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一、原地中远距离投篮 其目的是建立正确的投篮固定手法,以便为实战时投篮打好基础。只有正确的投篮手法固定成形后,才能进行下一步投篮练习。培养正确的投篮手法,和盖楼房打地基一样重要。所以这种基础练习,不能因为简单,而轻意草率。 具体方法:①三点不同距离投篮②固定距离、变化角度投篮③变换距离、变换角度投篮。 二、移动投篮 目的是为了调正身体重心,掌握好运动状态下的身体平衡,保持投篮准备姿势和投篮动作。因为比赛中大部分投篮是在移动中完成的,这就要求进攻队员在  相似文献   

一、前言投篮,是篮球比赛进攻中的一项关键性技术,是组成任何进攻战术的最终目的。投篮次数的多少与投篮命中率的高低,往往是决定篮球比赛胜负的重要因素之一。目前,由于篮球比赛正在向着高速度,高速度方向发展,防守面积不断扩大,运动员心须具备在高速度、高强度的移动中完成投篮动作,那种节奏慢、移动少的投篮方式已经跟不上发展趋势。因此,研究和探讨在训练上,如何解决快速移动是提高投篮命中  相似文献   

<正> 一、移动技术训练运动员在球场上无论做急停、起动、转身、变方向跑、传球、运球、投篮、突破、防守等都离不开移动技术。青少年运动员训练中,控制身体重心的平衡和移动是关键问题。 1.交叉步急停目的:掌握身体重心移动和平衡。方法:两脚开立约同肩宽,重心下降。练习时左脚前脚掌内侧蹬地,从右脚前面跨至右侧,同时右脚迅速向右侧跨出一步,见图一。此练习可以左右交替进行,速度由慢到快。  相似文献   

一、投篮技术动作的结构分析1、投篮的准备阶段投篮的准备姿势,对于完成投篮动作和投篮命中率都有很大的作用。投篮的准备姿势,首先要使身体各部分处于开始工作的适度紧张状态,其次要维持身体重心使其处于便于投篮动作开始的高度和位置,第三便于由  相似文献   

扎实地掌握基本练习方法和理论,是投篮的第一步,这里总结了16条必须掌握的基本要素。投球失误或状态欠佳时就来分析一下这些要素。1.单手投篮的建议投篮可分为单手和双手两种类型,男子在任何距离都用单手投篮已成为常识,女子在3分线、罚球线投篮可用双手,但在篮下则须用单手投篮。双手投篮要比单手投篮多花0.1-0.3秒的时间,所以在篮下这个争夺激烈的场合下用双手投篮是非常不利的。其次,单手投篮是边移动边瞄准,可以改变投篮的方向或距离,而双手投篮是把球放在额  相似文献   

对贴身投篮时身体接触的运用情况进行统计分析,结果表明,接触频度高的部位主要集中在肩臂、臀背髋,其次为腿和胸部;内线投篮时身体接触频繁。而主动利用身体接触投篮存在不足。各球队应加强身体接触时的技术训练。  相似文献   

“挡拆”一词,是各种掩护配合的总称,即进攻队员采用合理的身体动作,用自己的身体挡住同伴防守者的移动路线,使同伴得以摆脱防守,创造接球投篮或二次进攻机会的一种配合方法。从组成掩护配合的行动来看,一是掩护者主动给同伴做掩护,用身体挡住其防守者的移动路线,使同伴借以摆脱防守;二是摆脱者主动利用同伴的身体和位置把对手挡住,使自己摆脱防守。因此,掩护配合能否成功,要看掩护者在挡人的同时,摆脱者是否及时利用同伴把对手挡住的瞬间,抓住时机,进行投篮或二次进攻。“挡拆”在高水平球队的比赛中,应用的尤为普遍,也最…  相似文献   

