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国内高校图书馆数字化教参管理与服务系统的调查及分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
从系统名称、归属类目、位于网站的层次、检索路径、检索结果的馆藏状态、是否有教参推荐表等方面对本科高校图书馆建立的数字化教参管理与服务系统进行调查分析,指出这些系统存在着名称不统一、归类不一致、链接点的位置位于不同页面等问题,并针对这些问题,提出建设我国高校图书馆数字化教参管理与服务系统的建议。  相似文献   

一站式联合协作的教参服务体系ARES由于其优越的功能特点以及对高校文献信息资源、机构部门以及校园课程管理系统整合需求的迎合,使许多美国和加拿大高校图书馆逐步改变以往的教参服务模式,以更方便快捷、一站式、联合协作的方式为全校师生员工提供教参服务,这种新的教参服务模式也为我国高校教参服务工作提供了很好的借鉴。  相似文献   

河北省高校图书馆网络信息服务调查研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文以河北省高校图书馆网络信息服务的调查为基础,分析了河北省高校图书馆网络服务的现状以及存在的问题,并就如何改进提出了建议。  相似文献   

网络信息服务在我国高校图书馆虽较为普遍,但服务水平差距较大.对大连地区高校图书馆网络信息服务现状展开了相关调查,分析了存在的问题,并提出改进策略.  相似文献   

为了更好地开展电子教参信息服务,对电子教参信息服务模式进行了探讨,在比较其服务模式的基础上.提出了基本模式、理想模式和发展模式。  相似文献   

通过调研国内137家"双一流"高校图书馆的电子教材教参服务现状,同时结合教育部高等学校图书情报工作指导委员会网站上发布的全国各省市高校图书馆在新型冠状病毒肺炎疫情期间的服务报告,对疫情期间各高校图书馆教参应急服务情况进行梳理和分析.针对目前高校图书馆电子教材教参服务与平台建设中存在的问题,如平台建设相对滞后、平台功能有待完善、特色内容相对缺乏、评价机制尚未建立,以及缺乏共享合作造成的大量重复建设等,提出高校图书馆应加强电子教材教参平台建设,需注重平台内容建设,不断完善平台功能,注重平台本校特色,建立长效发展机制,从而构建智慧教学平台,不仅提升高校图书馆教学资源服务能力,而且增强在重大公共安全事件中应对危机的能力.  相似文献   

我国高校图书馆企业信息服务研究现状分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对我国高校图书馆企业信息服务理论研究和实践的现状进行了评述,指出了理论研究的欠缺及实践中的不足,提出了下一步我国高校图书馆企业信息服务需要进行的理论研究问题。  相似文献   

通过网络调研的方式,以中美两国分别排名前20位的一流大学图书馆为主要研究对象,从资源服务类型、资源检索路径、自建系统、服务内容以及管理团队等方面,对中美高校图书馆的电子教参服务现状对比分析,发现我国高校图书馆电子教参服务存在普及程度低、资源形式和内容缺乏新意、电子教参系统功能建设不完善、资源共享程度低以及管理团队建设落...  相似文献   

广东高校图书馆社会化信息服务实证分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
李沛 《图书馆学刊》2010,32(4):77-80
采用网络、电话和电子邮件调查的方法,对广东35所本科高校社会化信息服务意识、服务内容、服务优势、服务制度等方面的情况进行了调查和分析;归纳总结了广东高校图书馆社会化信息服务工作中遇到的主要问题;提出了对高校图书馆社会化信息服务工作的意见和建议。  相似文献   

高校教学参考信息服务系统建设的若干问题探讨   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
在梳理当前国内外教学参考系统发展的同时,着重提出了教参系统的功能设计,及如何更有效地组织教参资源,如何对文献进行数字化加工,并提出未来教参系统的发展趋势是多系统融合及新技术新理念的应用。  相似文献   

