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泰州广播电视传媒集团(台)是集广播、电视、报纸、杂志、网站、新媒体、大剧院于一体的综合性传媒集团。近年来,为了有效应对新挑战,集团(台)加快转型升级步伐,事业产业稳步发展。节目创新在挖掘草根感人故事的同时,注重节目的实用性和服务性。  相似文献   

本文在对浙江影视(集团)有限公司考察、调研的基础上,梳理了民营资本介入广播电视传媒的背景,总结了该集团成立的意义、措施及其突破创新之处.浙江影视(集团)有限公司的成立是中国文化体制改革进展到一定阶段和广电传媒政策支持下的产物,其实践将对中国广电媒体的进一步发展起到一定的示范与借鉴作用.  相似文献   

对组建地市报台合一传媒集团的构想   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

孙利明 《青年记者》2009,(22):66-66
2009年10月10日,浙江省湖州广播电视传媒集团组建成立,这是湖州市继成立报业集团以后,组建的又一新闻传媒集团;也是湖州加快发展文化产业、推进文化大发展大繁荣的一项重大举措,标志着湖州的广播电视事业发展进入了新的阶段。  相似文献   

成都传媒集团成立于2006年11月28日,由原成都日报报业集团和原成都广播电视台合并组建而成,是国内首家、也是目前唯一一家在中心城市成立的,涵盖报刊、广播、电视、网络等多种媒体形态的综合传媒集团。[第一段]  相似文献   

成都传媒集团是由成都日报报业集团和成都广播电视台合并组建而成的现代综合传媒集团,该集团的建立探索出了一种全媒体的发展模式,是我国文化体制改革的重要探索。  相似文献   

魏诠 《新闻世界》2013,(5):206-207
国际化道路对于高速成长的中国广电产业而言是必然的选择,本文通过分析全球五大传媒集团业务模式、经营策略和成长经验,并与当前国内广电产业发展背景与现状相结合,试图探究我国广播电视传媒集团面向市场,赢得良性发展可以借鉴的路径。  相似文献   

成都传媒产业是成都文化产业的核心领域,是成都国有文化领域中的优质资产,处于成都文化产业改革的前沿,它的发展变革代表着成都文化产业发展的趋势。2006年11月,原成都日报报业集团和原成都广播电视台合并组建为成都传媒集团。成都传媒集团  相似文献   

建设新型传媒集团是中央对媒体行业提出的具体要求。广播电视媒体建立的新型传媒集团与传统的广播电视集团应有所区别,应强化内容产品竞争优势、平台传播力影响力、用户服务能力以及制度创新和制度保障,实现多元化、平台化、生态化发展,打造以媒体业务为主的跨地域、跨层级、跨领域的综合性集团。  相似文献   

上海广播电视台台长裘新在2013年第5期《电视研究》刊文,介绍了上海广播电视台和上海东方传媒集团有限公司(SMG)的转型。SMG战略转型的路径包括:一是国际化——全球资源、华语市场。要到国际上去争取有限的优质文化创意资源,利用国际传媒巨头强大的创意、技术、资源,搭建深度整合的平台,将自己布局在国际传媒产业链上的高附加值环节实现产业升级。同时,用国际的资源、标  相似文献   

阎锡山日记阎锡山著2011-4 55.00元978-7-5457-0374-0阎氏日记始于1931年,止于1959年。全书通过对阎氏日记副本的整理,使读者可以通过日记的字里行间,重新审视作为近现代中国史重要历史人物的阎锡山,并借此进一步了解阎氏的思想脉络。  相似文献   

《Journalism Practice》2013,7(3):266-281
European societies are becoming increasingly multicultural and ethnically diverse as a result of immigration. This change, however, is not properly reflected in the European mass media, neither in the portrayal nor in the representation of immigrants in the mainstream media. The aim of this paper is to analyse the newsmaking routines of mainstream newspapers and TV channels in six European countries (Greece, Ireland, Italy, the Netherlands, Poland amd the United Kingdom) with a view to showing which factors mostly influence these routines. We analyse the impact of three factors on the making of migration-related news: (1) the news value of such news; (2) the role of newsmaking routines and in particular who selects what is published and why; and (3) the availability of alternative sources and the journalists' trust of different types of news sources. Our study shows that while migrant media follow the general rule that something negative has a higher news value, they are also bound up with additional challenges—notably that media do not cover migration as a topic regularly, that media outlets have a given “line” of coverage concerning migration and this contributes to shaping what kind of news are reported. Third, journalists are not always well networked with migrant sources to have access to them. While the rule of thumb “you have to talk to people who are directly involved” holds, not all journalists devote the necessary energy and time to present a balanced coverage of migration-related issues.

For a full explanation of the methodology of the research project, please see the introduction in this themed section: http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/17512786.2012.740213.  相似文献   

An analysis of a multiyear General Social Survey data set supportsprevious findings (Gaddy 1986; Gortmaker et al. 1990) that,with rigorous controls in place, the negative correlation betweentelevision viewing and achievement disappears. Results of ahierarchical regression procedure reveal that television viewingis not a significant predictor of adult vocabulary, over andabove demographic variables and newspaper readership. But thefindings suggest that new methods of measuring television consumptionmay be needed. Based on 1993 GSS data, the analysis revealsthat frequent viewing of certain types of television programmingis related positivelyand significantly to adult vocabulary scores.The finding highlights the need for new methods of measuringtelevision consumption, for the traditional hours-per-day methodof measuring television viewership may be preventing researchersfrom understanding the true relationship that exists betweentelevision and learning.  相似文献   

南方卫视是中国唯一“服务粤港渊及国外粤语人群”的粤语卫星频道,是海内外观众了解今日广东,品味岭南粤语文化的最好窗口。在中国内地、南方卫视通过有线网覆盖广东900万个家庭和机构,通过卫星覆盖海南、广西等地及全国部分三星以上酒店,海外覆盖亚洲、北美、澳洲、欧洲等  相似文献   

Hallvard Moe   《Media History》2013,19(2):213-227
New media technologies are often met with political and public ambivalence, as they are perceived to threaten established activities, values and institutions, as well as bring progress and improve political, cultural and social life. Taking the Norwegian history of television as an empirical case study, this article relates to an international research agenda focusing on the cultural political debates in the early phases of broadcast media. The article is structured according to five key conjunctures where significant new media and technologies were introduced with corresponding political debates: the introduction of television (1940s–1950s), of colour television (1960s–1970s), of satellite, cable and commercial television (1980s), of digital distribution (1990s–2000s) and the expansion of television to new platforms (2000s). The article addresses the key arguments and dividing lines in these political debates, as well as the change in the perception of television when the medium is no longer new, but has become an integrated part of people's everyday life.  相似文献   

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