二、对抗投篮的训练对抗投篮训练的根本目的是使队员能掌握在对方堵、抢、封、盖等严密防守下的投篮技术,提高对抗投篮的命中率。对抗投篮训练要解决的主要问题:(一)在严密防守中,队员能捕捉或制造投篮的时空差;(二)在激烈对抗中,队员能控制投篮时的身体平衡,尤其是能控制与对方碰撞时的身体平衡。对抗投篮训练方法的设计必须尽可能地符合现代篮球比赛  相似文献   

浅析中锋接球方式对进攻的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对第14届世界女篮锦标赛苏州赛区6支球队(中国、澳大利亚、巴西、西班牙、南斯拉夫、阿根廷)的7场比赛进行跟踪调研,有针对性地分析了中锋在内线定位接球和移动接球的次数、投篮出手和无投篮的次数、投篮的命中率、移动和定位接球在进攻中造成对方防守犯规的次数。  相似文献   

NBA比赛规则规定只能采用人盯人防守,因此掩护便成为进攻一方队员最基本和最常用的攻击配合之一。掩护是指进攻队员采用合理的动作,用身体挡住对方队员的移动路线,使队友摆脱防守得到接球和投篮的机会。  相似文献   

浅析篮球运动员视觉定向能力与投篮命中率的关系   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
篮球运动员的视觉定向能力对其投篮命中率有较大的影响,在投篮技术规格相当的情况下,视觉定向能力强的运动员投篮命中率要明显高于视觉定向能力差的运动员。提高篮球运动员的视觉定向能力应作为提高投篮命中率的重要教学-训练手段。  相似文献   

结合教学训练的实践,就应急射击中快打的姿势和动作特点,右手握枪的位置及力量,枪支指向,预压与击发,注意转靶练习,集中注意力与抓住重点环节,关于第二发射击的问题等进行了分析。  相似文献   

The aim of the study was to evaluate the effect of maximal specific physical effort on postural balance and rifle stability in biathletes in a standing shooting position. The study included 10 junior elite biathletes. The measurements were taken with the Vicon system and AMTI force platform. Postural balance and rifle stability characteristics were determined at rest as well as 1 and 5 min post maximal specific physical effort which was performed on a ski ergometer and continued until exhaustion. Maximal physical effort exerted a significant effect on all examined postural sway and rifle sway characteristics. The duration of the post-exercise changes was longer than 5 minutes. Higher post-effort rifle sway was observed in the vertical direction than in the across the shooting line direction. Post-effort postural balance impairment in the shooting line was much greater than in the across the shooting line direction. Moreover, a strong correlation was found between postural balance and rifle stability. Maximal physical effort influenced postural balance and rifle stability during aiming. Rifle sway during aiming in a standing shooting position seems to be coordinated with the postural sway of the biathlete’s body. Thus, an increase in postural sway contributes to greater sway and lesser stability of the rifle.  相似文献   

作为一名优秀手枪射击运动员,都必须从启蒙基础训练抓起,为了不断积蓄特殊人才,作为一名市级业余体校射击手枪教练员,在平时的训练教学工作中,积累了丰富的教学经验,也深感我国在射击训练的启蒙教育的匮乏,教练员往往都是专业运动员出身,理论知识不深,专业知识基本来源于运动员生涯的自身体会。在此,笔者参考国内外一些射击的理论知识,尝试将手枪射击的基础知识进行简单归纳,希望能对以后启蒙培养手枪射击运动员有一些帮助。  相似文献   

刘春才  李霜 《湖北体育科技》2016,(12):1085-1087
射击快打是指在较短时间内快速射击,完成比赛的一种射击风格。随着训练水平提高和比赛规则的改变,加大了比赛难度。因此,快打在训练比赛特别是决赛中应用的优势日渐突出。运动员能否练成稳定的快打风格,适应电子靶训练,不仅是现在射击赛事的需要,也是手枪慢射项目运动员在气手枪训练方面一直在不断探究的方向。本文通过运动员训练数据分析对比,查阅文献,结合教学实际经验,提出快打风格能促进气手枪训练水平提高与比赛发挥这一观点。  相似文献   

