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今年以来,美英传媒业并购进一步升温,已波及更多的世界著名传媒企业.今年4月,创办160年、拥有《洛杉矾时报》《芝加哥论坛报》等大报的美国论坛集团,被芝加哥有实力的投资家以82亿美元的价格收购.5月15日,加拿大汤姆逊公司以88亿英镑的价格收购了具有150多年历史的英国路透社53%的股权,成立了汤姆逊——路透公司.美国传媒大亨默多克,76岁仍然宝刀不老,创业积极性不减当年,被华尔街称为"收购狂人".  相似文献   

魔方自发明至今仅30年,却已成为史上最具吸引力的玩具.魔方的魔力和魔方本身一样难以琢磨.为什么人们要把生命浪费在这个晦涩、耗时而无用的东西上呢?对此,魔方发明者的态度是:生活本身就是解谜.在20世纪80年代初,流行着一则关于魔方的传言.著名数学家约翰·康威的一个研究生在玩魔方时,不小心把胡子卷了进去,结果慢慢地整个人都被拽进了魔方.如果能把魔方还原到他被困住之前的状态,他就可以回来.于是康威让剑桥的所有电脑都开始运算,希单能找到匹配的状态,以求在屏幕上看到失踪的研究生.最终,仍无法算出,那个可怜的人被永远地困在了魔方里.  相似文献   

山东工程师奔赴矿难现场智利位于南美洲西南部,安第斯山脉西麓.东与阿根廷为邻,北与秘鲁、玻利维亚接壤,西临太平洋,南与南极洲隔海相望.南北长4352公里,东西宽300多公里(最窄处仅96公里),是世界上地形最狭长的国家.该国地广人稀,但矿产资源丰富,是世界上最大的铜生产和出口国,被誉为"铜之王国".  相似文献   

萨沙 《湖北档案》2016,(6):14-17
在中国远征军反攻缅甸的于邦战役中,驻印军参谋长柏特纳(美国人)竟然命令新38师112团携带轻武器和少量补给孤军深入,最终被数倍日军团团包围.而此时的新38师主力距112团还有20多天的路程.这边,日军王牌野战师团18师团长田中新一命令:55联队和56联队3个步兵大队和3个炮兵大队,立即渡河,寻找112团决战,将他们一举歼灭,同时救援于邦的被围日军.22日,日军主力全部渡过大龙河,112团2个营1000多人,反被日军6000多人团团围困.按照当时的情形,面对5倍日军的强攻,这1000多人能够支持2到3天就是奇迹了.令人惊叹的是,这1000多人居然支持了整整1个多月.这是日军18师团长田中新一做梦也没有想到的,甚至也超过了孙立人将军的预料.  相似文献   

IPTC组织代表在北京期间,利用会议间隙,进行了参观考察。3月31日清晨,还没完全倒过时差的各国外宾,不顾旅途的劳顿,来到了北京奥运场馆考察,并赴奥组委调研座谈,4月3日下午,50多位IPTC代表一行又参观了新华社综合业务大楼。  相似文献   

2008年1月,作为英国传媒大亨默多克曾经的重要助手,新闻集团前任执行官布鲁斯·多佛公开透露了一个早已成为历史的微妙细节.依照多佛的说法,默多克曾经认为自己在1993年发表的一次演说触怒了中国.在伦敦的演说中,默多克声言"卫星电视和传真等科技给专制政权造成威胁".直到1997年,这位传媒大亨写给中国的最高领导人一封私人信件,就4年前的那次演说引起的"误会"道歉,保证自己是"中国的好朋友","将继续坚定地为中国经济的发展努力".  相似文献   

世界上许多城市都有以古旧书店闻名的街道,比如东京的神保町、伦敦的查令十字路、巴黎的塞纳河畔.但在中国,除了去过的北京的琉璃厂,听说过但没去过的台湾的牯岭街,就几乎没有听说过哪里有这样的古旧书店聚集的地方.然而,当东京、巴黎的这些旧书店继续以都市的文化地标骄傲地每年举办活动和旧书展,吸引世界各地的文化人、爱书人去参观、逛游时,我们的北京琉璃厂却在淡出中国图书的历史舞台--现在每年图书出版界的三次大集市:北京图书订货会、全国书市、北京世界图书博览会当然也一直与它完全沾不上边.为什么伴随着国内出版业一派高歌、蓬勃发展的,却是古旧书店的没落?  相似文献   

尚书权 《传媒》2007,(3):54-55
在办报过程中,我们经常要求编采人员在宏观报道中从微观入手,既高屋建瓴又笔触入微、既有全景又有局部、既要策划又要变化、既要有成熟风格还需一定创新等等,这些都是辩证法在新闻宣传中的运用.也就是说在新闻宣传的主题、采编、写作等各个环节不走极端,不能"过"又不能"不及",要努力把握好"度",把"度"和平衡点作为新闻的支撑点.  相似文献   

