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一九八八年,英国议会颁发了教育改革法(EducationReformAct,1988),建立了国家课程(NationalOurriculum).这标志着英格兰和威尔士教育史上的一个转折点;一个明确学校标准的法律框架建立起来了.英国国家课程的目标是发展学生的知识、技能和理解力,以满足21世纪国家对于人才的需要.它的目的是:·为学校提出明确的目标;·为学生提供努力的方向;·为学生家长提供有关信息;·对教师给予指导,帮助他们取得最佳可能的教学效果;·使学生在“升级”或转学时能得到很好的衔接英国对5—16岁的儿童实行十一年制义务教育,国家课程就是针…  相似文献   

我国基础教育课程改革的方向,正从原先单一的国家课程模式走向国家、地方、学校三级管理的新体系。于是,校本课程应运而生。这就要求教师要形成强烈的课程意识和参与意识,改变以往学科本位论的观念和消极被动执行的做法;了解和掌握各个层次的课程知识,以及这些层次之间的关系;主动提高和增强课程建设的能力,使国家课程和地方课程在学校、在课堂实施中不断增值、丰富、完善;  相似文献   

国家进行课程改革,学校进行国家课程校本实施的目的是最大程度地提升课程效能。课程效能是指课程在促进个体经验增长和课程目标达成上所产生的有效结果和能力。我国目前普通高中学校的国家课程校本实施主要体现为忠实地实施国家规定课程、对部分国家课程进行调适、对全部国家课程进行调适三种样态,三种样态的课程效能逐级提高。要促进学校课程效能的提升,需要学校增强课程效能意识,完善课程设计,加强校长课程领导力建设和教师培训,设立指向目标的课程评价等措施。  相似文献   

反思课程评价   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
新一轮课程改革正在如火如荼地进行着,有关课程改革的理论、文章也是应时而生,大量地“创生”着,其中也不乏课程评价理论的论述。审视时下的课程评价理论,我们发现,几乎无一例外地表现为对教师教学的评价和学生学业成绩的评价。这是课程评价的全部吗?如果不是,课程评价还应该包含什么内容呢?我们的课程评价理论为什么只集中于对教师教学的评价和学生学业成绩的评价,原因何在?在新一轮的国家基础教育课程改革中,学校教师应该如何对课程进行有效地评价?本文试图对以上这些问题提出自己的一孔之见,以求教于各位学者同仁。一、课程…  相似文献   

艺体学科国家课程校本化的实践研究,是通过对艺体学科教学内容的选择、改编、提炼、补充、拓展等,对原有的国家课程进行再加工、再创造,进行民乐(音乐)、足球(体育)和青花(美术)三个艺体课程的校本化实践,使之更符合学生的特点与需要,并使国家课程在学校文化建设基础上进行建构。艺体学科教师作为课程实验者,通过自己的课堂教学实践形成的课例群来具体化国家的课程理想,并形成合乎本校特点的课程理想与实践。  相似文献   

布莱尔新工党政府推行的国家课程改革引发了诸多争议.有人认为,10年来,布莱尔政府在课程改革方面取得了自1988年以来的最好成就;但批评者认为,教师对课程改革某种程度上的消极反应、政府对课程的干预和控制、教师专业自主权、课程公正与公平、课程目标的内在紧张等影响了布莱尔国家课程改革的有效性.透视和分析布莱尔政府课程改革中的各种论争,可以丰富和增进我们对于课程改革复杂性的认识和理解.  相似文献   

我国基础教育正在进行新一轮的课程改革,语文课程是基础课程最重要的课程之一,它的改革给语文教师提出了新的挑战。因此,在新形势下,必须做好应对措施:更新教学观念;提高教学能力;改革教学方法;更新知识结构。  相似文献   

无论是国家课程,还是地方课程,最终都要在学校层面贯彻实施。而三级课程管理政策的确立,使得国家课程在学校层面的实施就不仅仅是一个执行的过程,同时还是一个更为重要的创造和丰富的过程,即国家课程的校本化实施,只有这样才能提高课程的有效性和适切性,这也是校本课程开发活动的重要内容,从某种意义上说,这种课程开发活动更有利于促进教师对课程的理解,提高教师的课程开发和实施能力,  相似文献   

课程思政不是专业课程与思政课程的简单叠加,而是一种综合的教育理念,“是一种新的课程观”。课程思政要求各门课程教师充分挖掘课程中蕴含的思政元素,并将其有效运用于实际教学中,使之与思想政治理论课同向同行,形成协同效应,从而有效达成立德树人根本任务。文章从“拉丁美洲国家概况”课程思政的实施原则入手,分析“拉丁美洲国家概况”课程中蕴含的课程思政元素,提出推进“拉丁美洲国家概况”课程思政建设的对策。  相似文献   

犤本刊讯记者子宜犦为构建符合素质教育要求的基础教育课程体系,国家对基础教育的结构内容进行了力度较大的改革。该课程体系从今年9月1日开学起,在27个省、市自治区,38个实验区开始实验。我区的乌海市海勃湾区由于改革意识强,环境氛围好,被确立为“国家基础教育课程改革实验区”,率先进行课程改革实验。执教的教师已在暑假期间得到培训。这次课程改革的最大特点是,由过去的分科教学向综合课分科教学相结合发展。小学以综合课为主,除传统的语数外外,新设《品德与生活》等;初中设置分科与综合相结合课程,新组合的课程有《历…  相似文献   