Implementation of electronic reserves in academic libraries represents one of the most important advances in libraries for patrons in many years. Some academic libraries offer faculty peace of mind by assuming responsibility for copyright clearance for electronic reserve services. Libraries have the specialized equipment to scan and edit files to make them readable and easily downloaded by students. Libraries also have sufficient electronic storage to hold scanned material for future semesters. This paper examines how electronic reserves are managed in a large academic library system. The short history behind electronic reserves at Pennsylvania State University Libraries and the procedures associated with creating and maintaining the reserve system, will be considered, as well as offering a statistical assessment of how electronic reserves have affected the other services of the University Libraries. Finally, issues surrounding electronic reserves, fair use, copyright and Pennsylvania State University Libraries' procedures will be explored.  相似文献   


In 2004, the Binghamton University Libraries created a task force to explore the possibility of providing access to electronic reserves through the newly available Blackboard Content System?. The Content System is used to collect, manage, and publish content in Blackboard. The task force used a psychology course to pilot the Content System for reserve material after the class professor assigned “Course Builder” privileges to the reserves staff.

Preliminary findings of the pilot study suggest that using Blackboard for course reserves allows library resources to be better integrated into academic course work. The task force plans to continue their investigation into using Blackboard for course reserves. Challenges that need to be addressed in this investigation include the issue of requiring Course Builder privileges for each course, gathering and managing statistics, and the management of documents saved in the Content System.  相似文献   


Today, it is advantageous for academic libraries to look outside their own organizations to other potential campus and commercial partners when considering new services. This case study describes the planning and implementation of electronic reserves at the University of Kansas Libraries, including the integration of two commercial partners, XanEdu (provider of electronic course packs) and Blackboard (a courseware management package). Docutek was chosen as the electronic reserves software package because it offers copyright management and faxing capabilities (when hosted locally). There is also a discussion of the advantages and disadvantages of centralization versus decentralization of different aspects of electronic reserves when multiple library locations are involved.  相似文献   

高校数字图书馆教学参考资料服务系统研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以汕头大学图书馆为例,论述教学参考资料服务系统的工作原理、功能模块、数据层,以及系统身份验证实现思路.  相似文献   

The digitization of information has transformed how colleges and universities function; virtual classrooms, online course management systems, and digitized content have become the norm. Electronic reserves are the fulcrum of this transformation. Colleges and universities now have the opportunity to utilize their resources in new and transformative ways in order to provide the most effective education experience possible. For these dynamic opportunities to be fully realized, however, institutions must address the unique challenges that digital media create. This article analyzes how Central Michigan University changed the way it operates to create a modern and comprehensive electronic reserves system.  相似文献   

英国电子图书馆及大学图书馆发展概况与特点   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
介绍英国电子图书馆项目(eLib)的发展阶段、特点,以及作为eLib后续的分布式国家电子资源计划(DNER)和信息环境计划(IE)的内容。  相似文献   


The electronic distribution of closed reserve readings promises service and efficiency enhancements for circulation departments. However, complicated copyright issues are raised by such systems. In traditional reserve, section 107-fair use reproduction-has been used to defend photocopying of reserve readings for distribution to students. But in an electronic environment text is not only reproduced, but transmitted and displayed. While the Copyright Act assigns transmission and display privileges to rightsholders, fair use exemptions are given to non-profit educational institutions. This article examines sections 107, 109, and 110 of the Copyright Act in relation to the electronic distribution of reserve readings and fair use. It concludes that, when taken as a whole, copyright dramatically limits the conditions under which fair use may be applied in a simultaneous-user system displaying readings off-site.  相似文献   


The University of Florida is a large research institution with a freshman class of more than seven thousand students out of a total enrollment of about fifty thousand.Although a partnership with the University Writing Program has allowed the Libraries to reach almost four thousand students this past academic year, certain barriers still exist. There are just too many students to reach and the content is too vast to cover in only a single fifty-minute class period.Furthermore, problems encountered while working with students, as well as with their graduate writing instructors who run the classes, have reduced the effectiveness of the current library sessions.To solve these problems, our instruction team created targeted information literacy activities online, so writing instructors could have students complete them outside of class. This article covers some of the challenges in coordinating a first-year information literacyprogram in a large university setting and how electronic course reserves can be used creatively to deliver the desired content.  相似文献   

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