预算紧缩下的美国报纸编辑部   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
美国是世界报业强国,但是面对来自新技术、新媒体的严峻挑战,却始终无法摆脱发行量下降、广告收入下滑的局面。处于困境中的美国报业,一方面积极寻求与新媒体的融合,试图找到一条困境突围之路;另一方面,被迫实施一系列成本控制措施,紧缩编辑部预算,以改善财务状况。这些措施虽在一定程度上缓解了当下的财务压力,却对报业长远发展带来不利影响。  相似文献   

早听说扬中有两位雷锋战友,多年来在每年3月5日全国学雷锋纪念日前后义务宣讲雷锋先进事迹.今年2月10日至13日,在毛泽东“向雷锋同志学习”题词发表52周年前夕,笔者有幸约请扬中目前唯一健在的雷锋战友——原雷锋所在团政治处副主任孔繁顺进行了两次访谈.另一位战友,曾任雷锋所在团政治处干事的金国宝已于4年前去世.提起雷锋,孔繁顺老人一脸兴奋,侃侃而谈.在访谈过程中,他向笔者展示了珍藏的一件宝贝——1张4时雷锋穿一身军装手持冲锋枪的正面黑白照片,该照片是1961年雷锋在牺牲前一年赠送给他的.孔繁顺当时在部队是怎样认识雷锋的?与雷锋有哪些交往?雷锋又怎么会把自己的照片送给他的呢?面对疑惑,老人打开了话匣子,娓娓道出许多鲜为人知的雷锋故事.  相似文献   

[目的/意义]合作是美国开放政府计划的三大原则之一,是推动美国政府数据开放运动进程的关键因素,研究美国政府数据开放共享的合作模式,总结美国开展政府数据合作共享的经验,为我国开展政府数据开放共享的合作工作提供借鉴。[方法/过程]采用文献资料调查法和案例分析法,探讨美国政府数据开放共享的3种合作模式:政府间合作、政企合作以及政民合作,结合我国的实际情况对这几种合作模式的成功经验进行总结。[结果/结论]我国可以通过以行政等级为主线统筹政府数据开放工作、构建跨部门的合作组织、加强国际交流与合作、促进数据产业的发展以及鼓励社会公众参与这5个方面来促进我国政府数据开放共享与合作。  相似文献   

In this study, we examined framing in the U.S. and Chinese press coverage of the Fourth United Nations Conference on Women and the Non-Governmental Organizations Forum in Beijing in 1995. This study had 2 objectives: (a) to systematically assess the coverage of this global feminist event and the extent to which its critical areas of concern were communicated to the public, and (b) to illuminate the dynamics of framing in a comparative context and contribute to its further theoretical development. Employing quantitative and qualitative methods, this study found evidence of the operation of an anticommunist and an antifeminist frame in the U.S. coverage. Under the influence of dominant ideology, the U.S. coverage of the conference focused considerably on an extended criticism of China as a communist nation. The goals of the global feminist movement and their critical areas of concern appeared to hold far less immediacy and salience for the U.S. press than the need to assert dominant U.S. values. On the other hand, under the influence of communist ideology, the Chinese coverage reflected a proequality frame and a strong focus on the critical issues of concern to the global feminist movement. Despite the existence of a propagandistic emphasis on the country's extensive preparations as conference host as well as efforts to defend against Western criticism, nationalistic praise for China was far more subtle than originally expected.  相似文献   

Applying the framework of Construal Level Theory (CLT), this study tested the effects of an environmental ad describing the distant-future (i.e. end of the twenty-first century) vs. near-future (i.e. next summer) consequences of climate change using a sample of college students in the U.S. and South Korea. Consistent with the proposed empirical model in this study, lower perceived temporal distance of climate change generally led to higher perceived relevance of the event and more positive attitude and greater intention toward the sustainable consumption suggested in the ad (i.e. using Energy Star® qualified bulbs). However, the effects of temporal framing on the variables were moderated by the culture-specific ways in which the participants represented time and interpreted temporal information. In response to the distant-future frame, South Korean participants tended to report significantly shorter perceived temporal distance, thus presenting higher levels perceived relevance, stronger pro-environmental attitudes, and stronger behavioral intention than their U.S. counterparts. Overall, the findings of this study have meaningful implications for the external validity of CLT and for the development of effective climate change awareness campaigns targeting different audiences around the world.  相似文献   

In most existing art museum Web pages, the values of the museum dominate the values of the Web. Therefore, museum Web pages often electronically duplicate familiar museum products – floor plans, collection catalogues, event calendars – rather than transforming the idea of the museum by adapting the values of the Web.This paper will seek to show how art museums and technologists can come to understand each other and use their differences productively by:1. Orienting museum Web sites towards projects that can only be done on the Web and not on paper.2. Using the Web to overcome the many limitations to understanding imposed by the physical art museum.3. Using the interactive potentials of the Web to change the one-way flow of information from art museum to visitor to a two-way flow which also moves from visitor to museum.4. Infusing the orientation towards constant change into the art museum so that the Web helps the art museum to reinvent itself.  相似文献   

