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In the reported study it was investigated whether deictic tracing during processing multimedia materials can support learning. Participants in the tracing group had to connect words in the text to corresponding elements in the picture by tracing with their index finger on a tablet surface. Participants in the tracing group were expected to outperform learners in the control group without tracing regarding text-picture integration performance and pure picture recall. Results did not confirm our assumptions. Instead, learners in the tracing group performed even worse regarding text-picture integration performance and drawing performance (i.e., replicating the to-be-learned picture) compared to the control group. Log-file analyses showed that only few learners were able to trace the lines correctly on all slides, so tracing difficulty may explain the unexpected results. Other possible reasons as well as the implications of these results are discussed.  相似文献   

The aim of the reported eye-tracking study was to investigate whether learners integrate information presented on several pages within a digital learning environment and whether the underlying processes differ between a purely text-based and a multi-modal digital learning environment. Participants (N = 97) learned about the development of tornados. Picture presentation (yes vs. no) and presentation of inconsistent information between pages (yes vs. no) was varied between-subjects. Results showed that inconsistent information led to more intense gaze behavior. This indicates that learners re-activated information presented on previous pages to integrate it with the actual information, enabling them to detect the inconsistencies. Furthermore, the data pattern for text-related gaze behavior was not influenced by picture presentation, indicating that cognitive processes in purely text based or multi-modal learning environments are much the same. Comprehension outcomes did not differ between groups. The implications of these results are discussed.  相似文献   

Two experiments investigated how signals foster learning from text and diagrams by examining the relationship between visual attention and learning outcomes. In Experiment 1 (N = 55) students learned about the circulatory heart system from a multimedia lesson either with or without signals highlighting text–diagram correspondences. Results showed that students learning with signals attended to signaled (but not to non-signaled) information more frequently and earlier during learning; these changes in visual attention could explain better performance in answering text–diagram-integration questions. Experiment 2 (N = 78) replicated these findings with respect to early attention on signaled diagram elements and learning outcomes; in addition, a third condition was investigated, where signals highlighted diagram elements that did not match the text. Results showed that mismatched signals guided attention only initially, whereas later on students attended more to information that corresponded to the text. Mismatched signals had no effect on learning outcomes. Taken together, the results suggest that signals aid learning by highlighting specific text–diagram correspondences and not by amplifying diagram processing more generally.  相似文献   

课程与信息技术的整合要依据一定的教学原则来进行.整合课的教学,应明确提出信息素养的目标,信息技术的应用要以课程和课程改革为本位,以转变学生的学习方式为核心.  相似文献   

Two biases can occur in multimedia learning: overconfidence and over-reliance on text processing. The present research sought to identify these biases and to investigate whether they can be reduced, and hence learning fostered, when studying and testing are repeated. In 2 experiments (Exp.1: N = 79, Exp.2: N = 52), students learned either with text only or with text and pictures (multimedia) about how the toilet flush works, gave judgments-of-learning (JOLs), were tested on the learning contents; afterwards this study-test cycle was repeated. Results from both experiments revealed stronger overconfidence due to multimedia in both study-test cycles (JOLs higher than learning outcomes). Eye movement data showed a relative increase in attention on the picture versus text from cycle 1 to cycle 2; this relative increase in attention was related to better learning outcomes. Repeated studying and testing thus helped to reduce over-reliance on text processing in multimedia learning, fostering performance.  相似文献   

加强网络信息资源的整合,是提高网络信息资源利用率、优化网络信息资源的有效途径。本文从网络信息资源的概念以及为什么要整合网络信息资源入手,提出了网络信息资源整合应采取的有效措施。  相似文献   

随着网络技术的飞速发展,本文将多模态信息融合技术融入到数字图书馆信息集成服务中,并提出了一种全新的数字图书馆信息集成服务模式。  相似文献   

词汇重复对外显层信息的整合主要指一些文章以词汇重复作为手段来整合篇章的内容信息,以达到全篇内容的向心性。词汇重复对外显层的整合常常不仅从内容上进行整合,更从形式结构上来整合全篇。本文以俄语篇章为例,分析词汇重复如何对篇章外显层信息实现整合。  相似文献   

为了在集成大量异构自治信息资源时实现高效率互操作性,设计了一种基于智能体(agent)的多代理结构.用一组代理智能体以peer-to-peer(P2P)方式为其他非代理智能体提供代理服务,从而提高系统的可扩展性与健壮性.代理服务使用本体技术来实现系统互操作性.与其他多代理结构不同的是,除了领域内本体,还引入了一个领域间本体来表达各个领域内本体中公共概念的联系.因此,代理可以根据领域间本体的信息,将查询请求仅发往相关的代理,减少了网络通信量,更好地发挥多代理体系结构的优势.实验结果表明,系统实现互操作性的效率相对于现有的系统有明显的提高.  相似文献   

信息技术与实验课程整合的思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文论述了课程整合的内涵及信息技术与实验课程整合的重要性和优势,探索了构建信息技术与实验课程整合的教学模式。  相似文献   

在信息集成过程中,本体解决了异构信息的语义异构问题,实现了信息语义上的互操作。在分析定制转换、集中复制、中间件等信息集成方法的基础上,介绍了一种基于Ontology的信息集成模型,通过实例介绍,向用户提供获取数据的统一接口。  相似文献   

