatly with the evaluation dimension, being highest for breadth of coverage and lowest for grading. The same general pattern was noted for the paradigmatic disciplines and the preparadigmatic-applied disciplines but not for the preparadigmatic-pure disciplines. It is suggested that a single evaluation instrument may not be uniformly applicable to all discipline areas.  相似文献   

Knowledge and the university curriculum   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
J. G. Donald 《Higher Education》1986,15(3-4):267-282
What are students learning in university? Can this learning be measured? We do not at this time possess a conceptual framework for understanding what and how knowledge is acquired in different university disciplines. A framework for the acquisition of knowledge would have to account for the manner in which forms of knowledge differ. Disciplinary differences could be expected to occur at four levels: in the nature of the concepts used; in the logical structure of the discipline; in the truth criteria used; and in the methods employed in the discipline. In this article, such a framework is tested on university courses representative of different disciplines. At the most basic level, characteristics of the most important concepts used in courses across disciplines are investigated. The characteristics include concept familiarity, generality and abstractness. At a second level, differences in the logical structure of disciplines are examined through analysis of the relationships between course concepts, the structure of propositions in the field, and organizing principles which play a major role in the discipline. The truth criteria used by various disciplines suggest more global differences which would affect the acquisition of knowledge. Finally, the methods considered important in different disciplines, and their effect on the development of students' intellectual skills, complete the portrayal of the parameters of knowledge and the university curriculum. Directions for future research are discussed.  相似文献   

课程体系改革是教学改革与创新的核心.当前舞蹈专业的课程结构上存在着比较严重的偏差,专业技术课的比重非常大.这是因长期经验式教学所形成的思维惯性带来的必然结果,认为舞蹈教育的课程结构主要是突出专业教育"高、精、尖"的技能特征即可.由此造就了大批缺乏舞蹈理论与舞蹈文化的舞蹈人.学校面临着如何调整课程结构,加大本学科的基础理论课程,同时开设相关学科的理论知识和研究方法的学习,以适应社会发展,满足社会及人的需求.  相似文献   

哈佛大学在教育领域引领全球。随着我国高等教育不断扩招,问题也同时不断的出现,特别是课程设置方面。通过对哈佛大学高等教育学专业课程设置进行探究,阐述其课程设置,以及所开设的课程特点,从而给我国高等教育学专业课程设置提供借鉴与启示。即注重理论基础与方法论课程之间的平衡;学术性学科与社会实际需要之间的平衡;课程的前沿性与学生的特点相适应;合理安排课程,让学生宏观把握知识体系。  相似文献   

文秘专业课程改革的尝试——以《秘书实务》为例   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
魏蓓  刘岩 《钦州学院学报》2011,26(4):105-107
当前文秘专业课程存在的问题为重理论轻实践、教学方法与手段陈旧、安排课程的时间偏后及课程内容与相关学科的重复。文秘专业课程改革的措施有:完善教学方法与现代化手段;构建新型的考核体系。  相似文献   

This article aims to stimulate debate about the nature of field courses in higher education. We use a colloquium format that allows each of us to reflect on the philosophy of field course teaching and our writing endeavours to establish a dialogue between the authors and leave the reader with a sense of curiosity. It starts with a position paper that sets out a particular viewpoint on field courses to which responses were invited. Two of the respondents were experienced field-course teachers in disciplines traditionally associated with this type of curriculum, the other a lecturer in a non-field-course-oriented discipline.  相似文献   

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