[目的/意义]描述并分析我国网络内容政策法规的基本信息和文本内容,了解其存在的问题和不足,与主要发达国家网络内容政策法规予以对比,给出相应解决办法,为我国网络内容治理提供法制保障。[方法/过程]在政府门户网站和政策法规专业数据库中搜索网络内容政策法规,经筛选,共得到有效样本202个。将所得数据导入Nvivo11,采用内容分析法从颁布时间、颁布主体、颁布形式三个角度对我国网络内容政策法规文本的基本信息予以探索,并从网络内容主体和网络内容客体两个维度对政策法规文本内容展开分析。同时,对政策法规颁布主体进行共词分析,采用社交网络分析法利用VOSviewer软件绘制政策法规颁布主体合作网络图。[结果/结论]研究发现我国网络内容政策法规存在颁布主体多元、立法层级低和政策法规内容科学性有待提升等问题,通过与主要发达国家网络内容政策法规的对比分析,建议从改革管理体制、加快重点领域立法、完善网络服务提供者相关规定、明确违法内容判定标准四个角度予以完善。  相似文献   

时代的变革与信息管理学科的发展   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
文章基于变革时代对信息管理学科发展的要求,叙述了信息管理在变革时代的四种发展模式,同时也指出了信息管理学科发展的弊病并进行分析,以及在新的社会变革需求下,信息管理学科的发展前景。参考文献10。  相似文献   

Information Studies Taxonomy浏览类表的用户评估采用定性和终端用户介入的方法。评估方案包括真实环境下的浏览练习和用户访谈两道程序。浏览练习题目从终端用户中征集而来,并覆盖类表的所有分面和主题分面中的全部基本大类。浏览练习的具体操作尽量保证客观公正的评估结果。用户访谈围绕类表各个组成部分对浏览功能的支持而展开。浏览练习过程与用户访谈都有相应的软件进行录制。浏览类表评估的理论与实际例子在文献中鲜见,本项目采用的评估方法与设计思路可供借鉴。  相似文献   

武昌起义后,国内政局出现混乱,汉冶萍公司厂矿所在鄂、湘两省的官绅乘机武力接管汉阳铁厂、大冶铁矿和萍乡煤矿(简称萍矿).适逢李烈钧出任赣省都督,为巩固政权,以改善财政为核心的整顿便成为其当务之急.由于赣省以农业为主要经济来源,工业相当薄弱,贸易逆差严重.在鄂、湘两省的刺激下,李烈钧亦采取措施,拟接管萍矿以解财政困境.民国...  相似文献   

AimThe scientific norm of universalism prescribes that external reviewers recommend the allocation of awards to young scientists solely on the basis of their scientific achievement. Since the evaluation of grants utilizes scientists with different personal attributes, it is natural to ask whether the norm of universalism reflects the actual evaluation practice.Subjects and methodsWe investigated the influence of three attributes of external reviewers on their ratings in the selection procedure followed by the Boehringer Ingelheim Fonds (B.I.F.) for awarding long-term fellowships to doctoral and post-doctoral researchers in biomedicine: (i) number of applications assessed in the past for the B.I.F. (reviewers’ evaluation experience), (ii) the reviewers’ country of residence and (iii) the reviewers’ gender. To analyze the reviewers’ ratings (1: award; 2: maybe award; 3: no award) in an ordinal regression model (ORM) the following were considered in addition to the three attributes: (i) the scientific achievements of the fellowship applicants, (ii) interaction effects between reviewers’ and applicants’ attributes and (iii) judgmental tendencies of reviewers.ResultsThe results of the model estimations show no significant effect of the reviewers’ attributes on the evaluation of B.I.F. fellowship applications. The ratings of the external reviewers are mainly determined by the applicants’ scientific achievement prior to application.ConclusionsThe results suggest that the external reviewers of the B.I.F. indeed achieved the foundation's goal of recommending applicants with higher scientific achievement for fellowships and of recommending those with lower scientific achievement for rejection.  相似文献   

The paper describes the electronic guide HIPS that can be used duringthe process of a visit in a museum, i.e., for preparation, execution andevaluation. Users can access the system via the Web to prepare a visitby receiving information about the content and organization of anexhibition and practical issues like location and opening hours. Thevisitor can also prepare a tour for the actual visit or define hotspotswith important exhibits. The system should remind the user when on site.Once the user is in the museum he or she has two specific options to usethe system: the visitor can walk around in the museum and remainstanding where he or she finds an item of interest. The current locationin the room identified by infrared emitters at all exhibits triggers anindicator for the information presentation. Or, the visitor can select atour prepared by a curator, prepared by the user in advance (at home) orgenerated by the user ad hoc. In the museum, the information access isprovided via wireless technologies. This allows the user to accessinformation by moving in the physical space and navigating in theinformation space concurrently. The Web-based server approach allows foradaptive information selection and presentation based on a user modelevaluating the history of the usage of the system. The user canaccelerate the adaptation by specifying interests and preferences in theuser model. Before the visit the user can define tours and hotspots andenter annotations that will be presented or activated by the system inthe appropriate physical environment. After a visit in the museum theuser can evaluate the experience at home for further own inquiries orfor communication with other interested people. Thebefore-during-after-the-visit-support of visitors via nomadicinformation system has been designed based on evidence from ourquestionnaire pre-study, which showed that visitors actually useinformation available in or about museums before and also after avisit.  相似文献   

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