Postural tremor and control of the upper limb in air pistol shooters   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
A postural tremor appears whenever someone attempts to maintain a steady position against gravity. We examined the postural tremor that occurred while air pistol shooters were taking aim so as to compare the coordinative control of the shooters and to identify the features critical to successful shooting. Ten elite and ten pre-elite athletes participated in pistol shooting at 10 m, and the postural tremors in the pistol and upper limb were recorded with lightweight accelerometers. Exploratory analysis showed that the elite shooters had smaller tremor amplitudes than the pre-elite shooters in the pistol and distal arm segments. Compared with the pre-elite shooters, the elite shooters had a smaller tremor amplitude in the lateral direction relative to that in the vertical direction, together with weaker tremor coupling in the lateral direction and stronger vertical coupling of the pistol-hand complex. The resulting shot performance was inversely related to the amplitude of the tremor and to the 8-12 Hz spectral peak of the lateral tremor in the pistol-hand complex. We conclude that the postural tremors of air pistol shooters are associated with the skill of the shooters, and that the elite shooters could optimize the control of the pistol-hand complex, which strongly determined success in shooting.  相似文献   


A postural tremor appears whenever someone attempts to maintain a steady position against gravity. We examined the postural tremor that occurred while air pistol shooters were taking aim so as to compare the coordinative control of the shooters and to identify the features critical to successful shooting. Ten elite and ten pre-elite athletes participated in pistol shooting at 10 m, and the postural tremors in the pistol and upper limb were recorded with lightweight accelerometers. Exploratory analysis showed that the elite shooters had smaller tremor amplitudes than the pre-elite shooters in the pistol and distal arm segments. Compared with the pre-elite shooters, the elite shooters had a smaller tremor amplitude in the lateral direction relative to that in the vertical direction, together with weaker tremor coupling in the lateral direction and stronger vertical coupling of the pistol–hand complex. The resulting shot performance was inversely related to the amplitude of the tremor and to the 8–12 Hz spectral peak of the lateral tremor in the pistol–hand complex. We conclude that the postural tremors of air pistol shooters are associated with the skill of the shooters, and that the elite shooters could optimize the control of the pistol–hand complex, which strongly determined success in shooting.  相似文献   

对第18届世界杯足球赛64场比赛中的143个进球进行分类统计分析,揭示当今世界高水平足球赛进球的规律和特征,明晰技战术的发展趋势,探讨提高射门效果的方法和手段.  相似文献   

目的:研究守门员基于先验信息下的知觉预测能力,探索当守门员处于射门方向(实际方向)与对手点球偏好(概率方向)一致或不一致的情境下,对表现有效性和加工效率的影响。方法:通过网络平台招募专业足球守门员(专业组)和业余足球守门员(业余组)各16名,共计32名被试。使用E-prime 3.0进行守门员点球方向判断实验,记录被试知觉预测的正确率和反应时。结果:基于先验信息进行知觉预测时,专业组守门员的知觉预测正确率显著高于业余组守门员。不同组别的反应时具有显著性差异,具体表现为在偏好一致(或不一致)的情况下,专业组的反应时都高于业余组。不同偏好条件下的正确率具有显著性差异,其中专业组被试在偏好不同的情况下具有显著性差异,业余组则无显著性差异。结论:与业余守门员相比,专业守门员在基于先验信息进行知觉预测时能更加准确地预判罚点球运动员的射门方向,即在知觉预测上存在专家优势。  相似文献   

对篮球教学中三个基本技术的认识   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在篮球运动中投篮、运球、传球是三个最基本的技术动作。稳定和协调是投篮动作的基础;运球是培养球感的重要手段,球感在于手和球的接触面积和时间;双手胸前传球的手腕动作方向是向上向外。  相似文献   

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