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初夏的一天,笔者路经永丰县职工幼儿园时被园内的欢声笑语所吸引,刚想信步而入,门卫大爷一句“同志,先登记,再消毒”让我触及到了该园抗击非典幼儿保卫战的强有力脉搏。几个月来,非典这场突如其来的疫情牵动着所有珍爱生命的人的心。SARS极强的传染性与幼儿低弱的免疫力使得幼儿园的预防工作更为艰苦卓绝。永丰县职工幼儿园的老师们在徐汝英园长的带领下处变不惊,用爱心、责任不断争取主动,赢得信任,夺取胜利。四月初,在我省还没有出现疫情时,该园就以高度的责任心把抗击非典工作做在了前面。首先加大了宣传力度,她们把每天从电视和报刊上…  相似文献   

一午夜行动“笃、笃、笃……”,5月3日晚11时许,睡梦中的兴国四中高一(7)班班主任王老师被急促的敲门声惊醒,敲门的是该班的一个学生。原来,钟××同学突然发高烧,且伴有咳嗽、头昏等症状。很快,学校防治“非典”工作领导小组就得到报告,不到两分钟,用口罩、手套、防护服全副武  相似文献   

肆虐全球的传染性非典型肺炎疫情迫使传统教育模人主导的各类学校相继停课,但却无法阻止远程教育的不断前进——传统课堂中老师对学生的教学和同学之间的讨论都被远程教育赋予了全新意义,现代远程教育面对突如其来的“非典”袭击获得了持久增长的可观前景。在抗击“非典”时期必须保证十几家合作院校和教育培训机构的远程教育支持服务的日常运营维护工作,与此同时  相似文献   

万众一心、众志成城的齐心协作精神,团结互助、和衷共济的团结友爱精神,迎难而上、敢于胜利的敬业奉献精神,依靠科学、扎实工作的求真务实精神,以人为本、扶弱济困的人文关怀精神,是在抗击“非典”的斗争中形成的伟大精神。这种精神进一步丰富了民族精神的基本内涵,因其可亲、可敬、可信、可学,成为对大学生进行思想教育最有感召效应的德育资源。  相似文献   

在抗击“非典”的第一线,广大医务工作者将生死安危置之度外,救死扶伤。他们的崇高医德和献身精神成为全国人民学习的榜样,也成为卫生学校、护士学校进行医德教育的生动教材。广东省肇庆卫生学校抓住这一机遇,把毕业生的英雄事迹作为对在校学生进行医德教育的典型案例,收到了良好的效果。本刊欢迎广大的卫校、护校追踪并撰写本校毕业生在抗击“非典”战斗中的先进感人事迹,本刊将择优安排发表。  相似文献   

东丽区区委、区政府领导到教育系统督查“非典”防控工作5月7日,东丽区区委副书记尚德来、副区长王晓敏到区教育局,检查教育系统防控“非典”工作的落实情况,并对下一步防控“非典”工作提出了指导性意见。区领导非常重视教育部门的防“非典”工作,给中小学办实事:无偿给教育局调拨5吨消毒剂,发放给有困难的学校;补贴一部分资金给学校购买远红外体温仪;号召乡镇街关心、支持中小学做好预防工作;协调有关部门做好学校门口及周边环境的卫生清理工作。截至目前,东丽区教育系统未出现一例“非典”临床诊断或疑似病例。(魏静敏)塘沽区教育系统充…  相似文献   

抗击非典这场没有硝烟的战争,在高校显得特别紧张、激烈。这场战争的主力军,当推党委、行政领导下的后勤队伍。危难之际,后勤职工挺身而出,英勇地站在抗击非典第一线。消毒、杀菌、防疫、卫生,为隔离人员送饭、送水,就是他们面对感染危险的重要工作。就象在真正的有声有光的硝烟弥漫的战场一样,后勤保障在抗击非典的斗争中经受起了一场严峻的考验。在突如其来的灾害面前,他们坦然面对。在有的地方有的高校,学生走了,部分教师走了,甚至有的干部也走了,唯独后勤这支队伍.站在了前沿阵地,担当起保卫校园的重任。医务人员、餐厅师傅、物管职工,夜以继日,坚守  相似文献   

Whereas some faculty members at the end of their careers choose the tidy comfort of the stand‐alone classroom, Thomas Klein chose the rich and raw life of a residential learning community teacher. Poignant moments from his experience may offer inspiration to other courageous educators.  相似文献   

At a time when there is intense demand for counselling training in Britain, at considerable cost in terms of time and money for students, the pressure for successful outcome weighs heavily on course tutors. At the same time the pressure to ensure that professional standards of competence in counselling are upheld make the process of continual and final assessment critical.As part of a study investigating the assessment of competence of counsellors in training, trainers were asked a series of questions about the ethical difficulties they have encountered in assessing students. Four case scenarios were presented highlighting various dilemmas that can face trainers when aspects of a student's personal development or self awareness potentially pose a threat to the counselling relationship they have with clients. Trainers were also asked whether they had ever passed students studying on their courses against their better judgement or with reservations about their capacity to fully engage with their clients in a competent and professional manner. If so they were also asked how this came about. The response to these questions was varied and interesting. The majority of respondents reported that students had graduated from their courses about whom they had reservations. The response to the varied scenarios produced valuable qualitative data that reflects both differing frames of reference and value systems of trainers and training courses.The information gathered in this enquiry is discussed with reference to recent sparse literature on counselling training, professionalism and ethics. This paper addresses the concerns that counselling trainers agonise over in private, now open for debate in a public arena, namely how tolerant can they afford to be when assessing the competence of their trainees.  相似文献   

一方有难,八方支援,万米高空上演一场生与死的较量。生命的美好在于善良、友爱、真情的无私奉献,无论离黑暗多么接近,它们总能让阳光照亮生命的每一个角落。  相似文献   

在“和X一样”结构槽中,有两种不同的表义功能,“和”、“一样”也具有不同的词性。该文对这两种不同的表义功能进行了分析,并探讨了“和X一样”结构的其他相关特征。  相似文献   

给出了一类伪椭圆积分∫(axn +b)rxn+b(rxn +b) m + 1dx(其中n ,m ∈N且n >2 ,a ,b ,r是实常数 )在 2a =(n- 2nm +2 )r的条件下是可积的 .  相似文献   

唐泰斯和希剌克利夫分别是复仇小说《基督山伯爵》和《呼啸山庄》中的主人公.唐泰斯历来被世人视为"天神"的化身,而希剌克利夫则被看作是"恶魔"的代表.其实,同为复仇者,他们本质上是一致的.他们身上交织着爱恨情仇,他们都有着顽强的毅力,都选择了金钱作为自己复仇的工具,并且最后两人都获得了一定程度上的新生.  相似文献   

Recent research has suggested that people with learning disabilities can manage their identities and define the circumstances under which they will present a self-image that is the same or different to other people with learning disability. This paper reports a survey of personal Home Pages written by people with Down Syndrome and investigates the extent to which they use the pages to accept or deny membership of the Down Syndrome group. Opportunistic sampling of the pages listed by five Web Crawlers revealed twenty personal Home Pages of adults with Down Syndrome. Thematic analysis of the content, form and language of the pages revealed similarities and differences in the way the page owners expressed and perceived their self-identity. The results suggest that the personal Home Page has the potential to allow adults with Down Syndrome to express multiple identities: identities that are the same and different to other people with Down Syndrome.  相似文献   

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