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世界上许多城市都有以古旧书店闻名的街道,比如东京的神保町、伦敦的查令十字路、巴黎的塞纳河畔.但在中国,除了去过的北京的琉璃厂,听说过但没去过的台湾的牯岭街,就几乎没有听说过哪里有这样的古旧书店聚集的地方.然而,当东京、巴黎的这些旧书店继续以都市的文化地标骄傲地每年举办活动和旧书展,吸引世界各地的文化人、爱书人去参观、逛游时,我们的北京琉璃厂却在淡出中国图书的历史舞台--现在每年图书出版界的三次大集市:北京图书订货会、全国书市、北京世界图书博览会当然也一直与它完全沾不上边.为什么伴随着国内出版业一派高歌、蓬勃发展的,却是古旧书店的没落?  相似文献   

康德将人类的活动分为三类:实际的、认识论的和美学的.往昔讲求实际的商业活动与讲求认知的科学活动,对于美和艺术是不能染指的.但随着时代变迁,文学、艺术早己不再超然,它们从宫廷、贵族、沙龙那里走入十丈红尘.而所谓的后现代社会的来到,则更是彻头彻尾地将商品化的逻辑渗入到这个领域之中.解构的活动无时无刻不在进行,作品摇身变为商品,文学的主体也自作者灵魂深处异化为与读者的对话和诠释.如今,读者论高举的旗帜是:作品的诞生不在文本完成之时,亦不在出版的当下,而在于有人开始阅读.尽管作品的价值和阅读人数的多寡并无一定关系,但阅众的多寡却可以决定作品的生死存亡.  相似文献   

王贞 《北京档案》2015,(9):48-51
抗日战争期间,在广袤的华北大地上,面对日寇铁蹄的肆意践踏,面对他们的疯狂掠夺和非人奴役,中国共产党领导的人民武装奋起抵抗。八路军、游击队、民兵以及成千上万普通的老百姓深入敌后,运用灵活机动的战略战术,开展广泛的游击战,不仅将敌人后方变成抗日前线,更逐步使之上升为中国抗战的主战场。中国军民以保家卫国必胜的坚定信念和顽强的抗争精神,通过灵活多样的斗争方式,凭借自身的智慧和各方面的支持、配合,出没于日军的周围,以弱胜强、出奇制胜,给日本侵略者以猛烈的打击。  相似文献   

幸福的家庭往往是相似的,而不幸的家庭却各有各的不幸.眼前这张影调沉重的照片,讲述的正是一个充满不幸而近乎绝望的家庭.一家四口,妈妈和妹妹都是智障,爸爸偏瘫.定格的画面中,20岁的曾秋玲站在潮湿阴暗的屋里眼望窗外,满面愁容.一束明媚的阳光,透过窗口倾泻而下,照亮了女孩充满青春的脸庞;可面对家庭的重负与生活的艰辛,即使再温暖的光线,恐怕也驱不走她心头的阴霾.不用花哨的技巧,无须精心的布建,这或许就是摄影大师布勒松所定义的"决定性瞬间":故事的核心人物、典型的环境场景、朴素的光影对照、恰当的几何安排、饱满的情感张力,所有的摄影语言,在强有力地发挥了影像的"呈现"功能之外,也尽可能地彰显了影像的"表达"功能,尝试将读图者置身于拍摄现场,让你我对主人公的处境和命运感同身受.  相似文献   

张雯 《出版广角》2015,(2):116-117
城市,也许就是一座装满孤独的牢笼.越繁华,就藏有越多的故事;越多的故事发生,就衍生出来越多的孤独.这些孤独写在街边的角落、窗户的护栏、楼梯的扶手、避雷的天线和旗杆上,每一道印记都是抓挠、锯锉、刻凿、猛击留下的痕迹.纽约客的孤独,被安·比蒂——当代美国文坛中才华横溢、成绩斐然的女作家——写在《纽约客》上,被她暗藏在她小说中一个个鲜活的人物里.  相似文献   