英国国家课程目标及价值取向   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
英国新的国家课程首交提出了进行个性教育、社会教育和健康教育的全国性课程结构,目标在于为所有学生提供学习和发展的机会,为学生把握机会、承担责任和丰富生活阅历做好准备。  相似文献   

This article develops the argument that students of science in the UK are currently given inadequate opportunity to both critically appraise competing theories and imaginatively construct their own. Support for this idea comes from a comparison of science with music. Both contemporary science and music are the result of an historical development and both involve the production of novelty. Music in the National Curriculum provides students with opportunities to develop their listening and appraising as well as their performance and compositional skills. The parallels between music and science show ways in which music in the National Curriculum can inform changes to science in the National Curriculum in order to provide more opportunities for students to theorise and evaluate competing theories  相似文献   

课程改革对变革聋校教学措施的要求   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
新课程改革要求聋校教学措施也要加以变革,主要应从六个方面入手:由被动学习向主动学习转变,师生共同参与课程的建构过程,由独自学习向合作学习转变,由单纯练习向充分体验转变,将教师的权威作用转变为引导作用,采用灵活多样的教学方法等。  相似文献   

This article examines the context and content of the National Curriculum documentation published so far within the framework of educational debates on the education of black children (black referring to non‐white). In particular it focuses on the interpretation of equal opportunities, the proposed strategies for implementation within the National Curriculum, and the prospects for success because of the other changes brought about by the 1988 Education Reform Act (ERA). The main conclusion is that in some respects more appears to have been achieved than would have seemed possible in the early stages of the debates relating to ERA; on the other hand, there is a probability that an education system that provides true equal opportunities for groups and individuals currently being denied that will remain more of a hope than a reality. The article concludes that equality of opportunity is still a long way off, especially from a black perspective.  相似文献   

英国入职教师教育国家课程探析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
英国入职教师教育国家课程对合格教师资格标准,课程总要求,英语、数学、科学和信息交流技术在学科教学中的应用等几个方面进行了规定,并提出了较为具体的要求。实施其课程的目标是达成合格教师资格标准。该课程具有实践性,注重信息交流技术在学科教学中的作用,注重中小学在教师教育课程中的作用。这些启示我们要尽快制定教师资格标准,强化实践性入职教师教育课程并注重对其实施效果进行指导和监督。  相似文献   


The National Curriculum represents one of the most significant UK educational reforms of this century. However, it was planned and introduced with little reference to pupils with special needs, particularly those attending special schools or units. Alongside pragmatic responses to the implementation of the National Curriculum in special education, there has been a lively and continuing debate about its appropriateness, in principle, for pupils in special schools. This paper reports data derived from interviews with headteachers of twelve special schools (encompassing three distinct special needs groups). Continuities of view, notably an acceptance of the principle of a national curriculum for all pupils, are discussed. Divergent Views reflected an adherence to equality or individuality as underlying educational principles. The findings are placed in two contexts: first, the process of curriculum change, and second, the links between integration and curricular conformity as reflected in some European special education literature.  相似文献   

The 1988 Education Reform Act requires every maintained school in England and Wales to provide for all pupils aged 5–16 years with a basic curriculum that includes a National Curriculum, comprising three core and seven foundation subjects, and provision for the teaching of religious education. While there are a number of good reasons to support the principle of a National Curriculum, the Thatcher government's version of what such a curriculum should look like is disassociated from any attempt to define systematically what kind of general, universal education is of most value in a rapidly changing world. As such, it is likely to fail the majority of children, and particularly those attending inner-city schools.  相似文献   

This study sought to explore the extent to which the introduction of six National Curriculum subjects (English, Mathematics, Science, Technology, History and Geography) has had an impact on teaching methods. A case study was conducted at one secondary school, which comprised interviews, questionnaires and lesson observations (including video taping for stimulated recall). Particular attention was paid to the National Curriculum Council's guidance concerning the teaching methods to be used in teaching these subjects. The data indicate that most teachers felt their general approach to teaching was based on using a variety of teaching methods and adopting a more active and investigatory approach. They felt this approach had generally been supported by the National Curriculum. However, there was a concern that the content and method of national assessment tests may make it difficult to sustain this emphasis in their approach in future.  相似文献   

This paper reviews some of the evidence which demonstrates under‐achievement in working‐class children together with important analyses and interpretations, and contemporary practical attempts to redress the problem. It is argued that practical innovations have not greatly influenced or improved the relationship between class and achievement. An attempt is made to discover to what extent the introduction of a National Curriculum as part of the Education Reform Act can be seen as a potential solution to the problem of working‐class under‐achievement. It is argued that the means of redressing working‐class under‐achievement in the National Curriculum must lie ultimately with individual teachers and their ability to present the National Curriculum in relevant forms to all children. In any mass education process there will be those for whom the given curriculum is removed from everyday experience. This does not invalidate the idea of “worthwhile’ knowledge but it means that we must be constantly questioning how we can transmit the curriculum while, as far as is possible, reducing the gap between everyday experience and classroom experience.  相似文献   

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