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Obtaining a tertiary degree no longer guarantees entry to the best occupational positions in today’s labour market. Success is no longer about ‘more’ education, but about ‘better’ education for university graduates. This study aims to understand whether university prestige in Korea accounts for occupational outcomes in both monetary and non-monetary aspects, such as salaries and job satisfaction. The study particularly focuses on the way different levels of university prestige are affected by gender. The fourth wave data from the Korean Education and Employment Panel were used, providing information from the results of a panel survey of university graduates in terms of their social and academic background and job employment status. Results show that university prestige continues to matters in occupational outcomes in particular, for wage, but it is not significant for job satisfaction. The effect is more significant among male graduates than among female graduates.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to investigate the relationships between aspects of organisational communication and dimensions of job satisfaction and general organisational commitment. Participants were 358 staff members from 35 government primary schools in the state of Western Australia, who completed a survey comprising the Organisational Communication in Primary Schools Questionnaire, the Teacher Job Satisfaction Questionnaire and a five item general organisational commitment scale. Factor analyses established 13 aspects of job satisfaction and 9 dimensions of job satisfaction. Multiple regression analyses were used to investigate interrelationships. The findings suggest several aspects of organisational communication were related to job satisfaction and organisational commitment. This article concludes with implications for future research with regard to communication and for the maintenance of optimal levels of job satisfaction and commitment in schools.  相似文献   

通过在成都、广州、深圳一些企业的实证研究,探讨组织承诺、工作满意度与关系绩效之间的关系,发现组织承诺三维度、工作满意度五维度与关系绩效两维度之间几乎都具有非常显著的相关关系;但是将工作满意度和组织承诺作为关系绩效的预测变量时,发现二者的因果关系非常不显著,因此推测工作满意度、组织承诺可能是关系绩效的前因中介变量或者调节变量。  相似文献   

通过问卷调查,查阅相关资料,了解上海市高校专职辅导员目前的工作满意度状况,从自我认同、社会认同、工作环境、工作效果四个维度,对不同性别、不同年龄、不同工作年限、带班学生人数不同进行调查分析。结果显示:辅导员总体满意度较高,但在各维度上的表现却有较大不同。不同性别的辅导员在工作环境、总体满足感上呈显著差异;不同年龄的辅导员社会认同呈显著性差异;带班学生人数差异,工作满意度在社会认同、工作环境、工作效果及总体满足感上均存在非常显著的差异。  相似文献   

This study aims to examine how job resources, demands, and self-efficacy affect American STEM teachers' job satisfaction by analyzing the US TALIS 2018 data. Multiple regression and commonality analysis were used to analyze factors' significant contributions and their detailed real unique and common contributions to STEM teachers' job satisfaction. The results show that the final model explains 29.6% of the variances of STEM teachers' job satisfaction. The commonality analysis further showed that job resources, job demands, and job self-efficacy explained 23.5%, 8.6%, and 8.0% of variances of job satisfaction, respectively. However, these factor sets uniquely contributed 15.9%, 2.9%, and 2.1% of the variance, separately. This study confirms the validity of the revised job demands−resources model for STEM teachers' job satisfaction. Furthermore, the commonality analysis reveals the unique and independent contributions of job demands, resources, and self-efficacy to job satisfaction. Results from the research identified the significance of job resources contributing to the improvement of STEM teachers' job satisfaction.  相似文献   

No institution of higher education in the world can make valid claims that it is immune to the effects of change and transformation. An array of trends such as the massification of higher education, widened access, response to new demands of technology, globalisation, internationalisation, increased accountability, the use of new modes of delivery and materials, as well as dwindling higher education resources, are placing enormous pressure on staff (Green and Hayward, Transforming Higher Education. Phoenix: Oryx Press, 1997). Not only are traditional academic roles changing, but – in certain instances – working conditions have become unfavourable and unsupportive of staff’s efforts to pursue the mission of higher education. The article presents the outcome of a case study that was undertaken in a historically White Afrikaans university to investigate the implications of change and transformation on academic staff. Although the case study was conducted within a localised boundary of space and time of one institution, the authors are of the opinion that enough evidence exists that, given the dominating ruling culture of the apartheid’s regime, to which no university in South Africa was immune, it is most likely that other institutions will relate with the findings of the research. The study was emancipatory in that it sought to inform the university management about how transformation was affecting academics and their job satisfaction and to establish which strategies the University had in place or hoped to put in place to make the environment favourable for change. Academics were also involved in making recommendations on how the areas of dissatisfaction could best be addressed.  相似文献   