王益军 《出版参考》2015,(15):47-48
何谓古籍版本?简言之,就是同一部古书在不同历史时期的不同刊本.我国的古代图书,历经了千年的风雨变迁、兵燹水火,其脱讹散佚者颇为严重.其间,屡经历代传抄影写与刻印,形成了各种版本之间的差异.诸如内容的增删修改,刻写的字体大小,版面的长短阔窄,印刷的精良粗陋,以及装订的精美简易等,均有所不同.版本不仅限于木版雕刻的书本,在印刷术发明之前,书写在竹简木牍和锦帛上的本子,以及后世的活字排版、照像石印、铅字排印等书本,均属于版本的范畴.  相似文献   

青绿的麦苗在6月的热风和暴烈的阳光下成熟了、饱满大地的金黄和热烈的丰收催促着辛勤的农人。这是一个繁忙的季节。这是一个收获的季节。麦浪翻滚,如此绚丽,金黄的色彩,是土地  相似文献   

曾经脚下的路是什么是抖擞的勇气扼杀路旁的荆棘一阵风嘶吼出王者的气概真勇士不会把危险当成游戏只会把游戏演变的更刺激现在头上的王字是什么是真老虎成了小老鼠一个农民高傲的举起相机我无端的造假艳照他手中挥舞的钞票一声吼笑我一生铁笼中还我虎的清白谁知虎的无奈  相似文献   

<集结号>登陆<新闻联播>,引起哗然 擅长制作国产商业影片的冯小刚导演执导的<集结号>于2007年12月20日上映,21日<新闻联播>就用1分零9秒的时长播出了该片的上映消息,"首先介绍了北京影院<集结号>的放映场场爆满的情况,紧接着又播报了上映第一天的票房情况,随后介绍了<集结号>的主要剧情,最后的总结是这样的:这部电影告诉人们每一个牺牲都是永垂不朽的,不经过血与火的洗礼,不经过牺牲,就不会有我们现在的幸福生活.  相似文献   

我国的图书走向世界有多个方面和多种渠道,除了华文书的直销、外文版的直销以及版权贸易以外,参加各种国际评奖也是一个重要的方面.由于图书内容的千差万别,难以有一个国际标准,所以目前有关书籍的评奖主要集中在印刷和设计上.近年华文书在国际印刷和设计方面频频得奖,对于传播中华文化和改变国外同业对华文书的看法,也产生了积极的影响.上海新闻出版局从2002年起,做了组织"中国最美的书"参评莱比锡"世界最美的书"的工作,现将有关情况以及我们的认识汇报如下:  相似文献   

信息社会统计——一门正在形成的新学科   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
信息社会统计的研究,目前主要有几种视角所对应的理论:长波理论和相应的信息技术——经济范型,S曲线,社会指标理论。它面临着信息技术统计、信息经济统计和信息社会统计的挑战。应从学科建制角度加强"信息社会统计"研究,建立其理论基础,建立新的统计概念指标类型和综合测度。参考文献15。  相似文献   

电子资源使用统计的现状分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
电子资源的使用统计是对电子资源进行评价的主要依据。目前电子资源的使用统计主要由数据库服务商来提供。论文分析了数据库服务商所提供的使用统计的现状和问题,剖析了造成这些问题的原因,最后针对这些问题提出了图书馆的应对策略。  相似文献   

电子资源使用统计平台USSER的设计与实现   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
[目的/意义] 研究应用电子资源使用统计平台有效地分析与利用COUNTER使用统计数据。[方法/过程] 通过文献综述法,研究国内外电子资源使用统计现状及COUNTER使用统计标准。以案例分析法,详细介绍深圳大学图书馆基于COUNTER使用统计数据研发的电子资源使用统计平台USSER的系统设计思路和实现,包括平台设计方案、统计数据类型、使用统计数据的收集、报表的呈现、使用统计数据分析与应用。[结果/结论] USSER可以从多个不同信息来源收集与整合COUNTER格式的报告,通过SUSHI协议自动收割统计数据,并生成各种统计报表。深入分析USSER统计报表,可帮助图书馆改善及提高电子资源服务水平。未来将从构建电子资源使用统计门户、实现全部电子资源使用统计数据的管理、进一步推进SUSHI的应用、丰富数据报表等方面完善USSER的功能。电子资源使用统计平台对于图书馆具有重要的应用价值。  相似文献   