针对信息集成中的语义异构问题,提出了一个基于本体的语义信息集成模型OSII,并给出了逻辑框架.OSII采用混和本体方式建模,以OWL描述本体,通过局部本体与全局本体之间的映射获得多源统一视图.提出了一种基于树结构的多策略本体映射算法,该算法包含4个步骤,即预处理,名称映射,子树映射和映射矫正.其特点在于:按照数据类型分类进行映射,并采用启发式规则,提高映射效率;同时考虑概念的语言相似性和结构相似性,提高相似度计算的准确性;采用迭代矫正,最终得到正确而完整的映射对.通过一个挑战性的实例说明了算法的有效性.OSII能很好地解决信息集成中的语义异构难点,实现多信息源之间的互操作.  相似文献   

BackgroundText illustrated by pictures (i.e., multimedia material) is often used to improve learning outcomes. To support learning, it is essential to understand and specify the ongoing cognitive processes when processing illustrated texts.AimsWe focus on three cognitive processes identified when processing non-illustrated texts: activation, integration, and validation. In three experiments, we investigated whether the three processes occur during the processing of illustrated texts and whether the processes differ between illustrated and non-illustrated texts.SamplesExperiment 1 had 170 participants, Experiment 2 had 221 participants, and Experiment 3 had 132 participants.MethodAll experiments used an adapted version of the contradiction paradigm. In Experiments 1 and 2, participants read texts that contained information that was consistent vs. inconsistent with a later sentence (target sentence). It was additionally varied whether a picture illustrated the consistent vs. inconsistent information. In Experiment 3, only the pictures were consistent or inconsistent with the target sentence. We measured reading times for the target sentence and the following sentence (spillover sentence).ResultsIn all three experiments, reading times were significantly longer in the inconsistent than in the consistent conditions. This prolongation of reading times was not affected by the picture in Experiments 1 and 2.ConclusionOur results indicate that activation, integration, and validation processes are similar when processing non-illustrated and illustrated texts (Experiments 1 and 2) and also occur when information is presented across text and picture (Experiment 3). We discuss the implications for the theoretical foundations of multimedia learning.  相似文献   


This study was to investigate the role of students’ game self-efficacy in their game performance as well as in their visual behavior distributions and transfer patterns during their gameplay. A total of 48 university students were recruited for participating in a gameplaying task while wearing with an ASL Mobile Eye eye-tracker. After the gameplay, each participant was asked to report their self-efficacy of the gameplay. Based on the self-reported game self-efficacy (GSE) score, the participants were divided into the higher and lower GSE groups. Independent t tests were used to compare their game performances and eye-tracking indices for each area of interest. A lag sequential analysis was used to profile the visual transfer pattern for each group. The results showed that the higher GSE group had better performances than the lower GSE group. During the gameplay, the higher GSE students tended to pay more attention to the critical information for a successful play. In addition, the lag sequential analyses revealed different visual transfer patterns for the two GSE groups. The higher GSE group tended to show a critical-factor-centralized visual-trasfer pattern which demonstrated more planning and monitoring gameplaying strategies; while the lower GSE students, probably lacking the self-confidence of gameplaying, tended to pay more attention to the remaining time for the game.This study may provide suggestions for future game-based leraning system designs.  相似文献   

信息孤岛现象导致企业各部门间无法共享信息资源,企业决策的科学性和有效性大大降低,加强信息资源的整合、实现信息资源共享是信息化管理的现实需要。文章从应用系统整合、数字资源整合、业务整合三个方面提出了企业信息资源整合的方法。  相似文献   

句子理解过程是对语音、词汇、句法、语义层面语言信息的整合加工过程。分段式、并行式和一体式模型争论的核心在于语言信息加工的时间进程和交互作用。根据已有实验推测:1)语言信息在句子加工中起作用的方向很 可能由其本身层次属性决定:句法信息作用方向可能向后,语义信息作用方向可能向前;2)语言信息在句子加工中起作用的强度也很有可能由其本身层次属性决定,但都还需进一步实验验证。语用层面信息加工过程的研究需要加强,实验材料为汉语的相关研究有待单独梳理。  相似文献   

介绍了供应链管理的思想,指出信息的集成与共享是供应链成功的关键,并且为了解决异构系统信息集成的问题,分析了Web服务的关键技术,提出了基于Web服务的供应链信息系统集成框架,还通过实例演示说明了其集成的过程。  相似文献   

信息技术与课程整合是我国基础教育研究中的一个热点问题,但是整合的步伐却十分缓慢,不论是宏观学校指导还是微观课堂教学都存在问题。学校应指导教师加大对教育信息硬件设施的使用,鼓励教师开发优质的软件资源并向教师提供充足的信息技术培训;教师在课堂教学中应根据教学对象、学科特点进行整合。  相似文献   

以CNKI的中国学术期刊网络出版总库为数据源,对我国信息技术与课程整合的研究文献从发表年份分布、期刊分布、作者分布、机构分布、研究内容等方面进行定量统计分析,以了解我国信息技术与课程整合研究的现状,并对该领域的进一步研究提出建议.  相似文献   

随着现代信息技术应用于高职商务英语专业课课堂教学的发展,传统的教学方法和教学模式很难很好地适应课堂教学的需要,所以教师要探索和应用现代信息技术教学手段与科学合理的教学方法相融合,共同优化商务英语专业课堂教学。  相似文献   

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