This paper aims to contribute to the limited literature on teacher job satisfaction in developing countries, especially in Cyprus. Drawing on interviews with 52 teachers and administrators in 17 schools, the paper describes the sources of job satisfaction and dissatisfaction of Cypriot teachers and the impact on how teachers feel. Teachers emphasised their satisfaction with interactions with students, relationships held with colleagues and opportunities to contribute to the growth of individuals and the development of society. Sources of dissatisfaction were social problems and their impact on teachers' work, students' lack of interest and bad behaviour, the centralised educational system and the lack of professional autonomy in schools, and teacher evaluation and promotion prospects. Some of the factors are predictable but others are less so, having to do with the particular historical and social context in Cyprus. The context of a developing country is especially considered in an effort to explore how education officials may address issues of teacher satisfaction and dissatisfaction.  相似文献   

高校教师工作价值观与组织承诺等相关变量的关系研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文运用相关分析、方差分析的方法,探讨了人口学变量(性别、年龄、职称和高校类型)对教师工作价值观的影响。同时运用结构方程建模的方法,利用自编的教师工作价值观量表和其他标准化量表考察了工作价值观与组织承诺、工作满意度、工作绩效、离职倾向的关系。结果显示,工作价值观能直接影响组织承诺的相关维度,也能直接提高教师的工作满意度,组织承诺能有效提高工作满意度,组织承诺和工作满意度又能显著降低离职倾向。  相似文献   

This study used a questionnaire to determine the effect on job satisfaction of the similarity in philosophic view between faculty members (N=198) and their department chairperson (N=30) in four-year colleges and universities in the Midwest. On the basis of the data collected in this study no relationship was found between level of job satisfaction and similarity in philosophic view between the faculty members and the department chairperson of an academic department.  相似文献   

战后以来韩国对日外交经历了几次大抉择,如今韩国正面临对日本外交的新抉择。面对久拖不解的朝核问题和朝鲜的威胁等因素,韩日暂时搁置其矛盾在军事上谋求新的合作,并使美日韩同盟更趋紧密。不过,由于韩日军事走近会牵动韩国民众的敏感神经,同时又给东北亚周边国家的关系增加复杂的不利的因素,因此,韩日安全关系很难在短期内发生质的变化。  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to determine how previous romantic relationships impact subsequent romantic relationships. Specifically, this study examined if past relationship solidarity is related to current relationship commitment, satisfaction, and investment among individuals in dating relationships. Participants were 204 undergraduates at an Eastern university who were currently in a dating relationship. Results indicated that past relationship solidarity is significantly and negatively related to current relationship commitment and satisfaction, but not significantly related to current investment. Several moderating variables were also examined, including the nature and attribution of individuals' breakups, the length of past and current relationships, and participant sex. Results revealed that the nature and style of past breakups were particularly salient moderating variables, such that past solidarity was related to future relationship commitment and satisfaction only when breakups were mutual and somewhat ambiguous. Furthermore, these relationships were significant only for women and not men.  相似文献   


This article analyses and compares the motivations and (re)actions of the education authorities and parents in South Korea and mainland China towards schooling reform. The focus is on two policy initiatives – Free Semester Programme in South Korea and Comprehensive Practical Activity Curriculum in China. Applying the theoretical constructs of sensemaking and sensegiving, it is contended that the policy actors in both countries mutually influence each other in their calculated responses to prevailing educational challenges and policy measures. The examples of South Korea and China illuminate the power of resources, processes and meanings as an integral part of sensegiving and sensemaking.  相似文献   

韩国从1971年最初设立特殊班级开始,历经40年的发展,目前已形成独具特色的全纳教育体系.回顾韩国全纳教育的产生与发展,分析韩国全纳教育的实践策略与存在问题,对中国随班就读的理论与实践具有重要借鉴与参考价值.  相似文献   