Nothing to Fear     

Vendor-supplied e-resource statistics are often unavailable, unreliable, or not comparable across vendors. This study compared locally generated usage statistics to those supplied by four major publishers, and analyzed the resulting patterns of use. The additional information provided by vendor statistics was assessed to see how it might be utilized selectively to provide a better understanding of the importance of individual titles. The local statistics for all titles provided by the four publishers were then compared. A strong similarity between the two datasets was found, supporting the position that local statistics are a viable alternative to vendor statistics. Another finding was that the 80/20 rule is closer to 80/30 in the online environment. Some of the issues for subject librarians and electronic resources librarians are discussed.  相似文献   

Usage statistics are a key decision making tool for most librarians. In this tactics session, Bob Schufreider showed how some libraries are using their vendor's usage statistics to inform purchase decisions and justify expenses, discussed the latest technologies and standards designed to make collection and integration of these statistics less time-consuming and more effective, and outlined some of the problems and pitfalls encountered with the collection of usage statistics.  相似文献   

高等教育统计中图书统计问题探析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
图书统计是高等教育统计中的一项重要统计指标,能够客观地反映学校的办学实力和水平.目前仅以图书数量作为统计标准得出的统计结果缺乏公正性和合理性.高等教育统计主管部门应将现行高等教育统计中图书统计忽视的图书金额及图书利用率纳入统计范畴,高校图书馆应将期刊、编外图书纳入图书统计范畴并加强对统计业务的管理.  相似文献   


Nearly all academic libraries keep circulation statistics which are often shared with their parent university, library consortia, and national organizations. This study attempted to discover what goes into circulation statistics by surveying Southeastern research libraries. Libraries were asked what they count in their circulation statistics and what their circulation policies are to identify differences across libraries. The results of the survey indicate that there is no set formula for counting circulation statistics.  相似文献   

This article extends Stratford's brief observations about the problematic status of racial and ethnic group statistics to a discussion of the relationship among these statistics, public policy, and the conceptual status of race and ethnicity. Federal statistics are organizational products that are socially constructed. They represent the implementation of public policies that govern political, social, and economic life. It is the interaction between politics and the subjective meaning of race and ethnicity that is responsible for the continual modification of racial and ethnic group statistics. The article discusses the premises on which racial and ethnic group statistics have been based and illustrates how they were implemented in the instructions of the decennial censuses for classifying the race and ethnicity of the population. The article then summarizes some of the empirical evidence from recent research conducted by federal agencies and social scientists to show that racial and ethnic group statistics produced by government record keeping systems have no objective status. The meaning of race and ethnicity is contextual, situational, and subjective, and, thus, how respondents and observers define these concepts has significant consequences for the quality of federal statistics.  相似文献   

《Public Services Quarterly》2013,9(2-3):143-165

The incorporation of technology into library processes has tremendously impacted staff and users alike. The University of North Texas (UNT) Libraries is no exception. Sixteen years of reference statistics are analyzed to examine the relationships between the implementation of CD-ROMs and web-based resources and the number of reference questions. Gate counts and circulation statistics for recent years are also evaluated. Overall, reference statistics have been declining over the years under review. The introduction of CD-ROMs caused a rise in reference statistics for several years before the statistics decreased again. Moving the resources to a web-based format minimally affected the number of reference question numbers, although the rate of decline slowed. Gate counts are increasing in one of the libraries examined and circulation statistics are rising. Changes in gate and circulation numbers are due to factors such as increased student enrollment and increased library instruction rather than technology changes within the Libraries.  相似文献   

Health statistics are an important decision-making resource for professionals and consumers alike. Professional use of statistics is wide ranging and often includes legislative decision making, medical research, grant writing, and population analysis. Locating needed or even helpful statistics to make these decisions or analyses can seem overwhelming. Organizations advocating for the treatment or assessment for particular diseases and health conditions are a prime resource for needed statistics. This column describes links and provides summaries to organizations that offer statistical resources for many of the leading causes of disability and death; it is the second of two columns devoted to finding health statistics on the Web. A helpful search strategy is presented which includes the utilization of evaluative criteria to seek legitimate and credible information.  相似文献   

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