This article examines the relevance of postcolonialism in early childhood education, with special reference to the kindergarten education system of South Korea. Most of the research on Korean kindergarten education has conceptualized it as preparing children for their later schooling and helping them learn the moral and social values most desired by society. In order to problematize such a monolithic conceptualization of kindergarten education, this article intends to reconceptualize it by analysing Korean kindergarten education in the context of its postcolonial condition. Using a postcolonial framework and Foucault's concepts of power and discourse, this article provides significant insights into reclaiming kindergarten education as a historical, cultural, and discursive product. With a specific focus on different conceptions of “readiness” as an example, how kindergarten education in Korea has become hybrid through postcolonial experiences is further elaborated.  相似文献   

韩国学术伦理建设评介   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
做学问的人应当遵循道德规范。近年来韩国接二连三地发生各类违反学术伦理的研究行为,韩国政府和学术界由此开始致力于学术伦理的建设,通过规范学术伦理准则、重建学术伦理促进机制等举措取得了一定成效,了解这些措施对于中国学术伦理的建设也有所裨益。  相似文献   

This article presents a linear-analytical case study on the development of ICT within the educational systems of Chile and South Korea. Through a comprehensive meta-data analysis and bibliographic review, we collected information on both educational systems and their ICT adoption policies. Key differences necessary to understand how both countries have developed their educational systems by integrating ICT were analyzed, including the educational system structure, the organization of state entities responsible for educational ICT, cultural characteristics, the creation of policies regarding ICT in education, and the effectiveness of such policies for the expansion of infrastructure and the ICT curriculum integration. We analyze these key differences in order to understand two cases of ICT integration initiatives on a national level, so that we might better understand the primary factors that influence successful ICT integration, as well as those that may hinder progress in this area.  相似文献   

20世纪90年代中期以来,为扭转人才流失、缩小教育领域贸易赤字并提高高等教育核心竞争力,韩国政府开始积极推进高等教育国际化建设。各高校为提升大学排名、获得政府财政资助并增加学费收入,积极配合政府实施各项高等教育国际化策略。韩国政府出台《留学韩国计划》吸引外国留学生以提高生源国际化水平,设立"21世纪智慧韩国"工程提高科研水平以加快科研国际化步伐,通过"世界一流大学项目"引进优秀外籍教授以加强师资队伍国际化建设,提高英语授课课程比例以深化课程国际化改革,建立区域教育枢纽以打造高等教育国际化高地,同时整合有效资源以丰富国际化形式。当前韩国高等教育国际化虽保持良好的发展势头,但仍存在很多亟待解决的问题。  相似文献   

The purpose of this study is to explore the relationship between learning climate congruence and the affective commitment of university academics. The strategy of inquiry for this research is quantitative, involving a non-experimental design for the survey research. A non-probability sample of 900 academics from a large Australian university was selected, with a response rate of 30.33%. The major conclusion drawn from this study was that the congruence between current and preferred learning climate was related to the affective commitment of university academics. More specifically, academics’ level of affective commitment was enhanced in a learning climate where they were encouraged to take risks, had plenty of time to learn new tasks and were encouraged to openly express their ideas and opinions. This study is important in a practical sense for academic managers and universities to build relationships and develop better connections with their academics.  相似文献   

韩国作为多民族国家,移民儿童的大量流入使其文化多元的态势愈加明显,移民儿童的社会融入度关系到其社会发展的未来走向.文化融入、教育融入和心理融入是韩国移民儿童社会融入的三个主要向度.文化适应压力、语言障碍、身份认同困难是韩国移民儿童社会融入的主要问题.韩国通过建立基于语言教育的社会支持体系、实施基于文化接纳的多元文化教育...  相似文献   

目的:高校辅导员工作满意度情况直接影响其工作的投入和高校学生工作情况。方法:采用MSQ对广东省内五所高校的辅导员共500人进行问卷调查。结果:(1)广东高校辅导员工作满意度总分为70.13。(2)外源性工作满意度得分较内源性工作满意度高。(3)性别、学历因素和内源性、外源性工作满意度均存在显著性相关。  相似文献   

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